Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1920, p. 6

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Published Dally aad Sewn Wesily v3 BRITISH WHIG PUBLIS 7 CU, LIMITED year, by mail to rural Year to United States h . (Bemi-Weekly Edition) itis year, by mall, cash .-.. year, if not paid in advance, year, to United States «ss BA and threes months pro ra § Sadaer a REPRESENTATIVES . Calder, 22 St. Joha St, Montreal LM. Thompson, 403 Lumsden Bidg- Toronto. Letters to the Editor are over the actual Dam iter. " _ _Aswscned 1s one printing offices in published e of the of the Dest Job Canadas. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Oirculations. It i» evident that the people who laid out the cemeteries never foresaw automobiles. : The college professors are not all engaged yet, but you may be sure _ that the football coaches are all ~ hooked. ®¥Buying clothes has lost its charm. No longer does one get a pails, of suspenders or a necktie to give good measure for the bargaining. Bushel's big fait IY he next great attraction. And it's going to be "big- ger and better" than ever. If you don't believe it, just ask Manager ' Hard work and confidence in ofie's elf are assets worth while in the 5 b upwards. Twenty-five years ago r Meighen was a farm hand Hon. Mr. Wigmore, St. John, N. the minister of customs, drove a How swiftly the days go by! It nly 'seems a little while since we jowed the seed with anxious thoughts Bnd now we reap with devout and eful hearts. But after all life in goodly land is but 'brief at most. tke the most of it in kindly deeds helpful words. If the Canadian owned railways kept free of political jostlings, 5 run as only know} experts can them, developed as the traftic nds it will not be many years 1 the unified system will be a d asset to Canada. pada at this hour is freer and ppier than any other nation in the d. Its people, full of common , common decency and common n for a good name, have won iin the midst of upheaval and un- es And a sane and prudent gov- ment helped in gcéomplishing The golden harvest of Eastern On- 'is filling to bursting the barns soon the golden grain will be ed into golden goins. My goldep 8 be made to a kind Providence t His manifold and abounding f Generous and grateful "be the people's acknowledg- . of His beneficience. ! are much agi over the woman's vote in the jaidential election t fall. , It 'mainly due te President Wilson candidate Cox that Temale suf- ge, now practically assured, came o force. The credit; quite clearly, t to go to the Democrats. i should the city council not a committee to study the tele- question? The people are The = in opposing another boost by the Bell company, but The automatic phone has been in other cities and would successful here. O'Sullivan, head of the Onta- matory for Females, is an ite of the indeterminate seén- - She says: "How many times I, with the members of the staff, lefo % | which showed that aeroplanes in the $0 | is too general is undeniable. in THE MENACE OF THE AUTO. The executive committee of the National Safety Council, which met in annual conyention at Atlantic City the other day, announced that in the United States a person is killed by an automobile every thirty-five min- utes, and that the menace is con- stantly increasing. Three times as many persons are killed by motor accidents as in all the factories, mines and rallroads and other Industries. That, unless caution ig further devel- oped, the proportionate number of accidents will increase, is indicated by this probability. Commenting up- on this statement, the Syracuse Post- Standard estimates that there will be 10,000,000 automobiles in the United States by the end of 1920, and won- ders what will happen then, The dangers-of the air have been spread afar via the public prints. Yet, at this gession of the council, reports from England were read realm of Albion carried 75,000 per- sons during the last year with but few accidents, a with but one person killed. It id therefore made plain that the dangers upon the earth. are more deadly than those which lurk in the air. For this condition of things pedestrians must bear their share of responsibility. That careless driving So is careless walking. Too many persons are apt to forget two things. One is that an autonfobile is practically a locomotive on the highway. The other is that being on the highway unless it is trying to climb a tree or demol- ish a house, it has the right of way. The motorist hag a duty; so has the pedestrian. Both should work hand in hand to lessen the number of fatal- ities and accidents. : POLAND'S VICTORY. A few short days ago the world heard of the falling back of the Polish armies before the hords of the Bolsheviki Russians, of the immin- ent fall of Warsaw and the tendered terms of peace that would leave the new republic little better than a vas- sal state. The danger of this Bol- shevik advance was not overlooked by the civilized nations. France and the United States made it plain to (the subjugation of Poland by { Reds. ii = Russia that they would not tolerate the Assistance in various forms was extended. French officers were placed in command of the Polish armies, and large quantities of muni- ties weré supplied by various Aliled nations. The result manifested itself almost overnight. From what threatened to be a cal- amity of the first magnitude there has emerged a victory that will have far-reaching results. The Red armies have been overwhelmed and tens of thousands of prisoners taken. War- saw has been saved and the tide of Bolshevism, that threatened to spread over western Europe, has been turned back. If Warsaw had been seized by the forces of Lenine, the Bolshevik hordes would have spread into Germany and across the Rhine, The truth is that we have been con- fronted in Lenine and Trotsky with the most dangerous enemies that Christian civilization has ever faced. No ome who believes in liberty de- sires anything but the disappearance of Bolshevism. . It may be inexpedi- ent to attack it in Russia. If Russia likes to drift to barbarism, let it; but at all costs the League of Nations ought to take steps to save the world from this pest. General Baron Wrangle's campaign fo the Crimea will be strengthened as a result of the Red defeat on the Poland front. This anti-Red leader has already made considerable pro- gress, and is rallying the Russian pea- sants to his support. In several battles during the past week, he won notable victories. The oppositian to his advance will now be less stub- born, and his hope of winning Russia back from its present oppressors is brighter than ever before . ans j Two Good Reasons. (London Free Press) "Wine and milk without price" was never more attractive--for two rea- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG please, in spite of "invisible interests and the party machines." Their voice of public opinion, and the pressure of public opinién will be heeded--if raised. Statesmen must follow the clarified common thought or be brok- en. Public. opinion shapes the na- tion, it controls everything, and can create, destroy, reward, punish, com- pel and prevept. It can accomplish anything it chooses if {t he educated and roused to make the effort. DR PR Hee el MUSINGS OF THE kan | "He Don't Belong!" You must belong ! ¥ Some folks are wondering 'why Sol. Davis isn't making better head- way with Lize Duckunder. I could tell them the reason if they would come to me. He don't belong He's all right in every other way and is what Sar' Ann would call a "wel doin' feller." 1 hasn't got a wor to say against young Davis, except that he don't belong and I would have a better chance with Lize than he has for that reason. We don't recognize this great na- tural law as fully as we should. The whippoorwill and the night hawk do not intermarry, or .even associate with one another, and yet they are nearly related and resemble each other so closely that it takes an expert to distinguish them. They don't belong. - That's the explana- tion. 1 have seen a family of seven boys and girls and one of them didn't be- long. Yet he had the same parent- age as the rest. Three miles further up the concession is a family of nine. One of the girls don't 'belong. Both of them are as different from: the rest of the family as if they had been born Albinos. 1 would like to point out that there is no such thing as class tyranny. You don't belong. If you did you. would belong. You can't "butt" in. You will get in automati- cally, so to speak. There be millions of people in this world who are chronically sore the wholp blessed time. They can't join this, and they can't get into that and they are barred from something else, They don't belong--that's what's the matter. Every organization breaks up into three bodies, or factions, sooner or later--good, _pad and indifferent. The great Rbor organization has done that already; the Sinn Feiners are doing it now, evn ag their pre- decessors, the Fenians, did a genera- tion- ago. It is a case of natural selection. You can't belong unless you belong, and if you don't belong you can't belong. A blind man can see that. Ever since the Drury government took office there has been a feeling of impatience among the people, which almost amounts to foreboding. The explanation of this is that Drury and hig colleagues don't belong. are not usurpers, mark you; they have a perfectly good and legitimate right to be where they are--never- theless, they don't belong. And the distressing thing about it all is that they never will belong. Fancy a beautiful woman who, in a fit of temporary insanity, is mar- ried to a man. She wakes up some day to realize that--he don't belong 7and from,that hour nothing goes right, nothing can go right, The Spirit of Ontario realizes that the Druryites don't belong. She has nothing particular against these peo- ple and she knows quite well that they are doing their level best in their clumsy way, but they don't be- long. Walk into the legislative buildings Lfo-morrow morning and compare any of the ministers with the heads of his department. But--comparisons are odious. ' Nevertheles, none of them should appear in public with the heads of their departments. They are always mistaken for the shoffer. If you think it over for a minute or two you will see that they can't get rid of you if you belong. Since Rippling Cla the foundations of the world were laid you have had rights there--ir you belong. And the sooner you get out eer for all parties if you | don't long. And 'how are you to know that. you don't belong? Instinct. The lady | or gent who is governed and led ¥p! his ot her instincts will never get | in wrong. If you don't belong they'll | get out. They wouldn't stay in on a bet 0000 Alas! what heart turnings are caused. by people who don't realize and can't be made to realize that they don't belong. If they would only get out of the choir, out of the league, out of the party, out of the family, out of the gang--if they would get off the earth--all uld be well--for they don't belong. 1 could-@ever be brought to under- stand why anyone should wish to be where he don't belong. Surely he can never be comfortable and at his ease. It is simply imposible for him to do his best work--in some cases ho can't work at all. There is nothing wrong with us at all, save that too many folks don't belong. Why don't they get out? They can't. Tho' they don't belong they must belong and continue to belong. How many preachers do yeu know who don't belong, but they must belong or starve to death. How many in medicine, law, agriculture --all the professions? The most pathetic object in the world is the man who don't belong and knows it. He can't get out; there is no machinery to pull him and there he must .belong where he doesn't belong till Gabriel blows his born. Why should we wonder at crime ! The Khan, The Wigwam, Rushdale Farm, Rockton, Ont. WHO'S WHO AT TRADE CONGRESS I 2 Charles One of the outstanding figures of the ninth congress of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, which! meets in Toronto on _Sept. 18th, is the honorary secretary, Charles Ed- | I | A you buy. ' - -- We claim to have: a The Best $25.00 The Best $35.00 The Best $45.00 The Best $55.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Kingston's cash and one-price Clothing House--the best for less The Clothes You Want ; Style: smart, verile, distin ctive--backed by expert hand- tailoring and Al fabrics--that's wh It's what we have here for you. BIBBY'S SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES For Young Men and Men Who Stay Young They have that well-tailor ed air of distinction éxpects to see only in the best custom-mades. suri ; IN CANADA at you want in the clothes IBIBBY'S one usually | nm LR -------------------- McCLARY'S GAS RANGES "The Finest Finished Ranges Soid in Canada» "FLORENCE AUTOMAT IC" OIL STOVES Padorsed by Good House keeping Magazin Sold ati-- BUNT'S King St. Phone 388 win Musgrave, who, as the secretary of the British Imperial Council of Commerce, is tlie 'tonvenor of the copgress. He was assistant secre- tary at the first congress, which was held in 1886 in London, an out- growth of the Colonial and Indian exhibition, which was held in that year. He has been in the service of the London Chamber of Commerce since 1882, and is a freeman of th city of London, oh aa Watertown, N.Y. manufacturin plants are laying off men, according to statements from workers who are seeking new jobs. This applies to the New York Air Brake company's plant and to one or two other con- cerns) the workers say. Irene Hayden, St. Thomas, died from lockiaw, t 48 3 Rhymes THE waves. of that. ample vest; BATHING BEACH. I view the heaving graves, and have no foolish For men in ba old or fat, are silly looking varmints, there is no doubt The human form's a winner when it is neat- ly drest, when all around one's dinner there is an when pants have tailored creases, and + Coats are trim and neat, men loom up' their nieces as something cute and sweet. But man's no more a "dandy, when, from his and bandy, he lumbers to stately go by nly punk abode, and I admire ly, and frame them in an ode. Their laundered, their duds they have squandered for shining say, "Their sons and daughters m: with pride;"" and then, into the wa men slide. They glee, and look like cheap gorillas escaped fro men, denuded, go frisking to the sea, and my old tub, secluded, is | enough for me. % : ; , that sights of sailors" 4 ~ Nuff Gourdier's For FURS Said oa E000 OOO SUMMER DRINKS --LIME JICE ~--GRAPE JUICE --LOGANBERRY JUICE ~--ORANGEADE ~--LEMONADE ~--RASPRERRIADE --GURD'S GINGER ALR --GUHD'S SODA WATER ~GURLD"S DRY GINGER ALE ~=ADANAC DRY GINGER ALE Jas. REDDEN & wo. Phones 20 and 390 Store closes at 1 p.m. Wednduqay CHOICE MEATS Spring Lamb. --Spare Ribs. --Tenderloins, ; --Pork Sausages, Choice Western Beef \ Daniel Hogan otion of splashing in its thing garments, when they are ents free, on scra legs the sea. T'see fine men and : inspire the muse, and of their shoes, view splash among the billows with i o m Some musee. I watch fat WALT MASON : Fan dH :: is | : : : § E i : | i if is : i i of i ¢ if i5E 2% Hi tH il it ! | . 8% 26. £ § ¥ i i | : CHOICE PEACHES, MASOUD'S PURE Somer Fis ad Pe ke ram ICE CREAM in bricks or bulk. DAVID SCOTT Plumber bing and Gas Work a special- Flu work guaranteed. Address 145 Fromtenne street. Phone 1277. . For the Baby I br te Te WE ARE PLEASED to ammounce that our Mr. _ "JIFFY BABY PANTS" _ apy Pure soft rubber; 'absolutely water- SANITARY DIAPERS. Washable----stain proof. Can be sterilized. Made in three sizes of change. Pure Rubber. = (DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE Se = < ., The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by Crawford Phose 5. _ Foot of Nueen St "It's a black busine. bul we treat you white."

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