t . | SCOTT'S GARAGE ny Parents, School ! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "The First Fall Hats - Make Their Appearance We have our first shipment of "HAWES' HATS" now ready for your inspection. Look at your Straw Hat and see if you can get the rest of the season out of it; if not, better get under one of HAWES' HATS --the Hat that is guaranteed. Nt? k ! Price of HAWES' HATS are $7.00--no luxury tax. Other lines at lower prices. George VanHorne Phone 362w. .213 PRINCESS ST. (Opposite Grand Opera House) Paarl Neckléts Indestructible Pearl Necklets guaranteed not to- peel, break, or discolor, and will stand a boiling hot bath and retain all their fine qualities. All sizes and lengths in stock. Have you thought about your ¢hild's eyes? Many children who were backward last terms have had eye defects. Give your child every chance this term---pains in head, get- ting sleepy soon after reading, no ambition to study---are some of the symptoms of eye strain. "Let us examine their eyes." Priced from $7.50 to $60.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS ST. LJ. I --------. OCEAN STEAMSHIP SERVICES Revised rates and sailings. , Apply: The House of Better Glasses | C. 8. KIRKPATRICK { Opposite the Post Office Phone 6090. KINGSTON. 36 Clarence Street AA A AAA ANN THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Bi done in the . rar. MEatimaies aiven oh all ki nis ww pd a Baars o ail kinds. Al orders will receive prompt attention. Shep 2% Queen Street. Safety First | Mr. Ford Owner THE KANT KICK RELEASE IS A BOON TO MANKIND If to-day you broke your arm How many of your plans would be upset? How well could you afford it Arancidl "How many days could you spare from busi- ness? How much would you pay rather than have it happen? : You can't lose and regrets will not mend a broken arm. Ma Just pick up your daily paper and read of such accidents. EQUIP YOUR CAR WITH A "KANT KICK" ~ MOORE'S Repairs; Washing ana Storage. One 1915 MeLaughlin Tour- ing car for sale cheap for a quick buyer, 208 BAGOT STREET Plone 1804w, | sults of our discussions in the form | death being due to heart disease. S. i | of a letter, to which are appended a8. Corbett's ambulance wag called F GOODWILL DROPPED DEAD ON STREET Archbishop of Canterbury Ad= John Leslie' Watts, Patient' at | dresses Message From | Sydenham Hospital, 'Ex-. Lambeth. pired Suddenly, Tuesday. The Archbishop of Canterbury has John Leslie Watts, late of the C issued on behalf of the Lambeth Con-| A. M. C., and a patient in the Syden- ference, the following letter: -- 'ham hospital for some time, was sud- | To all men and women of good denly overcome by heart failure while | will, -- | walking on Brock street between For five strenuous weeks the Bis-| Bagot and Wellington street, about | hops of the Anglican Communion 3.30 p.m. Tuesday. He dropped to throughout the world have been the walk and expired instantly. The meeting" in the sixth of what. are officials of the Department of Sol- | known as our "Lambeth Conferen- | diers' Civil Re-establishment located | ces," lin the Golden Lion block, were noti- We are about to publish the re-|fied and Dr. Clarke pronounced his | series of resolutions and reports. |and the remains were removed from We have naturally addressed ourian office into which it had been car- words to those who share our Chris-| ried, to John Cornelius' undertaking tian belief and acknowledge the au- parlors. thority of our office. Further, as-| The late Pte. Watts was thirty- sembled at a time when the whale gone years of age and resided at Har- world is still shattered by sundering 'rowsmith previous to the war. He en- forces, we have been moved to ad- listed in the C. A, M. C., but owing dress an appeal to all. Christian ¢o fliness did not get further than people. We ask them to join in a England. While there he was mar- new endeavor to realize the fellow- ried, and his young wife came to ship which the world needs, first and Canada with him upon his return | foremost within the Church of last September, and she resides at Christ. x 1108 Clergy street. The news of his Nor rzn we forget that we have sudden death was a severe blow to sympathizers and -allies beyond the per, as she is not in robust health | frontiers of the Qhristian Society. To at the present time. all men and women of good will 3 : who, along with us, have been watching, in deep concern, the wast- CATARAQUI GARDEN ing of the moral resources of the world during these recent years, we t desire to commend our work, in full PT 2 eld" Tuesda confidence that they will find in it Held at "Heathf} y much that gives expression to their | Evening--The Event Was own thoughts and fears and hopes. | Largely Patronized. We bespeak their considerate sien" | 4 asTal Garden party wis | very succe ! SAO tion. To them the future of the Christian Church can never be un- held at "Heatnfield," the pretty home important, for they, too, see in re- of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ward on the | liglon, and pre-eminently in the re-|Bath Road, on Tuesday afternoon.| liglon of Christ, a great potential and evening. The grounds were nicely | force, strengtiening individual char- decorated with bunting and colored | acter and cementing society; and lights, and there was a large assem- | these things, the strengthening of |blage from the city and surrounding | the individual and the cementing of districts. Many novel devices were the world, on the morrow of the was realized to be devoted to the supreme catastrophe of the war, work of the Ladies' Aid Society of clearly needs for the reordering of Cataraqui Methodist church. The its life. ladies in charge of the tables were They will not ignore the remark- Mrs. James Cook, Mrs. B. Kish, Mrs. able, perhops unique, variety of ex-|A. E/ Saunders, Mrs. Peter Morley, perierrce, endeavor, and opportunity | Mrs,/ George Nicol and Mrs. Thomas €xpressed 'in a gathering of 252 bish- | Guess. ops, all in some marked sense prom- | In the evening, Rev. E. Richard- izent representatives of communi- rgon" Kelly acted as chairman during ties, great and small, existing ina splendid entertainment, which was every part of the world and plant-| much enjoyed. Those who partici- ed in all conceivable surroundings. |pated were Dr, J. W. Edwards, M.P., The efforts of the Christian|Miss Stewart, Sydenham, Mr. and Church to give effect to the princi- Mrs. Rowney, "William Laird, Miss ples it acknowledges and to pursue | Peters and Miss Phelp. the ideal which it proclaims must . Beede be dssisted in no slight meas- tre by the consjdering sympathy of R d Sch those who, gonsl whatever descrip- | egar cme on tion, are seeking the things of the . : spirit, and who believe that, as Jesus a Business Basis Christ said, "Man doth not live by bread alone." ---- ] It 1s for this reason that we de- A new note was added to the gra- sire even passionately, that our pur-|tuity issue Monday night at Central pose should be fully understood, and |G. W. V. A., Toronto, when a prom- that the efforts we are making for |inent member of Kingston G.W.V.A. plane may be fairly judged, and even eagerly helped. 'For the hearts of men everywhere are being stirred by hopes of a bet- ter ordering of our common life. Yet the foundation on which it rests are being shaken. If these hopas aro to be fulfilled, and these foundations rebuilt, there must be a rally of all spiritual forces. Men and women who believe in the power of the spirit within and without the Church of Christ must no longer keep apart. They must be drawn together by mu- tual respect and understanding, We, who find our hope and strength in the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ need, for the winning of His King- dom here on earth, the help of all who are striving for justice, brother- hood and purity in the life of the state, of industry, and of the. family. They, on the other hand, may gain fresh inspiration and steadfastness from the faith which we hold, and a new joy from the worship which we offer, wherein the spirit of man finds its rest in God. : We therefore tak leave to think that the letter, the resolution, and the reports which we are about to issue merit the reading of all who justly claim to be good citizend Patriotism, so fatal in its perver- sion, can become the very principle of an intelligent servide of mankind when it is fired and sustained by spi- ritual forces and ideals. RANDALL CANTUAR. Lambeth, Aug. 9, 1920. t tuity scheme as outlined under the constitution of the G. W. V. A, a dollar a day according to length of | service, wag based upon the reason- able assumption that the C. E, F. sol- | dier was paid at the rate of a dollar ten a day during war service; that the dollar in 1914 was worth a hun- dred cents; that it was worth only 70 cents at the end of 1916, and only 48 cents at the end of 1916, and that the returned man was. entitled to the difference in valuation of the dollar during his period of service. It was pointed out that this argu- ment was based upon purely busi- ness prineiples, and proved unan- swerable even to hard-headed busi- n men. This is an argument wien will be taken up in the near future. In the meantime, it was pointed out, unity of the veterans was the main issue confronting the re- turned man, City Firemen Again Called To Portsmouth Shipyards The firemen had a second call to the shipyards at Portsmouth about 9 o'clock on Tuesday night, to extin- guish another blaze that Staned there, Chief Armstrong and som of hig men went oMarith the Chat- ham engine and worked for about three hours. The matter is being taken up by the Portsmouth council with a steam- ship company with a view to having the shipyards cleaned out so as to remove any further danger of a blaze. A Long Service Medal 'or Ald. James Angrove The officer commanding the 14th Princess of Wales Own Rifles has re- ceived from Capt. W. Peterson, dis- trict record officer, the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal Soldiers Get Allowance Instead of Free Clothing Regulations recently brought into effect by the Department of Sold- ers' Civil Re-establishment to do away with further free issue of cloth- ing to D. 8. C. R. patients. These regulations were based on a recom- mendation from the parliamentary committee on pensions and re-estab- lishment. Instead of being issued with free clothing the men under D.SCR. will 'in future receive a clothing allowance of $7 per month. Angrove. . The medal signifies twenty years service 'in the forces and Ald. Angrove is to be congratu- lated for qualifying for the silver dise. ay -- ' TWICE TOLD TALES | "with leather or rubber soles. \ 'Men's Brown Calf and_Gunmetal Shoes, =|% S AGO. : : 'lub are issuing Printers, who defeat- soclety, are the very things which |installed, and a very substantial sum |' the bettering of human life on every |emphasized his opinion that the gra- | Tor presentation to Bandsman J. B. | Hard {paying special attention to offices? On Surolld look as if this is the case. : received from Ottawa =A C0 C BABY BLACK KID LACED BOOTS Sizes 3 to 7. C BABY'S BLACK KID STRAP SLIPPERS Sizes2to 4.0. niu. vi 8Be - Also Brown Kid Button Boots. Sizes 3to 7. Clearing 4x... 99¢. Also Brown Kid Strap Slip- pers; sizes 3to 7. Clear- NE edeianive: vr. B8c f mT il greed i) / |-cogsa-fitiE PEER When the Sanc how safe you feel when you place baby in this ftee-from-worry drop-side Cot, with Kingston Co-operative | rn CE Society, Ltd (HEIN n i eg Ea I Cooked Meats and Bacon. Fresh Fruits in season. Lanka Tea Coupons exchanged Closed Wednesdays at 1 p.m. py I'he Telgmann School of Music Plano, violin and othe: stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ace opted. : 216 Frontenac Street. | Phone 1325; foot latch attachment, which can be operat- - ed with your foot. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Manfg. "Phone 147 for Service. ; (Incorporated) : x Of the very Best Quality held on the Ist Friday of each month. We make a specialty of serving the best and purest Ice Cream. : - Call in and we feel sure you can prove this yourself. SAKELL'S NEXT TO GRAND OPERA HOUSE - Next gemeral meeting will be held on Friday, September 3rd. MATTRESSES Don't throw away your o.0 Mattresses. We renovate all kinds * make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co 17 BALACLAVA STREE?Y Phone 21006w and | Th . Z NAPANEE TIDINGS. DR. A W.WINNETT Crescent Wire Works DENTAL SURGEON, bordura. 1rd Work ofall Lites mamas Corner of Johnson and Wellington PARTRIDGE & SON, ; Streets " Phone 368 a A re ate Slim Nowsy Notes of People on the Move, In and Out, From Our Own Correspondent) apanee, Aug. 24.--Mrs, A. a Holland and daughter Betty, New York, are the guests of her mother, Mrs. Fraser, Bridge street. Miss Oulton, Toronto, returned on Mon- day to resume her duties with the Robinson .o, Miss Jesele Sills. leaves on Saturday for Keewatin, to resume her duties as teacher. Morris' Wolfe spent the week-end In Perth. Miss Norma Shannon leaves on Wednes- day for Saskatoon, Sask. Miss M. Bain, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Daly, Bridge street. Howard Miller, St. John, N.B., is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Miller, John street. Burton VandeBogart, of the Stan- dard Bank, Wellington, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank VandeBogart. Mis: Jean | ing, Toronto, has returned to resume her duties with the Robinson Co. Miss Muriel Paul leaves on |: Wednesday for Saskatoon, Sask., where she has accepted a position on the public schol staff. Miss Jean Daly, Toronto, and Miss Helen Daly, ton, are spending the vacation their parents. Miss Hattie Fox leaves for Moose Jaw, Sask. where she has. accepted a position. Miss K. Perry, Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with her uncle, George W. Perry, Gretna. Dental Office Thieves : May be Organized thier [ry gs Rare B dental PURITY BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SA' E IN'CANADA OA HI ~ Ordering Suits ~----to-day requires the most careful con- sideration. You may also require expert advice as to the wearing qualities of certain H Cloths. After 35 years in the busifiess we "claim to be able to advise in this direction, It costs nothing to call and have a talk on Woollens with us, Tg CrawFoRD & Watsh Tailors B Bagot and Brock Streets. / last, two Kingston offices were entered and ro 554 word p to effect that the office of Dr. R. F. Sparks street, .was also Sntered dur : of go! '