MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1920. uN : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ToS PAGE & SHAW'S HUYLER'S = { and NEILSON'S pstin's Drug Store x King and Market Square 4 There is. but ONE TIME to picture the children--AS ' THEY ARE TO-DAY, 1818w, 92 Princess St. /e Have Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup THE WONDERFIL FRUIT MEDICINE Every Home In Canada Neots EROITATVES" Tothose suffering with fedigestion, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sick or the Back, Eczema awd other skin affections, "'Fruit-a-tives" gives prompt relief and assures s poy when the treat tis reatmen faithfully followed. : "Fruit-a-tives" isthe only medicine made from Fruii--econtsining the medicinal prineiples of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, combined with valuable antiseptics. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruibe-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. OSTEOPATHY "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft are now located at Nb. 204 King street, between Earl and Gore: Telephone 447 for appointment. CARPENTERING Estimates Given. O. Ayuroyd & Son Builders Phone 1670 21 Vata sirect, ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a specialty. 378 BROCK STREET Phones: Shop 1035. Rea 15373. . Oampbeil's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Diesribocors for Red Rose Tea--the e ~. . Good Tea i . R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION ~ * License No. 6-543. Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Spécialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. DR. NASH DENTIST 183 Princess Street. 'Phone 735 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas aanunistered for traction. Safe and OFFICE HOURS: 9-6\ ox SEASONABLE FRUITS CHOICE VEGETABLES Always fresh and prices right. FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division St. | Phone 345 [ FOR SALE 'An excellent farm of 150 , good building, splendid d. Another farm of 100 acres, geven miles from the city ---- FW. H. GODWIN =" "& SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 424 it Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINR ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery DID YOU EVER TRY Wagntafi's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstafl's Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstafl's Bramble Jellly. We also have = full of other reliable makes of Marma- Iddes, Jam and Jellies fox aq 3 Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Bari Streotn. Bdesnss Ne BAM Phone 1M i es sues weendl0, 3 for 25e. BE ons ioonassnnadBey 2 for 256 SOAP «+ ttm ome oa 100, 3 for We, BORD «ce. vocarrev. B00, 3 for S5c. Sete me st sta tater We, lia Onstile ........40c (large bar) |v lle Kingston Cement Products F Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamenta] Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles ang Pa streets. triok PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN mem plain in a kindly but em- phatic manner a your . grocery msn ould send © you our bread--it's a better kind of bread--- JPN sha "ail the difference in dark, EEA HMOME aa VE). AREAD &/ PASTR ~~ vd county had been cut. [ Kingston and Vicinity | On A Trip 'to the Coast, W. W. Cole, Picton, has left for 8 business trip of several weeks to the Pacific coast. May Be a Candidate. It is probable that J. H. Jarvis will be an aldermanic candidate in Frontenac ward. He is being urged to run. Grand Lawn Social. Don't forget lawn social in Mike Shortell"s grove, Wednesday evening, Sept. 1st, Gananoque orchestra in attendance. He Is Recovering. Clarence Wannamaker, Royal street, Picton, injured by being kick- ed by his own horse at the Globe Hotel stables, is reported recovering. Cheese Sales. Picton, 930 at 27c. Perth, 619 at 27c. Iroquois 745 at 26%c. Vitoriaville, Que., 1,600 at 25%c¢. Placed On The Executive. Lieut~Col. W. H. Craig has been placed on the Executive Committee of the Canadian Wholesole Grocers' Association as the representative from Ontario. Are Back in Mallory Mr. and Mrs. A .E Jordan and daughter; Laura, have returned to Mallorytown after spending a couple of months in Vancouver, with their daughter, Mrs. Armstrong. A Big Fish, A monster maskinonge, four feet, three inches in length and weighing thirty-five pounds. was caught by Samuel Hart, Rossmore, while trol- ling on the Bay of Quinte. The fishermen had no gaff but mafaged lo stun the fish with a stick and safe. ly land him. Rebuilding Shop. Work is progressing nicely on the new blacksmith shop of James Me- Bride at Inverary. It will be re- called that Mr. McBride's shop was destroyed by fire early in the sum- mer at the same time as the town- ship hall burned. \ Great Deal of Grain Cut. Farmers in the city to-day stated that a great deal of the grain in the They stated that the weather of the past two weeks was a great help in the gath- ering in of the crops. Marriage Announced. Mr. and Mrs, Alva Hubbs Platt, Wellington, announce the marriage of their daughter Lula, to Roy John Klous, of Rochester, N.Y., on Aug- ust 21st. -Mr. and Mrs. Klous will reside at 29 Dickinson St., Rochest- er, after Sept. 15th, ' Proving The spar mine, near Kaladar, '| operated by Messrs. Sullivan is now an assured sucoess and a staff of good men are being selected to push forward the work of excavation. Of the car loads already delivered in Ohio pronouncement is its being the very best. To Number the Houses, Pembroke council hag changed the names of a goodly number of .its streets, but the changes will have to be approved by the county judge be- fore becoming effective, The houses areto be numbered this fall, a work long proposed and which will prove a boon in many ways. Oorn_ Killed Child, ~. Following "an operation, when a kernel of corn was taken out of her windpipe, Frances James, eighteen . | months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John James, Lanark county, died in Ottawa hospital. The little girl is sald to have found some grains of corn on the floor at her home a week ago, but her parents did not know she had swallowed anything. Think It Over. How is it that we can sell made- to-measure clothing from $5.00 to $15.00 less than other clothing houses will be pleased to show yon are lines of tweed and worsted cloth at $40.00 to $60 a suit and bdlue and black serges at $50 to $65 a suit. Prevost Clothing House, Brock street, . . - Had Real Chicken Dinner. The annual Northport circuit din- Bey 'was held this year in the beauti- Harry Edgar Hyat! date Mr. ohn Ww Hyatt, : gs | BER i 3 & In religion he was a Presbyterian, and in politics a Liberal. . A ---------------- Shot From Behind a Tree, - Dr. Willlam Nicholls, who shot and-&illed a dull which 'was running a in the city park Friday after- non, brought tbe crazéd animal down at the first shot, splitting its heart. Several military men Were in the with rifles but appeared to be RE to get an aim when the bull charged them. Dr. Nicholls kept a tree between him and the animal and when the latter came at him he fired at a distance of seventy feet. : ' tt Tendered a Farewell On the evening of Aug. 10th an "At Home" was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Elliott, Perth, by the members of the I.0.0.F., previous to their departure for Mt. Forest. Before refreshments were served, a short programme. was provided, and an address was read by Mr. Perry, to which Mr. Elliott made itting reply. Mr. Elliott was also made the reci- pient of a very beautiful gift pin by members of the order. Regretted Death at Westport, On Aug. 15th, Mrs. M. A. Moore, Westport, had passed to the beyond. Although in poor health for four months, suffering from heart de- sease, she was always cheerful. Thé deceased's maiden name was Mary Ann Bell, and she was first mar- ried to Thomas Donahue, who pre- deceased her twenty-five years ago, leaving three daughters of whom two are living: Mrs. R. P, McCann, Westoprt, and Miss Florence Dona- hue, Toronto, in the C.P.R. opera- ting staff. Later the dec was married to Frank Moore, who died two years ago, leaving one son, Char- tes, Newboro. ; ¥ IP ------------------------ i Fire on Cedar Island. - Of late, there has been a series of out-of-town fires at places close to Kingston. Portsmouth, Odessa, In- verary, and Barriefield have all been on the fire list. Saturday night Chief Armstrong had another call, When a party telephoned him that there was quite a fire on Cedar Island. Mayor Nickle was mnotifeid and after consultation it was decided not to allow the fire department to respond to this call. Campers on the island evidently left a fire. Np seri- ous results are reported. Saved the Situation. The harbor of Oakville, Ont., was all filled in this spring when naviga- tion opened ,and as a good part of their coal supply usually arrives by water, it looked as though the situa- tion next winter would be a serious one. But Henry Chisholm, a coal dealer there, solved the problem. He purchased the little schooner News- and went over to Oswego for a ot himself. He's the skipper of 'the boat and he has his thres sons all Canadian overseas and college men with him. - They're the crew. The Newsboy had a narrow escape on ohe trip losing part of her can- vas in a big blow off Charlotte. Had they been bootlegging, Skipper Chis- holm says he would have made a small fortune. At every port they Imve stopped they hive had callers who wanted to buy-whiskey. Once when they were becalmed off Char- lotte, a launch put out to them and wanted to know if they bad anything aboard. A Splendid Production. ; John Fox Jr.'s famous story, "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, was produ at the Grand Opera House on Saturday before two fair- sized audiences. The company is well balanced and offered a real good drama. George Simpson, who played the part of "Chad" won his way into the hearts of the audience. Dorothy Dunn, in the role of "Me- lissy" was an able partner. vJames Kennedy, known as "Squire Middle- ton," who kept the audience in laughter by his humorous methed of conducting a court of justice. James P. Horton, who played the 'part of "Big Joe Turner," the mountaineer who took in the homeless waif, per formed his part exceptionally well. The Grand Opera House orchestra, which was recently fe-organized under the leadership of G. A. Rad- cliff, made an exceptionally good impression on the pudience, Spelling of Gananoque. There has been a controversy at times regarding the spelling and meaning of "Gananoque." The fol- lowing letter by Judge H. S. Me- Donald, Brockville, will put all right on the subject. In volume 17 of the papers and records of the Ontario Historical Society there is a very interesting paper by Mr. Frank Eames, formerly of Gananoque, now of Toronto. The paper is entitled, "Gananoque's First Public School, 1816," and in it Mr. Eames states sundry names given to Gananoque at sundry times. How- ever, he does not appear to have hit upon thé exact name, although one of them given by him is very nearly correct. It is "YCa-da-no-ghue,"'--* "Rocks in running water." I have in my hand as I write, a letter writ- ten by Col. Joel Stone in July, 1793, in which he says: "You will direct me at thé River Cadanoghqua," in the town of Leeds, County of Leeds, and Eastern District of Upper Can- ada. And again on the margin of his letter he writes "River Cadano- ghqua," and says, "This is the real Indian name of the said river." Their reference between this and Mr. Eames is that this ends in "hue" while Col. Stone's ends in "qua." The est Oo SEAL BRAND COFFEE Cae, and In 3 and 2b. Tine, beemetically ground, oc (for Tricolators oc the FINB-ground -« "Pecheet Coffer Pecfoothy Shade" foe on voquent, WRITE m fori. MONTREAL. The Hot Weather ds Here at Last WH HAVE A FEW FANS LEFT WHICH AT COST. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Cor. King and Princess WE WiLL SELL 00. - - Phone 94 Scianion Coal We have been fortunate in getting a fair supply of Egg, Stove and Chestnut is is well housed in dry sheds, on clean floors. Your order will have careful attention > S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellingtoa Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14.5, LAE a, WHY NOT FOLLOW THE OWL'S ADVICE AND USE MAXOTIRES BE FORE TIRES BLOW OUT | "The Home of the Maxotires" 284 ONTARIO STREET - - - - - PHONE 2080 -- ---- on FERNS. During September, we will sell all varieties in quantity, This is the propertime to buy for winter decoration. REDUCED PRICES for September only, Ferns will be reasonable. They will be ex- pensive this winter. 5 TT "We Strive to Serve. re A. D. HOLTON ) PRINCESS STREET - - ow . Women's Black Satin Oxfords---Louis heel; very smart; worth $7.00, Now Women's Grey Kid Oxfords--Turn sole, Louis $3.95 a, ae ww wie $4.95 J. H Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES "FALL CLOTHES OF THE FINER QUALITY; Hl For Men And Young | a Men SMART NEW MODELS IN SU SUITS AND TOP, COATS | $25.00 to $50.00 (All prices betw CL BESTVEARNG CLOTHES VALUES TWEDDELL'S One Door Below Randolph Hotel, | Women's White | Canvas Boots | Women's White Canvas Laced Boots--light or heavy soles; Louis heel or low heel; all sizes 24 to 6, While they last .creravaveraa $2.25 ( \ | 1 sevacs