rr -------- DRTING NEWS dx Queen's Win Again. 'Quden's defeated A. Davis and Son on Thursday evening in Section B of the Mercantile baseball league. This ] ly cinches the second place in Group B for the stadium workers @nd shoves the Tanners to the bot- tom, : Queen's Win Again. { Queen's defeated A. Davis and Son ou Thursday evening in Section B of | the Mercantile baseball league. This . practically cinches the second piace in Group B for the stadium workers and shoves the Tanners to. the bot- tom. Queen's workgd fairly well, al- though" their line-up looked rather unfamiliar for a little while with the professor absent. The. Tanners "Wgve worked hard all through the Wane series and have put up some\good fights, but were handicapped because their ma- terial was almost all green to start with, : The lordly Printers have ended up in third place, although to them goes the laurels for being the only team in' the league to defeat "Lefty" Appleton's Plumbers. - The standing of Section B : ing are the representatives of the. different universities whick will fig- | ure largely in the doing this season: Lt.-Col. Constantine, president, and Dr. McCauley, of RM.C.; E, O. Sliter and Prof. Malcolm, of Queen's; Dr. W. Hendrie and Dr. A .B. Wright, of University of Toronto; Dr. L. C. Montgomery and Dr. A. Fenton Ar- gue, of McGill. P Rowan Stars Unable to Come, sThis morning = Stan. Trotter re- celved a telegram from th# manager of the Rowan Stars, Oswego, N.Y., stating that it will be impossible for them to come to Kingston for the games booked Friday and Saturday. Needless to say this is a great dis- appointment to both the players and the fans. However, As usual, Stan- ley was on the job right away and has secured the Alexanfiria Bay team | | to appear against the Triple Links | on_Saturday afternoon. This game | ought to be of exceptional interest | #8 each team has. won one game in | previous contests and the game on Saturday will be the "rubber." | a. -- | 1 o THE THE VI pise women amd treat them as slaves. ; When he marries, he buys a wife. In ! the Mimika district curiously enough, | * x | Three Minute Journeys || no ceremony or evidence of rejoicing | marks the affair. : | The only difference In the man's | DAILY BRITISH WHIG NDICTIVE REFLOATED AT OSTEND. Thom "HIRES DELICIOUS WORLD FANOUS ROOT BEER BEVERAGE IN BOTTLES FOR YOUR HOME. JAS. CRAWFORD. JAS. REDDEN & CO. JAS. HENDERSON, W. V. WEBSTER. i JOHN GILBERT. Nothing goes into Hires but the pure healthful juices of .Roots, Herbs, Barks and Berries. and Pure Cane Sugar. ue son "Bottling "Works EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR KINGSTON DISTRICT. TELEPHONE 304. OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. AT-- TNUTCOAL ..." EGG COAL . . sles STOVE COAL 310 30min +o. $16.50 per ton «+v.....$16.50 per ton Pea Coal . . . .....2 $15.00 per ton Carrying 50c. extra. ¥ PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.D. | SOWARDS COAL CO. Won Lost To Play » life is that he takes more of a vaca- | # : 518 I ) |} 10 1 1 | Where Brides Crawl to the Bride. tion than is his every-day habit. He : 3 grooms' Door, [builds a hut on the outskirts of the | Plumberg Queen's 6 b 1 Pritter'y" , . .. 4 ¥ 1 'Tanners... ... 2 9 1 wling on Thursday. At the howling green on Thursday evening, in: the third round of the singles, I. Sieeth 'won'from E. Green and W. Linton from F. Crozier. In the second round, E. Lemmon de- teated J., McDonald by 15-10 and in the doubles.J. Singleton won from G. Vanhorue: ---------- ey HAMILTON TIGHRS ¥AVOR INFERCOLUEGIATE RULES | If Hamilton Tigers have their way at the fiterprovincial Rugby Union meeting. to be held on Saturday morning, tho'Big Four will adopt the Intercollegite rulés, Ewart "Reddy" Dixon when spoken to stated that in jo" hils opiftléif it would' be policy to adopt 'dll Thtercollegiate rules or none at all. 'If the tour yard inter- ference rule' is to adopt them all. INTERCOLLEGIATE RUGBY WHEELS START MOVING will t 'place on Saturday after- noon, September 11th in the McGill . Union. At this meeting many im- portant things will be discussed and the officials for the coming season will be appointed for each scheduled ture. This will eliminate disagree- ments that hive oécurred in past sea- sons and should help to promote a . feeling of goodfellowship in Rugby L } circles, Several minor changes to the rulas will also be discussed by the 'dele- jtes of tHe" fiMertrt clubs and a ® gk later a meeting of the appoint- PR Officials und members of the E4"i{ules Commission will be held at i which a uniform interpretation ot . the rules will be arrived at, it is hoped. .- The scheduled season will open' on October 9th*atid' will be brought to a close on. November 20th. The follow- tr Att St St :Martin's Garage 0 war Ne are fully equipped with first class mechanics to do all kinds of AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Cull and let us supply you with GASOLINE, OILS, etc. Gauntry calls given best of attention. Borage tor. cars, 2 $7 110 Clergy Street. Be adopted then | Then in a case of | - LA play-off at ithe end of the season | . | Do teas would be 'Bandicapped," he | said. "U0N0 TRU . A . | The mikgnnual meeting of the | Intercollegiate Rugby Football Union W. MARTIN, Prop. Phone 1192W, .Res. Phone 1705F. New Guinea--or Papua, as it is | sometimes called--1is the largest is- | land in the world. Its greatest length ! 13 1,100 miles and its width is 400 | miles. In other words, New Guinea | Is about the size of Great Britain and , France combined. { From east to west throughout its entire length stretches a vast moun-| tain range. To the north and the south of this chain are vast, swampy Through Dust and Mud. plains covered with thé densest for- ests imaginable, intersected by seem- ingly countless rivers and inhabited by savage tribes. These tribes know little about each other, Individuals of the different tribes vary in appearance from ad- mirable specimens of manhood, as large as the average American, to i pygmies less than four feet six inches |in height. Many of the tribes speak different languages, and cannot un- derstand each other when brought together, except by the universal sign language. In one respect, however, all are alike. Any Papuan will fight if you call him a woman, f6r they all des- w 8he steps ashore {rejoicing. |the village. In the case of the death | Chinese people. | 400,000 pounds of human hair fro: village, away from the rest of the huts, and here the couple live alone for two or three weeks. Then they move into the village and take up the life the rest of their friends lad. The bride, however, evidences her realization of her new condition in| lite, by .approaching her husband's | ut on the day of her marriage in a] very humble way. If she comes from another village, she makes the journey in a canoe, and the instant she falls 'on her hands and knees and crawls through | the mud and -the dust to the bride- groow's door. When a child is born there is no This is strange because | the Papuans really love their chil- | dren and are good to them. Death, also, is unmarked by special. ceremony, save the wailing of all in | { { | of a chief the entire village plasters Itselt with mud; But the body is | buried the same day the man dies. | And everything goes on just as it was | before on the edge of the silent, mys- terious jungle, { Currie returned from a visit with 1 Source of False Hair. | Women who wear false hair do not realize how likely it is that thei: | "added extra" tresses are derive | from the heads, usually unclean, of Last year we imported mére tha: Hong Kong. It is cheap stuff i China, being valued at less than §: a pound, wholesale. . This is reckoned a high price, in creased demand by the United State: having caused an advance in the mar ket. We paid last year $228,395 fo Chinese human hair f.0.b. at Hon, Kong. ~ At that rate its original cost was bit more than $2 a pound; but we g the choice stuff, the longer and fin: grade. Europe buys the shorter a: coarser hair, largely for industri: purposes. : Special grades, extra fine, are mad into hair nets, which most women this continent wear in these day The automobile has Made small hn fashionable, and on this 'account 11 hair is worn compact; also in ord that it may not blow about when tl motorear is speeding. It is comforting to know that th human hair imported from ' Chir undergoes very elaborate cleanir processes before it is offered for sa in this country, Still, dwg the Whol one might wish that it came fro: somewhere else. Speculating sounds more refined than gambling, but a fellow loses just as much. Butter is prime when it is fresh: but man's youthful freshness disap- pears when he reaches his prime. {a month spent in 'the eastern part 'the farmers have finished harvest- | with Mrs. D. J. Murphy. » ogd we After long effort the British authorities have succeeded circle during long immersion. > SOON TO LEAVE SUNBURY. Departure of .Rev, P. W. Currie and Miss Currie Regretted. Sunbury, Sept. 3.--Rev., P. W. Currie returned home this week after of the province in the interest of tha Canadian Bible Association. Miss former friends at Foxboro. Their coming departure from this commun- ity is regretted much by their many V friends, but all join in wishing them well in their next fields of Tabor. The harvest has been pretty well completed in this district and though in some cases it is hardly up to the | general average the yield is greater than last year. The refurns from the cheesa factories are very favorable so far. As the after grass is a good crop we expect the fall make will be a large one of excellent quality. The centre of attraction seems to be the coming fair at Kingston to- wards the end of this month. Last year was so entertaining and instruc- tive that therd will bé& a desire to go on the part of those who want there and others who did not feel able to spare the time. Th lectures given by Rev. Mr. Bell on educational prob- lems have surely been .of great value in stirring up interest in such a vital matter, and we know no better edn- cation than is obtained by a visit to a fair such as we can all reach at Kingston. and congenial At Brewer's Mills. Brewer's Mills, Sept. 1.--Most of ing. Threshing is'the order of the day. School re-opened on Wednes- day with Miss Jessie McBroom as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Rohr, Roches- ter, N.Y. have returned home, after spending two weeks at their cottage. A number of young people attended the social in M, Shortall's grove on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ivey, and Mrs, Donevan returned home on Monday, affer spénding a few days : By Dan Smith RA emories of old-time deeds of awful daring, magni- and multiplied by telling. What lonely shore doesn't some swaggering tale? What brave young man doesn't wish pirate would appear--evoked, perchance, by a bit of wreckage rotting In the sands-- so that he could prove to HER how brave he 1s? Why, | HH courees | | he'd fight the buccaneer, gun and all, a and save her just as all the movie heroes do! Just with a stick and love's Lin raising the Vindictive, one of the war vessels used in the | blocking of the harbor at Ostend, and have thus opened the | harbor to the free entry of commerce. The picture in the | shows the Vindictive after being raised, with two of the { huge cylinders of compressed air which were used in the { operations and the other shows the deck of the ship being | washed of the accumulation of muck gathered from the sea EST = NY g Z Wy Hl AINT IT THE TRUTH? Pat-a.cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man} Leave out all the sugar and spice if you can. i Pat It and prick It, and double thé { > price-- The public won't kick, if you make It look nice! TOO SHORT Miss Bee: You offer me the devo | tion of a lifetime? Nothing doing. Why you only live about a day! - ¢ ~~ / TN ) 7 / Si rd 2 ¢ ™ 2D % MEANT WHAT SHE SAID "How can you be so Insine You told Mr. De Bore that you ny torry you were out when he called." "Oh, no, dear, | said | was 80 he called when | was out. You see he's ilkely to call some time when | wm In~ A - £{ NOT A SISTER No | can't marry a man as old as you are, but I'l be a--a niece to you. men er -------- GIVE YOUR POULTRY OUR ! SPECIAL FEED and get results in the egg laske: and in thriving chicks. This feed is one of our specialties and those who 'use it are its enthusiastic admirers. Try some and note the improvement in laying hens and growing chicks. Ww. F. McBroom 47-44 Princess Street. Chone 1686. Tuesday, August 31st--Regular. trip to Amherst Island, Wednesday, September 1--.Afternoon trip to Clayton, leave ferry dock 2 Thursday, September 2-- Moonlight to Gananoque; 7.30 in Friday, September 3rd--Regular trip to Amherst Saturday, September 4---Regular tri Pp to Alexandria Bay, 2 pm. ¥ Sunday, September Sth--Regular tri p to Alexandria Bay, 2 p.m. Monday, September ¢th--Labor Day Special Trip among the Islands to PLEASANT WATER TRIPS THIS WEEK S. 8. BRO CKVILLE leave p Ferry Return 9.30 p.m. I" are for round trip, 50 cents. Dock, 5 p.m. p.m., one and oné-half hours in Clavton Home "early. Fare 75¢. \ leave ferry dock at I'are 50 cents Island; ; one hour in_Ganapoqu e. ' leave Ferry dock 5 p.m:; return about 9.30 p.m Fare 50e¢ Alexandria Bay, 2 p.m. Steamer leaves Ferry Whart at foot of Brock atreet. FOR SALE Large dwelling, well-planted artistic grounds, ideal surround" fags, water front. Store with two flats, King st reet. Large summer cottage, semi- furnished, Wolfe Island. Houses and lots, highest grade in the city; reasonable terms, Life, Fire, Accident, Sickness and Automobile Insurance ef- fected. » Victory and other Donds bought, seld, aod exchanged, JO. HUTTON 2 67 CLARENCE STREET "home 703. at 8 pam, mn S.S. Brockville On her old, popular route imong the mysterious pdbsages the THOUSAND ISLANDS under the gmidance of the experienced river pliot, CAPTAIN WILLIAM LASHA. ~ See the Inlands ia all thelr glory, Point, Ivy Lea, Lansdowne Landing, Saturday, Sunday and Monday round trip, $1.00; children, 50 cents. Admiralty Group, Horse Block Echo Lodge. leave Ferry Dock, 2 p.m. Fare On--Monday, LABOR DAY, Steamer will stop at Gananoque In --- both directions, arrive Gananoque 4 p.m., returning leave Gananoque A Att ae tI tt gmetrert ree Special Notice 'The Housekeepers of Kingston: ° Do not forget to call during the week of September | 3th-18th and see the new Elec- trjc Portable Sewing Machine at our store. It will be of interest to you.. Watch the daily papers for further particulars. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC (0. SPECIAL CLEARING OUT SALE OF TIRES, TUBES, AND ACCESSORIES : . i Z : § 7 Which Should Interest Every Motor Car Owner in the City r : > J | . e still have a few used car bargains and can / give reliable purchasers the very best of terms during the next month or so, ~ If you want your car painted, varnished, overhauled or any- thing, we can give you the best service in Kingston. , § " | Blue Garages, Liraited | H. M. FAIR, Manager, CHARRELE MG LRA 1 _