TT |. BATURPAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920, TFIX-A-TEAR Repairs a Hole or Pear Instantly ein rubber and waterproof cloth ~--Hot Water Bottles 5 --Bicycle or Motor Car Tires. --Garden. Hose? -:lubbers -~Fbotballs. =~Unbrellas, - irtains, -(Lpuvas =-Shue Linings, ete. BRITISH AILY WHIG { THE D Ra Miss Maud Edgar, at her cottage in | the Laurentians. | Dr. and Mrs. D. Buchanan left this | week for their new home in the west. | | Pace THREE. | PROBS :--Sunday, fine and moderately warm, Mrs. Buchanan will spend some time with her children in _.her old home at Highgate, Ont., and Dr. Buchanan will go on to Vancouver. Miss" Nora Macnee, Union street, went up to Toronto this week. Frank Bermingham, who 'spent the . week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Corne- (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, ik | lfus Bermingham, Barrie street, has common with uther papers all over New. York. Canada, will make a charge of $1 | Mrs. Stanley and her two sons, ior inserting an engagement, M&r: | who have spent the summer in King- rlage or reception announcement. | ston, returned to Clinton, N.Y., this Cel AR \ Do Your Shopping To-Night at Steacy's STORE CLOSED MONDAY, LABOR DAY ~ 5 We are fully equipped to fill all your Optical ptica ES : * To get the Whig's society writer, | Mrs, Alfred Goodearle and son, To- | telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. | ronto, are with Dr. and Mrs. Watson, | Bagot street. F. G. "Wallace is in the city from Pittsburgh, Pa., ot i Ms. Sheehy, Peterboro, is visiting Mr. and Miss Dwyer, Barrie street, (Continued on Page 8 and 14) A woriderful repair eutfit, 35 CENT? I | * . * | Mrs. R. BE. Kent entertained at high tea at the Country Club on B Wednesday, for Col. and Mrs. H. E. i Boak, Toronto, who were Mr..and # Mrs. Hugh Ryan's guests. Mrs. W. C. Baker, Centre street, was one of the hostesses who enter- | tajped this week #n honor of Mrs. ' . i 4 1 Theatrical = - | Charles Lorenz, Cleveland, O., who is ' Al Jolson in "Sinbad". a much feted visitor. Al Jolson, who has been generally 1 For sale at all Drug Stozas. or at . Best's Drug Store -- » Doctor's Perscriptions carefully filled. ORDER YOUR. FALL SUIT NOW Call and pick out the now for your new Suit, We make both Ladies Men's Suits. Prices reasonable. You can also bring in the cloth and we will raake it up for you, ¥ > Miss Fowler, Union street, was the, acknowledged as beipg the world's | hostess of a bright litle tea on | Thursday, with Mrs. Charles Lorenz, greatest entertainer, the chief cook of jocular joys, will be seen under | NEW LENSES and FRAMES [Hi Cleveland, as 'the guest of honor. Miss Lilian Mowat was. at the pretty the direction of the Messrs. Lee and | J. J. Shubert, in the Winter Garden | repairs ll oriental travesty, "Sinbad," ' at thé ll} flower-decked tea-table and the old I friends gath®ed together spent a Grand Opera House, Thursday, Sept- émber 9th, one night only. lf pleasant hour over the tea-cups. i . + Al Jolson's success in this extrava- and other quickly made. supplied Mrs. Iva Martin, King street, en- | tertained at bridge on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Elkins, New York, and Mrs. J. K. Kerr, To- | ronto." The handsome prizes were Marriage Licenses ~ Wedding Rings ™ M. YAMPOLSKY 349 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2119. HOT. WEATHER SUPPLIES at the UNIQUE MEAT MARRET Where you cam get ==Cooked Meats of all kinds, ~Refreshing Drinks of all kinds. Fresh Frult' Canned Fish, * JEWELERS Established 1840 KING 'ST. -ie C. H. PICKERING 490-492 PRINCEsS STREET Phone 530. it | | ¥ = THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Modern Block Goes Up. ERAEI No. Winnipeg, Man., Sept, 4.--The Pi Clarendon Hotel block which has oc- Pi cupied for many years one of the | Carrh most valuable business corners on | Ne. 1 for Hlsddes Cotnre 4 Portage avenue, has been torn dewn Blevd % Weaknesses. and is being replaced by a modern | chemists. ~ business block. The famous semi-cir- ~ cular 100-foot bar has made way for a drug store's 50-foot soda counter. N N on. See Trade Lond »THE affixed to genuine packets. Paint! Paint! Paint ! THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR FOR OUTSIDE PAINTING We will either give you estimate for paint- ing your house with Lead and Oil or using our celebrated B. H. READY-MIXED'PAINT * This Paint will go fafther, wear longer and remain bright longer than any paint made. Let us send painter and figure on the job as you would like it. Our aim is to please you, and we feel sure we can do it. Let us try. | McKELVEY & BIRCH, ED. PAINTERS and DECORATORS PHONE 287. - BRQCK STREET as ~ _ Bed Room Furniture - /.. We are showing some very fine designs i Bedraqom Furniture. These suites are :made of the best Black Walnut and Ma- 'hogany and are composed of the following 'pleces.. ...:. ; : The popular Vanity Dresser, fitted with three large mirrqrs and six drawers (three on each side). : ~ The Chiffrobe contains three linen drawers and three standard deep drawers. '+ A Bed, with square or round cornered * foot board, ; A Bench for Vanity Dresser. A Low Rocker and a straight backed Chair. - Make an early selection while the stock is large SMITH BROS. KINGSTON ll to Rideau Ferry, to visit Mrs. 0. . Ne. 3 for No. 3 for Sold by Jeading | Price in England, 3s. Dr. | BS oe NW. 3. Clerc Med. Co. Haversioek Ra. Nard RAPION" is on Brit. Govt. Stamp 1 to-day. won by Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. | W. Harty, Mrs. W. Brown and Mrs. J. L. Whiting. Mes Rutherford and Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins made the tea | and poured the coffee in the tea | room, bright with lovely flowers. { Mrs, J. B. Carruthers, '"Annan- dale," is entertaining at bridge this | afternoon in honor of Mrs. J. K. | Kerr, Toronto. | ae Miss Eleanore Mundell was the | lucky girl who caught the bride's bouquet at the Hill-Cunningham t wedding on Wednesday. | Mrs. Victor Anderson, with little | Miss Mary and Elizabeth, have gone L. | Caldwell before returning to Ottawa. Mrs. G. S. Bowerbank, Miss Betty and Master Scott, who have been spending a month with Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, King street, went up to Toronto on Thursday. Lionel Kent, wh§ was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Carlfle Porteous, at | Merton Cottage, has returned to] Montreal, * * - Col. and Mrs. Eric Phillips, Union | street, have returned from a visit | to Mrs. McLoughlin, Oshawa. Miss Virginia Fair and Master Peter Fair, returned from Campbell- ford to-day, after a week's visit to their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleugh. Miss Florence Hiscock, of the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Hiscock, 122 Collingwood street. Howard His- cock, Oshawa, is also in town with Mrs. Hiscock. ; Mr. and Mrs, Percy Chown, and their children, who have spent the summer at their summer home, on the St. Lawrence, will return to Kingston next weéek. Prof. and Mrs. Matheson, Alice street, motored to Kincardine on Thursday. Col. R. E. Kent and Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Ryan motored up to Toronto 2 - -. * | Prof. and Mrs. Keith Hicks, Ken- | sington avenue, will return on Mon- | | day from a visit to the latter's sister, | ArmA ------------ MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative { Iz Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only--Ilook for the name California ont the package, then you are sure your child is having the beut and most harmless 'physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full direc' ~as on each bottle. You must say "Ca. fornia." Ladies of Culture and Refine- ment UseDELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC. It Makes the Hair Beautiful and Lustrous. At last a remedy has been discover- ed that will positively destroy the Pest Dandruff. That Dandruff is caused by germs is accepted by every sensible person. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. = : DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC will kill the dandruff germs and re- Hove dandruff in ten days, or money ack. The manufacturer guarantees fit. It will grow hair, stop itching scalp, falling hair, and make the hair thick 'and abundant. It prevents hair from turning grey, and adds life and lus- tre. : DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC is a hair dressing that has become the favorite with women of taste and culture, who know the social value of beautiful hair. A -large, generous bottle. costs only $1.00 at leading druggists everywhere. The name "DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC" is on every bottle. Sold in Kingston at Sargent's Drug Store and one druggist in every town. | make room for "Monte Cristo Jr." | Some of the big and important sce- ganza has surpassed in receipts and general acclaim any entertainment yet known to the American stage, He was seen in "Sinbad," for the first time at the Winter Garden, New York, February 14th, 1918, when Mr. Jolson's appearance in this extrava- ganza was proclaimed as being not only the most~magnificent but the most hilariously amusing entertain- ment of its kind known on the stage. After one hundred and' eighty seven rerformances at the Winter Garden, | with every seat sold for every per- | formance, he closed his season to take his usual summer vacation in California. He then ogened at the Century, New York, and filled that huge playhouse to capacity for four weeks. He then moved down town to the Casino, and during the six weeks there, established a new house record a Jolson then returned to the Win- tdr Garden in November and again packed that huge playhouse to the ceiling for one hundred and thirteen | performances, He then moved to the 44th Street Theatre, New York, to and packed that theatre for eight weeks. Since leaving New York last season he has appeared in but five cities. In Washington he played two weeks the receipts being over $60,- 000; in Baltimore one week $30,- 000; in Philadelphia ten weeks, to an average week of $28,000, and. in Boston he played two engagements at the Boston Opera House, the. first | one ten weeks and the second five | weeks, filling that great playhouse | at every performance. Al Jolson has | been the star of the Winter Garden, | New York, for eight years, and dur- ing that time has come to be known as the most remarkable entertainer known to the American stage: "Sin- bad," the whizzing, sizzling cyclone of laughter, is in two acts and four- | teen glittering, dazzling scen It | differences essentially from the re- Vue type of entertainment which has béen standardized at the Winter Garden. The masses of beautiful girls lavish displays, and scenic wonders, | | and endless arrays of sartorial splen- dors are still .cons ous features, | but the extravigan itself is based | upon a complete and consistent narra | tive, borrowed from: the Arabian' Nights. "Sinbad" is seen in all 'his ancient wealth and, "up and glory in "Sinbad", the Xliorful home of | Lis activities, but it is Inbad the Por- | ter, impersonated by Mr. Jolson, whose strange and exciting experi- ences form the foundation on which the story.revolves. Jolson romps and | revels through the fourteen scenes in | an unttuous, care-Ire® manner that | carries his auditors from the atmos- phere of worry into one of sheer nonsense and delightful = foolery. HERERO nes in "Sinbad" are: North Shore Country Club, Golf Shelter, A Street In Bagdad, In, the Perfumed East,' the Palace of Sinbad, Cabin 'of the "Whale", The Briny Deep, the Val- iey of the Diamonds, the Isle of Youth," the Hindo Snake Dance, the Deck 6f "The Whale," the Garden Party, the Golf Course, the Amateur Dog Show. - "Sinbad" was produced under the personal direction of J.4J. Shubert. Other than Al Jolson, this extravaganza has a brilliant array of talent. The feminine members of the cast are Helen Ely, Sye Creighton, Clara Carroll, Margaret Mack, Elsie Eckert, Irene Blaney, and Ma-Belle the famous dancer. Among the male members of the cast are Lawrence D'Creecy, Franklin, A. Batie, Fra cis Lieb, Eddie Lynn, William Burns, Harold DeBray, Samuel Critcherson and William Dunn.--Advt, itn "My Soldier Girl." / A tuneful musical comedy present- ~ "In all its dazzling splendor is "My Solas.» Girl," with new book, lyrics, music a. production, coming to the (srand Oper. House, Friday and Sat- urday, Sept. 10th and 11th, with a special matinee on Saturday. This new play is brim full of comedy, con- tains some twenty tuneful numbers, brilliant in its gorgeous scenic ef- fects and novel costumes, offers a splendid cast and bewitching "pony" ballet, who present this sparkling and gay musical novelty in all its merry-making. The story centers about Dixie ie, a ward of a weal- thy Florida who was a producer of theatrical attractions long before the war, Dixie, likewise the Colonel, se; ed their country during - te struggle, and while in France a love affair crept into the hearts of Miss Harris and a Lieutenant Carter. The Colonel] made many friends during his European trip, inviting them to visit his home once the Armistice was signed and conditions were such that the majority of the boys and girls would be back in America. It 1s at the Colonel's home that the first act opens and a brilliant lawn fete' is in progress, presenting a beautiful picture of flowers and lights. - The guests participate in the evening's merriment and a night of gayety reigns in all its merry-making. So ke is to produce a big Follies produc- many exceptionally clever eéntertain- ers are found among.the visiting guests that the Colo during an impromptu speech makes known that TE TTT In 0 Boys' Pullover. Swea 28, 30, 32 only. Co tra heavy, Huck Towels; size worth 50 cents each. To-night . .. .. & COTTON CRASH-- only, * To-night ton; extra heavy and = all dressing. Regular Tonight .......... (EH s \ 20% UNCALLED FOR MADE. TO-ORDER BOOTS. '--3ee our window for sizes.-- JACK JOHNSTON'S Phone 231) - - ' "Wear-our To Sox" 10 Special Values BOYS' SWEATERS-- cardinal, brown; worth $1.25. HUCK TOWELS--60 only, ex- large size; Cotton of heavy Cotton Crash: Colored Border; worth 30c. a yd. 3 yds. for $1.00 PILLOW COTTON---74 yards of 44 inch Circular Pillow Cot-+ Tonight ........... PURE WOOL SERGE--60 yds. only, of pure Wool British Serge, 50 ins. wide and regular $3.75. Steacy's - "The Woman's Store of Kingston." 60 only, ters; sizes lors navy, MEN'S SOX--150 pairs Men's Black Cashmerette Sox: in sizes 10, 10}, 11; worth 45c. a pair. To-night 3 for $1.00 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS-- 100 pairs Grey and White Flan- nelette Blankets at less than to- day's mill prices. 10-4, reg. $3.25; To-night $2.59 11-4, reg. $3.75; To-night $2.89 12-4, reg. $4.75; To-night $3.89 COMFORTERS--18 only, Cot- ton Down - filled Comforters, good patterns; worth reg. $6.50. To-night «i i$4.69. CORTICELLE YARN ==: ¥.0( free from balls in all the:wanted colore-- $1.10. put up in one oz. balls. ~ :.%.-6%. .. Tomight stres oo wid9c, * 89¢. 20 x 40; 150 yards +. ow nn BATHING CAPS 5 Ladies' Colored" Bathing Caps? | new stock this season. Reg. 25¢, Tonight .. Jo rr in ES x + $2.89 % ®- ~ : Hosiery Values LADIES' SILK HOSE--150 pairs of first quality Ladies' Black'Silk Hose; in all sizes; worth reg. $1.00 COLORED SILK HOSE--100 pairs only, White, Pearl, Dark Grey and Sand . . . To-night 85¢. of Colored Silk Hose in ; all sizes and good value at $1.00 Nr I at sa To-night 69c¢. SCHOOL STOCKINGS--200 pairs of Boys' and Girls' One-in-One Rib School Hose; sizes 5} to 10; gr eat wearing qualities in black only. . srmsees cine. To-night 35c. : Z Limited $ . ZEEE CORREO Off SHOE STORE 70 Brock $, jes Croan In order to serve our cystom- ers with the best ice We now manufacture our own. Call in to our cozy parior and you will enjoy a dish. Chofce lates an. tion in New York City and extends an offer to al} who desire to become members of, if. The suggestion is re- ceived with wildest enthusiasm and the long to be remembered night of | festivities draws to a close with the new Follies show looked forward to, with much anticipation. The second act finds pany of, the guests who Participated Ta the festi- | vities at the lawn fete' playing ledd- ing roles in the rehearsal of the Fol- lies production on a Roof of a Ne ways instock. . | York theater. True to his 'word, the | Colonel has given the new show af wonderful mounting and it actually out-classes all that have pone before | it. Dixie is cast as the "'Spldier Girl" | I 000A ifuits, Fan Chooo- ome-made Tandy al' and nothing prettier has bien done in the pictureland of the stage than thi novel play offers in its clever little story. There are more than a score of tuneful song hits of which "My Soldier Girl" ieads in popularity with "Just For You Dear," "That Dixie Wedding Tune," "Bundle of Love," LEB Régulir. "Man? en pular score. : (Continued on Page 16.) - vy - - "When You : - You Love" follow 01 ln this po-