. WEDNESD.", SEPT. 8, 1920. A HOLE TEN FEET WG Religious Cult Found In J / " London, Ontario. knows the earth moves around the | Wolfs Islander. sun. Don't be too gure of that. Lon- | : 3 don, Ontario, has long been rated as | a Nous 1lang, Sept. d icurels te howe of more unusual eligiods ave a een re-opened with but | cults than any other community in | slight Sha ges in Frio personnel. Ri | America with the possible exception trustees of No. separate . school | of San Diego, 'al., or Boston, Mass., | have been fortunate in being able|but only recently the strangest of | io again secire the Zervices Hn Mr them a appeared here, namely the | 08grove, whose work is - not sur- | Koreshans, passed in the country. In recogni- Now. the remarkable thing about Re tion of hig good work his salary has Koreshanity, as it is called, is its beet lngieased io 31200, IIad. wa peculiar doctrine ot cosmogony which | Ra waar last the sland was | teaches that the sun. instead of mov- Yiaived iu Peruaps She worst Slec. ing Aroyad the nb as the ancients { c storm in istory. vicked- leved, that t ne pe," ness of the elements prevented many a A, aL hail Ty be- : ; Tro san ol from taking their milk to the fac- lleve according to the conception of | -- tories. In many cases horses on the | the universe framed by Galileo and | AGRI , yay Jot ide ground thar, hae Copernicus, is in reality the centre Cun Shoe: or: 3 8 of a great, hollow sphere, that this | FNS ott Sous all ks may ever holiow sphere is the earth and that | factory. A lightning bolt struck the | hoes uataine, oceans, Tom, forests, ground just ahead of his horse, tear- | the old world, are on the inside of | ing a hole ten feet long. Outside of | the earth instead of on the SRtsids 3. severe Tayek Mr. Moora was none | Only a little Eroud of Koreahoie 8 Worse: | has appeared in Ontarto, but in view Bore MeReady rs 1 5 | OF hl nay in 4a nineteen years ago, in 'the month of | oy. a al ahem are : ' fusust. a large Jar Waa Jursed by | Propagation of their doctrines. Most ; 4 | Richard Spoor, purser on the 9 ham ase Jocet "ourerus aud ua En steamer, is giving excellent service. y ® ug Y Mr. and Mrs. L.-Thrussell and Master | 17 Immersed in their new faith, they PER MS William, Hamilton, are the guests | will, In al provublisey, eave for of William Thrussel. Mr. and Mts. | 3Unny Florida, where a ero, in «Leopold Spoor, Buffalo, N.Y., motor- | Lee County, is already gathered the ed to the island, and are the guests | DUcleus of the citizenship of a new f their relatives | Holy City they propose to build. For | » Miss Addie How is visiting her | & time a colony existed at Englewood | sister, Mrs. Edward Horne, Bath.|id Chicago, where the Koreshan Kathleen Clow, Sydenham, is | faith first attracted attention, as far i Miss t of Miss Lilly Woodman. beck as 1886, when street meetings 130 Fyes ing and tamily left her Were held and literature extensively | father's tnd Staley's, on Fri- | distributed. But in 1903 the Chicago day last, for their home in Hartford, | Koreshans removed 'to Estero, and Conn. Mrs. John McDonald and | 82 edict went forth that no more perv Master Lorne, arrived home today | Mangnt colonies hte 15 be natabinhy after spending a week in Watertown, | oy Sisewhars than a. ero: o ich as the guests of her sister, Mrs. L/D ally 3 y ib Cummings. I. Veeney, teler in the | Aa as the one location for le dank, bas gote to his home in Brock- | oity o! the Messiah, The Estero co ville, Jory his holidays. Allan, Me. | hi hu Bay de ia] 3o34. i Ditton, : ' : . Laren's Weekly dances have close ] . . nition of | N.Y, in 1839, was the founder of the _~ Cagon. rs in he | Dew faith, and the name Koresh, a C e as es O ana a S ew awn is tendering a complimentary dance | uy yew tor cy, was an ready of Herbert | Messiah of the new cult. According | Events in Canada have moved with dramatic swiftness in the last ten years. Even before the coming of the war er. tn Journ that hia wen | 13 the Zywiin: taieivratation of &° that was to reveal the strength of the young northern giant of nations the dawn of a new day had flashed its signals. dition is not improving. Mr. and | seriptural passage in the 45th chap- ] Mrs. George Rattary and daughter, | ter of Isaiah, "Cyrus" is referred to \ Miss Bertha, have arrived home after | 8 the Messiah." To his followers, . Commerce was looking beyond Provincial borders, agriculture was building a new empire in the west, and the spirit of an extended motor trip as far east | Dr. Teed came to be known ss Kor the people was growing with the w rld's recognition. as Boston, Moss. Rumor states that | eh, the new incarnation of the Mes. Pl gr g wi orld g siah, ie a - --- Thomas White," Md Sivas wission of 3s. Horouay Motion pictures had passed beyond the experimental stage, but with no clearly-defined future. It was then that Tis Church Archtriumphant." The Kore the early struggles and mistakes were being encountered--and paid for. 'A newly-discovered industry that demanded Gletivate ane Tidings. in-| Shans believe that "the Bible is a pioneering 'courage also exacted the most careful business judgment. A thousand prospectors thought they saw the tend to start cutting corn and tilling | %0lumn erected to the memory of trail to a new Eldorado, their silos this week 50 as to be able | {rahscendental literary gentus. It to attend the greatest ever fair in| 18 "the product of the Word of God; Kingston the last of the month. Jos. the Wore 3 Sod Is its genius; the | A few survived, notably, we believe Cramer has returned to Kingston to| Word ol i, 3 hy on "ly ved resume his studies. Misses Edith| Communism is held to be "the very Patterson, Kathleen Campsall and Joundatio a ot he Zyoial Jue ot She Theatres that bear the Allen name from one ocean to the other essentially are Canada's development of the motion Marjorie Ellerbeck returned to Sy- » ] ttend high school. Miss | 00l0ny at-Estero, Florida. fs cacdu os picture industry. They represent the Canadian idea in pictures--the response of Canadians to an idea and an ideal. denham to atten gh school. 83 ' ' Myrtle Clark and Harvey will also 3 on a communiatio basis of wealth -~ ; : \ . oy Hsz to two beliefs resume their studies at the Kingston | 80 F. e Allens, young-minded and with every ounce of resource, in the spirit of the game, cling . rg] a nn Our Youngest Premier They believe first of all in the possibilities of motion pictures--and they believe in the Canadian people. e e hy . also visit relatives at Meaford, > Hon. AFthur Meighen is the | H. C. Orser, accompanied by G. A. | yo uee,, Premier of Canada sigee Wherever an Allen Theatre was opened in the last ten years the people of Canada gave to it a generous patronage--in « B. Clark, wife and family, motored Confederation and the first Ontario | hearty co-operation with th terprise and the policy that built the Allen chain, friends' Mr. nd pu. Paterson, | 2a2, 16 hod. (hat ofce "Owing ty | sib ° poltey ou vila. : R. Patterson and Miss Pearl motored | 0, ates In Bao IS may Soon the building of these theatres gave the opportunity for greater development. That development meant putting to Gananoque, on Sunday, and spent o when "the something more" into each and all of these theatres--and eventually carrying a Canadian entervrise beyond - - . Wwe can say, the Allen Theatre Enterprises. wv the day among the Thousand Islands. Ag Mr. and Mrs. Silas Moss, Campbell- | Premier. Descent. Birth Selected | the country's borders. ford, Vigted at G. Hamilton's over Macdonald Scotch Scotland 52 the week-end. Miss Arthur has Te- kenzie Scotch Scotland 61 s \ . 3 i 'turned from Almonte and resumed | Abbott English Quebec 70 Canada builds for the future apd reaches out with new-found faith and courage. The Allen Theatre Eiterprises her duties as teacher here. Mrs. Jef- | Thompson Irish Nova Scotia 48 are abreast of the tide, : 5 _. frey is also attending the exhibition Rowell English England 71 ng ) & at Toronto. . Tupper English Nova Scotia 78 ta A number of children are on the Laurier French Quebeo 65 sick list. Mrs. (Dr.) Harold Orser Borden English Nova Séotia 57 and children returned to their home Meighen Irish Ontario 44 in New Jersey on Friday. rv - Ontario men have succeeded well Lots of people spend the last halt [as Provincial? Premiers, although of their lives trying to forget what | Meighen is the first to reach the they learned the first half. y Canadian chief(ainship, Premier A soft answer turneth away wrath, | "Billy" Martin of Saskatchewan, who but a wrathful answer doesn't al- Came into the Commons with Meigh- ways turn away the soft person. en in 1908, was born in Norwich, - Oxford County, and married in Perth Made | County a score or two of miles from ina great |Melghen's home. T. C. Norris of variety of Manitoba is a native of Brampton, t. Charles Stewart of Alberta is & 'mative of Strabane, Wellington Qounty. -- A Spartan Father. Trench cuuMiaa Tue Ri E ---- -- em) a large easy-fitting Tt ad ne hole. oa ced 18 : elgmann EGG COAL ToTe ler $16 5 0 er Don't be satisfied with The Ti School of *ie'als SieiateTelat . A P ton the shirt that ™ misrprepeniations a 1s i ago wil STOVE COAL ..............$16.50 per'ton : Music a Be aire Bates Grit Attor. . Plano, violin and other stringed NUT COAL s.eieleie slolule eis .$16.50 per ton. raion of bis "dere. a 3 ee ay slotution avd dr. PeaCoal. ........ ...... $1500 per ton nounced recently. The district attor-. ' any date. Terms on application. Carrvin 50c extra,' ney would net divaige the father's Engagements for concerts ac- Trying * name, ' SALES CASH. Phone This ease is only one of 7,572 Supind. PHONE 135. ALL FoR orders 0.0.0. draft ovaders in the southern disthict 216 Frontenac Street. ||| fiat acit an mhi f _ Phone 1325; SOWARDS COAL CO. |& roundup w a tow || _=--=-- ---- days. Authorities state Ut atior many months of secret w the United States Government on was ready to gather in the offenders, -------- = Sowe Professions] or business men Artists : ; A particularly will find the Coupe fob" bout hin honae a greatly to their liking. The ease aan a moto. t with which it may be operated, the Poe pa ian of The outside pb || Protection 8 OF srs, and fhe com- ; Creep Hi rt it provides under all condi HH Fi ' : : : sul, horror, tions; are specially pleasing. More. Rl OF TIRES, TUBES, AND ACCESSORIES over the cost of operation is com- Hi . : Eh - paratively small. : i Which Should Interest Every Motor CarOwnerinthe City - He Didn't Buy It. : | Jack (to his-flancee): "I think of potck (to bis ta «ill i We still have a few used car ~bargfins and can give reliable o - HH - : | purchasers the very best of terms during the next month or so. recipe improved by the addition of i : : hi . s other ingredicats at » Smal cost, all | fi If you want your car painted, varnished, overhauled or any- Sats and Sulphur poompound. This makes the lps vo paris rt "nile ll § »AA AD | thing, we can give you the best ser vice in Kingston, bring back the natural color and tus- At Christie's Laks, | A ' 5 r EH ? - : tre of your hair. Christie's Lake, Sept. 4. Charles | Il} : K. Morse gave a special dinner at {|i i ; his mew home, Lake View, in honor {Of Mr. and Mrs. Marks, of Rea Cedar [I i-- -- : Bl Cu go L t d : Ya, go EY a ised, two young sons, Erie and Vaugh, lets hope they will visit Kin : ue mf ara es, 1141 e - Ennis Edward, are enjoying taem- [to visit Mrs. Laura Marks for a fow | We hear a great deal about t | Seives at Club House, Mr. Neil's [days at Belleville. Mr and Mrs. [ston fair around old HI 56 fpecial ear leaves. for Toronto to-day. Taylor and party, Montreal, occupy [ Mar! 'always | Phone 7. {Mr. and Mrs. Ronaldson, Miss Jessie [May Bell Pont for the month of on a - . 5 ahd Miss Ronaldson will leave | September. There are many Sep- {mews has Monday, Mrs. Prentice, with her [tember visitors here this year. We f 3 &