i = - _-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE SEVEN IZ DEFENDS PRISON HOSPITAL LOCAL ~TANADIAN CL A i = 'Ottawa Visitor 8ays Ports- [Is Preparing for a Splendid | 1 0 5 2 4 5 : mouth Penitentiary | Time During the Coming is All Right. : Season--~Gen. Seeley SALE OF CHILDREN'S SALE OF GIRLS' LACED FOOTWEAK - and BUTTON BOOTS : Coming. In a letter to the Ottawa Journal, in Button and Lace patterns; including-Patents with colored Rae THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1029, EO SCHOOL SUPPLIES SCHOOL OPENING --Pencil Sharpeners. --Rulers, --School Bags. - -- Pencil Boxes --Pencils. = --Pen Holders. SPECIAL A self-Filling Fountain Pen, valued at $1.50, we will sell School Opening Weekat . . ~~... 5... ani: 31.00 R. Uglow & Co. SAA ; : Xx Pearl - Necklets Indestructible Pearl Necklets TTT --Scribblers --Exercise Books --Note Books --Crayons --Water Colors --Pen Nibs on Sept. 3rd, Henry J. Woodside, Ot-| 'The Canadian Club is soon to re- | | tawa, says : While in Kingston re- | sume its activities. The executive | cently I took occasion to pay my first | had a meeting on Wednesday and! visit to the celebrated Portsmouth planned for the opening events. It penitentiary, and especially to the is heped to have Bishop Bidwell, | hospital, of which 'we have heard |home from England, speak at an [such harrowing accounts. I 'have | early date and a splendid summary {seen something of hospitals from |of British events may be expected. {that crowded little sandbag one in | Qp Sunday, Sept. 19th, Messrs. C. J. Maple Copse, to the Endsleigh Pa- 'Atkinson and Taylor Statten, two | lace Hospital, in London, also having | leaders in-work among boys, will ba | to inspect a number of them in the | here to speak in the churches and at | South of England. 1 just wish to say | a meeting in the City Hall. The Can- ! that with some slight alterations and adian Club associated with the Board perhaps additions, that hospital is of Trade, are behind the meetings plenty good enough for its purpose. | and hope for good results from the It is clean, airy and well lighted visits of these capable workers. from end to end, with a better view | Other speakers are being arranged from the corridors than could be [for during the next three months. expected within the walls of a pen!- |One distinguished Britisher, Major- tentiary, where every provision must |General Seeley, is to be here in Oc- be made to prevent prisoners from | tober, the guest of Maj.-General Mac- escaping. If prisoners would not | donell, of the Royal Military College, seek to escape; as a couple of them (and he has been invited to be the did about the time I was there; and [guest of the club at a time suitable | it they were all amendable to moral {to the distinguished visitor. Other | law and suasion, a great stride could | leaders of thought In many depart- | be made in housing them and in car- | ments are to be invited at convenient | ing for them while sick. But as the dates. It is hoped to have luncheéns two 'trusties'" secured the key of the |at the Randolphe hotel on Mondays garage, and in 'a moment were off, or Fridays. Endeavors will also be 50 must the officers and authorities | made to secure additional members take every precautidn to ensure that|and the desire. is that a greater their charges will be held safely dur- | number of the young men in com- | ing their term. 4 | mercial, professional and industrial These officers are held responsible | life will avail themselves of the op- that no prisoner escapes, and it is portunity of joining and aid in mak- this responsibility chain which holds {Ing the club influential and success- the criminal tighter than steel {ful in stimulating Canadian ideals shackles or locks. Not one in a|and thought. hundred of the general public know anything of the chain of responsi- pn HY SUH i i plain Kid, Patents; hrown tops tops; sizes 11 to 2. Extra special dren $548 Abernethy's Shoe Store = ' re : THE BRITISH Hil and grey tops. \value " I Fits Zl i 1" any = Ei THE LATE J. J. EVA fia {redline ih ¥ | guaranteed not to peel, break, or discolor, and will stand a boiling hot bath and retain all their fine qualities. All sizes and lengths in stock. HE public has endorsed 1 our methods of exam- ining eyes and making glasses to correct defective vision. We have the re- commendations of the many folks * who have 'availed themselves of our optometric skill. If you are an eye-suf- ferer you should consult us. We will locate your exact eye-deficiences and remedy them at a moderate price. Priced from $7.50 to $60.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS ST. oJ. ontnd s i * OCE.N STEAMSHIP SERVICES Revised rates and sailings, Apply: S$. KIKKPATRICK 36 Clarence Stfeet The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone GOO. KINGSTON. ~ SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing and Storage. One 1913 McLaughlin Tour- ing car for sale cheap for a quick buyer. 288 BAGOT STREET Fhone 1894w. C. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anythihg dome in the carpen- tery in Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and mew work; alse hard- weod floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop: 28 Queen Street. Good Tire Repairs . can only be done by expert tire mechanics. Our Repair Department is the best in the Province. ; Our staff is competent in all branches of tir= business. We rebuild old tires. We repair all makes of tires. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free Tire Service. MOORE'S THE TIRE SHOP. - . REA TT E School Shoes The problem of School Shoes will be economically solved if you will let us outfit the youngsters. Good Shoes worn by your children is evidence 'of your own taste and judgment. Strong, durable Shoes for Boys and Girls, comfortable lasts and reasonably priced. A bility and danger in dealing with those sentenced to long terms. "But I have noticed on many occasions the genuine kindness shown by prisen officials to -their changes, some of whom did not deserve it. Much of the danger ligs with the sentimentalists, whose briny organs drip tears over the well-cared for brute, but not a tear for the unfor- tunate victim, dead or alive, of the object of their superficial sorrow. From what I observed, I think that Portsmouth penitentiary is among the very .best conducted on this continent, considering the inter- ests of the public safety. Warden Ponsford, who came there recently with a fine reputation, has not yet had time to put in force many im- provements in prison regulations, discipline and conduct, but he is making every effort to do so. If half of the practical and wholesome recommendations for improvement irr the conduct of the penitentiaries, as are put forward in the yearly re- ports of the superintendent of peni- tentiaries (General W. P. Hughes), were taken up and put in force by the authorities at the top, there would not be any complaint from even the briny sentimentalist. But governments can never carry out within reasonable time, the best re- commendations made to them by the most responsible and experienced of- ficials. From what I saw of criminals from provincial jails wearing wuni- forms that have been discarded by Dominion authorities over twenty ~| years ago, and from other reports, I do not think the Ontario prison authorities will do well to criticize the conduct of the Dominion peni- tentiaries. ------------ Big Spring Tapped On Canal. Niagar Falls, Ont., Sept. 9.--A big spring with a capacity of several mil- lion gallons a day was tapped on the Hydro canal during excavation work in the big cut. Stamford people will 'cut off the supply of the few deep wells which have not already gone dry. The comm:!itee appointed by the Ontario legislature for the purpose of considering possible amendments [to the Ontario Temperance Act is to meet at Toronto on Sept. 28th. Hon. Mr. Meighen is planning a tour through the west, but details for this have not yet been determin- d. There was quite a little frost in the Edmonton district on Monday night, and it is estimated that some of the late crops may have suffered | A Great War Veteran Dies Wednes- day Afternoon, 1 THE LATE J. J. EVA. John James Eva, late of the C.E. F., passed away at his parent's resi- | dence, 189 Cellingwood siieet, Wednesday afternoon, after an ill- ress extending over soma months. After his rsturn from overseas he was under 'raatment in tha Mowat hospital, and iater was muca improv- ed. He was twenty-five years of age and single. Deceasel was burn in England but resided in Canada about thirteen years. He was a steamfitter by trade. Mr. Eva was a member of the G.W.V.A., and Syd- enham Street Methodist church. A military funeral will be held under the direction of 8. S. Corbett, under- taker, on Friday afternoon, Besldes his parents he is survived by an only sister, Ailsa Irene, at home and an aunt, Miss F. Martin, Montreal. Fifth Largest Oa Continént. Montreal, Sept. 9.--The statistics compiled by the Lovell Company for {he new issue of the city directory, give the city of Montreal a popula- tion of 801,216, making it the fifth largest city on the continent, All of the returning TU. §. coaches and contestants criticized their treat- ment by the Belgians at the Olympic games. They said it appeared that there 1s an jll-feeling against the United States abroad. on |" WHIG JOB DEPT. will appreciate an opportunity of serving you in the production of Quotations on Application PH ONE 292 To Make Hairs Vanish From Face, Neck or Arms (Beauty Culture) Keep a little powdered delatone handy and when hairy growths ap- pear make a paste with some of the powder and a little water, then spread over hairy surface. After 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and it will be entirely free from hair or blemish. This simple treatment is unfailing, but care should be exer- cised to be sure and get genuine dela- tone, otherwise you may be disap- pointed. I Pt ar ar a Pp lt Vi | TWICE TOLD TALES TEN YEARS AGO. The annual meeting of the King- ston Rifle Association will be held in the armouries on Monday, Septem- ber 12th. There is talk of a big prize meet later in the month. Mayor Couper will lay the corner stone of the Orphan's Home next week. A Toronto medicine company has been giving concerts and entertain- ments in Barriefleld Hall for the past week. A local jeweller is thinking of tak- Ing in some additional stock. He has been asked for pills, cough med!- cine and dog harness within the past week. » . Hamilton-Kennedy Nuptials, On Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber 8th, a happy event took place, when George Earl Hamilton, son of Sylvester James Hamilton, of the township of Bedford, was united in matrimony to Miss Sarah Mary Ken- nedy, daughter of Alzono Kennedy, also of Bedford. The ceremony was performed by Rav. B, Pierce. = Oliver Mowat Janack, Prescott, assisted the groom, and Miss Alma May Hamjl- ton; sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid. After a visit to Syra- cuse, N.Y., and other points, the 'young couple will reside on a farm near Tichborne. -- Kilmarnock Boy Drowned. 'While Sabine in Company 'with 2s grandmother from a ge near home in Kilmarnock, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maitland, aged eight rs, fell into the wa- ters of the Rideau and was drowned. The body was recovered in less than half an hour, but all efforts at re- suscitation proved unavailable. News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Henry Folger and some friends caught a forty-one pound maskin- Cuge near Gananoque and Mr. Folger ordered the fish sent to some New York friends. The fish has disap- peared and the New York people, who were notified of the sending, are rather skeptical Great preparations are being m for the Semi-Centennia] Fg of St. James' church. O. F. Telgmann has received a fine offer to produce his opera, "Leo, the Royal Cadet," in Watertown. He will consider it. - ! Extracts from the Toronto Star point to the fact that Toronto is afraid of Queen's in rugby this year. 1 x A at tun) Stanley | Never was our display of Furnit ure larger than it is right now. All the very newest designs and finishes in a complete variety of Fall styles are ready for your inspection. JAMES REID We Do Crating and Packing. PHONE 147 AS OUR STAFF 1S AT YOUR SERVICE. ICE CREAM Of the very Best Quality We make a specialty of serving the best and purest Ice Cream. _ Call in and we feel sure you can prove this yourself. : | | | | SAKELL' NEXT TO GRAND OPERA HOUSE s-------- eet ti sg art mp -- ---- ia it I A Fa a Ps Piri DRA W.WINNETT Cesornt Wie Works | wi TERN, Fencing, Guards, Basket DENTAL SURGEON. borders, Wire ork af ain, Flower Y le-- RABY factured Corner of Johnson and Wellington PARTRIDGE & son, 62 King Street West. Streets Phone 863 | prose 350. Residence o18w, PURITY BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SATISFIES------e--u- MADE IN CANADA At Myer's Cave. ' Myer's Cave, Sept. 6.--Most of the farmers have finished harvest. Rain is badly needed. Mrs. G. Hamilton, Ardoch, is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Donald MacGre- gor. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Mencr, Odessa, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Willams, returned to their homeSunday, after a few days' visit here. Percy King and Archie Meeks, Cloyne, spent Saturday fishing here. Miss Kathleen Gray, Harlowe, is spending a couple of weeks In this vicinity. Rowland Hamilton -took supper with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snider and family, on Thursday, in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Eva. Dr. and Mrs. Baness, Saskatchewan, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor, returning on Saturday. RE at Plenva over Sunday. Willie Heal and brother, Jack, called here Sunday. .-H. Perry, Centreville, visited here a few days. Mrs. Menor and Mrs. Wil- liams spent a day last week at Mrs. Joseph Perry's. James Thompson, Flinton, took dinner at Mrs. Thomas Perry's, Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Why not do your sewing by elec- tricity? ad. See Newman Electric Co.'s {3 ny IST Ordering Suits ----to-day requires the most careful con- sideration. You may also require expert advice as to the wearing qualities of certain Cloths, "After 35 years in the business we claim to be able to advise in this direction. It costs nothing to call and have a talk on Woollens with us. il Hit a ' CRAWFORD & WALSH Tailors a 2 : E Eg : E : z fil EEE VAR ER