Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Sep 1920, p. 10

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a hana A NTI a i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | ge FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920. _ ---- -- m---- ee ---- --» Tour the World on 1 In the World of Sport | Dining Room Furniture Columbia Records med | C--O v ; ' IN OAK, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY NEW BOXING RULES 'SLIM SALLEE RETURNS | BELLEVILLE TO PLAY Lo : : : FOR U.S. COLLEGES = TO NEW YORK GIANTS | PONIES ON SATURDAY : A set of rules to govern boxing in Slim Salle is back with the Giants.| Saturday, at three o'clock, Belle- ; {the United States colleges: has just | The veteran southpaw, who was trad | ville dnd Ponies meet in Kingston's i [been drafted by a special committee | ed ta the Reds inthe winter of 1919 | final baseball game of the senior b K |-appointed by the National Collegi- after announcing that -he -wag|type. The winding-up contest ought late Athletic association. - In Octo- through with baseball for all time, | to be fairly lively, as Belleville will { ber there will be a meting of repre- | rejoined the McGrawmen in Boston very likely bring Goyer with them | sentatives' of all the colleges | yesterday. this time. They have not yet met | throughout the country, when a box- The Cincinnati club asked for wai- | Ponies this year and many fans are ing league will be organized. A board | vers on the tall left-hander ten days | anxious to see a contest between Goy- { will probably be selected that. will ago, and Manager McGraw welcomed er and Gallagher. It js claimed that have charge of appointing referees; the opportunity to add the pitcher to {and judges, as in football. his staff. The inj The rules that will govern college in last Sunday' Xing are mostly along the lines | Erounds made the | > | that governed the sport at the war | er southpaw necessary. Benton had a | parison, 7 i | camps. One of the innovations, how- | gash cut in his hand between two | This game, according to baseball | ever, will be to have the referee out- | fingers and will be out of the Bame | officials, is to be the last of the sea- side the ring, as in England. There | for a week or ten days. { son, and it would, therefore, be un- will be two judges. Each bout will; Sallee was one of Manager Mor- | wige to miss the fun. Several weeks be three rounds of two minutes 20's most dependable boxmen in the | will elapse before the opening of the duration. ~A fourth round may be | Reds' victorious dash to the cham- | rugby season so those who attend the ordered in event of a disagreement. | Pionship last season, but with the | game on Saturday will shorten the One of the features of the rules | Passage of the rule forbidding the | 'gap considerably and the rugby will will be that the battlers will wear 10- | Use of resin on the ball the SOUth-| ho "here before they have ceased ALL LATEST DESIGNS AND FINISHE ounce gloves, the so-called pillows, | '3W's effectiveness was greatly reduc | talking about it. Bring the quarters' 50 as to prevent injuring each other. £4 and he failed to turn in his usual | os yeual. The clubs will need them : . . Only soft bandages may be worn. number of victories this yéar. faljeel when they begin to pay the bills in- AKE a very \g Vacation trip this year. College boys will act as seconds. No Same L 20 Stamis on July 22 } ie curred duting the summer. Buy unlimited musical mileage on ind] $oaching will be allowed ching in 1908. The Giants treed bin | - ' : * . i | Riches will mot buy happiness, but EB J R d Columbia Records from distant lands. Here, | No boy will be alowed to box | '© the Reds on March 8th, 1919. * » el } | some folks would be happy if they . : : ' h ' | another over four pounds heavier ,. OV TIRE RIE api {only had money enough to make the The Leading Undertaker sad Furniture right in our shop, you're sure to find through {than himself. This will prevent an | LF GOVERNMENT HOUSE Dealer ] r , band | experiment. &mbulance Phone 577. 230 PRINCESS STREE? tickets to any place in the world. | ambitous boxer from winning more | GROUNDS FOR FOOTBALL | hFTIRenL. oe through people than one title. { Yo . i {who make spectacles of themselves. # es Columbia Records will always transport A maximum of twenty points has The Ottawa Football Club will get Fancy penmanship never made a 1 . A . its squad down to practise at once. | thy you to the places where their music was made. [ been alietied to each yound of a con. | co, SIVA OWN | Stelling announceq | 20 Wealthy. | test. It 1s stipeiated tirat this maxi- yesterday that afrangements hed . oe { mum shall not be exceeded in any b g 5 { Hike to Hawaii. Come to Cuba. Dream case, for in tHe ordinary course of | oo ade for tue B50 of the Bideay | that you are in Singapore. Sail for Spain, events it Sue boxer Jeads by a peal senting the Ottawa club waited. re- | Make a trip to Morocco. These records wil! | amber ofS a, than side 10 on Lord Richard Neville, | h big Big Nh 8 one-sided | comptroller of Governnot House, arry you ere. n ) . i J ] carry you anyw The U.S. college boxing rules show | 21d Made the request that Ottawa be S . s i rarq | 21lowed to. use the Rideau Hall Come in today. Choose your destination. [ that the trend of boxing is toward | grounds until after the Central Can- | sportsmanlike competition and with | ada Exhibition. Permission was | the students taking such general in- granted : 4 | terest in the Wport it will also tend | nye ex iv | to elevate the sport in the profession- | held pling She Onawe elu Get the Habit: "For Records, Try Treadgold's First." al ranks, New Columbia Records just put on sale to-day. Drop in and treat yourself to a few. We have all the new hits as well as the old ones. ganized thelr committees. Major { Fred Burpee and Tom Clancy con- SOUTH AMERICAN RING |Stitute the advertising board, while sz + ' i CHAMPION TO VISIT U.S. | the finances will again be looked . TREADGOLD SPORTING on ERA el (oh - Luis A. Firpo, South American |and ~ Secretary-Treasurer = Charlie 1 : : Y { heavyweight boxing champion,, is | Snelling. The- question of a coach soon to visit the United States, where | has. not yet been decided, but the pe ® he will seek the advantages to be Rames of ane' Gerrard, "Dave" { ~ {derived from good trainers and ex- | McCann and "'Sjlver" Quilty ate : 88 PRINCESS STREET 3 3 Telephone 529, | pert rom we Firpo weighs 213 | 28ain being linked with the position, |in connection with which "Tom" » i " pounds. i'n w c om 'THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD i His title was gained by defeating | Clancy may also assist. e | boxers in Chile and other South Am- | __ a -------- it mam ue RENIN NARARNIERRAnR | erican countries. In a match in |U- OF T.'S FIRST WORKOUT i IEEE ~~ | Buenos Aires he knocked out Antonio | ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 14TH. | Jirsa, the Czecho-Slovak champion, | mentees ; . [in the first three-minute round of | Coach "Laddie" Cassels is deter | scheduled 10-round bout. Firpo has jned that in the matter of early e ot ead er IS ere at ast a considerable ring experience. {practise he will get his team away in N at least a fifty-fifty break with the \ Stropping McGill champions. Tha first work- Magaitied) (Magnified) WE HAVE A FEW FANS LEFT WHICH WE WILL SELL ht out of the U. of Toronto gladiators, OST. . seniors, intermediates and juniors, AT COS End % our has been called for Tuesday, Septem. | ber 1am one Jay Sheay of £icGill, unless t w 4" ** ch XP RIE HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co Catarrh ith, ne el wi S0 | De a aan arly > minus several of its star players, 7 but there is good material among N a I blade tan givea | fect Cor. King and Princess - - Phone 94 T i y 4 the Intermediates, and Coach Cassels : shave, also that a blade cannot re- ® them all hustle. B , the el Bene in i i backtield Dahon. i ae re | J Man sharp without stropping. h " . i th 8s also thought that Frank Suliivan Z . J ly "throat, - bronohye] | Will do likewise. : ; Couple these facts with the fur- ° >. trouble. gts. Sab all be cured sight! op coor THIN ther fact that the toStr : ! | ! h rs Su ly e S at home by inhaling "Catarrhozone. THAT HURTS BOXING th AutoStrop Razor IES c In using Catarrhozone you don't --_--r ¢ is theonly safety razor that sharp- take medicine into the stomach-- The New York Evening Sua says: 2l%, you just breath a healing piny vapor |- 'Promoters at Boston are planning : ens itself, and you will be in no late this month. When this pair met est antiseptics are thus sent to every LEATHER MITTS, OIL CUPS, VALVES, FITTINGS, ETC. --germs are killed, foul secretions| Gunner has been going steadily handed him g§ severa irritation is removed. him walloped is (doubtful. In any : price. ant, safe, and guaranteed in every | '0 prevent such affairs.' Rugh, Hamilton Tigers will get down to ing in only the lightest of work. TE Se. at any rate it is doubtful if he would ] AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Canada Frank Shaughnessy predicts that it * M.A.AA. uniform, they will - again football player in Canada to-day. b , but the latter has not definitely de- direct to the lungs and air passages. ' Lo stage a bout between Jack Demp- BELTING (all sizes) BELT LACES, CYLINDER OIL, MA- at Buffalo Dempsey polished Smith use. are destroyed, nature given a) downhill, Colds and throat troubles can't| Peating in a twelve-round affair at AutoStrop Razor to you, guarantee Use Catarrhozone to prevent--use | °25€. it is evident that Boston is bad. : - Only $5.00--~complete with strop case. : TD m---- practise in earnest to-day. To date : as tment of cases to t any "Liz" "Marriott may or may not be accept, business reasons being the : ps AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited | Montreal succeeds in getting pringle win the "Big Four" championship. Hamilton Tigers 'have asked AL ; cided wat course to pursua2. His n od dit ..] 5o7 and the venerable Gunboat Smith X doubt as to which safety razor to CHINE OILS, CUP G REASE PACKING. > The purest balsams and the great- spot where catarrhal trouble exists| ore in short order. Since then the Last Monday the novice, ; Any dealer will demonstrate the carried in stock at:-- chance and cure comes quickly. Bob Roper, ; Fort Worth. : : ae! oyiotling vapor of | POLIGHY ve tins of Basten wi satisfaction or refund of purchase LEMM and coughing cease at once, because | {UI out in paying numbers to see 187 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON ; it to cure your winter {lis--it's pleas | |¥ in need of a boxing commission oe and twelve blades in an attractive the senior players have been indulg- asked to coach Hamilton Tigers, but barrier. |Seath, the former MeGin star, into a In "Shag's" opinion Seath is tha best "Sammy" Manson to act as coach, health 1§ not of the best, but it is reported he may try-out for the guar- | "Ned ter-back position. Frank Shaughnessy { i has recommended him as a coach. ir tem---- The jndividual who wastes his time telling what he is going to do when {he gets there always fails to arrive. | A warning paragraph often saves a (chapter of explanation. eat wa er Si wh Sa a a vo. I~ BRINGING UP FATHER = n rt no. By GEORGE McMANU! Wit 00 YoU ALvnrs ). NO fitrave vou UNDER - WHAT ARE YoU J TALK ABOUT WHERE STAND MY FOLKS WERE || TALKIN ABOUT - 1 JES 1 Remempen 0 VERY WELL OFF. OF 3 SHED ET so | COURSE THEY USED To m , : ANGRY - SHE'D LET ME PLAY WiTh S THROW IT RIGHT] ! IN THE ST Have you tried ome? R. C, Dobbs & Co. + Tol. 819. ° 41 Clarence St. of : ek =r J a" 2 = Sl] we & {oe ' EO *

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