tata mcrae rae TT ------. pa : ---- a ad 2 I -------- eee i. a Gyo a br / 3 ~ SO Est, 1859. REGISTERED TRADE MARK The high school ana coneg e girl of this year can solve her This anima 1 effect Raccoon Scarf is often- Fur problem here. Raccoon times preferred by the younger and tail trimming, and accom panied by a Raccoon Muff in modified canteen style. * John McKay, Limited The Fur House EHEC 1 Real Estate ll $5,000 -- Alfred Street --- \ brick; 9 rooms; . ments; large baw. $6,400 -- Frentenac street; ' pear Union street; brick; 8 rooms and attic; hot water heating; electricity; deep lot. $4,100 «+ Johnson, street -- ; 8 rooms; furnace; elee- tricity; "verandah. $4,500----Albert street--near ll. the Park; brick; 8 rooms and |. attic; hot water heating; hard- . wood floor; verandah. | $8,700--Clergy street; brick; lf 8 rooms; furnace; electricity. McCANN . Rem] Estate and Insurance - 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621 all improve- Im Silver Furs A girl. | It is finished with head $35.00 veers. 330,00 & 0 OAC TRA 149-157 Brock St. Angrove's Repairs Scales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, | Bahy Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We do repair work right and guarantee satisfaction. 10? WELLINGTON STREET | Robinson& Wiltshire | | Automobile Repair Shop | { | | We have a Ford Car and a : | Motorcycle for sale. Call and look them over. Prices right. | 405 Princess St. The total production of corkwood is estimated at 396,832,000 pounds, of which 45 per cent is produced in ain, 20 England, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Haycock, Adolphus- 't | really is. | set. THE INCIDENTS OF THE DAY: Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. = | heres { Pianos tuned. Lindsay, Ltd. | Special prices on grey enamelware t Lemmon & Sons, for Saturday. | W. Swaipe, piano tuner, orders at | McAdley's. or '~bune 564w. | Arthur Meighen and... Sir} Tenry L. Drayton went back to Ot-| awa last night. : | More than you'll expect for your money. - Livingston's Saturday sult | sale. See advt. | Twenty-five acres of oats on Rock- | wood hospital farm, yielded 2,650 | bushels of grain. | Before prices advance order sup- ply of DALY'S GOOD TEA and COF-| E. At MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE, | A very small vote had been polled | Phone 1544 C. W. | a ¥ t at noon in connection with the two by-laws presented to the ratepayers. However, their passing was assured. | After six months' rental we will | allow money paid in rental to apply | on purchase of piano. C. W. Lind- | say. Ltd. Wilkinson Haycock, Manchester, | town, . Dr. E. E. Campbell is leaving Alex- andria Bay, N.Y., for Florida, where | he has purchased an orange grove. | He will practice down south. 'The roof of the new Robert Maek i school in Cataraqui ward has been completed. The brick work has been | practically finished and the building | See our display of new and rebuilt guaranteed stoves at Lemmon & Sons. ro |is ready for the plasterers, | The show girls with the Al Jol- | son company had a good time dur- ing their stay in the city op Thurs- | | day. They took in all the sights and | some who made the tour on bicycles, | belonging to one of the members of | | autos and livery rigs attracted much (the band. | attention. {chorus are young. { All the members of the | See our display of new and rebuilt | guaranteed stoves at Lemmon' & | Sons, { o attend the annual conference of | he boilermakers, ipbuilders and | helpers, represemting the local unions. - The convention will extend ver two weeks, and will be the larg- | est in point of attendance in the his- | ory of the organization. t t "SINBAD"" AT THE GRAND a | AL Jolson Appears In A Magnific- | fent Musical Production. "Sinbad," the big musical extrava- ga#hza which delighted New York for two years, was produced at the Grand Thursday night. The central figure in the big production is" Al Jolson, the great black face fun-mak- er, who received the plaudits of the ance on the stage in the attire of a | minstrel end-man until the close | when he appeared in the finale as he Jolson is full of life and | puts punch into every thing he does, His ability to please is his greaf as- He can tell a story well, can get away with some very goodly sug- gestive jokes, and can sing with good | eflect. His songs include "'Swanee" | "Avalon," "I Gave Her That," and | "By the Honey Suckle Vine." The] = 1 = frst two pleased the audience most. | Lad Pleaded Guilty A good company supports Jolson. In the cast is an old friend, Law-| rence D'Orsay, of "Earl of Pawtrick- et" fame, who was of course the most finished actor on the stage. D'Orsay's lines are few, but he makes every one effective. It would be bet- ter if D.Orsay was heard a little more throughoutthe production. Miss Leah Norah, Miss Helen Eley, Miss Clara Caroll and Miss Sue Creighton | are excellent soprano soloists. | Frankiynn A. Batel and Francis | Lieb are the chief male singers. Mme, | Mabelle is the feminine danseuse, | and is assisted by Wilbert Mack. In| the first scene depicting a dog show, Meehan's leaping hounds are intro- | duced and prove a splendid feature. | "Sinbad" is in fourteen scenes | and the scenery and costumes are! wonderful. The girls make most | pretty pictures, being of all sizes, | The dancing was especially goed. The stage setting was very brilliant. Altogether "Sinbad" is a most enjby- | able production, | THREE RUNAWAY BOYS PIOKED UP BY POLICE | | success, | of life and the time well spent bore | stone of success, was his advice. JAILY BRITISH THE PREMIER'S ADDRESS TO THE R.M.C. CADETS Self-Reliance the Key- stone of Success. WHIG 'He Advises Them to Make |! Hear Hon. Arthur Meighen and nm a: : 4 ! . & a | Al Jolson Henry Drayton p Royal Military College on Thursday afternoon. They were met by Maj-| or-General Sir A. C. Macdonell, C. |} M.G., K.CM.G., D.S.O., commandant of the college. In introducing Prem- | ler = Meighen, General Macdonell| paid a high tribute to his outstand- ing abilities and his great courage.' He told of his visit to the Canadian troops while at the front in Frahce, and of his address to the First Div- ision on that occasion. Premier | Meighen thanked Gen. Macdonell | for his kindly reference to him and congratulated the college upon hav- ing him as commandant, for he al- ways regarded example as being bet- ter than inspiration. The premier referred to the contribution of the college to the manhood of Canada and the noble example of its gradu- ates during the great war. He ad- vised the cadets to put their best in- te their work at all times, because by doing so they learned the way to He regarded the years be- tween sixteen and twenty as the glory fruit an hundred fold. He warned them against the tendency of to-day to attribute reverses to the failure of others. Get away from that hab- | it and make self-reliance the key- BOY STOLE BASS HORN» . But It Was Recovered by Constable Frederick Clark. On the night of September 3rd, aid a visit to the Hi in SINBAD In all the latest Jol- son hits, which will be on sale in our Music Department. High School Books All the latest au- thorized text books which the publish- ers are at present - able to supply. The College Book Store STORE OPEN EVENINGS Phone 919. a lad sneaked into the Salvation: Army citadel and while no person was looking, purloined a bass horn, Constable Frederick Clark worked | on the case, and as a result of his |} efforts, the stolen horn was located at the boy's home, and later return- ed to the owner. The latter did not over the theft. » | IN MARINE CIRCLES A i A AA The steamer Jex arrived at Craw- The steamer Holcomb cleared for Oswego, to load coal for Kingston. en emia | Special Offerings leave on Saturday for Kansas City | there was no case in the police court | For Saturday es wharf with coal from Oswego. | Ladies' Wash Silk Underskirts--in a pretty shade of flesh and | white; regular price $5.95. Saturday while they last . . . .$3.50 each The steamer Sarnor arrived from | Montreal and will be laid up kere for the winter. The coal barge Hinckley of Oswego ran aground at Gananoque, but it is expected that she will be released with little difficulty . The barge is commanded by Capt. Frank D. | large audience from his first appear- | Phelps, of Chaumont, and carries a | crew of about eight men. The steam- er left Oswego with a load. of hard coal, her carrying capacity being be- tween 350 and 400 tons, Neither Captain Phelps nor the = Hinckley rave figured in a wreck or accident before. The boat is owned by Capt, Gus Hinckldy, of Chaumont, and was built in Oswego in 1899, Low water is blamed for the accident. Car Justice of the Peaea George Hunter had a sad case before him on Friday morning, when a lad, not yet sixteen years of age, pleaded guilty to a charge of having broken into a honded car on the C.P.R. at Wilkin- son. The lad was committed for trial, The 'accused was taken into custody on Thursday and brought to the city on Friday morning, -------- To Breaking Intoa "The Hat Store" New Fall Hats The Lads Belong to Ogdens- | 4 Portugal, 30 per cent in 3p i rer cent. in Algeria and Tun per cent. in France and Italy, 8, and § burg, N.Y.--Trying to Locate Parents. mm All the newest novelties. Ours have a touch of to-morrow in the new styles of to-day. Extra special 'values ' --$4.50 and $5.00-- - NEW CAPS ~NEW HEADWEAR FOR CHILDREN Three runaway boys, from Ogdens- burg, N.Y., were picked up on the street between 1 and 2 o'clock, on Friday 'morning, by Nicholas' Timmerman and Lasslie | Armstrong. They are being held at | the police station awaiting word from Ogdensburg. United States | Consul F. S. 8, Johnson is taking up | the matter, in an endeavor to locate the parents of the lads. The youngsters are Henry Dupree, aged twelve years; Arthur Seguil, aged fourteen years; Leo la Rose, aged ten. The youngsters toek the notion on Thursday, that they would g| like to start out and see the world =| 80 they took the ferry over to Pres- == | cott and then travelled to Kingston, =| via a Grand Trunk train and stopped =| Off here, where their escapade was = nipped in the bud, as a result of the == good work of the two constables g| mentioned. They noticed the lads loitering around the corner of Prin- cess and Montreal streets, acting in a = | suspicious manner, and as they could not give a per account of them- = | 5elveg rounded them up: Lad Stole a Bicycle Because He Was Hungry The Joung lad who admitted steal- ing a bicycle, and who hag bean plac- ed in a good home in the country, stated that he stole the whael be- cause he was hungry and wanted something to sat. The youngster camp out from the old country, and had only been in Canada a week. He was glad of the chance given him to work on a farm, and says that he will stick to his job and make good. u Court. of Enquiry, XA court of enquiry is to assemble at Kingston for "the purpose of in- vestigating and' reporting upon the = Joss of small arms and equipment by St. Andrew's Highland Cadets, Kingston, the president, Major W. J. McManus, i Constables | Iii It's time now to "chase" that old Straw or Panama and put on a new || nobby Felt Hat, We are showing a | wonderful variety of shapes and shades from the best hat makers, such as Knox, Christy, Pic- cadilly, Hawes and others, New.Soft Felts $3 to $9. New Stiff Hats $$. New Velour Hats - $9t0 $12 New Cloth Hats $2.50 to $4, We hat everybody. ll | years Canad . Ladies' Jersey Silk Underskirts in pretty shades of rose, copen | blue, purple, paddy green and black; plain and fancy trimmed. Satur- day -........... EE EN aa a $7.95 each Clearing line of Ladies' Low Bust Pink Corsets; odd sizes. Babitday. ovvv rv vvvin vr errnevamarereesrereronrecre vr Shi Spele "Kleinerts" Waterproof Rubber Baby Pants-- small, medium and large sizes; special prices for Saturday ............. 49¢. pair Special line of Children's Wa ists with garters attached. 'Satur- Aisizee 59¢. each A big range of Ladies' Fancy Collars--in all the newest styles, y effects in organdy, net, Geo rgette, silk. Sat. 75¢. each and up. day, daint Ladies' Silk Hosiery--in all the popular shades; all sizes. Sat- urday oases sretceiiiiieii eas $1.00 pair and up Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" GOOD NIGHT. . The sun has sunk behind the hills, The shadows o'er the landscape creep A drowsy sound the woodland fills, And nature folds her arms to sleep; Good night--good night! TO HOME SEEKERS We would point out these exceptional bargaing, which mugt be sold at once, Near Vietoria Park--Solld brick, heating; good cellar; electric lights; tic; 8 piece bath; yard and gateway. detached dwelling; hot water as; fire place; § rooms; at- | is house is modern in every The chatterihg jay has ceased his din The noisy robin gings no mora-- The cow his mountain haunt within, Dreams 'mid the forest's surly roar; Good night--good night! The Sunlight clouds float dim and ale The hoe is falling soft and still; The mia bangs trembling o'er the yale And silence broods o'er yonder mill; Good night--good night! The rose, so ruddy in the light, Bends on its stem all rayless now, And by its side the lily white A sister shadow, seems to bow; Good night--good night! Je hat, may wheel on Bilent wing-- he fox his guilty vigils keep-- The boding ow! his dirges sing; But love and innocence will sleep; night--good night! --Philadelphia Bulletin, ------ Had No Quorum. The regular meeting of the Board ~ ||0f Education was called for Thurs- |iday night, but counter attractions |attracted the members, and as a re- sult there wag no quorum. It is {likely that another meeting will be {called next Thursday night. The | members who were present when Se- crotary John Macdonald called the roll were Trustees Anglin, J. B. Cooke, Godwin, Jones, Macdonald, i Miss Mowat, McLean, Ee -- | Please Light Oity Clock. City ror committee. atten- tion please! ndly have the light bn Be ay nl dome turned on at ock so € peaple may see the clock dials and learn the time. It is pri d that within tem will be producing at 'east 2,000,000 tons of newsprint pa- hia esti estimated that gvery year for- est fires in America destroy more than $200,000,000. w. | 3 orth of standing way and is in excellent state of repair. Immediate 0ssess| - son for selling, owner leaving city. P lon. Res 100. A Centrally Loeated Bui HLA brick, on a corner; § rooms; hot alr furnace; electric lights; bath and ollet; good yard; r Portamouth---A dethched frame on 'a cornerié ; pole o house On Princess Street--Three st E. W. MULLIN & SON in excellent state of repair and immediate possession can be iven. lar ry 5 of f 4 able ; hag 1- an acre round; suita 9 is absolutely in Al ee b Tor 8 Harden or rick 3 very central. at $31 y Sk puiiding snd suthyliqiag; No information given over telephone. Complete list ot office, Kingston Home Finders. Buyers ang 3 Phones 530w and 530). JOHNSTON and VISION Thies: FOR MEN You young fellows aa Hk Bt tanh te ur Sige nd us for Jootwast, ere Fis yoy Latyl and satisfhoty © at lowest pri Lendon, $8.00. BEST VALUES IN TOWN, Steve I. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" 189 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2216, grew 4,500,000 3.800.400 tons tt oon eae The telephone wires in the United States aggregate 28,827,188 miles-- enough to girdle the earth at the Equator 1,153 times; : Last year Ge tons of beet, Por were converted into mainder being