FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920. =] dof diled dd sRARRERARRANNNEE PHOTOGRAPHS enlarge- | | At Austin's Youn can get Fresh Chocolates PERE EIP *. £5 PAGE & SHAW'S " HUYLER'S and SILSON'S "Take a KODAK with Austin's Drug Store § Corner King and Market Square you.' DEFIPDLPOPI EE EAEPEEIINES Kingston - Phone 230 | | | We can make beautiful : ments from your best vacation films. THE MARRISON STUDIO Phone 1818w. 92 Princess Street. | WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Oampbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distwibotors for Red Rose Tea--the | Good Tea i W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHQER amd BLACKSMITH. Waggons and Trucks Repaired. . Prices moderate. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a specialty. 378 BROCK STREET Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 13537). " DENTIST 183 Princess Street. WE TAKE X-RAY FICTURES of troublesome teeth Dormoform Gas aamnistered for exe traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6 SEASONABLE FRUITS CHOICE VEGETABLES Always fresh ahd prices right. -- FRIENDSHIPS 210 Division St. Phone 343. ~~ It Pays to Bay Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE 87. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Dolivery mn PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. "FOR SALE An excellent farm oi 100 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,600. W. 'H. GODWIN & SON Real Ketate and Insurance 80 Brock St. Phone 424 --_--------_n-- Fires A. Chadwick & Son New. location: Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. DID YOU EVER TRY Wagsxiaft's tanger Marmalade, Wagstafi's Fineapple Marmalade, Wagstail's Brumble Jellly. We also have . full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellieg for wae at: Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Mari Streets. Adooase Ne. B-ITL40 hone Aodb Watches and Clocks Repaired --hy G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your ore de will be promptly attended to Note change of address: 'Phon: 1866. 267 Princess St. . { College Alumni . NASH 'Phone 735 | Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow WUuap- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Graye Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles anq Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN Neilson's Have Reduced Prices on Chocolates The first firm to lower their prices] owing to their enormous output--the largest Chooolate factory in Canade. We carry a full line of their various assortments, including fruits, nuts and hard centres, demonstrator super-six and assorted creams. Try the new Even Glow package 7Be. oasted Almonds, Filherts and Rose- uds fc. a pkg, Fresh stock and large assortment at: -- la Prouse's Drug Store | "Higher Quality and Metter Service" Our Motto. We Invite You 10 Consult us wush youu wish to replace your Mattress with & ag rene or have it renovated woes Eat tees and uf . "all aad oer 'a on--and don't us about our scientific me- workmanshi; satisfaction % THE SILK FLOSS MATTRESS You would like It. KingstonMattressCo. 556 PRINCESS STRENE PHONE 803w. It pays to save | Your Newspapers, Magazines and scrap material---we are paying good prices. YOU MAY NEBD Pipes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer. Call on us. I. Cohen & Co. . Phone 836.537, 267-273 ONTARIO STREET ITS DAINTY _ E make dainty cakes and palatable, whole- some pastries of all kinds. Serve them to your family and friends and win their everlasting regards. And don't forget that our bread is also a de luxe arti- cle of food. Kingstbn and Vicinity s Recovering Nicely. Miss Halen Miller, Greenbush, who ' | bad the'misfortune to break a limb | Elliott, Carleton Place, pastor of St. by- falling under. an auto truck, | progressing favorably. Boy's Fall Nuits. For fit, style and wear there are no HEL suits than the range we are |sLowing; colors, greys, browns and navy serges. All sizes; [$10 00 to $15.00, {House, Brock street. I Lecturing in Toronto. The special feature of the Knbx | conference in To-| jronto this week is the series of lec- tures by Prof. Morgan, of Queen's University, on "Great Doctrines," Bronze Memorial Tablet Unveiled. At Grafton a handsome bronze memorial tablet was erected by the | Township of Haldimand in memory | of one hundred ahd thirty from the | township who served overseas. Of | this number thirty laid down their lives. Returned From Toronto. | Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Barrle street, re- {turned on Friday from Toronto, | where she spent a few days this week | | at a meeting of the sub-executive of | | the board of the Woman's Missionary |Bociety of the Methodist church, of | which she is the president. Henderson-Greenham Wedding. | A pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening, September Ist, at the residence of Joseph Greenham, Athens, when his daughter, Miss Ha- | zel Florence Greenham, was united | in marriage to J. Wesley Henderson, son of Andrew Henderson, Athens. Asleep on the Lawn, A citizen reports to the Whig that | when passing down Willigm street, below Sydenham, Wednesday after- | noon, he spied a man asleep on a lawn. On the road stood his team and wagon. The man was doing city work, and the city council was paying | for the snooze. The Late Mrs. Joel F. Robinson. Mrs. Joel F. Robinson, 307. North Eighth street, Grand Forks, N.D., died at a local hospital after an {ll- ness that had lasted several months. Mrs. Robinson, whose maiden name was Bella Root, was born in Pitts- burg township, Ont., about fifty- three years ago. Heavy Traffic: Railroad passenger officials fail to | find a parallel in recent years for the traffic over the G.T.R. this season and still continuing. Extra heavy tion, unless orderad a day or more ahead, is practically unobtainable. Died in Ameliasburg. The death of John A. Spencer, Ameliasburg, occurred on Saturday, Deceased was eighty-eight years of age and a life-long resident of the ad- joining county. For a number of years he sailed on the bay and lake, but_of late years was engaged in farming. He wag a member of the Methodist church. One son, Elwood, Ameliasburg, survives. SEI Augusta Memorial Unveiled. The viHage of Maynard unveiled a war memorial to the memory of the soldiers of the town- ship of Augusta who laid down their lives in the late war. Thesunveiling took place on Monday, the speakers | being Hon. J. D. Reid, Hon. George P. Graham and Major the Rev. H. Horsey, Ottawa. Married At Carleton Place. A wedding of mueh interest took My! But "Putnam's" Eases Corn Agony Not only ease for corns, not only quick relief from the agonizing pain, Putnam's does more; it roots the corn out for all time. ~Lets you wear a shapely boot again, takes that ugly eye sore out of 'your toes. No pain, no burnt flesh, no fussing with acid salves or troublesome plas- ters. -No more monkey business. Just use Putnam's and out comes the corn and stays out too. Nearly 50 years in use, costs a quarter, sold everywhere. GAS IN THE STOMACH IS DANGEROUS | Recommends Daily Use of Magnesia to Overcome Trouble. Caused by Fermenting Food and Acid Indigestion. Gas and wind in the stomach ac- companied by that full, bloated feel- ing after eating are almost certain evidence of the presence of exces- sive hydrochloric acid in the stom- ach, creating so-called "acid indiges- tion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be- cause too much acid irritates the delicate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accompanied by | serious stomach ulcers. Food fer- | ments and sours, creating the dis- | tressing gas which distends the stom- ach and hampers the normal func- tions of the vital internal organs, of- ten affecting the heart. ! 4 is the worst.of- folly to neglect | suTh a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which { have no neutralizing effect on the | stomach acids.' Instead get from i | any druggist a few ounces of Bisurat- {ed Magnesia and take a teaspoonful {in a quarter glass of water right af- ter eating. This will drive the gas, | wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralize the | excess acid and prevent its formation | and there is no sourness or pain. Bi- | purated Magnesia (in powder or tab- let form--anever liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpen- (sive to take and the best form of QE HAT VATY HOME- MADE - XN ORT | | m esia for stomach purposes. It [ed by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear {of indigestion. price from | Prevost Clothing | trains are being handled over the G. | T.R. and sleeping car accommoda- = place Wednesday when Miss Emily Victoria Elliott, daughter of Canon James' Anglican church, was united in holy wedlock to Alton M. Shep- | pard, mathematical master of the col- | legiate, Hamilton, eldest son of Mr. | and Mrs. F. E, Sheppard, Brantford. --------------t-- Former Deseronto Boy Promoted. J. P. Watters, locomotive foreman at the Grand Trunk shops, Prince Albert, Sask.,. is being transferred {to a similar position at Mirror, | Alta., and left for that point last Monday. This new position means | promotion. Mr. Watters was a form- | er Deseronto boy, and his friends are [y1eased to learn of his promotion. Engagement Announced. The engagement is announced of | Elina Scott Muir, daughter of the | late Mr. and Mrs. James Muir, Mont- real, to John W. Winterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winterson, Mait- | land, the marriage to take place Sep- | tember 25th. { Forty Mills on the Dollar. | Almont's tax rate is forty mills on | the dollar, the same as last year. The | rate was struck at a special meeting | of the council. It had been antici- | pated there would be a decrease in | the rate, but the announcement that | the Board of Education would re- quire $6,000 extra made this im- | possible, | To Visit in Windsor. | Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Walker, Yar- | I 10th for i ker, are leaving on Sept. {Windsor to visit their daughter. | While there they wil visit Mrs. | Walker's brother, John Phillips, De- | troit, and other friends in and around {that city. While in Windsor they ex- | pect to attend the wedding of their | {granddaughter Miss Violet Baker, on Sept. 14th. | Conviction Upheld. Word came to the officers for the | enforcement of the O.T.A. that it | was possible to purchase bottled joy | from Harry Williams, at Trenton. | One of them was delegated to make | |a purchase. He did so. He was | | fined $300. Justice Middleton, at | {| Osgoode Hall, Toronto, dismissed an | | application on his behalf to quash | the conviction. | | Paid In Full | A couple of Smith's Falls young | | men out motoring the other day on | the Jasper road, picked up a fine |; | tat drake from among a farmer's | flock of ducks,. The farmer set the wheels of law in motion, and the young men's auto was overtaken | { mainly through the wheels of their | | car stopping through engine trouble. A settlement has been affected, the | | farmer getting rather better than | the market price for his bird. To Have Military Band, Progress has been made in reor- ganization of a band for Trenton. Col. Bywater, W. H, Ireland, M.P.P., and J. F. Cox, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, have been out secur- ing recruits for a military band, con- nected with the new regiment, the 46th Hastings and Prince Edward County regiment, of which Col. By- water will have command. Already twenty of Trenton's best musicians have joined up. The Late Mrs. Minard Hicks. On Aug. 81st there passed away at her home, West Lake, Esther Jane Weeks, wife of the late Minard Hicks, in her eighty-ninth year. The deceased had enjoyed her usual {a cold developed into' pneumonia, {causing her death. Mrs. Hicks had | resided at West Laks since early girlhood. Her husband predeceased {her about eight years ago. She re- |sided with her only son, Manly H. { Hicks, who survives her. One daughter also survives, Mrs. Adelia Hyatt, who resides at Napanee. Leaves Cell By Window. Alphonse Ford, aged thirty-two, farm laborer, at Bridge End. Glen- garry, crawled through a window iwelve by eight at the Cornwall jail and was tfying to get his clothing and boots out of the cell when a po- lice officer happened along. He had been arrested for stealing an automo- bile and was sentenced to twenty- three months at Burwash farm. He is a contortionist and went through the small window again to amuse the officials. Renfrew Will Buy Site, Renfrew Council has decided to site for the Carnegie library, plans for which have already been approv- ed by the Carnegie commission. The amount of the grant is $16,000, and a lot can probably be had for $5,000. The work of building will proceed at | once, the structure to cost in the neighborhood of $6,000. Some members of council are in favor of putting the building on the public park, Low Square, so in that case the site would cost nothing, and the $5,000 proposed now for the loca- iion could be used for equipment, In accordance with the advice of the Central Library Board in Toronto. Have Faith in Village, The people of Calabogie never 'lose faith In the future .of their village. The large power plant is the magnet that is to attract business enterprise, Cf the 6,000 horsepower already de- veloped only. a fraction is ig uss and | the possibilities are practically un- limited. It is rumared.tbat two Amer fcan strangers in the village recent- ly were representatives .of a: large automobile factory in Detroit and that they were 'ldoking fof a 'desir- able location, where cheap power is available, for' a' Cahadtan Sraneh.'It is believed that the situation at Cala- bogie appealed fo tiem. Thé rumor; too, is revived that the C.P.R. will experiment with the modern motor power and electrify the K. & P. branch. {house. health until about a:week ago, when | purchase a lot on Raglan street as a | jured. There was a bad fracture of | the skull, from which the little brain | protruded. The left eyeball was also punctured. The little one was rush- ed to the general hospital and is in a critical condition. Kingston Exports Nearly Doubled. The total value of exports at the port of Kingston for the months of April, May and June of this year, as compiled by United States Consul F. S. S. Johnson, was $1,118,561. 92 | For the same period in 1919 value was $599,342.83. The increase | Among the large | ar- | was $519,219.09. items are: Oats, $22,973.05; senic, $62,034.64; cobalt metal, $45,- 788%; nickel metal, $14,938.82; fresh water fish, $567,488.37; hay, $103.- 8569; feldspar, $27,418.50; news- print, $43,614.85; graphite, $41,011:36; $79,629.05; tale, $65,418.61; toes, $37,254.24; mica, $7,430.36. Bird House Building Contest. Bird house building contest of tha Kingston Humane Society to be shown at industrial fair. Two prises for each class; a challenge cup for class A. Class A.: Best collection of six houses and a shelter shelf, suitable for wrens, and chickadees. Clasg C.: Best two houses, open to |boys of twelve years and under. Class D.: Best martin Open to all. Class E.: Special prizes for houses in which birds have built. See challenge cup in Uglow's win- dow. purple A Crack Shot. John Porter, sr., North Elmsley, although above the army age limit may still be called upon to use his skill as a sharpshooter for the next war. One evening while sitting on his verandah he notived several | small black and white animals glid- ng across the field toward the west- | ern part of the farm. Feeling like hawing some amusement he took his shot gun and ran down the lane in order to meet them crossing the road, but to his disappointment, the animals scenting him changed their course and went towards the south. The gamester, not to be done out of | bis sport, took a chance and fired the .fatal shot at a distance of fifty yards. Upon going to the spot he found no less than six skunks. Four had been killed outright, the other two dying shortly afterwards. Llue birds, tree swallows Open to all boys. | Class B.: Best two houses, open to | jal. i the | | 1 | | plumbago and | silver bullion, + pota- | cream, $38,400; | | | Steam Coal We offer 200 tons run Sf mine Hard Coal at $11.00 ton. This makes a slow, hot, lasting fire, Will send sample on request. S. ANGLIN & CO. Weodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Gsrects. KINGSTON, ut. Office Phone 86. Factory Phone 14.8 DECORATION DAY SEPTEMBER 12th Everybody join in the spirit of the day. To elp along we will reduce prices on all sea- sonable flowers. Reserve your requirements A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET Phone, o1; Ree., 20sew. > School Shoes We Have Everything There is to be Had in the Line of Good School Shoes Bring the Boys and Girls here. We're sure to fit them; sure to give them solid comfort and lasting service; sure to save the pocket book. Our $3. 50, $4.00 and $5.00 School Shoes can't be beat. J. H Sutherland & Bro." THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES "The Love Nest" A charmi from aD Sudan--) fi 10s Quilty 3 "The Music Box" is musical combina- Fox Trot, introducin t's in a Name." layed by Coleman's Orchestra certainly makes a I dance number. +41 Long, . Oo Long" on the attractive fo Trot by Raderman's "His Master's Voice" Record 216173 side is another me Orchestra. Do not fail to hear these new "His Master's Voice" Dance Records: Anytime, Anyday, pr AnIWhere-For Tret (Intro: * Coleman's grenentm 1216176 Raderman's Novelty Orchestra mo of the Past, and the Cow) 'ox Trot ( Mary Gotre; et Like the House That Jack Desert Dreame--Feox Trot Diamond T When the Sun Goes Down in Cairo Town-- =Fox Trot Korinthi Sunshine Rose-- AN on 10-inch, double-eided-- Price still remains at s1.00-WE PAY THE TAX. Call in and hear them at (The Hen "There isa Way Out") Bi efuen Diamond Trio rio) b Janes rio Heuri's Schestralarere 2 ts Henri's Orchestra Any "His Master's Voice" dealer who will gladly play any selection you wish to hear. VA p p * Injuries To a Child. ! At Pembroke on Tuesday: morning, | a little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Theodore Brunette, of Petawawa, climbed up on the railing of the old St. Lawrence Hotel, toppled over ana fell on to the granolithic walk be- low, a distance of about eighteen or MAHOOD BROS. Agents Vietar-Victolas, Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co.. Limited, Montreal 20144 F. W. COATES AGENT VICTOR VIOTROLAS. Phone 3014 113 Princess Street. mehty Lesh The child wae badly in- "We are alway pleased to demonst , Victrolas and Victor Records CO., LTD. Phone 90.