Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1920, p. 11

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1920. \ THE DAILY BR EXCHANGE ano LETTERS or CREDIT This Bank offers peculiar advantages in handling Foreign Exchange and issuing Letters of Credit. in With Branches in every part of Canada, as well as several cities elsewhere, and with corres- of high standing in all parts of the world, it is able to place many advantages at your disposal. "THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . - $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH-R. T, Brymner, Manager. hoes Coming Down All lines reduced for this week. Now is the time to buy your New Fall Shoes. We have a complete new stock for you to select from and can assure you of a real bargain at a time of year when it is sure to be appreci- ated. ; Make your headquarters here during the Exhibition. The Victory Shoe Store Oorner Princess and Clergy. Phone 480. ll Ford Sales and Service fhe seven months ending July 31st. | tion of b Ottawa, Sept. 28.----~The live hog in © Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not provea. 3 What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aide the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort--The Mother's Friend. Bears the Signature of . o In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY ES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER, 22, 1920 ROADSTER, without starter . . .$730.00 ROADSTER, with starter ... .. 845.00 TOURING, without starter .... 805.00 TOURING, with starter .. ... .. 920.00 COUPE... ..............5290.00 SEDAN... .:....x...w... 1,405.00 STANDARD CHASSIS, without starter . . sivas vs 505.00 STANDARD CHASSIS, with ¢ : rata 2 ns 095.00 starter . . vielen TRUCK CHASSIS, without starter 795.00 TRUCK CHASSIS, with starter . 900.00 FORDSON TRACTOR .. .. .. 790.00 Plus freight from Dearbarn and exchange These prices are F.O.B. Kingston, includ- ing freight and Government taxes: VanLuvenBros. 34-38 of Canada, sustained a loss of tely $11,000,000 during GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Ht | wireless station Princess St. [if : UH by the Emma | Atiantic service. The sum represents the difference in value between the visible hog mar- ketings during that period andthe same period of 1919. The loss in re- venue is attributed to the liquida- reeding stock during 1919. VIENNA WOULD EMIGRATE {Its People Would Like to \, Come to America-- Are Discouraged. Vienna, Sept. 28.--Vienna, is a city which wants to emigrate. If it | were physically possible for the inha- | bitants of this unhappy place to do 50, they would pack and quit tomor- row, leaving behind them empty bopses and deserted streets, inhabit- ed by only the rats, the cats and the dogs. By choice they would go to the United States or Canada. Conditions havg become intoler- able in this once brilliant capital. It is a city of cynics. Nobody in it be- lieves in the future, Vienna is starv- ed by the peasants who should be feeding it. It is accorded the.same treatment by surrounding provinces for reasons politically and economic. It has lost none of its former bea- uty; it is as fair to the eye as ever; the casual stranger sees little that is abnormal. But the pride of the peo- ple, together with their optimism, 1s altogether gone. | Especially eager in their desire to 80 to America, their vision of a pro- | mised land, are the women--servant | Birls, governesses, typists, teachers | and others. Because the upkeep of all establish- | ments has become very expensive and | salaries have risen beyond all expec- | tations, there is great danger of hos- | pitals, sanatoria, etc., having to close | down. Vienna, famous for its excel- lent medical men, may soon lose the | best of them; they cannot make a de- | cent living here, and prefer to prac- {tice In Germany, where the condi- tions are so much better, | The old Austrian monarchy was ridden by officialdom; and the new Austrian republic keeps quite an ar- my of officials, every tenth person being in the employ of the state, so that this little country has to feed about 600,000 government families. They cannot live on their earnings, and are continually agitating for in- creased pay. The weak authorities bave to give in each time, which means a terrible burden to the whole population, already taxed to its ut- most capacity. The Damocies' sword of increased taxation always hanging above it, and a hopeless deficit of more than 17,000,000 kronen (nom- inally about $3,500,000) does not tend to ease the financial situation. 'Strikes Destroy Plans, Nitwithstanding much unemploy- ment, strikes are constantly bringing to nought all plans and calculations, and shaking the little economic life there is left to its foundations. Every morning the unfortunate Viennese wake up faced with some mew labor crisis. The worst were those of the street car and railway men, the cars being the only vehicles in the capital for thd vast majority of people, spec- ulators and profiteers excepted. An awkward condition was creat- ed the other day, when all the em- Ployes of the telephone and telegraph offices, 'after six months' fruitless en- deavors to get a raise, came out on strike, and unfortunately only one member of the cabinet was present in the capital to negotiate with them. For more than 48 hours Vienn was cut off from the outer worl . Dr. Mayr, the official head of the present "business" government (which, it 1s to be feared, means very little business) had gone to the coun- try for a few days, and remained un- traceable. Those cabinet ministers who could be discovered were brought to Vien- na in automobiles, and after much exertion six of them formed a coun- cil, and for the time being satisfied the urgent demands of the strikers. Thus the republic at a critical mom- ent was left without its political heads. Only a short time ago Austria had no food minister; nobody wanted that risky and thankless job of inducing reluctant farmers to deliver the quan tities of flour due to the state. Alto- gether, it is something of a miracle that in this country the state of pas- sive anarchy is not much worse. MONKEY'S TESTIMON SENDS TWO TO PRISON i A Constantinople Judge Con=, victs Man and Woman of Manslaughter. Paris, Sept. 28.--From Constan- tinople comes the story of a monkey's testimony convicting a man and wo- man of manslaughter. The Dictator of Circus Ackermann, which had been playing in Comnstan- tinople for several months, was as. sassinated. A man named Starr and his wife were suspected of the mur. der, but no proof of their guilt could be féund. The, only clue the police had to work on was the fact that Acker- mann was murdered while feeding an Indian monkey. The' monkey had hitherto hoon very friendly with the Starr couple, It had also been devoted to Acker mann. The judge, therefore, determined to have the crime re-enacted in the monkey's presence. When the Starr couple wag brought before the cage the monkey entered into a wild rage and tried to jump at Starr. In court, when called before the judge, the monkey was seized with a fit of ter- ror and fury as soon as Starr and his wife were brought before it. The monkey's actions proved so convincing that in spite of their pro- tests Mr. and Mrs. Starr were found guilty of manslaughter. Germany Will | 1 | | | | | I __Big Wireless Station Berlin, Sept. 28.--A 'compromise| been reached mm between German patent owners and the French wire- less telegraph company, which had contract claims on the large wire | less station near Hanover, The Ger- mans, by the terms of the comprom- ise, will pay to the French company }| & large sum of money to cover dam- Hl ages and release to the French cer- tain German Jitens rights in France, meanwhile ping the German This station will be erred to a stock company and will' be used funken company for trans- -------- Sentencing a man to 14 days lab- or for begging in Endell street, the Bow 'street magistrate ordered that the Ring fe his maifitenance In pris- on paid out of money found on him----over £5, on is free. knew, Your druggist today has a new way of teeth cleaning. And a ten-day tube Millions of people now employ it, Leading dentists everywhere advise it. You would never go without it if you Sem-- A Start Tonight This new way to beautiful teeth All statements approved By authorities lives today. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor- rhea. And pyorrhea wrecks countless An alarming situation This Week Only At any drug store named below, a 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent. Simply present the coupon. Get this free tube. Its use will be a revelation. To you and yours the results will open a new era in teeth cleaning. Learn now what they mean to you, With the 10-Day Tube fells ths reasons for them. One ingredient is pepsin. Another multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva to digest starch deposits that cling. Each application also multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva--to neutral- ize the acids which cause tooth decay, Two factors directly attack the film. One keeps the teeth so highly polished that film cannot easily adhere. Day by day we fight the film and all its ill effects. You see the results in whiter teeth. You feel them in cleaner teeth. But the great results are such protection as teeth never had before, Wein You swe yourself a knowledge of these facts, Old ways of brushing Go ask for that free tube. There are few things more important than wells protected teeth, Remove the film-coat You brush teeth now, but you leave much of the film. A viscous film clings to the teeth, enters crevices and stays. The ordinary tooth paste does not end it. So teeth too often discolor and de- cay. - Dentists now know that the reason lies in film. That causes most tooth Tooth troubles have been constantly increasing. Very few people escape them. So dental science has in late years studied to combat that film. Now we know how. The methods have been proved by careful clinical tests, made under able authorities. Now millions of people employ them, largely by dental advice. A new era in teeth cleaning is fast spreading the world over. These new methods are combined in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. A 10- Day Tube is given to everyone who asks. Now all who will may quickly have proved sadly inadequate. Nearly every caused by film, dy at some time suffers troubles Now science knows how to combat film, and in ten days you can kriow. Never again will you trust the old ways when you know the new, ing fails to save the teeth. P : = \REG.AN troubles. And, until one ends it, brush- It is the film-coat that discolors, not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. know that film can unique effects. them clearly. And SO eek t . Wi 0 fHE "BEST" DRUG STORE 124 Princess street. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Bagot streets. PROUSE'S DRUG STORE, Opp. 8t. Andrew's church, Kingston, Ont. CANADA en'l The New-Day Dentifrice Present this Free Tube Coupon this be combated, What you will see A test of Pepsodent brings quick and One sees and feels a book which comey ~vhiten as Present this coupon, with your mame and ll in, to any store named: It Pepsodent. » Your Namé, Foor odrararyrermer You will «oes what n days you will Teeth will glisten when the film-coat goes "Get this free tube and watch it. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. the Abagticn of the slimy film, See how teeth film-coat disappears. bw" instantly know shat Pevepdent elsé has done, : e what clean teeth mean Tobe of FCT is good for a 10- Address vo: TE TE TENT ER TTT TT TENT ATSC TE FW s Qut-of-town residents should mail this ¢ to. The own ent sho pen | and the tube P ent Com , 1104 So. Wabash will be. sent by mail. Britieh Whig, Kingston _Only one tube 108 famihy . LAST TWO BANDITS KILLED BY POSSE In Death Battle With Sas katchewan Police--rFire 400 Shots. ------ Prince Albert, Sask., Sept. 28.-- True to their vow mot to be taken alive, the two remaining of the quar- tet of bandits who held up the Red Deer lumber camp a week ago were taken dead by a posse of police late Saturday afternoon. They were taken from 's hay-stack, five miles east of Tisdale, after having held the police, who surrounded the stack, located in the centre of a 200-acre field, for five hours, They stood pat to the very last and constantly returned the po- lice fire. The ture was effected only after they weré riddled with rifle and revolver shots and the hay- stack had been set on fire. bodies are now hard to recog- nize, but on the arm of one man are several tattoo marks, including a Russian name, which has been inter- preted as Joe Trychuck. No name could be found on the other man ex- cept that it was learned from the two bandits captured alive that he went under the name of "Tony." The/battle, which preceded the cap ture""of the last: two, was probably the most desperate ever between po- lice and bandits in the history of Ca- Rada. Over 400 rounds of shot were {red by the police and bandits and all of the posse escaped uninjured. Widow Awarded $22,000, Regina, Sask. Sept. 28.--Mrs. Edith May Walpole, ,'was awarded $16,000 damages and $6,000 for her child frcm the Canadian National Raitways by the jury in the Court of the King's Bench here Friday. Her husband, a C.N.R. engineer, was kill- ed last April, when his locomaqtive crashed through a bridge near Pyra- mid, B.C. Justice Bigelow raserves Bq decision until points of law have bebn decided whether the case could legally be brought in this court. Qeemeeea---- Black and Tars have Issued an ul- timatum at Dublin, Unless a kid- napped officers is retruned, five Irish towns will be burned. Orangeville farmers deny that big sums were used for the last election. PosTToASTIES DIED AT WATERTOWN, N.Y. Came Over the Bea in a Sailing Vessel, A Watertown, N.Y, despatch says: Mrs. Elizabeth W. Allen, aged ninety- six years, widow of James Allen, died on Sunday at the home of her son, Charles Allen, No. 108 Benedict street. Until about three months ago, her faculties had been unimpair- ed despite her age. Mrs. Allen was born in Kilmarock, Scotland, June 26th, 1824. She came to Toronto at the age of three years, moving soon after to Kingston, where she has resided most of her life, coming to live with her son in this city about two years ago. fhe bad always been in excellent health, coming of hardy Scottish stock, and she took great pride in the fact that her health had always been excellent and her eyesight keen. She loved to tell of the early days in Scotland and of her trip across the ocean, coming. ia a sailing vessel, and to a land them practically unknown, Can- ada The trip consumed many days and she then being but a young girl, it made a great impression upon her and she delighted<to tell of her ex- perience. Her stories of the early days in Canada and of the early his- tory of the St. Lawrence river, were equally interesting and made her many friends, especially among the children. Until thr months 'ago she could thread a needle and sew with the agility of a girl of sixteen. Her mind was keen and she took great ifiterest in daily events, Su , besides the son, {s one daughter, Mrs. William Reid, King- ston, Ont. The funeral was held on Monday evening from the home, Rev. Charles T. Raynor, curate of Trinity Episcopal church, of which Mrs, Al- len was a devout member, officiat- pg. The body was taken on the 8.40 train, Tuesday, to Kingston, where burial will be in the land she loved. Governor-General Loses Mother, Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 28,--The Duke of Devonshire, governor-gene- ral of Canada, rece! word, of the death in England of his mother, Lady Emma Cavendish. The" vice-regal party which arrived here, will not be the able to fill all their engagements on 7 For Washing Hair} If you yant to keep your hair in good YO Bron, be careful what yom wash it with. Don't use prepared shampoos anything else, that. contains too much alkali. This dries the sealp, makes the hair brittle, and is wv harmful. Just plain mulsified cocoa' nut oil (which is pure and enti greaseless), is much better than any« thing else you can use for shampoos ing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with was ter and rub it in. One of two teas spoonfuls will make an abundances of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and remo every particle of dust, dirt, dand and excessive oil. The hair d quickly and evenly, and it leaves fine and silky, bright, fluffy and to manage. ' You can get mulsified cocoanut o at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is pug! to last everyone in the family fi months. DO YOU SUFFER WITH VITAL TABLETS If one has headaches or spells, there is certainly a cause f it, and there is certainly a remeds We guarantee Vital Tablets to i move the headaches and dizzy and to create a healthy action of stomach and bowels, and you ) feeling a new person in a short time, Go to your druggist and get a of Vital Tablets. Price 50¢ a box 6 for 3550: or by mall. The Drug Co., Montreal. Sold at Mahood's. Drug Store. --

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