14 4 ~~ Clothes of Special Merit For the Man, the Young Man and the Boy. The Clothes we sell have a splendid repu- tation--a reputation that has built up and sustained a large trade for us for years. Men's Suits . ...... ....... $35.00 up to $55.00 Young Men's Suits . . ... $24.50 to $37.50 Boys' Suits .. .... .... $11.00 to $22.50 Livingstons ":¢ Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" Anderson Bros. Limited VISITORS TO THE FAIR BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWERS CROWFORD AND ELBERTA THE APPEAL CASE Is To Be Heard on Wednes- day By Nine Cabinet . » Ministers. Ottawa, Sept. 28.--Cabinet min- isters who will hear, on Wednesday the appeal from the judgment of the Railway Commission in the railway rates case are Premier Meighen, Sir George Foster, Sir James Lougheefi and the Hon. Messrs. Doherty, Sifton, Calder, Balantyne and Wigmore. It is expected that one day will suffice for the presentation' of the argument. Premier's Western Itinerary. Ottawa, Sept. 28.--The itinerary of Prime Minister Meighen's ap- proaching tour of western Canada will probably be definitely arranged before the close of the present week. The trip will open at Winnipeg short- ly before the middle of October, and will include the four western pro- vinces. It is understood that arrange- ments are being made for several meetings in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan, Alberta and British Columbia, and that the prime minister will do most of his speaking en route to the coast. Hon. W. L. MacKenzie-King, Lib- eral leader, is about ta open his tour | of the west at Victoria, B.C., and will work eastward so that the Prime Minister and Opposition leader will probably cross one another's paths {somewhere in the prairie provinces. While in British Columbia, the prime minister will undoubtedly take a hand in the bye-election in Yale constituency. Theatrical | "Experience" To-nights | "Experience," George V. Hobart's modern morality comedy drama will be presented by F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest at the Grand Opera House to-night. This drama now in its seventh season, is one of the most successful of recent years and in ever, ity where it has been present- ed it has met wit ha tremendous suc- cess and has been endorsed by the clergy of all denominations "Experience" shows the adven- tures of Youth--the average young man of to-day--who leaves his boy- hood home to go out into the great | world and win success in the turbu- lent ways of life He begins his pour- ney with a pure heart, an Innocent mind and a soul inspired with high and noble purpose. Soon hae #neets Temptation, the temptation that be- sets every young man when he leaves the protection and shelter of | his paternal roof to take his place lin the busy marts ot trade and com- !merce. Youth succumbs to the al- lurements of Vice, until he finds him- self on the very brink of crime and (the lowest degradation, when he is |recalled' to a sense of better things by hearing the words of a hymn | which brings back to his mind tender recollections of his dear mother and {his boyhood home. Youth turns from {his follies, retraces his steps and | courageously begins life anew with Love, Hope and Ambition guiding his | footsteps.--Advt. Arlie Marks Company. | 'ake other outside attractions in ithe theatrical profession and com- pare them with a real true Canadian attraction such as Arlie Marks, the | popularNitile comedienne, who will bole the Grand Opera House three 'nights, beginning Sept. 29th, with |hef associated players. She has |shown this year that it is without {a doubt the biggest and most expen- sive eepertoire compan, travelling in { Canada. Arrangements have been made, and the company is playing ithe latest releases, and the vaudeville between the acts has never before; on account of expense, been attempted by any other repertoire company. Popular prices will prevail. Opening play, "Where the River Flows." Extra added attraction with {this attraction is Salona, the girl with one thousand eyes. She knows all.--Advt. | "On the Firing Line." | The Toronto Mail and Empire has | the fo}lowing to say about May And- | erson In "On the Firing Line" which {comes to the Grand Opera House, | Saturday, October 2nd, matinee and night. Mrs. M. A. Trestrail, known | to the profession as May Anderson, { and who has made her home in Tor- | onto for the last six years, is the first woman producing manager In Canada. Mrs. Trestrail has just pur- chased the orig™sal New York pro- duction of George Tyler's comedy. "On the Firing Line," in which May Irwin scored such a hit last season. | . | solves itself logically and amusingly Shannon | { proved highly popular with the andi | {ence that witnessed it last evening. | "Romeo's Dad" presents an unusual | {situation in which a motion picture | i star, a press agent, an impressionable | | young man and a sound headed busi- {ness man are all complicated in the net of love and how the situation re- {to the satisfaction of all. On the | | same programme is shown the eighth | episode of "The Whirlwind," in | which Charles Hutchison performs | some wonderful feats. Don't miss this programme is you are looking for a real evening's entertainment.-- | [Advt. ($+ 224 PP Perr t etree | 3 * | + POTATOES $1 A BAG * | * AROUND ENTERPRISE # 1 +> I | The potato crop in the Enter- # | * prise district i8 reported to be % | * excellent. On Monday when a | | + Whig representative was in that | | # section he learned that potatoes # | | % could be bought for $1 a bag. % | 4 Several farmers around Enter- # * prise have made arrangements | "% to ship their potatoes at that fig- + | % ure. One farmer stated that he & 1s had about a carload to ship. : (PRP errr tbr errr | PROMISE. SEVERE PENALTY | To the Motor 'Car Drivers | Who Disregard the, Speeding Law. gn ------ | The police commissioners are de- termined that reckless driving and | speeding of motor vehicles must stop At a special meeting of the co@missioners held on Monday, the matter came up for discussion and it was decided that in the future any | driver who violates the law will be | given a very severe penalty. The rolice department has endeavored to | show the drivers of cars that they | must not violate the speed law, but they have not tried to assist the police officers. In future offenders | | will be "soaked." Another matter which was dis- cussed was the number of owners | who leave their cars standing on the | street and also drive them without | tail lighting in working order. On Saturday evening, Chief of Police | Robert Robinson and his men sec- ured the numbers of twenty-five cars on which the tail lights were not | lighted. | The parking laws must be lived! up to or the offenders will be up against it. The cutting of corners must cease. The law is such that if | a person is caught cutting a corner | the constable must stop the car and advise the driver to make the cor- rectdurn. Tht law is to be amended so that if a person is caught making at ence. DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1930. SRI; EOE EAA RP LAIDLAW'S Fair Week Specials We not only refund your fare whether you come by rail- way, boat, motor, stage or your own conveyances, but make special prices on a long list of goods for immediate" and future requirement. Pew STOCKINGS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Ladies' Black Cotton Hose . ......35¢c. pr., 3 for $1.00 Ladies' Black Silk Lisle Hose ..........75¢c. and $1.00 Ladies' Black Cashmerette Hose . . . . . .40c. and 50c. pr. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose .............75c. pair Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, variety shades . . . . ...$1.25 pair Boys' and Girls' (Wearwell) Rib Cotton Hose: all sizes: tia eaiaaea en aes We 0s on 35¢, pair to 396. pair Boys' Leather Knit Rib Cotton Hose; all sizes: «+. + ..90c. pair up to 69c. pair Men's heavy grey Wool Sox Oc. pair "hee meee aera a short cut on a corner he will be -- summoned. ! DECLARE THEY WILL NEVER GO WEST AGAIN Too Many Young Men Taken From the East for Western Harvesting. | A number of men who went from | this district to western Canada to { assist in harvest operations, have re- turned to Kingston They declare that they will never go west again. | The railways asked for. forty thou- sand harvesters from the east, where- as twenty thousand would have been fsufficient. Three hundred men went from Kingston and district. The harvesters hecame so numerous that the city of Winnipeg authorities step- ped in and insisted that hundreds of |the easterners be sent back home as | there was no work on the western | farms for more than half the num | ber. So great was the supply of | .workers that in the Moosejaw, Sask., { district the wage of eight dollars | dropped to $4.50 a day. : Bt (PPP PPP EPP TEETSIEeSe | | + WHO GETS 50c TO-DAY? | oe . ---- | # Who gets 50 cents to-day? The | % British Whig will pay this am- | % ount to the person who first re- # ports by "phone to 243, or by % calling at the office, results from | % a classified advt. in the last is- | % sue of the Whig. > HRS WE rbd bet bord [E22 +2423 0243089 Buy your groceries at Pickering's. | II ca i. | vaiuy MEMORANDUM, | See top of Page Three, right nand corner for prababili'les. BORN. KEYES--In Hotel Dieu, Kingston, Sept. 26th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keyes, Joyceville, a daughter. MARRIED, PRICE-- BERNEY -- At Mutchmore Memorial Presbyterian church, | Philadelphia, Pa., on Sept. 15th, | 1920, by the Rev. Herbert Burgess, D.D., Lillian Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berney, "The .* Curraduff, Ireland, to Dr. ". E. Price, of Alton, Ont. MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR (Penman's) Heavy Scotch Wool Shirts and Draw- ers; 36 to 44. $1.25 GARMENT. MEN'S FLEECE-LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS (Penman's),. all sizes. $1.25 GARMENT. MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS (Turnbull's) Heavy weight Shirts, double back and front; unshrinkable. SPECIAL ..$2.25 GARMENT WOOLLEN UNDERWEAR For Women and Children Ladies' Vests and Drawers; fine weave and ribbed: short and long sleeves; ankle length; natural and white. SPECIAL 90c. GARMENT LADIES' NATURAL WOOL VESTS AND DRAWERS Winter weight; all sizes. SPECIAL VALUE, $1.25 GARMENT CHILDREN'S HEAVY VEST AND DRAWERS for winter wear; button front; high neck; long sleeves; all sizes. to 75¢. GARMENT Extra value KAYSER'S REAL CHAMOISETTE GLOVES The glove that washes beautifully and fits to perfec- tion; all sizes. The colors: White, Brown, Grey, Nat- ural, Pongee, Mastic and White with Black Stitching. 90c. PAIR FLANNELETTE BLANKETS (First quality) Ask for the best and you will get the famous (IBEX) brand; made in 10-4, 11-4, 12-4. Priced at $3.25, $3.75, and $4.50 pair; Grey and White; Pink or Blue border. COATINGS in 'all the latest fabrics and colors: 'Whitney, Polo Cloth, Velour, Bolivia, Tinseltone and Peachbloom. Note the price ... $4.50, $4.95 and $5.95 GEORGIA DOWN COMFORTERS with a good, serviceable covering; double bed sizes, 66x72; a variety of colorings. Priced at . . $4.25 and up. HONEYCOMB AND CROCHET BED SPREADS A splendid spread for general use; single and double bed sizes. Price ... . un... .. $3.25 and up. .. SUITINGS 54 in. All-Wool Navy Blue Serge at $3.50 yard 56 in. Tricotine, Gaberdine and Eng- lish Serge; All-Wool; Brown, Navy Green, Black and Taupe. Natural Pongee Silk at Heavy Suiting Shantung Silk at . . .. White, Black and Colored Habutai SILK SPECIALS Black and Navy Chiffon Taffetaat .... . .. 2.00 Black and Navy Messalineat ........ -§200 10 shades in Silk Poplinat ......... $1.50 yd. vive 390. 3d: ; . $1.00 yd. conn $1.25 yd. ohii Laidlzw & Son Lid: = nemo, DIED. ALLEN--In Watertown, N.Y. on Se 26th, 1920, Eilzabeth Wailace, wid: ow of the late James Allen, aged ¥§ Years. Interment at Cataraqui Cemetery. PEACHES TWO CARLOADS TO CLEAR AT Ladies' Brogue Oxfords Four different styles in stock; priced up to The play is by Harvey O'Higgins and Harriet Ford. The play has never appeared in Canada. Old-time theat- re-goers will remember Mrs. Tres- trail as May Anderson with the old Cumming Stock Company at the former Princess Theatre, in 1900. She had also played here with several road companies, and when her two boys settled in Toronto, she decided to make her home here, and was director of dramatic art at the Can- adian Academy of Music for two sea- sons, until one of her sons went to Framce, when she went back in the profession to keep her time and at- tention from the war. She has de- cided to make her tour exclusively Canadian, and will cover Canada from Halifax to Vancouver.--Advt. At Griffin's: a scored another triumph n patrons last night when il he was seen for the first time in ROBERT J. REID aie Gerd Coins," his newest pro- The Undertaker. - uction which was acclaimed one of Phone Princess Street. : ithe finest in which this versatile av. a f]i star has ever appeared. "Three Gold Coins" is packed to the brim with thrills, and Tom Mix enacts his difficult role in a breath-taking man- ner which makes the spectators gasp | with astonishment. Don't miss this { picture, also Tom. Wise and - Gail Kane, the celebrated stars, in "Ro- meo's Dad," which is being shown as a splendid added attraction. and a 5 ¥ ™ SCOTT--~In Kingston, on Sept. 26th, 1920, Isabelle Margaret Anderson, widow of the late Albert Scott, aged 72 years and 5 months. Funeral from her son's residence, 40 Raglan Road, on Wednesday noon | == at 12.30 to Acqua anc are respectfully in« WHOLESALE PRICES. - $13.00--the smartest shoe and also the most sensible for this fall. Choice this week : - $9.95 Lockett's Phones: 458-459. Wholesale 1767