6 THE BRITISH 87th YEAR. Published Dally and Seml-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED J. G. Elliott Leman A. Guild . Editor and Mannging Director TELEPHONES: Oftice .. .243 Rooms as Business ftorial Job Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) . delivered 5.00 $ 50 (Semi-Weekiy Edition) One year, One year, if not pai One year, to United States Bix and three months pro raia. 1.50 Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the writer. Attached is one of the best job print- ing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. A ttl Pl. Some men stand by their convic- tions and some break jail. Russian Red isn't a fast color, put it makes a land die fast. 50 to examine it, TH $ ar, E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Ne SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 1 G | people, and not allowed to fall into the hands of a corporation. No sug- | gestion is made as to how a munici- | pality like Kingston or Portsmouth | could conduct a public amusement | park. Indeed it would be taxable as private property and a source of revenue which is not the case at present, and the latter municipality stands to gain by the change in { ownership. Part of the land is valu- |able as farm land but there is little | valuable land in the parcel uesd by the Golf Club. adjoin Rockwood Hospital, the On- tario government may be interested | enough to purchase them. It Rockwood will need these lands in the future. THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST. Some years ago there was a re- {searcher of art in Italy who, reading President | in some book that there existed a | Who should look with dismay | portrait of Dante painted by Giotto | was led to suspect that he had found | where it'had been placed. He commenced his search in 'an {apartment used as an outhouse for the storage of wood, hay and the like. He sought and obtained permission Cleaning away the {rubbish and experimenting on the il, cash §1.00 i v : ma Sash. advance $150 | Whitewashed walls, he soon detected | | signs ola painting beneath. t Little by little, with loving skill, {he opened up the sad, thoughtful, |stern face of the. old Tuscan poet, |and gave back to the world one of its | most famous paintings. | It would seem that the church of {Christ is waiting for some one tO) {rediscover the true divine lineaments {of the Christ which have been swept {over by human plastering, and to draw forth again from {ts hiding | place the glory of God as it shines in the clear, calm face of Jesus Christ. : { One wonders what the average con- gregation would do if the" Master were to wander into a Inasmuch as both parcels of land | 9 is | almost a foregone conclusion that | service-- | as to permit such an important mat- ter to long remain unheeded and | {unattended to. The local horticul- | {tural society has done excellent service in the past along other lines | of activity. If no other public body | is prepared to wage war for the civic improvements above referred { to, the Whig hopes that this organi- { zation, like its contemporary in St. | Thomas, will lead the way. The | i press will give it every possible sup- port and assistance. 1 MUSINGS OF THE KHAN & Infernal Machines. | The average person rolls up his| lor and piously implores heaven to | | deliver him from infernal machines. | | Ten to one he is a maker of infernal ! Mmachines, and uses them at stated | ! periods with regularity and precision. | We are the last people on earth | on an/ | infernal machine, For three gener- | ations we had been imploring legis-, | lature after legislature to give us| | prohibition, Well, we got it at last. Af | great and good man named Hearst, | | William Hearst, Sir William Hearst, | | to give him his proper title, handed: | iv to us with a "Bless you, my child-| | ren", To make this great blessing | secure to us he gave our sisters, our | | cousing and our aunts a vote--free: for nothing. He gave our grand-moth- er a vote and if she was dead and | gone he gave our grandfather's wife | & ticket to the show. You can't keep {our grandfather from getting mar- ried if he is a single man and got a whole lot of property. And what did we do to Sir Billy for this? We didn't | do a thing to him! Last October we piled a heap of in- | fernal machines on his doorstep. Each of them was about so big and had a siot in the top. Each machine bore the legend, "Drop a stick of! | TNT in the slot." Each of these |sticks was wrapped in a piece of pa- | {per which was facetiously describ-| {ed as a ballot, and then they set a | time clock to explode the combina-! { tion on the 19th. It exploded all | right, with the result that this coun- {try is a good deal like Mesopotamia | --it has a large and sonorous past. { | The only part of emancipation | Poorly clad, unassuming, but with a | ® harmless toy compared with a bal- that interests some women is the © man. jgreat look in His deep and penetrit- {ing eyes. Would any one offer Him |a place in the pew? Who would? { lot box. Away back in our fathers' time social, religious and political | reformers claimed that the ballot {box would right every wrong and he "Lenine's bright little idea is to [If unannounced and unobstrusively | a panacea for every woe. Our grand- make the world slave for democ- Tracy. ' There is something about the at- mosphere of a jail that encourazés wreckless driving. Whenever Germany washes a bit of dirty linen she hangs it on the Hohenzollern line. y The estimate of this year's corn erop carefully avoids reference to liquid measure. . A hunger-strike method of _ winning liberty is what the police would call an inside job. '. A crisis is the thing that exists When the statesmen on the job don't Know what in thunder to do. Success is relative. It depends on Row much is required to inspire the envy of the neighbors. : * The election in Mexico was «quiet. Official bulletins do not explain why the ammunition failed to arrive. Yi ~ Italy and France depend on Fng- land for coal, and the tight little isle 8 doing her best to make it hot for " Everybody is convinced that everything is in a frightful fix, but 18 getting along very nicely himself, k you. . It paper suits become popular and jaan price of paper gets too high. ick up people can put on: a layer postage stamps. Very likely every statesman is in his prophecy that the r will go to the dogs if he pst't have his way. another evidenca 'that the Fld is upside down, it might be ed that more ifghtning storms ed in September than during ® three summer monghs. 'General Baron Wrangol has de- foyed the Red Thirteenth army in 3 Russia. The superstitious probably point out that thir- is always an unlucky number. are not taking sides in favor either . presidential candidate. Cox and Harding have figured ilway accidents since they be- their speaking tours. moured cars and tanks are be- used to carry factory payrolls the banks in Chicago. Other on against the numerous igs of bandits has failed. = Pre- conditions were never as bad as ! existing in the big cities to- ' « NG GOVERNMENT LAND. ie advertisement of the Depart- of Militia and Defence calling ders for the sale of Lake On- 0 park and the land occupied by {He entered, would He contend to be {placed in the back pew; would He | protest against going near the front? TWould the minister know He was there? Would He find himself at home? Would He think that the worship was in spirit; would He tind in the religion -- His religion -- as i practiced by the people, a depth-@nd la gincerity? Would He find in the {life of the Christian people a great | likeness to His own? If that great Presence were to come among us, how would He view the situation among Christian people? Yet it would be altogethe® good if we were to let Christ come in upon the selfishness and worldliness of our life. As one writer says: "What Christian people need is "an honest attempt to secure that perpetual re- vision of life which is implicit in the conception of Christ's authority," or to return to the illustration with which we began, to clear away the non-essenfials, "the wood hay stubble," &nd to see in all its trans- forming beauty and power the, face of Jesus Christ. A CITY'S GATES. However charming most Cana- dian cities are, the approaches to them, especially by rail, are any- thing but inviting. The railways usually enter through the poorest sections, where dilapidated build- ings, ugly sign boards, piles of rub- bish and muddy streets greet the eye of the visiting traveller. This is, it must be admitted, only too true in respect to Kingston. Our various (railway stations are located on un- paved streets, wherp wretched coh- ditions prevail. Consequently, the first impression that a stranger gets of this grand old city is an unfavor- able one. And, unfortunately, first impressions are apt to be lasting ones. We are no worse off in this respect than other cities, but local conditions cannot be excused on that ground. Surely the city council, the horti- cultural society or some qther eivie body should possess enough public spirit to cause it to demand an im- provement in the localities referred to. The gates of the city should be made attractive and inviting. They should be beauty spots, instead of eyesores." Kingston has long suf- tered because of its location off the "main line of railway travel, and this' affords all the more reason why the approaches to the city should be as attractive and pleasing a possible. As far as the Whig has observed, no effort has been made to improve conditions. = The horticultural society of St. Thomas, realizing that similar com- ditions obtain in that city, is mak- ing an effort to improve them. has invited F. J. Moore, landscape gardener in the employment of the Ontario Public Works Department, to visit that city early in October and advise as to the best course to pursue. The society proposes that boulevards should be constructed along the various entrances to the (3 | fathers used to vote like men in the | cpen--in broad daylight. When the] { returning officer asked them who they voted for they rapped it out in plain English and they didn't give a continental who heard them either, Today we vote like anarchists--on | the sly, in secret. | I have an idea that the ballot box | suggested the infernal machine, or else the infernal machine suggested | the ballot-box. They two have! much in common. Neither of them knows who js going to be killed w ® it or whether "they will blow her down or just break the windows. The ballot box was an innocent and beneficient thing till rascals saw the possibility of using it &s an infer- nal machine. An election in this country--it is an explosion. The bal- lot box does not construct any more --4t blows things down. And it 1s Ligh time we were asking ourselves if there is not too much Bolshevism in our religion, our business, our social relations and our politics. There is not a municipality in On- tario, big or little, that has not at some stage in its history put a beg- gar on horseback. Where do we get this stuff? The French Revolution was a case of putting a beggar on horseback. There is a beggar -- several of him--on horseback in Rus- sia today. To the south of us a band of savages would put a beggar on horseback next November, and-- what of this country? You can't £0 out on the street but a beggar on horseback rides 'right over you.' The most distressing beggar on horseback is the one who bobs her hair, wears divided skirts and rides straddle like a man. Out of the way for the mounted peljisse! The aver- age male voter is a horse, or rather he Is an ass, and his chief business is to tote infernal machines from one scene of devastation to another. It you wish to terrify a scoundrel or make a good man uneasy put a ballet box on his doorstep! The average infernal machine i EB KHAN Thq Wigwam, Rushdale Farm, Rockton, Ont. \ 'We Have Them Too. (Broekville Recorder) There are a lot of fellows in Bropk- ville wearing silk shirts and looking as prosperous as a gasoline pump who are always kicking about the rich getting richer and the poor get- ting poorer. A man's int ty ought to be one | writ. | seek his humble cot ET SS Ea Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER Seti THE GOSSIP. I burn some joss-sticks every night, | and as they burn I say, 'Preserve me from the evil plight that Jinks is in! this day!" For Jinks possessed the gossip's tongue, and every spiteful ! tale by him was far and farther flung, until the lie grew stale. With | him a slander foul and grim was sure to make a hit, and baseless rumor! seemed to him like proofs of holy A man may thus traduce his iriends in safety for a fime, but soon or late his effort ends in carnivals of | crime. And Jinks passed on some vi- | cious yarns, as he was prone to do, concerning J. Adolphus Barnes, which tales were far from true. Alas, alas, my spirit shrinks from setting down this line; for J. Adolphus climbed ®n Jinks and skated down his spine. This J. Adolphus is a gent of mighty bones and thews, and when he for his victim went steel | spikes were in his shoes. And Jinks, to spread his gossip vain, no longer | blithely trots; he's lying on a bed of pain, all tied in sailors' knots. The doctor says he's but a wreck, who once wild rumors chased; his arms are wound around his neck, his legs around his waist. No neighbors to say that Barnes was wrong; and people ery, '"He merely got what he's invited long." 000 AO --WALT MASON. Getting Back to Sanity. (New York Sun) It will be remembered that somo months ago he (Lenine) announced that the present war would see the end of capitalism in all Europe, the establishment of the World Soviet. Now his efforts to attain this end by force of arms has met with dis- astrous failure on the plains of Po- land, his propaganda offensive has sustained a defeat not less decisive at the hands of the Italian workers. It can no longer be doubted that the tide of anarchy and revolution which for a while threatened to en- gulf all Europe is slowly but surely receding; sanity and patriotism are resuming their sway. Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste ( Cood Creates an appetite, aids digestion, purifies the blood, and thus relieves scrofula, catarrh, the pains and aches of rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system. Nearly §0 years' phenomenal sales tell the story ef the great merit and success of Hood's Sarsaperilla. It {s just the medicine you need now, Hood's Pills help--fine cathartic. nN) E BIBBY'S 4 SALE OF RAINCOATS See our Parametta Raincoats at . . . $16.50 SALE OF SUITS $25.00. Young Men's First Longs--Men's Two and Style Headquarters for Men's and Boys' Wear Three Button Style; neat 33 to 44 SALE OF SUITS $35.00 Extra special value; fine quality Worsted; Blue Serges and nobby Tweeds; all new models. Sizes 34 to 46. Extra special values. SEE BIBBY'S PURE INDIGO BLUE SUITS We believe the best Blue Suit values in Canada. Prices $45.00; $47.50, $52.50, $55.00 and $62.50, BIBBY'S 78, 80, 82 Pincess Street. ---- = patterns. Sizes McCLARY'S GAS RANGES The Finest Finished Ranges "FLORENCE AUTOMAT IC" OIL STOVES Endoried by Goed House keeping Magaaine, / : Sold ati-- BUNT'S King St. Phone 388 = TN! Sold im Canada™ Judge Announces that the capacity of the Mill is being again increased and we are now able to supply those who have not been able to secure this high Flour, giving special attention to Central and Eastern Ontario. That was the object of building the Mill, which we have already . increased greatly over our original intentions. This was nmiade necessary owing to the great demand for this high grade Flour, all fresh Flour, no old stock, war Flour. Our special process en- ables us to make Flour of improved color and whiteness without remov- ing the best part of the grain--all the old-time flavour of Mether"s and Grandmother's Bread retained with all the modern color added. Thou sands of bakers and householders are now certifying to the above and send- ing renewed orders. . It's the flavour does it. MILLING CO.,LTD, Bel "Ont. of the dearest things on earth to him. Buyers of all inert Grain, GIVE YOUR POULTRY OUR SPECIAL FEED and get results in the egg lasket and in thriving chicks. This feed Is one of our specialties and those who use it are its enthusiastic admirers. Try some and note the improvement in laying hens and growing chicks. . Gourdier's For FURS | _ Nuff Said EAE OE ORONO AAR NEWFOUNDLAND Canned Lobsters We have just received & ship. ment of these choice Lobsters. Sold only under license, and passed by the Newfoundland Government. For one pound flat tins, price, per tin ..$1.00 Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990, CHOICE MEATS ~--Spring Lamb, --Spare Ribs, ~--Tenderloins, ~Pork Sausages, Choice Western Beef Daniel Hogan NOTICE = Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles ------At Reduced Prices---- Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread Covers. Special prices. See window display. Carpet Cleaning and Laying, H. MILNE 272 BAGOT STREET Lake Ontario Trout | and Whitefish, Fresh dock, Halibut and Cod. Domicion Fish Cp No. 0-R348 * Jn -- f W. F. McBroom 43-44 Princess Street. Phone 1656 A - You will have Savings to Invest 3% just Decause you are handed a Why let the other fellow make the savings will be invested your intelligent investing friends in FARMERS! | heat, little passbook and a smile? Come to our office and we guarantes the smile, and also that your direct in the very securities in which the insti- tutions that pay you 3%, turn round and re-invest yours. You will find securities as a resting place for thei y money until it is needed. this Fail. Are you going to accept money with your hard earned cash? our office looking over 6 and 1% Not in, Am ---- ------ For the Baby Es "JIFFY Pure soft rubber; absolutely water- proof. SANITARY DIAPERS Celebrated Coal That Suits The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad's $ Scranton The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by ¥ the Savings department of a 3% institution as In the oid days. We ; Washable--stain proof, Cataraqui golf club, subject to shall be glad to slow you in dollars and cents just what' you are los- Ing by depositing yolir funds at 3% and remembey your savings should bé made to earn you money just as surely as you make it by the sweat of your brow. Why throw away 4% year after year? Call at our office or write for our full list of Canadian government and municipal investments ag these are always rea dily saleab them as the most intelligent invest mk That ea end BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. mac SIRES, Monin and Corporation nents | awry. Can be sterilized, Made In three sizes of change. Pure Rubber. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE The man who earnestly tries PHONE M8 -. succeed can not be a total failure. 180 PRINCESS YTRANE city. Industries located in these dis- tricts have agreed to co-operate, and an ambitious scheme has been pre- pared for the beautifying of the ap- proaches to the city. What St. Thomas requires, Kingston re- quires ; what St. Thomas can do, Kingston can do. Public spirit here | should not be so lacking in initiative | 1 Te J. Lockhart Phone 1035w or 17974 Crawford | Phone 5. Foot of "neem 84 . "It's a black busines. Sul we treat you white." should be taken over by the 2) # . Ae 1