THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. OO DR. BUREAU IS Chokers | "Vem Passed Away At Hospital on The fashionable Fall Wednesday Night---Inquest Neck-piece for general To Be Held. wear. We have them in Dr. Alexander G. Bureau, who all Furs y ranging in with his wife was overcome by gas ' price from in their home at 221 Stuart $7.50 up late Tuesday night, died in the Gen- , . . Te d Your inspection invited. 2 jt other Ontario records. : ! The reports from the various cam- | {i {paign committees read: | Place Objective. Pledged Almonte ....... $ 500 $ Arnprier £00 Beachburg 100 iCarfeton Place . | Eganville 225 Kingston 000 Portsmouth Pt 400 .Pembroke . Renfrew 500 Picton ,....... 500 { Brighton 250 Deseronto 100 Napaneeg 500 Belleville 2,000 Trenton L000 Colborne .. 200 Tweed ,... 250 Madoc 200 i Havelock 200 Norwood 250 Marmora 200 Delora . . 250 Wellington 250 Braeside 250 Sulphide 100 Hungegford 500 ------ INIDENTS OF ' Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. J { 500 500 School Arithmetics | 500 i JUST RECEIVED--shipment of the H. S. er» advise that re- 200! A rithmetic. 2,000 5,000 2,000 | Owing to the paper shortage publish- orders will not be obtainable un ti] after the first of the year, so secure your copy now. There will be no change in this book for the next four or five years, street | 500 500 300 300 600 700 eral hospital on Wednesday night at 6.55 o'clock. Mrs. Bureau is doing nicely, and every hope is being entertained for her recovery. Dr. Bureau had been in delicate health for some years, and his constitution was not in a condi- tion to stand the terrible shock he suffered. From the time he entered the hospital his condition was not at all favorable, and in spite of the best care and attention given him, it was found that he could not pull through. Deceased was born and raised in Kingston, and had a wide circle of The Selling Numbers in Sheet Music Avalon, Let the Rest of the World Go By, You're a Million Miles From Nowhere, Your Eyes Have Told Me So, When Honey Sings an Old Time Song, Sailing Through, Sweet and Low, Oh, By Jingo, My Isle of Golden Dreams, The Leaves of the Shamrock, Kiss a Miss Waltz, I'm Waiting for | Ships That Never Come In, I'm Like a Ship Without a | THE DAY | Daddy, You've Been a Mother to Me, Carolina Sun shine, Hold Me, The Love Nest, Old Fashioned Garden, The Leaves of the Shamrock, If You Could Care. 100 | 500 | Sail, Hiawatha's Melody of Love, Dardanella, Alice Blue Gown, John McKay, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 1 3¢ Brock Street. Try Chadwick's Coal. Phone 87 | LET OOS ETTORE | . Ar ee Nn 71} friends, all of whom have expressed sincere regret over his death, and the most regrettable circumstances sur- Pianos tuned. Lindsay, Ltd. Phone 1544 C. W. SLATEX SHINGLES SLATEX ROOFING WATMRTITE ROOFING See our window display. W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. . Phone 216. ~~~" er, of Butte, Montana; two sisters, |52y 0 ay Lh RR AER LT RY (rounding it. The late Dr. Bureau was a son ot Peter Bureau. He received his early education in Kingston, and then en- tered medicine at Queen's isity, but took the last two years of his course at the John Hopkins Uni- versity, Baltimore, whera he gradu- tated. For some time he practiced {at Youngstown, Ohio, but his health | gave way and he was compelled to 'give up his practice, and what gave (every indication of being a brilliant |career, for Dr. Bureau won distinec- {tion in his profession. Deceased was | fifty-three years of age, and is sur- vived by his wife, father, one broth- Kingston Hen Is Leading "At the egg-laying contest in Ottawa, Sergt. Major Cold- Nam's Hen is still leading. This bird has again completed a full week and her present unbroken run! consists of thirty eggs in"as many days. Her grand total has now reached 244, which gives her a decided lead of eight eggs from the second bird. It will, be distinctly interesting to watch the work of this bird during the coming week, and it is hoped that the moult which she is rapidly developing will in no way deter her efforts." This Hen is being fed entirely on PURINA SCRATCH Feed and PURINA Chowder. You can make your Hens do the same if you feed them PURINA Scratch Feed and Chewder. Sold by all leading dealers everywh ere. Checkerboard. bags only. W. P. Peters Distributor, Wholesale Phone 51. Kingston. Retail Phone 217. Mrs, W. Perry and Miss I Bureau, both of this city. | Anglican. | Arrangements have been made for IT. W. Savary will ofticiate at the | services. | Coroner Dr. D. BE. Mundell will | hold an inquest to-night to enquire linto the circumstances of the case. Dr. Mundell and Police Sergeant { Marshall Armstrong made an inspec- tion of the Bureau home on Wednes- day night. WY LEAGUE CAMPAIGN |The Sum of $8,000 is Asked From the People of Kingston. | | ingsio | | Widows and orphans of merchant sailors who were killed on active ser- | vice during the war, are to be pen- | sioned by the Navy League of Can- jada. This announcement is made i by the league in their preparation {for the fourth annual "Trafalgar" sailors' week; Oct. 18th to 23rd, | when it is proposed to raise $760,- Worse than fire or theft Your car may be bumed or stolen, and your loss will be only the value of the machine at the time. You may accidentally hit a child, | and be forced to pay $25,000 for 1 his injuries. Travelers Automobile Liability in. surance, the most necessary form of protection fot your car. Telephone to-day J. §. R. McCam Phone No. or 621. 56 BROUK STREET Representing The TRAVELERS HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT re T'S quite evident that fas- tideous people favor the | best pastry as they do | other perfect foods. There's | no reason why you shouldn't enjoy the well-flavored, ex- pertly made bakeryiproducts turned out by us. that you try them. We insist relief of widows, orphans, {of Canadian boys, for sailors' insti- | tutes, development of the movement { and administration. { The grants of the Navy League for {to $30,250. After this year the | pendents {the trust funds now in hand and | $144,000 which is included in the |campaign total, it should be possible to establish an endowment, {to provide those dependents with a | pension egual to that granted to the {dependents of naval men who were | also killed on active service. As many of these dependents are young | children, the endowment must con- 'tinue for a number of years, until Ontario proposes to raise $450,- 000; Quebec $110,000; New Bruns- wick $20,000; Prince Edward Island $15,000; Alberta $30,000; Nova Scotia $50,000; Manitoba $30,000; Saskatchewan $30,000, and British Columbia $25,000. $125,000 will be used for the SCHOOL CHILDREN with hours of study daily, should not b handicapped with poor eyesight. ane It takes but a few moments for usin exam- ining a child's eyes to KNOW whether or not their eyes focus properly. I Why not make sure on this point to-day by ~ consulting ; J. S. ASSELSTINE, D.OS. 342 KING STREET - - KINGSTON "The Busy Optical House" promotion of a national sea conscious spirit; $271,000 for the training of lief of widows and orphans as well as pensions, $179,000 for institutes, | and $40,000 for national administra- tion. - Eastern Ontario cities and towns now lead-the vince of Ontario in connection with the campaign of the Navy League of Canada to raise $760,000 to pension the widows and orphans /of the merchant sailors who lost their lives on active service dur- ing the war, to train continuously 2,000 boys, to help sailors' institutes, etc. Northern Ontario towns, which were leading, have been passed by the eastern centres. " Twenty-six cities and towns have elected committee for local cam- paign purposes and with eleven cen- tres yet to hear from have exceeded all expectations. Reports from the various committees show that no less than ten cities and towns spurned the amount sent by the Navv League headquarters for tis véry worthy | cause, and sent back voluntary ob- jectives, . Napanee leads the list reporting back to headquarters that they would Univer- | Deceased was an | | the funeral on Friday morning. Rev. | 1000 in a national campaign for the | training | | relief in Canada up to date amount | | league expects to cease asking for | | funds for the relief of Canadian de- | of merchant sailors who | { were killed on active service, With | the in-| {come from which will be sufficient | {the children become self-supporting. | Canadian boys; $144,000 for the re- |. | | George Farrel, Brockville, is ners | to attend Queen's University. | |W. Swalne, plano tuner, orders a! | | McAuley's or "~hune 564w. | Miss Jennie Clark, Keelerville, is! | spending the week visiting her | | friend, Miss Annie Glen, Stella. | K Miss Eva Clendinnen, B.A, a Queen's graduate, is teaching in the Continuation school;- Maxville, Ont. There was not 2 quorum of mem- {bers present at the Board of Works meeting called for Wednesday after- | noon. After six months' rental we will | | allow money paid in rental to apply ! | on purchase of plano: C. W. Lind- Tad. | The steamer Buena Vista arrived | {from Ogdensburg and cleared for! {Consecon, to load grain for Richard- | son's elevator. { Mrs. W. Byrne, Montreal, and S. | | Whitny, St. Lawrence, N.Y., are the | {guests of their cousins, Misses | Greaza, Wellington street. | | Shannonville G.T.R. station ! been closed as a might office night offices have been opened | Marysville and Collin's Bay. William Morris, of the Bank of To- | | ronto staff, Kingston, is visiting his | | mother, Mrs. E. A. Morris, and sis- | ter, Bell, Portland, for a few days. | Counci 20, Canadian Order Oc has | and | at C 1 Chosen Friends, will meet in New | Orange hall building on Friday even- | |ing, t. 8th. Organizer Davy will | be present. | | This has been a great week for | [liquor fines at the Kingston police court, Already upwards of $500 has | | been collected and the end of the | | week is not here vet. | Dean Starr has been chosen to re- | present the 'diocese of Ontario on the | executive of the General Syngd of the | | Church of England which convenes | | in Winnipeg on Oct. 18th. The Home for the Aged garden has yielded 500 bushels of potatoes. Yes- | terday| superintendent Baldwin and | | his helpers finished digging. votatoes are the Irish Cobblers and | are among the finest seen In years. | At Battersea, on Sept. 25th, the | Battersea Women's Missionary Auxil- ary held an afternon tea at the home | | of Mrs. Samuel Jamieson. The lad- | ies enjoyed and appreciated the talk | lon "Missions," given by Mrs. Dyde, | Kingston. ! i The remains of Mrs. F. L. Tutton, | | Toronto, were brought to Kingston | today for burial in Cataraqui ceme- | | tery beside the remains of her hus- | | band. Deceased was sixty-nine years | | cf age, a sister of John Macdonald, | secretary of the Board of Education. | Locking For Husband. Mrs. Aubrey S. Thompson, Co- | bourg, has written to the Kingston police, asking them to locate her husband, who has been missing for several days. He served overseas and she thought that perhaps he was | in one of the Kingston military hos- | pitals. The local police made in- | quiries, but found that the missing | husband was not at any of the local | { hospitals, J EE ---------- 1 J. G. Forrester, North Augusta | Road, has been appointed to the | Brockville police department. --------------. N, c ; Fine Furs CHARMING AND DURABLE times. Marmora's committee was asked | of $600 has been sent. Renfrew also Jumpea feir objec- tive up three times the original amount. Belleville two and a halt | Trenton and Deseronto twice amount .suggested, and Kingston one | and a half. Kingston, however, has the largest amount to raise. The local committee voluntarily boosting the objective | from $8,000 to $12,000. Belleville | will raise $5,000. Napanee and Trenton each $2,000. These twenty-six eastern Ontario not only double the amount to be J raised, but wonld increase it four | They are out to raise $2,000. | for $200, but a voluntary objective | | ne |i Add greatly to one's appear- ance as well as being a source of great comfort in cold wea- ther. We are showing many novelties for this season, in- cluding a big range of the new Chokers. Come in and make Hi! ll an early selection. George Mills & Co. ff FURS--HATS---MILLINERY centres gre apparenily out to break |! a Ra Eo The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings FRIDAY BARGAINS THAT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Remnants of Feltol--the Floor Oil cloth; regular 75¢ line. F riday 50c. Remnants of Flannelette--50c. and 60c. quality. F riday Dark Navy Velveteen--wide 40 inch Scotch Tweeds--$1.95 line. On Friday ..... "eo 54 in. Dress Tweeds--Black and brown, black and green, $2.50 line. On Friday The | {i * siete sreVyig SAVE BY BUYING, see ais en ie wieie 35¢. «. $1.25 .. $1.50 "ss es. 1) ~~ i connie $1.50 Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" TO BE LOOKED AFTER The Waterways Commission To Be 'Well Entertained. At a meeting of the council of the board of trade, held on Wednesday afternoon, the interests of Kingstou in the proposed deepening of the St. Lawrence and the course to be taken at the hearing of the International Joint Waterways Commission," on Tuesday mext, were fully discussed. It was announced that the board haa been successful in securing represen- tatives to attend the hearing from Brockville, Renfrew, Napanee, the Eastern Ontario Hydro Electric Un- ion; Clayton, N.Y., Ogdensburg, N.Y., Watertown, N.Y., Cornwall and othe: places. Sir Adam Beck will develop : his schemes for the electrification of the St. Lawrence. In addition plans for the enter- tainnient of the visitors were drawn up, and they will include a trip about the harbor and a banquet on Monday evening. The enquiry will take place ip the City Hall and the public are invited to listen to the evidence. Much credit is due to the board of trade for the energy shown in this important matter. St. Luke's Tea and Sale. On Wednesday, the Woman's Guild of St. Luke's church Held a tea and "sale at Mrs. Connor's residence, 576 Princess street, which proved a suc- cess. The proceeds amounted to $50. The beautiful home was pret- tily decorated with ferns and flowers of autumn tint. The patrons were | received by Mrs, Connor and Mrs. James Fogg, while Mrs. Reynolds re- ceived the admission fee. Mrs. Scrivens and Mrs. John Saunders poured tea and were assisted by Mrs. BE. Baker and the Misses Mec- vidge and McCamm. The home- ® cooking table, which was lad- with contributions was waited {eft by Mesdames Compton, Callback and Botting, while Mrs. Godkin and Mis. Davis were in charge of candy e. -------------------- Lodge Card Party. A successful card party was given by Louise Rebekah lodge in the Odd- Fellows' Hall, King street, on Wed- nesday ®vening. There was a large crowd present, and all spoke highly of the evening's entertainment. Prizes were given the winners, Mrs. Percy, on A complete list at office. Kingston Home Finders. Phones 530w and 539). Just the Pragey fou Want May Be Brick Bungalow; Barrie Street North, Brick Dwelling; Union Street. . «-...Brick Bungalow; Quebec Street, ++e-ee..Brick Dwelling; Earl Street. Frame Dwelling; Bagot Street. Frame Dwelling; Union Street. Frame Bungalow; Patrick Street. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Selle JOHNSTON and DIVISION STREETS. List of Real Hetate, La Parisienne Quality Footwear FOR WOMEN Shoes combining style, quality and service --all that is new and elegant in shoedom, : High and Low Cut Models-- - Steve J. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" 189 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 2210, taking the ladies' prize; and Mrs. Hunt, the consolation; Mr. Nichel- son; the gentlemen's first prize, and Mr. Hunt, the consolation. Light re- freshments were served at the close of the card games. In New York, a year In prise awaits apartment landlords who f to give their tenants heat of 68 de- grees from 6 a.m. t6 10 am. wh the temperature outside is 50 ang or lower. - 5