THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1920. The First Bark Hickey's We are depending upon the enormous sale of this--the Bést of all Cough Mixtures-- to enable us to keep it at the old price of 25 cents. All other mixtures have advanced to 35 and 40 cents, but we want the price and good quality to remain the same as before. FINEST CUT GLASS Clear White and Beautifully cut Bowls Get it for 4 quarter at Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone B59. -- -- Open Sundays. ----- -- SE ----------_] - Berry Sets # Sherbet Glasses Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0. Water Sets Vases Flower Baskets Jelly Dishes, etc. All marked at very reasonable prices. SMITH BROS. Limited Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI ENCE CAN GIVE, Jewelers 850 King Street Established 1840. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service" unique in Kingston. REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. = Saskatchewan Needs. A A A AAA AN iit | | Department of Education stated to- "Pussyfoot" Johnson was convey-| day that Saskatchewdn was short ed through a church yard to escape a more than 6500 school teachers and 70 MAKE PUBLIC APPEAL EE Phone 1670. Regina, Oct, *~~--Officials of the THE DAILY ---- i -- BRITISH WHIG. need so acute, all who can contribute are earnestly requested to do so. MAYOR MACBRIDE TO OROSS BENCHES | Announces He Sends Word to | 8peaker--Can Then Speak ll on Behalf of House of Provi- | dence, Which is in Dire Need. The House of Providence, one of is Mind Kingston's most important charitable | His . institutions, 1s about to launch a | Brantford. Ont., Ogt. 7. -- Mayor campaign for financial support, OW-| yoopride has called no meeting of ire lo ad Lg Dn | the labor group in Lospecriss with the past five years. The institution fhe Chijpowa_tzoubles, uo does ay is maintained almost entfrely by char- | leaders of the Independent Labor ity and the revenues have diminished group But he has asked the Speaker De a he aa 1h hug | {0 Biace Bim on the srosrbuncres to ' | that he can spea s mind freely gi AR QTE hes: without being accused of betraying circumstances that exist at the pre- government confidence, a gonfidence eh t which, however, has never been ex- sent time compel the administration t im. He issued the follow- | to take this course. In addition to gested Lo hun, { the increasing costs of foodstuffs, | .},ye not called any meeting of there has been a steady increase in | (1. |ahor group. After the experi- the cost of coal and the management .... .¢ jast year when I was grossly i Tie eiors to | pisepresentod for my astion 18 elt y h ing a meeting a alker House, ance due on last year's coal bill of | I made up my mind that in future if $7,000 and this has been increased to | i) is any meeting ta be called, it $9,000. The situation, therefore, calls a Y the il Walter Rollo for prompt and generous action on, 4, the calling. The men on the the part of all persons who appreciate Chippawa canal have perhaps felt the inestimable value of the service that I should have called the meet- rendered to humanity by the loving | 0 ye the government failed to act | devotion of the Sisters of Charity | °.,. 'a.ommendation of our ma- who are consecrated to the work. | but there is mo more | . | jority report, WEIS a Talo of mis § | aton te expoct me Io tall 4 pieuting | 8 4 PEe | 3 t any other private | personal inspection of the House of a A p Providence, accompanied by Mo fer "When Hon. Mr. Raney a few M. Clement, superior of the Order, | ive ago wrote me 'a letter in and mother generab_of (he diocese: which he took exception to my ex 3 . ) i the question o strong personality and sympathetic presse opimion of as a que of disposition of this executive official " crown undertook to tell me that whose personal interest and ability | © supporter of the government 1 is manifested by the efficiency of was mot to have the freedom of oyery department of the Institution: | speech. I nave consequently asked 4 3 r ace me in a - ness everywhere, and the soft touches the speaker td the SOLE -- of human consideration that make | , may be permitted to express my te ENeS) 35 De days grow short ions on public questions freely ss Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, Oct. 7.-- Cleveland's Indians succumbed yes- terday to the same poison that laid of night hovers | , | without having the inference drawn | closer and closer upon those whose | wi . betrayin ov- | world is confined within its walls. | nat Lam ju any Way YOE EZ | Here are the aged, the poor, the sick, [ many without means of support, and | bereft of the power of self-support; 'SPITBALL PITCHER KLY many incurables to be contented, | WON FOR BROOKLYN i happy and grateful for the care be- | -- BM stowed upon them. They are provid- Only In the Eighth Inning ied with every comfort and home | Was Grimes in Any convenience, and those capable of em- | Danger. ployment render what assistance they | | can. One man crippled by rheuma- | | tism and obliged to use a wheel chair + | does all of the shoe repairing. The different departments are under ee ag out the Robins the day before. Jatned Sgn who are responsible The spitball pitching par excel. | 4 . | i y nto the The House of Providence is divided Hence Wineh o Covalskie Lo dt oe | Inte Shice departments, ihe male | pions in the opening game was serv-| ng. w od i a th vitate | ©d back to them, and Brooklyn even- | with one hundred and tho wovitate | 0g (ho count by winning the second | igame of the big series, 0 0. religious drties, household science, |& Burleigh Grimes scored a shutout | { | gue PROBS: Friday, fine, higher temperature. , eT Eee 3 FRIDAY STARTLING REDUCTIONS AT STEACY'S Read these sensational bargains. They are bound to interest every woman who appreciates genuine value giving--the quantities are just as enumerated and we strongly advise early selection. Early Morning Shoppers Attention ! Save 109, on all Cash Purchases Through the medium of Steacy's DOUBLE DISCOUNT STAMPS Shop the Steacy way and save money while you spend Double Stamps from 9 a.m. till 12 noon. Mullis = Mh sr pea TER SAVE 205, SALE OF SILK STOCKINGS Your choice of any pair of Silk Hose at this great price reduction --to-morrow is your to benefit by this sensational sale --anticipate your needs and save 20c. on every $1.00 you spend on Silk Hose. Thus: Reg. 85c. Hose, less 207; . . 68c. Reg. $2.00 Hose, less last chance 20% $1.60 3 HOUR SALE SWISS TAFFETA SILKS Reg. $3.00 Friday $1.98 250 yds. of Chiffon Taffeta Silks in plain and shot effects; 36 ins. wide and colors: Taupe, Russian Green, Purple, Slate, Fawn, Hague Blue, Olive: the regular $3.00 line, at this great AACE OCONEE AAA RRC Bisque, Reg. $2.50 Hose, less 209 $2.00 etc., for mission work. In addition |g," Brooklyn, holding the American | reduction. On sale from 9 to 12. mob at Reading, England, who re- 3hat this number might be increased sented any outside interference. 10 1,000 before the end of the year. there is the children's department at St. Mary's-on-the-Lake-with 'one hun- a, 1 dred little ones, which is administer- od by the Ha ise of Providence. The inmatss of the men's wards were all adw.nced in years and those Leaguers to 7 hits. In only one in- |ning were the Clevelanders able to drive but more than one safety. Just as Covaleskie 'made the Broklyn bats almost useless Tues- day, Grimes used the same spitball Flannelette Blankets . not in thel: senility were incapacit- |g ans to baffle the Indiang yester- ated for life's struggle by deformities |4,y He was invincible and breezed and disesse. The Meritones: and | through the entire game without fac- rooms Swere found spotlessly clean, |i,» danger except in the eighth in- amply lighisa and Somlonable. The ning when grea of wildness sefzed women's wards wer ; him. He wal ree batsmen, both departments many were bedrid- | pitched himself out of the hole cour- den and objects of constant personal |3geously with the dangerons attention on the part of the sisters poe Johnston at bat. He was back: whose service is the practical expres- |¢q prilliantly by the entire Robin sion of 'religion consecrated to hu- team. manity. | While Cleveland was making a In consequences of their self-denial vain. effort to solve Grimes, the the insgitution is administered at Robins were having no trouble with thy lowest possible cost. the big Jim Bagley. The big Cleve- he revenue is derived Slmost en: land right hander wae ducidedy off Kingston grants $100 a year. the games this year. He was not only province of Ontario seven cents per |ineffective in the box, but made the ee ie acme em per c e amount derived (to secon ase, e from these sources is utterly inade- [the second run of the game. Bagby quate, and while no new sources of | was relieved in the Soyéuth tuning revenue have been found, the costs in favor of a pinch- er, ac have mounted each year, especially (Graney, who fanned. tke cost of food a..d fuel. The work | George Uhle then took up the bur- of some of the sisters brings in a den and performed most acceptably, 160 pairs of famous Klondyke large size FI lette Blankets; White and Grey; large double bed size; on 4.25 nn = less than wholesale cost AY, $3.49 Pure' Wool Broadcloth Velours Just the right weight for Suits, Dresses or Coats in all the sea- son's wanted shades: Mauve, Blue, Grape, Wine, Purple, Pearl Grey, Taupe; 54 ins. wide; reg. $5.00 a yd. . .FRIDAY, $3.89 sess se aes asain REDUCE! COSTS ON MASON WORK ordered during the week October 2nd to October 9th, inclusive, [10 MEN'S UNDERWEAR -- LADIES' SWEATERS 90 only, Men's winter weight 10% will be allowed off Labor, Walls Painted, Chimneys Repaired; new work undertaken. EE ------ Bed Room Furniture We are showing some very fine designs . in Bedroom Furniture. These 'suites are' made of the best Black Walnut and Ma- hogany and are composed of the following pieces. The popular Vanity Dresser, fitted with three large mirrors and six drawers (three on each side). The Chiffrobe contains three linen drawers and three standard deep drawers. . A Bed, with square or round corner foot board. A Bench for Vanity Dresser. A Low . Rocker and a straight backed Chair. Make an early selection while the stock is large LF. Co, Ltd. Phove 90 small return. They maje all of the costumes worn by the order in the diocede of Kingston, and a monthly magazine for children entitled "The Guardian" is edited and printed two talented sisters in the institu. tion, the proceeds of which go to support the children's orphanage. The House of Providence wat open- ed in 1861 and additions have been built from time to time since then as increased ccommodation was de- manded. The appointments through- out are in keeping with the require- mical. One great handicap, however, being sixteen furnaces in operation during winter weather. Plans and specifications were obtained for a central heating plant but the lowest estimate of the cost of installation was $20,000, and as no money was available the improved heating sys- tem could not be installed. It is hop- found to raise the money needed to instal an up-to-date heating plant. in ti meantime, money is sorely needed to meet current accounts and improvements must be deferred. By an order promulgated some time ago, each diocese was required to main- tain its own institutions, and the Roman Catholic people of the King- ston district are called upon to re- spond generously to the present ap- peal. : The: House of Providence has had a separate fire alarm put in, and it is now being rewired for electric light to conform to the requirements of the fire underwriters. It is otherwise well protected against fire. 5 Adjoining the main building is a beautiful chapel for the use of the inmates, the staff and families re- siding In the vicinity. Religious ser- vices are conducted on Sundays and holy days and are attended by the Roman Catholic inmates. There are a few Protestant inmates, but as they have their own churches to go to, they are not required to attend chapel The administration offices are lo- cated on each side of the main en- trance. Here, Sister Mary Alexander, secretary to the mother superior, keeps account of all business mat- ters. At the present moment a num- ber of the staff are busily engaged in preparations for the bazaar to be | opened Nov. 15th™next, by which it | is hoped to ralse the money to pay the fuel bill now overdue, Many friends of the institution and render ing every assistance, by way of con- tributions and personal service, but as the sum uired is large and the by | ments and the management is econo- i. found in the heating system, there | ed that some time a way may be! {striking out three of the six men who | faced him. | BISMARCK FALLS A PREY TO FLAMES The World's Largest Vessel Was for Delivery - to the Allies. Berlin, Oct. 7.--The steamship Bismarck, which would have been the world's largest vessel, has been burned at Hamburg, says a despatch to the Zweifuhrblatt. The gross ton- nage of the Bismarck was sald to have been 56,000, as against 54,282 of the Vaterland, now the Leviath- fan, the next largest steamer. 'No explanation is given in the despatch as to the cause of the fire. The Bis- marck was building at the yards of would have been delivered to the allies under the terms of the peace treaty. In July last it was reported that the Bismarck wads so nearly com- pleted that she soon would be ready to be sent to Belfast and placed in the Hartland and Wolf shipyards to be finished and transformed to the White Star Line. The vessel was to have been propelled by eight turbines developing ' 65,000 horse-power. She was to have been 912 feet long. To Electrify North Toronto, Oct. 7.--S8ir Arthur Pease, of London, who is here, says the North Eastern Railway in Eng- land will soon be electrified. He is studying Illinois Central electrifica- tion plants and Chicago public utili- ties and steel industries. Blohm and Voss at Hamburg, and | Shirts and Drawer make; all sizes 34 to 44. Regular price $3.50. Friday ........... BOYS' JERSEYS-- 50 only, Boys' Pullover Sweat- ers; sizes 28, 30, 32; good range of colors; worth $1.25. Friday ............... 8%. s; Watson vrai 32.29 | Friday, .". 18 -only, Ladies' Filet Knit Sweaters; pullover style; good range of colors; reg. priced at $12.50; while they last ceria. $849 TABLE NAPKINS-- 10 doz. only, Table Napkins: size 22 x 22; worth to-day $5.00 adozen. Special: Friday .......... $3.75adoz. Steacy's - Limited "The Woman's Store of Kingston." ~~ Catches a Man-eater ; With Rod and Reel Cape May, N.J., Oct. 7.--A bi man-eating shark caught by Dr. Pau S. Howe, rector of the Episcopal church, attracted large crowds yes- terday to the pier on which it was exhibited. Dr. Howe wag fishing with rod and reel last night for channel bass when he had a monster strike. He battled for an hour and a half before the shark was brought to gaff. It was found to weigh 368 pounds, and was nine feet one inch in length. Three small sharks and half a dozen croak- ers were found inside the shark when it wag cut open, Lifeguards at both stations say the shark had been seen in shallow water here, and, as sharks usually travel in pairs, it is believed another is pro- bably in the vicinity . 4 Left $50,000 to Charities. Kitchener, Oct. 7.--The late Jac- ob Kaufman, of this city, who died last April, left an estate valued at $911,674. Two legacies of $2,000 each are bequeathed to the broth- ers-in-law of the testator, whose will has just been probated, John Rus, of Wellesley, and Jacob Ratz, of troit, and $50,000 is to be given with in five years to charitable, religious and educational institutions, as the executors may direct. The balance of the estate goes to the widow and family, = LOS§ OF SUNSHINE. Twenty Per Cent. Out Off by Smoke Nuisance. London, Oct. 7.--At the conclud- ing meeting of the Sanitary Inspec- tors' Conference at Margate, BE. W. Hill, Birmingham, moved a re- solution declaring that more vig- orpus action in regard to the smoke nuisance was necessary both from a domestic and an industrial point of view, and that the Ministry of Health should introduce stringent legisla- tion. H. P. Gentry, Fulham, said that only smoke-consuming stoves should be manufactured. It meant the scrapping of a lot of plant, but that was a small matter when they remembered that 20 per cemt. of available sunshine was now cut off from our cities and towns by smoke. he added that milk was deteriorated ih quality when cows grazed in smoke areas. The resolution was adopted Next year's conference is to be in Bath. , > es te : Armaments House. London, Oct. 7.--The Ministry of Munition has vacated Armaments House, Whitehall Place. When the building has been cleaned it will be ocgupied by the Ministry of Agricul- tuve, for which it was originally built. It is understood that an ef- fort will be made to house at the new and enlarged home of the min- istry most, it not all, of its various All. cntiic Why is Bread London, Oct. 7-~--~With Canad wheat steadily declining in price, the British public is asking why the are to be required, with the g ment"s consent, to pay thres more per four-pound loaf a fort hence, and another twopence spring. It is pointed out in the ish press today that the price wheat at Winnipeg has fallen n: thirty cents per bushel in the month, so that the increase in the bread prices consequent upon abolition of the bread subsidy, w 3 has hitherto kept prices down, should te only half of what it will be under the prices recently approved by government. -- ese ---------------- New London Collegiate. London, Ont, Oct. 7.--The ba of education adopted a plan for new collegiate institute to rep! that destroyed last winter. The pl which has yet to be approved by Ontario department of educati calls for a building of 26 rooms, auditorium, gymnasium auxiliary departments, The bable cost will be $750,000.. Rev. Ben Spence Marvied, Toronto, Oct. 7.--Rev. Ben BH Spance, secretary of the On wanch of the Dominion All was married to Miss Churchill Baturday, of this city. Ci