TRAN ERNE NEP REE RAEN ps. 7 § 7% L/ * | Think of The Last Cost First There are wheels cost- ing less than the MAS- SEY to buy. But they will inevitably cost much more to keep. Their entire cost must be read over a few years time. While the MASSEY you buy to-day will be giving yeoman service for many yearstocome PROS JT MASSEY Br CSS Sa Think thls 6ver--then let us show you the latest MASSEY Models--for Men Women and Children. MASSEY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | In the World of Sport ' SUPPORT PROTEST AT RUGBY MEETING Montreal Football Club Tak- ing Exception to Two Rulings Made. The Montreal Gazette says: Determination to see it through was expressed at a meeting of the Montreal Football Club, held last night at the Westmount club-house, when the question of protesting Sat- urday's match was thoroughly dis- cussed. As a result a statement has been prepared and will be forwarded to the executive of the Inter-Provin- cial Rugby Union. "Two points are indicated as form- | Ing ground for protest. One is that a try made by Potticary was disal- lowed; the other hinges on the deli- {cate situation leading up to the final | play, when" Argos went over for a the commission. It has been found | necessary to point out to promoters that before professional be put on a licensed referee must be | engaged, and in order to ensure that | TAX PLAYERS' SHARE. For Income Tax. [to the secretary of the commission, | sharing in the receipts of the world's | together with five per cent. of the series. Unde: gross receipts. hoped that the Commission will be | state, not nly will the players who made self-supporting. etme tee share of the receipis of world's ser- DIVISION OF SPOILS. The official figures for the world's | The law affects not only the Cleveland baseball series up to Tuesday are: | and Brooklyn players, but the run- Monday Total |ners-up and third teams in each lea- Attendance ....27.104 Receipts ....$82 969 $479 978 00 | American, and New York and Cincin- Commission's share... 48 090 00 nati in the National. The non-resi- Player's. share. ........ 214 870 74 dent players, it was explained today, Club owner's share ....180 591 20 'are taxable because they rendered League Treasuries 36 426 06 | "personal services" in New York. The last game in which the player | The National Commission will take shared in the receipt wag Sunday. bouts can | New York State to Take Percentage The long arm of the law in New | the funds areé properly applied, a fin- | York State will reach out for taxes | | ancial statement must be forwarded ! due from about 125 baseball players | T the terms of the re-| With the latter it is | cently enacfed income tax law in this | | live within the state be taxed on their | | les games, but other states as well. | 150 802 | gue--Chicago and New York in the | out from the checks to non-residents | a o o o o o itry, which furnished the points to win the game, Now's the Time to Get a Bike for Next Season. In the case of Potticary it was 1 : : 1] ruled at the time that the ball was Come in and pick yours out--we'l] keep it until | So TF rar dime tat the Lall was you want it next year. Buy now and save money, Montreal club. As to the other event it is asserted Prices will be higher next year. {that Ken Barwick, the Montreal cap- (tain, had possession of the ball, close to the Montreal line, and despite his !claim of "held," was shoved back across the line, and that when the mass was untangled the oval was found in the possession of an Argon- aut player. The ball was then carried {two yards in the field and Argonaut given possession, Gym. Supplies Gym. Jerseys, Shorts, Stockings and Shoes. The shares yesterday and remain- ing games is divided 10 per cent. to | the commission and the remainder equally between the club owners and the treasuries of the major leagues. Scottish Golfer Coming. Gordon . Lockhart, the well-known | Scottish international golfer, has | decided to leave Scotland for America | and has accepted a post as a profes- | 'sional. He has figured prominently | in the Scotland vs. England amateur matches and won the Irish amateur championship in 1912. Physteally, he is well adapted for strenuous golf, standing over six feet and weighing an amount sufficient to pay the tax. than the exemption allowed by the law. Many Argo Cripples. Argonauts will be in rather bad to O'Connor, Greey and Dunbar, Gar- ret is now out with a badly sprained ankle. Gilhooley and Huestis, who have bad knees, may also be out, and worst of all, Cochrane, captain and quarter back, has a bdly bruised knee and rib, and is not certain yet whether his rib is broken. whenever their shares are greater | shape for next Saturday. In addition | Upholstered in Velours, Tapestry, Heather, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1020. Extension Couches. R. The Leading Undertaker nad Furniture Dealew Gabulancs Phone 577. 230 PRINCESS STREE? J. Reid | The Montreal club contends that if 13 stone. He saw a good deal of ac- {It was Argo's ball, the play should tive service during the war with the {have been called a try. But the ball Scottish Regiment in France, and like { having been brought back to where nearly every British sportsman of | Barwick held, it should have been military age, can claim to have '"dons | given to Montreal, and not to the his bit." { Argos. On this play hinged the re- | | sult of the game. | FARMERS | You will have Savings to Invest this'Fail. Are vou going to accept 3% just because you are handed a neat, little passbook and a smile? Why let the other fellow make the money with your hard earned cash? Come to 'our office and we guarantee the smile, and also that your savings will be invested direct in the very securities in which the insti- tutions that pay you 3%, turn round and re-invest yours. You will fing your intelligent investing friends in our office looking over 6 and 7% securities as a resting place for their money until it is needed. Not in the Savings deparwnent of a 3% in stitution as in the old days. We shall be glad to show You in dudlars and cents just what you are los Ing by depositing your funds at 3% and reme mber your savings should be made to earn you money just as surely as you make it by the sweat of your brow. Why throw away 4% year after year? .Call at our office or write for our, full list of Canadian government and municipal investments as these are always rea dily saleable and we recommend them as the most intelligent invest ment that can be made to-day. Wonderful Bilious Remedy Actually Prevents Attacks Football Goods Boots, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, etc. 1 1 ousness,--they are constipation and | Let ua fit you out with your requirements. | rie | Toirtoon momboes of vos New York facnmess.--they afe o | |SHARKEY BOXES WILDE National League baseball team lsft When Dr. Hamilton's Pills are tak- STORE HOURS: ..... vere .B3m to 8 p.m. | ON DECEMBER 15TH here for Havana yesterday to play |en, they mot baly correct comsti.| y vk Jack Sharkey, New York bantam, Saturdays, 10.30 p.m. Shop early. Giants Invade Cuba. a series of sixteen exhibition games pated bowels, but act upon the liver has signed contracts calling for $45,- with Cuban teams beginning rext as well. {000 worth of work inside the next Saturday. John J. McGraw, man- Quite unlike ordinary medicines |two months. On October 15th he ager of the Giants, will join them |which purge and give temporary re- > D will draw down $6,000 for boxing later this month. Johnny Evers is lief, Dr. Hamilton's Pills remove the R 1 ING + White; October 19th at Bos- in charge of the party. conditions which cause biliousness, {ton, with Young Montreal, he gets 'and thus permanent cures are effect- i _v .. 2 . ed. No person who occasionally uses . te Yul LES Dr. Hamilton's Pills will ever suffer v2 A from the headache, bad stomach, or billous complaint. Get a 25¢ .box to- day. S88 PRINCESS STREET : 1 Telephone 529, |a guarantee of $4,000, and on Novem- ber 15th, over the fifteen-round de- | cision route at Madison Square Gar- den, taking "Joe" Lynch on for a return bout, he gets a guarantee of $10,000, with an option of 25 per BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. Municipal and Corporation Bonds Government, 237 BAGOT STREET. KINGSTON, ONT, "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" Martin's Garage We are fully equipped with first class mechanics to do all kinds of AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK ON SHORTEST NOTICE. Cal! and let us supply you with GASOLINE, OILS, etc. Country 'calls given best of attention. Storage for cars. J. W. MARTIN, Prop. 110 Clergy Street. Phone 1102W. Res. Phone 1705F. cent. of the.gross receipts. Manager Joe Wagner, with Shar- key, will leave for England for a 20- | round decision battle with Jimmy Wilde at London December 15th, re- ceiving a guarantee of $25,000 with training and travelling expenses. BOXING TROUBLES, It looks as though the Ontario Boxing and Athletic Commission are likely to have their hands full during the ensuing winter. They have al- ready received several applications for permits for boxing bouts in var- fous parts of the Province. In some cases sanction has already been given but in other cases the board are sat- isfying themselves beyond all doubt as to the bona fides of the proposed exhibition before granting the per- mits and references from the chief of police or mayor of the cities in which the bouts are asked for are being called for. Before granting per- mits, too, the Commission require to be furnished with the names of the intending contestants who will not be allowed to engage in a bout unless they have first seoured a license from End Your Catarrh Today! Catarrh sufferers, meaning those with colds, sre throat, bronchial trouble, etc., can all be cured right at home by inhaling "Catarrbozone." A RESEMBLANCE "This paper says the average life of a ship Is twenty-six years." "That's why a ship is called "she", for a woman never gets any older than that." SEPTEMBER, 22, 1920 ROADSTER, without starter . ..$730.00 ROADSTER, with starter ... .. 845.00 TOURING, without starter .... 805.00 TOURING, with starter .. ... ... 920.00 OUPE ,.............. .120000 SEDAN i... .. .... 0 ois al 405.00 STANDARD CHASSIS, without starter .... ..... ...., .. 595.00 STANDARD CHASSIS, with stdfer ¢. .. .. ......... 695.00" TRUCK CHASSIS, without starter 795.00 TRUCK CHASSIS, with starter . 900.00 FORDSON TRACTOR .. .. .. 790.00 Plus freight from Dearborn and exchange ese prices are F.O.B. Kingston, includ. ing freight and Government taxes: VanLuvenBros. Ford Sales and Service ~~ 34.38 Princess A NATURAL MISTAKE Pref. Fly: Goodness, Mt. Vesuvius is In eruption again. In using Catarrnozone you don't take medicine into the stomach-- you just breath a healing piny vapor direct to the lungs and air passages. The Jaren: Dalsava and the great- est antiseptics are thus sent to every spot w catarrhal trouble exists| YoU can Always try our lost and -- are killed, foul secretions| found columns. : are destroyed, nature is given a : : \ Canada's Favorite A NEWSPAPER MAN'S REPLY "He who hesitates is lost." Colds and throat iroubles can't last if the pure healing vapor of Catarrhozone is breathed--sneezing and coughing cease at once, because irritation is removed. Use Catarrhozone to prevent--use it to cure your winter ills--it's pleas- ant, safe, and guaranteed in every case. OF COURSE Egg Cup: Watcha beefin' about? 2 Boxing Banned in Halifax. promoter and two boxers engaged in E The boxing game has been banned | an altercation on a public street, and 99: 'Cause I've got a streak of 'Halifax, according to Chief of Po- | this is believed to have had some- vellow In me, that's what! Hanrahan, who says that nol thing to do with the decision reached. . bouts will be permitted. No rea- are given. Following the Mc- Alex bout last week, a boxing OTT & WILLIAMSON : AITOMOBILE REARING A 'Ford Cars un specialty, Fa a Aneta. wo » 3 Phones! fri Bh Res, 13373. 4 AND Torr T You 1 1 CcodLonr AEN | a I] SAY -SIR «| HAVEN'T WORKED HERE LONG SAY- DO You 9 Thi Ku Shove | yo JUDGE « ; Talking Machines | All kinds of Phon ed, cleaned, recharged and ed. Main and governor for all makes in stock. k service, expert workman. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST.