WEDNESDAY, OCPOBER 18, 1820. THE MARKET REPORTS GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto. Toronto, Oct. 12.--Manitoba oats ~--No. 2C. W, 76%; No. 3C. W, 703%c; extra No. 1 feed, 69%c; all in store, Fort William. Northern wheat, new crop==No. 1 northern, $2.36% : No. 2 northern, $2.32%; No. 3 northern, $2.24; No. 4 northern, $2.17%; all in store, Fort William. American corn--No. 2 yellow, $1.- 80, track, Toronto, prompt ship- ment. Manitoba barley, in store, Port willlam--No. 3 C. W., $1.11%; No. 4 CW. $1.06; rejects, 94c; feed, 92c. Barley--Ontario malting, $1.10 to | $1.15. Ontario wheat--No, 2, $2.05 to | $2.15, f.0.b. shipping points, accord- ing to freights; No. 2 spring, $2 to $2.10. Ontario oats--No. 3 white, nomin- al 64c to 68c, accorumg to freights outside, Ontario flour~In jute bags. Gov. ernment standard, prompt shipment, delivered at Montreal, nominal; To- ronto, nominal; bulk, seaboard, $9.00. Manitoba flour--Track, Toronto, cash prices, first patents, $12.90; second patents, $12.40. Mill feed--Carloads, delivered T)- ronto freights, bag included: Bran, per ton, $49; shorts, per ton, $54% feed flour, $3.50. Hay, loose, No. 1, per ton, $38 to 383: baled, track, Toronto, $30 to 82. New Yorks New Ygrk, Oct. 12.--Flour--Mar- ket firm; spring patents and Kansas straights, $11.26 to $11.76; spring olears, $9.50 to $10.25; winter ghts, $9.75 to $10.50. e flour--Market quiet; fair to good, $9 to $9.60; choice to fancy, $9.65 to $10.25. White corn flour--Market dull; $3.76 to $3.85 per 100 lbs. Cornmeal--Market dull; yellow and white granulated, $3.60 to $3.70. Rye--Market firm; No. 2 western, $1.35 f.0.b.,, New York and $1.89 c.1.f. domestic. Barley--Market steady; feeding, '$1.01 to $1.02 and malting, $1.10 tc $1.18 e.i.f. New York. Buckwheat---Market dull; milling, $3.40 per 100 lbs. 'Wheat--Spot market strong; No. 2 red and No, 2 hard, $2.37 spot, cAf. track New York and No. 2 mix- ed durum, $2.24 c.i.f. to arrive. Corn--Spot market steady; No. 2 yellow $1.15% and No. 2 mixed, $1.13% cil New York, 10-day ship- ment. Oats--Market sasy; city bran, $44 and western, $43 in 100-1b. sacks. } Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 12. --Wheat--No. 3 red, $2.16; No. 1 hard, $2.14 to $2.15%; No. 2 hard, $3.15 to $2.15, Corn--No. 2 mixed; 91% ec to 92¢c; No. 2 yellow, 9234 to 93%ec. Oats--No. 2 white, 65% cto 56 %¢; No. 3 white, 4c to 65%ec. Rye--No. 2, $1.65. Barley, 75¢ to 97c. Timothy seed--$5 to $6.60. Clover seed--$12 to $20. Pork--Market nominal. Lard---$19.80. Ribs--$16.26 to $18.50, » Montreal. Montreal, Oct. 12.--Oats--Cana- dian Western, No. 2, 94¢; do., No. 3, 92¢. Flour--New standard grade, $12.50. Rolled oats--Bag of 90 lbs, $4.20. Bran--3$46.25. Shorts--$50.- 26. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Oct. 12.--Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.87; No, 2 Northern, $2.32%; No. 8 Northern, $2.24%; No. 4 Northern, $2.17%; No, 6, $2.- 073%; track Manitoba, $2.31%; track Saskatchewan, $2.30%; t Alberta, $2.303%. Oats--No. 3 C.W,, 76% ¢; No. 3 C.W., 70% ¢; extra No. 1 feed, 69% c; No. 1 feed, 69% ¢c; No. 2 feed, 65%c; track, 70%c. Barley --No. 3 C.W., $1.11%; No. 4 C.W., $1.06; rejected, 92¢; feed, 92¢; track $1.07. Rye---No. 3,C.W., $1.76. Flax --No. 1 NW.C., $3.02; No. 2 C.W,, $2.98; No.. 3 C.W., $2.63; condemn- ed, $2.52; track, $3.01. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, Toronto, Oct, 12. -- Cattle -- Heavy beet steers, $14 to $15; butcher steers, choice, $12 to $13; good, $10.50 to $11.50; medium, $7.50 to $9; common, $6 to $6.75; butcher heifers, choice, $11 to $12; medium, $7.50 to $9; common, $6 to $6.75; butcher cows, choice, $9.50 to $10,560; medium, $7 to $9; canners and cutters, $3 to $6; butcher bulls, ood, $8.50 to $9.60; common, $5 to $68; feeding steers, good, $10.50 to $11.50; fair, $9 to $10; stockers, good, $8.50 to $9.50; fair, $6.75 to $8. Calves--Choice, $18 to $19.50; medium, $15 to $17; common, $8 to $12; milch cows, choice, $100 to $160; springers, cholee, 3125 to $165. Ewes, $7.50 to $8.60; lambs, $12 to $13.50 H heavies, $19.26; sows, $156.26 to $17.25. ky Montreal, Oct. 12. -- Cattle -- Butcher steers, $9.50 to $11; medium, $8.50 to $9; eommon, $7 to $8.50; butcher heifers, choice, $9 um, $56 to $7.50; camners, $3 to $4; cutters $4 to §5; butcher bulls, common, $5.26 to $6. Good veal, §13 to $15; grass, $5.50 to $7. Ewes, $5.50 to $7; lambs, good, §13; com- mon, $10 to $12.60, Hogs, off car weights, selects, $19.50 to $30. ; Chieago. Chicago, Oct. 12.--Cattle--Bulk, $17.50, top $18; fats, 5 cents lower at $16 to $17; ; ny weak; $9.50 to $14.50. Butcher cows open- ed slow, mostly $5.50 to $9; bulls, 8 to strong; choice vealers, § cents lower at $16 to $17; grassy kinds, steady; bulk $8.50 to $12; de- irable feeders steady, common kinds low. Hogs--Top $16.10; bulk light and butchers, 15.50 to $16; bulk packing sows $14.25 to $14.50; pigs to 25 cents higher; bulk de- sirable kinds around $15. Sheep fed and water- | ed, selects, $20.25; lights, $18.25; ' bulk |stags, $8 to $11, | He Always Uses Dominion Tires He may worry about spark plug or carbureter or carbon; but he > has stopped worrying about tires. service. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The Man who has stopped worrying He has confidence in his DOMINION TIRES and knows they will serve him right. He knows he will get the mileage out of DOMINION TIRES, because the mileage is built right into the tires. DOMINION TIRES offer the motorist a COMPLETE tire There are six treads: "Royal Cord," "Nobby," "Chain," "Dominion," " Grooved " and "Plain," for every car and every purpose, business and pleasure. DOMINION INNER: TUBES to assure perfectly balanced tires. There ate DOMINION TIRE ACCESSORIES. And there are DOMINION TIRE DEALERS throughout Canada, from coast to coast, who can and render efficient and practical service. The best dealers throughout Canada sell There are give helpful advice tive lambs, $11.25 to $12; fat native ewes, $6.75; bulk, $5.25 to $5.75. ; Buffalo. "* Buffalo, N.Y, Oct. 12. --Cattle-- Shipping steers, $15 to $17; butchers, $9 to $14: yearlings, $16 to $17; heifers, $6 to $11.50; cows, $2.50 to $9.50; bulls, $5.50 to $9.50; stock- ers and feeders, $5.50 to $8.50; fresh cows and spriggers, slow, steady, $65 to $130. Calves, steady; $6 to $20. Hogs, light yorkers and pigs, $17; few, $17.10; roughs, $13.50 to $14; $7 to $13; yearlings, $6 to $9; $7 to $7.50; ewes, $3 to $6; mixed sheep, $6.50 to $7. s-- i Minneapolis, Oct. 12.--Flour un- changed to 4§¢ higher; In carload lots, family patents gq at $11.50 a barrel in 98 pound cotton sacks; shipments, 77,113 barrels. Bran, Barly top native, $12.25; bulk na- | $30,000. NO; 3 Northern, 82.10% to $2.26%; De cember, $2.11; March, $2.08. Corn--No. 3 yellow, 88 to 90¢c. Oats --No. 3 white, 503 to 50%e¢. Flax No. 1, $2.92 to $2.95. GENERAL TRADE. Montreal, Moatreal, Oct. 12. --Butter--No. solids, 61c Ib.; prints, 62¢ Ib; No. ¢ solids, §9¢; prints, 80c; dairy, 50c. Eggs--No. 1, 60c per dos.; selects 68¢ dox.; specials, 78c. Lard--In prints, 31c per Ib. Shortening 28 per 1b. ams--Large s 49¢; . 66%c Ib. Ji okt Cheese--Old;- 33¢c per Ib; new sem : : Bacon-- dsor boneless, 57 Ib; breakfast, 48c to 60¢c per Ib. = Dressed poultry--Milkted chicken 42¢ to 45c¢ per 1b; fowls, 35¢ to 38c.; geese,' 30¢; turkey, 57¢; ducks, 40c per 1b. % Beans--Canadian hand-picked, $s pa bushel; peas, $4.75, Dressed Hogs--Fresh killed abat- toir stock, $20.50 to $30. ' Flour--First patents, $12.50 per .; second patents, $12 per bbL; ex-track. Millfeed--Brand, $45.25 per ton. ex-track; short, $52.25. Hay---Baled, per ton In car lots, No. 2 Timothy, $32; Nq. 3 Timothy, to $31; clover, mixed, $26 to $27, ex-track. Potatoes--In bags of 90 lbs., §1.50 to $1.60, ex-track. N Toronto. | Toronto, Oct. 13.--Batter, choice dairy, 56¢ to 60c, do., creamery, 65¢ to 706; e, 1v., 37¢c to 40c; eggs, ~new laid, doz, The to $0c; cheese, Ib., 40¢ to 45c. Dressed noultry---Chickens, spring, Ib., 45¢ to 50c; fowl, Ib., 38¢ to 42¢; chickens, roasting, 48c to 50c; ducks, spring, {1b 40c to 46¢; turkeys, 1b, §5 to 60c. Apples--Barrel, $1.75 to $4; apples, basket, 30¢c ww 60c; canta- loupes, basket, 65c to 80c; grapes, 60c to 90¢; oranges, doz.p 30c to 5c; plums, basket, 40¢c to TSe; plums, gages, 65¢; peaches, Can, 11- qts., 80¢c to $1.25, do., -8-quarts, 50c to 76¢; lemons, doz., 20c to 30c; watermelons, each, 50c to $1. Vege tables--beans, basket, 63¢ to Tbe; beets, 11-qt. baskets, 40c to 50¢; carrots, new, 1l-qt baskets, 40c; corn, 1 des, 20c to 25e, cabbage, 6c to 10¢; caulifiower, each, 10e¢ to 28c; pumpkins, 15¢ to 20e; celery, 4 bunches for 25¢; cucum- bers, 2 for 25c; gherkins, 6-qt. bas- kets, $2 to $2.50; plants, each, 25¢; leeks, bunch, ; lettuce, leaf, dox., 25¢ to 30¢; lettuce, head, each, 10¢c to 15¢; potatoes, Dag, $1.76 to $2, dot, peck, 36¢; parsley, bunch, §c to 10c; peppers, green, basket, 76¢ to $1; raddish, buneh, be; spinach, peck, 25c; tomatoes, 11-qt. baskets, 40¢c to 50c; squash, each, 16¢ to-25¢; vegetable marrow, lle t 166,