Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Oct 1920, p. 4

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vor elem tu eee NY esis INRTIITRERTE] | 3 Bfteotive Sunday, October 3rd, train ROW leavi addition to carrying throu cars to Toronto and Stratford, w 1 a sleeping car from Montreal A Saturday, arriving King- #on Junotion, 12.43 a.m. and Trenton 8.10 hm, Sally except Sunday. ,Pas- S8hgers for ingston may remaln in sleeper until 6.15 a.m. Returning this ORF will leave Trenton $.10 p.m. daily Pt Sunday, arriving Kingston Junc- 11.15 p.m, leaving Kingston Junc- thon 1656 am, arriving Montreal 7.00 Am. dally except Monday. Car will b RM to receive passengers at King- Junction from time of arrival at that point. Wor rail and Sleeping car tickets ap- | Py 10 J. P. Haaley, C. P. & T. A, G. T. | Ry., Kingston, Ont. LASGOW Cassandra Saturnia PORTLAND GLASGOW (CHRISTMAS SAILING) 9 Saturnia N. X., GLASGOW, (via Moville) Mov. ¢|Dec. 11/Jan. 15 ........ Columbia NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL oo. 23{Nov: 20|Dec. 18 ; . 8|Dec." 4/Jan. 1 K. Aug. Viet. N. ¥., PLY., and CHER. Oot. 21|{Nov. 26iJan. 1 Oot. 28 Nov. 2Nov. 23)Dec. 14 . .Aquitania Nov. 11|Dec. 8|Jan. 15 ... Imperator N, ¥., PLY, CHER. HAMBURG Oct. 30[Dec. 5°... N. Y., Pa 23 . Vv. 9.0 For raten of pasange, freight and fur- es apply to local agents or THE ROS RT REFORD CO, LTD. General Ageats ~ REPAIRS! * REPAIRS! 'Welding is not a side-line with us. We guarantee our workmanship. - All Broken parts made as strong as new, ater Jackets and Crank Cases weld- #4 without heating. "KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 PRINORSS STREET. Maxim Batteries give Maxim Service and are Made-in-Canada. They are gudfanteed. Also all our repairs. Try our Free Testing Service ng Montreal dally at 7.30 pm, h eh of Seal Brand Coffee 10 each cup. Pour fresh, boiling water over the coffes. Simmer 3 minutes. Let sténd a fow minutes. Then serve. Be suse you use rich, full bodied SEALBRAND COFFEE Tented a vaad Jor toes. In J, x and 2-b. tinea all dealers; Write for "Pecfoct Coffee -- Perfectly Made", Mailed free on request. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. HELD IN MOCKERY "Kangaree Courts" instituted by. Australian Conviets. Prisoners at Botany Bay Said te Mave Invented Idea to Relleve the Mo neteny eof Their Existence Spread to United States. Kangaree court is am expression which, however strange it may be to the laymag, is familiar te most United States marshals, post office inspectors and the pelice forces of large cities, remarks a writer in the Detroit News. What it really stands for is explained . by a post office inspector who has had much experience with offenders and criminals, It appears that in a number of the larger prisons in this country the pris- oners, from time to time, are accus- temed to held what they call kangaroo court, and that every notorious crim- inal in the United States is probably 'net omly familiar with the term, but has no deubt presided often enough as judge or prosecuting attorney in this relation, or perhaps has been tried for some of the numerous mock charges that are preferred against those who have the misfortune te be haled befor: such a tribunal. ! Such a court is held only in the great prisons of the country, being entirely unknown in the country jails. | The Institution of kangaroe court - seems te date baek some 40 years In Skin Troubles ---- Soothed ---- With Cuticura ON AILMENT With Ness on CRED IN GUS CONDITION. SIMILARLY Soe MAY NERCOME IF ATED AT ONCE MUCH ENIENCE ano SUFFER- MAY BE A neusdy AND RELIABLE REM! 1} ND IN DB THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OlL ORDER YOUR FALL SUT NOW Call and pick out the eloth the United States. In the days when Australia was a penal colony the comvicts at Botany Bay, by way of amusing themselves and relieving the menotony of prison life, used to organize a sort of mock court at which the shrewdest and oft- | en the werst criminals of the lot pre- sided as judge, while others acted as Jurymen, prosecuting attorneys, ball- iffs, eriers and the like. At such trials the prisomers were wont te take en recent arrivals from England on all manner of mock charges, such as smering tee loudly, washing' their faces with soap, and se on. If it was found that ameng the batch eof new-comers, convicts just from the old country, there were sev- eral who possessed money, court was immediately convened sand the ones suspected of having funds were haled Up on the charge of having red hair or ' wearing box-toed shoes. The trial was held with mock gravi- ty and decorum, and in the end the prisoner would be found guilty and fined whatever amount he was known te fave on his person for the offense charged. The money thus obtained would be divided among the old, long- term convicts, who weuld buy tebacco and other luxuries with it, while the victim of this form ef extortion would preside as judge or sit on the Jury at the trial of seme mew arrival. have no receurse except te await the | time when he himself got a chance to mer eg TT v ve qe . mts BRIEFS FROM WELLINGTON A Budget of Personals And News Notes. M. Sprang and family motored from Belleville on Sunday and were the guests of George B: Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Languir, 8t. Mary's, were week-end guests of re- latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Port Hope, are visiting friends here. K. C. Hortop has passed his examina- tions at Toronto with honors. Mrs, D. Clinton rented her home to Hul, Wilson for the winter. Mr. Hortop's sister, who has been his guest for some time, return- ed to her home on Tuesday. D. 8, Amsworth who purchased the Lane property, will convert it into furni- ture room. Mrs. Emma Seath, who spent the summer months here, has returned to Montreal, Stewart Lloyd, Toronto, has been visiting his mother and sisters here. Mr. and Msr. Vandervoort and son, of Belleville, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. D, Davison, (The Cedars), on Sunday. Mrs. Bessie Harris, a former resi- dent of Wellington, was visiting friends here last week. Rev. F. W. White, Plainfield, spent Monday and Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. Wood- man Thomas. People of Prince Edward County are enthused over the prospects of an electric railroad through the country. This fs necessary. on ac- count of the great delay of ship- ments. Mrs. Marie Murray (nee Best) is confined to the house through sickness. Mrs. Grier, (nee Hardy), of Kingston, who spent the summer here, will soon take her departure for New York, where she will spend the winter. . Harold King, Detroit 4s home on his vacation. The five canning fac- tories here are busy night and day. Rufus Wilder is confined to his house through sickness. Mrs. Daniel Mor- din, has left for Rochester, to under- £0 an operation for internal trouble. Gharles Fritz, who had the misfor- ee -- tune of having his house destroyed by firs last winter, has his new con- crete Mouse finished. Rev. Mr. Robbing and family, who have been away for five weeks, through the northwest and Rockies, have returned looking well and hearty. On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Robbins gave his congregation two well admired sermons. Rev. E. How- ard, who is eighty-seven years of age,' officiated for Mr. Robbins during his absence, preaching three sermons every Sunday. Ninety dollars were realized at Rose Hall chicken pie tea this week. William Colliver will open -a grocery. Mrs. Dr. Gorland {and Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, Cobourg, {Were guests of O. 8. Clark on Sunday last, McMahon Bros, have finished camning tomatoes at their factory. The other factories are still busy and hundreds of bushels of tomatoes are still coming in. Rev Erastus and Mrs. Howard are this week with their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Garrett, Demorestville, M. R.'Doyle and family, Belleville, were callers at J. E. Clark's on Sun- day. Mr. White is buying apples. D. Alnsworth is putting a long frontdge on the property purchased from Mr. Lane. He will miake this property very attractive for his furniture show rooms. Jack Shurie has purchased the building formerly occupied by D. Ainsworth and purposes converting it into a city drug store. Mr. Zufelt, Consecon, has purchas- ed the L. Rankin property for his father and mother, who will reside there the remainder of their days, ---------- At Bunker's Hill Bunker's Hill, Oct. 13.--Some of the farmers are still engaged in threshing. Timothy Freeman is en- gaged with his threshing outfit. The wells have plenty of water again. Snow fell in this district recently. Sanford Freeman has finished work in his swamp. The hens appear to be on strike around here, and eggs are very scarce, nm ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" and for | reétions. tica, Neu- | Ag; marked with the Or you are mot taking | teen years. which contains complete af Then you are getting real irin--the genuine Aspirin pre- bed by Physicians for over nine- ow made in Canada. Handy tin boxes con 12 tab- sss SLATEX SHIN SLATEX ROOFING WATERTITE ROOFING See our window display. W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. _---------- | oH JE TT TTT TT 2 i ECGCOAL ............ STOVE COAL NUT COAL Pea Coal ...............$15.00 per ton Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.o.n. SOWARDS COAL CO. mn $16.50 per ton 'eco sees. $16.50 per ton Storm Sash Don't wait until January, give us youg measurements now, Allan Lumber Co. Phone1042, : ; ; Victoria Street NOTICE Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles At Reduced Prices Bicycle Tires'and Auto Traction Tread Covers. Special prices. See window display. Carpet Cleaning and Laying, H. MILNE 2/2 BAGOT STREET ceemesenaa. $16.50 per ton I -------- | ---- HE E g = =e = E _-- ror A very pretty wedding took place {on Oct. 6th, at Aylmer, Que., when Miss M. Stella Mousette, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mous- ette, Aylmer, was married' to Fred- erick Lloyd Pilgrim, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pilgrim, (Brockville. . now for your new Suit, ston tte We make both Ladies and Men's Suits. Prices reasonable. [H . You oan also bring In the cloth § - Service Co. and we will make it up for you, || Cor. Queen and M. YAMPOLSKY Bagot Streets. At Trinity church, Brockville, on ] Tuesday, Rev. John Lyons, M.A. rector of Elizabethtown, united in marriage Miss Josephine Barry Row- some, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ed- | ward H. Rowsome, New Dublin, and George Martin Brockwell. ccept only "Bater. Tablets of [lets cost but a few cents, sts pirin" in "an unl "Bayer"|also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin"Bayer'--You must say "Bayer" Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Meno. Diinuitetrs a ale he Pubic Spinst metione he Sebiea Er Buri a Sar will be stamped with thelr general jrade mark, the "Bayer Crosa" Wwe in ------------ It was called kangaroo court because in those days the Botany Bay coavicts- || spoke of themselves as kangaroos, an i] animal very abundant, as everybody || knows, in Australia. : | The institution, as well as the term, traveled from Australia to England, | whither it was brought by returning Botany Bay ceavicts, whose terms had 353 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2119. " rE, On Oct. 10th, after & protracted illness the death occurred at the fam- Patrick Joseph Flynn, an atten- dant at the Ontario General Hospi- tal, Brockville, for the past year, died Sunday night after a protracted ily residence in Prescott of Nellie O'Connell, beloved wife of Samuel Baldwin, employee of the Prescott Emery Wheel Co. for, the past thirty- expired. It had a short life in Eng- land, however, where it was speedily discovered by the jallers and thrnkeys and breken up; but it was not long afterward that it found its way into the prisons of the United States, where it has remained ever since. illness, aged thirty-eight years. eight years. Oats, Barley, Wheat, Rye, Buckwheat, Hay, Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike Seed. Write, phone or call for prices, advising what you have and your nearest shipping ' point. | W. P. PETERS Office and Elevator foot of Princess Street. : . Phone5lor217 . . . Kingston, Ont. Qirl Advertises for "Dates." An advertisemeat which, the adver tising department of Celumbia univer- sity's dally newspaper, Spectater, says is "the legtimate appeal of a young weman, appeared recently in the pub- Clothing Dress up for the holiday at truly Thanksgiving Prices. It is high time now to discard that Jaman, ¥ppsesed 1 old Summer Suit for a more seasonable weight one. Look over the articles listed here, and "Are bord ay by convention? A : od Wy Sete 4 if any interest you, come down and see them. tured, well bred and fairly geed leok- |B ~ ing, wishes te make the acquaintance |E ye of several men ia order te be intre- 4 duced at Qelumbia functions. She is entirely uncoaveational and is willing to meet the men half way by paying | all expenses. Strictly confidential, ' Address B 36, Spectater." i The students who publish Spectater, the New York World says, profess ig nerance of the identity of the yeung womaa or whether the number 36 had any reference to the age or figure of | the advertiser. Hundreds of masculine students are awaiting feplies from her, the adver tisement having been well answered, : * Blue Serge Suits What Suit can you get as much service from as a Navy Blue Serge ? "None," is the answer, with a capital "N." Good for every occasion, every day in the year. : We have a limited quantity of Fox's Irish SERGE SUITS made up in both single and double-breasted styles. These Suits are tail- ored by one of the finest tailoring firms in Canada and one of the _ best values in the country at ....4.......... $45.00-- (no tax). First Sight of a Pig, Al the hard, dry, wind-swept read In a suburb came a dreve of pige--q most unusual spectacle in London eof - i ees Ordering Suits | today requires the most careful con- 'Fall and Winter Overcoats sideration. You may also require ' expert % : ; advice as to the wearing qualities of certain = : "Our range of both Fall and Winter Overcoats is now complete Cloths. After 35 years in the business we = : ~ } and we are very proud of the collection we have of strictly high-class claim to be able to advise in this direction, = Coats, tailored in the season's fore most fashion. It costs nothing to call and have a talk on PRICES ..........: . $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 and upwards. Woollens with us, SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW "tye Craver ¢ Wasi 15 22"""8 EP. JENKINS =! Tailors Eien i Bagot and Brock Streets. OT 1 171 ES

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