THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Cm WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1998 In the Realm of Womeén---Some Interesting ee re ---- Features ~~ Mark Well ! Your safeguard is the name SALADA" This is the genuine 'tea of all teas'. i youdo Rot} Jus Salada. send us a post sand fora free ample, statin, price you now pay a ou use . Black, Green oe Mixcd Tes. Adareos Satan Foronts Send for the Lantic Library ~3 mew Cook-books on Cake mak. ing, Preserving, Ci A end Desserts. Red Ball trad. lop pamel of » Lontic carton. Write for it today. $Y DID help make (it, didn't 1? Now there are two cooks in our family, aren't there, Mother ? And see how light the cake is! I told Harold I creamed the butter and sugar, and he said I wasn't big enough. He didn't know I used Lantic. 'Tell him I did help make it, Mother." LANTIC SAVES TIME in the preparation of cakes, puddings and sauces, in the cookin of Preserves, in the making of candy, in the sweetening of beverages 286A ATLA RS vos REFINERIES because it's Tires Tires Tires Try Our $1 7.00 Tire at' W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. 'Phone 216. Nr ~---- Miss Edna Eaton had the misfor- while playing basketball at the Ath- tune to fracture her right thumb 'ens high schesl The Northern Electric Leaves Health In Its Wake HE useof a Northern ElectricVacuum Cleaner means absence of dust and dirt; a saving of_time and labor; better health. Use/it frequently 'in>your home, for its powsriul suction extracts with ease the germ-laden dust and dirt that is a con- stant danger to your;health and that of your family. y The Northern "Electric 18 compact and combines every desirable feature, and its weight is only 1134 lbs. The* reasons why it is Northern Electric guaranteed will giadly be. told your dealer. Northermé&lectric> Company Told in the Twilight 88 (Continued from Page 3.) Miss E. Brigeland, Barrie street, 'Miss Isabel Webster 'and 'Miss Flo- rence Purdy. are among the young hostesses who have given parties and showers for Miss Gladys Saun- ders, Victoria street, whose wedding takes place this month, -. * * Mrs. Bruce Taylor entertained on Monday evening for her daughter, Miss Lois Taylor, and Cadet Bruce Taylor. The spacious Tooms at the { "Principal's Residence' made a jcharming setting for a party, who spent a merry evening with music and dancing. Those present were : Miss Mary Macgillivary, Miss Grace Dunlop, Miss Helen Tofield, Miss Alleen Longworth (Toronto), Miss Chrissle Goodwin, Miss Clara Far- - MARIA SPIRIDONOVA One of the leaders-in the overthrow of the Russian monarehy, who is now heading the peasants' movement against the Soviet Government, No Risk With "Diamond Dyes" Don't Streak your Material in Dyes that Fade or Run ~{the week.end with her sister, { Donell, K.C.M.G., was the Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color into worn, shabby, gar- ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. - Buy "Diamond Dyes"--no other kind--then perfect results are gwar- anteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has color card. | rell, Miss Ruth McClement, vell, Messrs. Alec Newlands, How- ard Fajr, Hew Duff, Waddington, Jack Emery, Don Robertson, John Murray, Malcolm Macgillivary, Don Macpherson and Cadets Ogilvie and Bawyer. - . . Mrs. Muirhead, Kingston, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Mec- Shane, Westport. . = Mr. and Mrs. M. Polk, Kingston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Prevost, Westport. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prevost, West- port, have returned after spending a few days in Kingston with friends. W. 8. R. Murch, police magistrate, Westport, was a visitor in Kingston on Saturday. . * Miss Thompson, Kingston, spent " Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Lyn, Brig.-General Sir Archibald Mac- Sunday James W. guest of Mr. and Mrs. | Bain, Forest Hill Road, Toronto. | Mrs. George R. Webster, Toronto, {formerly of Kingston, wiac has been iin California since the first of the | year, is in town for a few days with { her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Richardson, before going on to Montreal to be 'with another daughter, Mrs. T. A. | Somerville, Westmount. | Miss Myrtle Culcheth, Portsmouth, {has returned frém spending a few { weeks at Peterboro, where she was {the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cul: | cheth. J Mrs. T. Gaskin, Frontenac street, | has left to visit her son in Phila- idelphia. | Mrs. H. R. Duff, Kingston, wag a guest at the Red Cross dinner in To- (yomo on Baturday, at which Herbert Hoover spoke. ; Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood, Uni- jversity avenue, have left to visit im New York. . { Miss Edna C. Henderson returned to Bellaville After spending the past two weeks in Kingston a guest of her sister, Mrs. G. G. Richardson. . . * o | Mr. and Mrs. James Grant, Barrie Etreet, returned hom@ after spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell, Ottawa. John Foular came up from Ottawa to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and | Mrs. A. Campbell, Barrie street. George Kirkpatrick, Toronto; was in town for Thanksgiving with Mrs. {A. K. Kirkpatrick, Sydenham street. Mr. Southey, Bowmanville, spent the week-end in Kingston. Mrs. W. T. Minnes, Miss Veta Min- nes and Mester Alen, "Hillcroft", spent the week-end in Toronto with | Miss Bleanor gnd Miss Annella Min- nea. * * - Mrs. W. E. Macpherson, College street, arith her children, went down to Gananoque for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McPhall, Otta- wa, are the guests of Mrs. T. S. Scott, King street Miss"Laura and Miss Freda Stot- hers, who have been much feted guests during thelr visit to town, re- turned to Ottawa on Tuesday. Mrs. "R. B.Wilkinson, Miss Mar- garet and Master Edward, Stella, are in town and are at present with the Misses Wilson, Union street, - = Mrs. H. A. Tofield and Miss Helen Tofield, Barrie street, were the hostesses of a small afternoon dance on Monday in honor of their guest, Miss Aileen Longworth, 4 Mrs. E. W. Samson, Barriefield, asked a few friends to come in for 8 cup of tea on Monday after the R.C.H.A. sports. It is with very great regret that Kingston society hears the Machine Gun Battery will be moved from Kingston, as the of- ficers and their wives will be much missed at all the functions. Miss Thelma Bogart spent Thanks- giving In town with Dr. and Mrs. I. G, Bogart end returned to Haver- gal Hall on Tuesday. Miss Grace Loucks and Miss - dougall, Ottawa, were wih Mrs. - win Loucks, Division /street, for Thanksgivifig. Miss Gladys and Miss Rita Green, Princess street, who were in town for Thanksgiving, have returned to Havergal Hall, Toronto. . LJ . Mrs. 'J. M. Machar has returned from Melbourne, Que., where she spent the summer, and is now at iss Begg"s, Willlam street, Miss Aileen Longworth, who spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tofield, Barrie street, re- turned to Havergai College on Tues- day. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell Carruthers, and 'Miss Edith Carruthers, 'Annan- dale," who are at present in New York at the Waldorf Astoria, will return to town this week. Miss | Phyllis Spencer and Miss Doreen La- | Sg is 9 King Testy, A talk on SERVICE: Beyond What You Pay For N you buy you expect to re- ceive not only merchandise of quality, but also, SERVICE. We offer you, in addition to 'Gdnada's finest stock of Furs, raw and manufactured, a servs ice which is unique, 85 years' experience in Furs -- Qur own buyers purchasing raw furs direct from trappers -- A black and silver fox ranch near Quebec-- A staff of the most experienced fur dee .. signers in America -- Four modern fur factories -- The advantage of this unusual organization behind our retail establishment is the SERVICE we offer Beyond What You Pay For. ~ i We will appreciate an opportunity to SERVE you. : Write to-day to your nearest store for your copy of our new Style Book of Furs : "Irresistible Lemon Pie! TEAL dainty, crispy, deli- cious pie crust you have always wanted will be yours if you use EASIFIRST. EASIFIRST isthe ideal short- ening -- pure, always of the Ze EASIFIRS Tomy A Lemon Pie Recipe Worth Keeping Sufficient for twe ples. 2 cups sifted flour ) cup EASIFIRST 1% teaspoons salt 3% cup ice water Sift 'Hour and salt and cut BASIFIRST into flour with kaife until finely divide ed. Add water, mixing thoroughly. Roll out and line floured pie plate and cold odd same high quality--economical ei ame Sl to use and to buy. Cuts easily into flour. Makes every- thing you bake or fry more tempting and more 'easily di- teaspoon salt 1 cupsugar Juiceand rind of two lemons Volks of two eggs gh s water, 1 pe and cook until clear. ig and when dissolved, add the well-beaten - But, re- ks of the ; : fa er EASIFIRST and lastly member, use much less of it Berd the wiites f two saga very tiff. dd tablespoon , and bake than butter or lard. a few minates (to brown) i slew orem Your grocer will supffly you with EASIFIRST. It is werth insisting upon. ' In cartons and pails. Gunns Limited West Toronto Write to-day for Gunns Proved Recipe Boaklet EASIFIRST zr Try a Savion today. PRINCESS DALLA PATIA " Who Seated a aéaspnion © appear. ng in ental costu n a cisoo courtroom. She was charged, in consequence, with contsmpt of court