10 You Need Them We Have Them The best stock of Gym. rd Football supplies in thezity. We have fitted up hundreds of men --we can outfit you. Gymnasium Jerseys, Shoes, Trunks and Stockings | You are sure of get- ting your wants supplied with the best, if you come It pays to only buy the best. here. Have your further wants supplied by us. Here're a few items you need: -- A Fresh Battery and Bulb for your Flashlight or Daylo--all our Batteries are fresh---always. Salmon Spoons--guaranteed fish getters. Buy that Bicycle to-day and save money! Prices) will be higher next season:- Get the big hits of the season:-- A] Jolson's/| "JAPANESE | FAR WEST ATHLETES "AVALON" and Nora Bayes SANDMAN," on Columbia Records only. Don't buy your new SKATES until you see thet niversity of Manitoba will enter a Watch for further new AUTOMOBILE models. announcements. Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, 10.30 p.m. Shop early! TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. . PRINCESS STREET ; ; Telophone 529, "THE PLACE TO.GET THAT RECORD" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. [ In the World of Sport [FIELD QOAL KICKING x n MONTREAL 1S EAGER TO DECLINES IN el FAs HELP WITH THE REVIVAL Determinaton: to give Montreal A Toronto sporting writer says: and Canada, as a whole, better re- Field goal kicking is not, apparently, presentation in track and field com- constdered by Canadian coaches and | petition at the Olympic games, was players as big a factor m football as | voiced at a meeting held by repre- it 1s in the United States, and was sentatives of Mortreal athletic organ- in Canada twelve fifteen and twenty izat¥ns. Steps were taken to launch yedrs ago. But it is still one of the a provincial and nation-wide move- | | fe features of ment to. encourage development of | Papen es rena be on : Ml | athletes to successfully compete with led in the development ofthe teams | JM i those of other countries. Be. dit It has, however, been neglected in re- | A committee of officers of the - cent years, with the result that there | ferent clubs in the city was elected, is not a senior, or an intermediate | which" will take up the question of team with: player who can be counted preliminary Zregarations cand Bake a dependable field goal kicker. . And Ron Lo te next meeting consequently many, many opportuni- | ties to" gather in three points when | a pe suggestion that provineal io inside an opponent's twenty-five line ominion government shou e in- are lost, terested in the question was not taken The best place and drop kick King- | up at the meeting. U. 8B. Girl Hockeyists Abroad. ston ever had was "Chick" McRae, | | who played with Queen's in the early The- Philadelphia girls' field hoc- key team, under the management of | nineties. He could. put the ball be- | tween the bars from any angle. "Chick" was also a great drop-kicker, yin Sojiiute dean, Sud iy Dy and much of Queen's scoring was dua | To a. om Ensland OE nue Thady | to his wonderful kicking at the goal Caronia NE on Ea York. 'The tein | Dosis, "Billy: HamiKon was an- will play a series of six games, soos] jor Tony Discs Licker. Of late, so- | duled fgr the fall of 1914, but which | Sazate xl nig in Kingston teams has were called off on account of the! B44 The girls also will play in Scot-; nd and Ireland at the completion of | their series in England. Field hockey | and lacrosse are popular eports at| girls' educational institutions in! Great Britain. HUGHIE JENNINGS Of "Ee-yah!" fame, has mpleted his last year as manag he Detroit Tigers, and will pr: at rve as a ccach for the New York. Giants next season, | HU GHEY JENNINGS' | RECORD WITH DETROIT Ww hile Hugh Jennings was manager | of oe Tigers the Jatter won 1,132 COMING TO COMPETE Of ihe lige 'ord IN INTERCOLLEGIATES | Eames and lost 972 the record year oF 11 : Word has been received that the | DY Year being as follows: © We on Lost Pct. Rk track team in the inte rcellegiate | 18 LE 1 track meet at Toronto. This has | . | caused much comment and a good | 'deal of surprise in athletic circles, fq [ Manitoba University, although | {small, when compared to the eastern | | universities, -has progressed rapi dly | 1914 dd {in the last few years. re A track mteet was recently held in | 3915 By Saskatoon. In this meet there were | 18 16... u:., | men representing the Universities of | 3517 3 Te | Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatche- 3 i wan. The track representatives | 1912 tas from Manitoba won a decisive vic- ,1920 . tory by securing ninety-two out of a possible hundred and twenty-six | points. Boxing a Major Sport. Boxing will become a major sport in U.S. collegiate athletics this win+ ter as«a result of the organization in New York of the nltercollegiate Boxing Association. Nine eastern universities were represented. A ten- tative draft of rules drawn by Major M. J. Pickering, of the University of Pennsylvania, was ddopted. The rules will be. presented for the approval of the National Collegiate Athletic .| Association when it meets here in December. A list of referees and officials was also drawn. | alin mT CO BO DED CO - Totals .. . .113 Be honest for the principle back it, not because the law makes you. The man who gives cheer as well as money in doing something fof this old world. It sometimes happens that the ma- jority is in error. Carpentier. Really Classys The veteran ex-boxers and presant | Referees Jack Skelly, of Yonkers, did | not see anything flukey about the Carpentler-Levinsky battle, but he did see a remarkable boxer in Carpentier, |2nd in commenting upon his perform- | {of Every Woman's Ambition For Rosy Cheeks Now Easily HE "Little Barber in a Box" isa com- plete shave service for any man. From the handily - balanced, scientifically de- signed frame to the nickelled sheaths con- taining keen Radio Blades, the Ever- 'Ready Razor outfit spells efficiency. Complete outfit $1.50. Ever-Ready Radio Blades -- the keen- est, most durable blades in the woride-- are sold everywhere--6 for 45 cents. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR CO. LTD. Britain Street, near Sherbourne Street, Torente, Canadas He's not only a gruelling fighter, but the greatest boxer in his class since Corbett was the big champion. "The Frenchman seemed to confuse Levinsky from the first tap of the gong, and got his goat completely. NEE ENE RENNER NE ENE ances, sald: bbe - | 'Georges Carpentier's American fighting debut made a great impres- sion on every one who saw him out- . L - 3 class, outbox and outfight Battling Levinsky in Jersey City. '""He appeared to me like one of the - old school with hig speed, brainy tac- tics and hard hitting with both hands. . [e Maybe it was Georges' hypnotic eya 4 jor his manager's mystic influence » |over the Battler, for the latter seem- and save money. Only 4 more Sale Days. 54 1a Do all at sea and muddled from, } - . {Carpentier is certainly a really y | classy fighter and he's apt to make {it very hot and fast for Jack Demp- 7 if they ever come together." © { Fishing Schooners to Race. A 20-mile breeze will not scare off . the fishing schooners Esperantd, of e ' u Gloucester and Delawanna, of Halifax best two out of three, the course be- {ing 40 miles; triangular. These sturdy craft are now being overhaul- x led. Esperanto is owned by Benjamin I 12 Princess St. |A.; Smith, of Golucester, president of a fisheries company. Concerning' (him the Boston Globe says: "Ben {Smith is known by all the older yachtsmen of Massachusetts bay and was very active in the circuit racing of Gloucester fishermen. The family traditions are now kept up by his son, Russel R., and his daughter, Priscilla, who for the last few years have been active in the racing of the Annisquam Yacht club." The schooners are a little over 100 feet in length and are of about 90 tons burder. The 40-mile course must be cowéred within nine hours or it will be {no race." Phone 1372;. Heydler Hopes for Peace. Hope for peace in place of the threatened baseball war was ex- pressed in New York by John A. Heydler; - president of the National league, and leader ,of the forces seeking the abolishment of the na- tional commission. "Details of the twelve-team league have not been worked out," he sald. "We cpnsider it prema- ture, as we are confident that the five American league clubs will join us. However; if it becomes neces sary to organize a twelve-club league it will work in a season or two." It was reported here that Balti- more was getting ready to make a formal application to the National league offclals for a franchise in the proposed new league. at | PL | Riss Py SALUD In Persia the dough for making bread is rolled out as thin as a pan- cake, and as long as an ordinary towell. a MUST HAVE FALLEN John: | gee there's a break In 99s, Mes. John: Don't you hmew Fre noticed that ahmost matt the eggs | THE COMING RACE There're reasons: grave for thinking man May subterraneous grow 80 many men are found te Itve In cellars now, yeu knew: NOTHING DOING Thirsty Bug: Here's a pump, yet | can't get a drink! "Must be a 'peach' tree from what's up In I" "On the same principle, 't would be a 'nut' tree if you were here." Satisfied Hollow cheeks with dark lines un- -der the eyes, how a woman hates them! But rosy cheeks, clear skin, and bright eyes, give them to a woman and she is happy. The woman who attracts, whose fresh, dainty complexion compels ad- miration, is always careful of her health, particularly of her blood con- dition. Bad complexion always means bad blood. Girls, don't let your blood grow thin or watery. To do #0 brings on haggard looks and declining strength. Many a woman who has allowed herself to run-down, to develop that tired, worried look has built up again in this simple way. Why don't you try it? At the close of every meal, take two small chocolate-coated Fer- rozone Tablets--any person can do this in a minute. The action of Fer- rozone is apparent at once. It sets you up, makes you feel good, starts up your appetite, aids digestion, brings that old-time feeling of youth into the system again. Ferrozone puts you on the right road--the one leading to health. Not a man, woman or child need- ing blood, vigor, endurance--not a person who is weak, nervous or sick- ly, not a person' in ill-health who won't, receive immediate help from Ferrozone. As a tonic and restorative, as a health-bringer and body-Builder, Fer- rozone is unrivalled. It cures because it feeds and nourishes, because ft contains the elements that build up and strengthen. For better looks and better health try Ferrozone yourself, sold everywhere, 650c per box, 6 boxes for $2.50. Just Upholstered in Velours, Tapestry, Heather, Extension Couches. R. J. Reid 'he Leading Undertaker aad Furniture Deales AA Phone 877. 230 PRINCESS STREEY Majestic Heaters 4 | Will make your home com fortable this time of year, BARGAIN PRICES ON ELECT RIC IRONS, TOASTERS, ETC. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (0. Cor. King and Princess '= - Phone 94 poo BRINGING up FATHER By. GEORGE McMANUS YOULL Car TO SEE Me' Soma Er | HOPE Time NR. SR Com: EINES + = Yo REMOVAL- NOTICE J Awto Repair Shep 1s now located 7 at MARTENS GARAGE |." 110 CLERGY STREET - All kinds of work promptly at- tended to. ne ol &Y GoLLy- "aS Gov ALL OVER wis