A PICTO RIAL NEWS OF THE Pr couRTESY GA LAR : zo 3 a : HHI TRADE AEE RT ERA BY COURTESK Of € PR « ® (1) The Indian contingent of the American Boy who were received at the Y.M.Q A. Club rooms, St Jamies Square, London, '(2) The Prince of Wales receiving an address from the Mayor of Perth, Australia, (3) Hampton Court and Dittons Regatth, England. (4) The Barge yacht in the race to the Alps. A novel race between two humourously different yachts from ;Rochester. The entries is a barge yacht and a new motor yacht. The barge to get 10 dys' time allowance. (5) The Danish crulser Heimdal, is on a Cruise to Scotland. Among the midshipmen are the two sons of King Christian. Prince Knud can be seen in the back- ground-behind-the-two-officers: (6) Governor Smith, of New York, chatting with Mrs, J. Blair, president of Suffragettes, and society women. (7)" Opening of Olympic games, English. athletes marching past. (8) Belgian soldiers releasing pigeons to Allied couns tries, announcing the opening of the Olympic games. a tg ESN & % p . a a CTE LC TT ee eT TIT HT TT = + (1) Winnipeg Beach. (2) Day Winnipeg Bedch. gf Few resorts on, Faada have hess treed | ated 3 Wie SAnAGiAD Atcrase Come more popular year during thea pany. w equip up-to= of bot summer months than Winnipeg | the people of I 1 date bathing pavilion provides a ser- 3 Beach, a journey of seventy minutes | tion resort. vice such as can be found only at rot the Canadian Pacific Rallway| There class watering resort. Winni- x g = Winnipeg. Nature has provided | Island, 3 8 'popular resort a beauty spot of | desired and situated ST ES Ts Ca IY Tr ET Te