or YB RITISH WHIG. "THE DAIL 7 AS py a RITE LL ag; Made in England every drop, and enjoyed all over the world. 'One Quality One Size One Price Grocers keep ~ HP. on their bandiest shelf, it sells so freely, = = - "Contentment abides the" truth," says the old maxim, but few men are In a position to vouch forthe truth of Jot it. A good business qualification is the ability to attend to one's own busi- - ro iy ®., MILLERS ® i AND RESTORE TUE CHILD TO NORMAL HEAL E | 0 the collar." The cape is cut in ene PLAIN AND PLAID Interesting Wrap Is Developed in Wool Serge. | Cape. Cut In One Piece With Frontes | Embellished With Lining of Green and Blue. A wrap developed in plain and plaid wool serge is shown. Blue serge is | the material used. A straight-hanging | : {edge, Bobby at his heels, to get a Ct of swimm cape back has a lining of green and jase, Yer he lacghod merrily, | the bell. | blue plaid and the plaid is repeated | whispered a magic word, and before (IR more water, and the flat doe plece with the frent. | Other plaid wraps, writes a Paris | it | fakion authority, are on the order of the traveling coats beloved by English- | ly at the waistline with a black patent i leather belt. There is a deep overcape | that is attiched to the neckline of the coat itself by means of buttons and | | buttonheles. This model, recently im< ported, is a favorite with Frenchwom- en, who consider it very smart to car- ! ry the little cape en the arm. The | lining Is of brillant green silk, | A navy blue duvetyn motor wrap has (her silken, hair-like arms touch Bob- A8 its most, unusual feature a collar | of blue and white-chefked angers | » St | BS Bobby Finds a New Friend. "What in the world are looking things floating in the wat 'yonder, Squeedee?" 'asked Bobby, | ) |he and Squeedee weft romping on the | vVeil-like thing under the centre of my "I've noticed several of |bell? seashore, them." . Bobby in surprise. fish! We were out here bathing, daddy {told me not to get too near you or You'd 'siring. me, I suppose those | stingers help you to swim too, don't i they?' 2 | NS | "Ob, no," laughed Jenny Jellyfish. "When I open and closé my ' bell 18haped top that pushes me through "So, you're a jelly- those funny [the water just as Well, | we'll say, tu this little veil or flap, ms inward, and Squeedes ran down to the water's muscles spread over to gether, 'in the {Bobby could blink his eyes, he and |duty, aad a | Water, queer-looking umbrella-shaped thing. "Jenny Jellyfish," said Squsedes, ong the elfin were standing under gently touching one of the then drew them in again and laughed. ing, push the water from My bell spreads and takes s its away I go through the "How wonderful!" exclaimed Bob- {by. "I never could figure out just jellyfish did get through the y {how 1 |thread-like strings that hung down | P Foe § WU Sma. Ax fulsresting 0 ill iui iro the ver gs of the reupg [rater bulore and I thank you for tell- In regulation coat syle drawn pn slight- | Part. "I want you to meet my little : friend, Bobby." cousins," laughed Je The umbrella-like shape spread out Some of them have little car the tiny muscles that held it together, ke some of my nny Jellyfish. s, paddles r discs to "You see, I'm not 1i or hair on the edge of thei el i ; b "Well, I just wondered if you were {help them 'in swimming. 1 expect I another boy coming down to drag me i {out on the shore," she laughed. IE Tow His Yourba {you're a4 friend of Squeezee, you re | ight?" a friend of mine, and I'll not sting you.' by"s face. "Well, of all things." exclaimed CZEMA &. tions. If relieves at once and gradu- ally heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase's Ointment free it you mention this T and send 2c, stamp for postage. 60c. a ; all dealers o Edmanson, Babes & Co, ted, Toronto, AA A PAA -------- 70 Years Grandmother' youthful appearance hi, remained until youth has become but & memory, , =e You are nos Used for Thru its use PE. Nar 11] ' And Jenny Jellyfish let ong of | b {could tell you something else about Jellyfish, tbo. Did you know we can gs that fly around at | "Lightning bugs!" exclaimed Bob- Y. - "You mean you can. make a | bright light like them?" * "That's what she means," replied Squeedee. "They glow just like fire- flies, only their light looks like a ball of fire, sometimes red or blue, white or green or yellow." "You'll find us glowing in all col- ors, and we come in ' all shapes," laughed Jenny Jellyfish, "Indeed, you're right when you say we're won- derful! From the size of a split pea to the size of a great bi you'll tind us." "I bet those big fellows can sting all right," laughed Bobby. "They wouldn't if folks didn't bother them," replied Jenny Jelly- fish, sadly. "We never harm any one who never harms us. But so many folks like to throw us upon shore to see us--and we can't possibly live out of water, not any more than you could live under water it Squeedee wasn't here to cover you with his magic charm." Bobby was sorry when he heard his mama calling him, and she and daddy had a good laugh when Bobby told g cartwheel: You know the other day when | | i i 4 } the | | | Produced a factory where scrupulous clean- liness and, purity + prevails, Th pin {but sure enough, that night when | Bobby looked out of his window the water was dotted with gay-colored It pays to save Your Newspapers, Magasines ang crap material--we are paying 890d prices YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer, on aa L Cohen & Co. © Ph 836487. 207-273 ONTARIO STREEY ~~ Before acquiring a son-in-law, the girl's father should be sure of his ability to support the young man in the style to which he has been accus- Oriental ( {Bd 7% them what the queer umbrella-shaped [balls of light dancing on the waves! thing wag floating out 'on the water, nem Washes in Cold Water Rinso saves the coal and gas formerly necessary to heat water for washing. The pure granules of Rinso loosen the dirt in aay fabric. And it does this as well in cold water as in bot. He called them the lamps of the sea. tomed, > AN PAIR DICT TI BO NP PT SZ TT FE TST XT AN AN ANA EN ATIF 4 | _ COMMUNITY: PLATE RYN DA NA A PANT OZ 5 iL 7 re? Ue "L hs Sr Whi oN a Rinse them out, that's ofl | fresh, aweot and CLEAN. for the line. They're Ready One package does the week's wesh. At your grocers, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO ERMOKEPT FFEE E | ) continues down 'the entire length of the front at either side. The angora appears aguia in the form of tabs pro- troding from the side seama as well ag in large patch podkets, MAFFIA BUCKLES ON HATS Many Possibilities in Stere for the Dis. carded Panama or Deserted Fab rio Headgear. Are ybu wondering what to Go with that- little old spert hat which gave you such good service last seasen? Per hape it is 4 Panama or fabric and stn] has many possibilities. Why net try dressing ft up with a rafia Duckie or twe and see how really smart your old hat ean look? suggests a fashion corre spoadeat in the Milwaukee Sentinel. Of course, you will make the buckles yourself. Bince the raffia comes in may be made up to suit your different frocks, The raffla is wound pen forms of papler-mache which may be purchased' at any art and needlework store, The forms come In reuad, square, oval and hexagonal ghapes. The modt effective buckles are made of twe celpr rafia. The forms are wound reund sad round with raffia and then the edges are finished with a sim- ple bit of stitchery, Te do this bit of stitchery, hold one strand of rafiia in place along the out line of the Buckle and. with another strand In your needle catch the outlin- ing strand in as many places as you choose. In ether werds, it is merely couching. Green outlined In brown, satural col ored rafia outlined in dark brown, or orange, and tan outlined in rese, all make very effective color schemes for the buckies. It an depends on the color of your hat. Every Cap a Fresh Delight Learn the taste of real coffee with the fresh roasted flavor, aroma and strength, This kind of coffee does not come in ordi nary tins and only way to getitis to say kept" to your grocer, Thermokept means kept fresh. * Thermokept is the new process cof. ke. iE pe Cif 8 few seconds fee Soast. ng wi ai Had Se from every partic r Air absorbs the strength and favor of cof. fee. It makes coffee ade snd fat. No aie It is vacu and double al It retains all Packed original strength and flavor, Try Thermokept today. . A Rt Vr AE A YA | AN Ns ----------\ Ln) ON \; "% - , » A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever The enjoyment in possessing Commuxrry Still, Communrry Prare is not expensive. PraTE is intensified with each passing year - Aj] CommuniTy patterns are standard so because of the lasting tone of correctness that you can start your set with even a which it lends to table service, : single serving piece and add to it from . Every woman appreciates its beautiful time to time. The better shops will be designs, its rich, exclusive patterns and the glad to show Covmuniry pieces, whether inherent quality which it represents, you intend buying now or later. Send for the atractive booklet " Correct Service with Consivsiry Piate." ONEIDA COMMUNITY, LIMITED 43 NOYES ROAD * NIAGARA PALLS, ONT. oo N No i i { NGI var so Cotton hiouses have been Sheer cotton dresses are very much ia the limelight, and that blouses and separate skirts should foliow- suit seemied quite natural Various novelty trimmings are featured I N . MELINA a NEON HE Nr ON An . SE" sk ERATON TEA SPOON gu