MONDAY, NOVEMBDN 1, ITov. fHE D WHIG. Tage | go E DAILY BRITISH | : ] npr) '| |. PROPHECIES CAME TRUE. EURCPE'S NEW MENACE ------ = -- Strange Stories of Warnings Heeded | i WHAT DEFEAT OF POLAND sid Uneadeds : " WOULD MEAN. | It is recorded of the Empress FINEST | child, and living with her mother in Madrid, she was sliding down the | GLASS | banisters one day whenyshe lost her Clear White and Beautifully cut The First Bark Hickey's We are depending upon the enormous sale of this--the Best of all. Cough. Mixtures-- to enable us to keep it at the old price of 25 cents. All other mixtures have advanced to 35 und 40 cents, but we want the price and good quality to remain the same as before, 1s Tent PROBS Tuesday, strong winds; cool; showery. - Eo E Some Outstanding - -Values for TUESDAY'S SHOPPERS | A visit to this store will impress you with the fact of a definite » = = If Germany United With Russia Against Great Britain, France and the United States, It Would Mean a Much More Terrible War Than That Which Has Left Civilization Shattered. I) ---- balance and, knocking her head vio- lently against the open front-door leading to the street, fell senseless on | the steps, An old gipey woman who happened to be passing sat down by the roadside, took the girl's head in- to her lap, and brought her back to consciousness. "There is no danger," she said, to the little Bugenie's alarmed mother; "the senorita will live to be a hun- dred years old, either more or less, and she will be a queen." The second part of the prophecy has certainly been fulfilled, and, in view of the fact that the aged em- press was ninety-three when she died the first part of the gypsy prophecy was not very far wrong. | ..Draga Mashin, the beautiful wo- m of the people, who afterwards became the Queen of Serbia, and was assassinated with her husband, King Alexander, was, before her marriage, dame d'homneur to Queen Nathalie, the young king's mother. On one oc- casion, when, with her royal mistress, she was visitingeParia, she went to consult the famous Parisian clairvoy- ante, Mme. Thebes. After holding the young maid-of-honor's hand for a long time in silence, the clairvoy- ante looked gravely at her and sald, hesitatingly: "You have great amkbi- tion; you will have an extraordinary career; you will marry the highest personage. in the country, but you will bring only ruin to your husband, and you yourself will perish with him." King George I. of England was told by a fortune-teller, when 'he wes a boy, 'that he should take care of his wife, "as he would only survive her a year." Whether he paid much heed to it is not known, but it is certainly a curious fact that, exactly twelve months after her death, he died, al- most suddenly, while on a visit to 'his brother, the Prince Bishop, at Osnahburg. In thé year 1671 a woman sooth- sayer, Marguerite Marie, of Paray-le- Monial," prophesied to Louts XIV. that after the year 1793 no crowned ruler would 'ever die ia his bed in HE people of this country do w.not seem to realize the im- portance and possibly ser- ious consequences to them- selves of the momentous issues which are-being decided In the struggle be- tween Poland and the Bolsheviks. If Poland 1s defeated in the present | struggle, it is no exaggeration to say that conscription will'have to be put into foree again in the Old Country within the next three months, and Germany will tear thie Peace Treaty to shreds. Germany, at present smarting but | not repentent under the pain of a! half administered thrashing, is thirsting for revenge and seeking for the means to carry out in other di- rections her former ambitious schemes of world conquest. In short, she is hoping to gain, via Mos- cow, what she failed to gain via Beriin. - There were two outstanding causes which contributed to the -de- feat of Germany in the late war. The one was the fact that our navy was able to obtain a strangle-hold over Germany by shutting out the sup- plies of raw material which she was $0 desperately in need of, and could | not produce herself. The second | was the scarcity of "cannou fodder." After nearly five years of fighting the man-power of Germany was not strong enough to stand the tremen- dous drain made upon fit. Therefore Germany 1s seeking for ways and means to make good these two weak points before embarking on another struggle for world empire. She wants an unlimited supply of raw material, and she wants millions of human beings naturally brave and blindly obedient. Where is she to find them? She has found them, By dint of almost diabolically clever Intrigues and propaganda she has France! The fateful year 1793, as turned what was her greatest danger ¢. ryvone knows, proved to be the inte her greatest asset. Russia, her Year of the murder of Louis XVI. and former greatest antagonist, is. in the Marie Antoinette, and history has hands of German Jews, and the Bol- since shown that no crowned ruler of shevik armies are being directed by | France, subsequent to that date, has German staff, ofMcers. Under Ger- | died "in his bed "in that country, man organization, Russia can be | Louis XVIII, who did do so, was re- made to produce again all that is minded of this sinister prophecy just necessary for man's welfare and before his coronation was to take man's warfare, even platinum and Place, and, although most extrava- cotton wool. With th. economic gant preparations had been made for wealth of Russia at her disposal it, he heeded the warning, and was Germany could scout all fear of any | Rever officially crowned! it ie +» wouldst keep thy. consc- blockade. The power of the British | The assassination of that great fence clear. \ fleet would be rendered nugatory, | and wise monarch, Henry of Navarre, or With 128 millions of brave people was foretold by an astrologer, who { lying to her hand, needing only or- warned the king, some six months | -Banization and leadership, the ques- before the murder, that he should Get it for.a quarter at Best's The Popular "Drug Store, Phone 59. -- Open Sundays. Bowls vc ------ Berry Sets Sherbet Glasses moderation in prices--a dollar will go further to-day at Steacy's than Water Sets at any time during the'last few years--the tide has turned and we are Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Vases taking our loss without a murmur by giving you merchandise at next Flower Baskets + 2 : : " ' Spring's price even though same was purchased by us at the peak of Jelly Dishes, etc. . 4 the market. : AN marked at very reasonable prices, SMITH BROS. Limited Handsome Veloura nd Silvertone Coats $39.95 (Formerly priced to $60.00) We were fortunate in securing 100 of smartest all-wool Velour and Silver- tone Warm, Winter Coats from a man: ufacturer at a straight discount of 33 1-3%, which we have much pleasure in passing on to you. The styles are extremely swagger and are developed in the most fascinating colorings. One must really see them to' appreciate their beauty and rare value. 'The sizes are 16 to 42. TUESDAY .............. $3995 Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not ¢gnly be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus 'but must have that knowledge in -its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. EEE Jewelers - 350 King Street Established 1840. ~~ THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. 1 anything dome in the carpen- Nrntse Foner given on all kinds of repairs and mew work; also hard- wood floors of all Kinds. All orders will receive prompt stiention. Shop: 28 Queen Street. - DAVID SCOT Plumber Plrzubiog and G Work a speciale ty. An work gunranteed. Address Tew Deamtonne wtreat, Phone 127 is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and « equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston, im = A woman is glad to be 20, asha- ed to be 40, sorry to be 60, and proud to be 80. | ail Neither speak slander nor listen to I. Just arrived--Ready for tomorrow ! 800 yds. more of that exquisete pure Silk Messaline, with a beautiful lustrous satin finish--a broad variety of the most desirable shades to choose from --full 36 inches wide--a quality sold regularly at $3.00 a yard. ....! .".. . TUESDAY, $1.69 tion of Germany's supply of cannon- beware of the coming month of May, | todder would be settled. | stating that he would be assassinated There is, however, one great dim- at the period of a grand solemnity, culty to be overcome before 'this and that he would expire in a coach. great scheme can be carried out. --- Although at the present moment German staff officers are organizing | and leading the Bolshevik armies; | although German trcops are already in Rtssla to such an ex nt that Col, John Ward told the House of Com- mons that fn one of his many en- gagements with the Bolsheviks, among the 600 dead bodies of the enemy thére was not a single Rus- slan, every corpse being that either of a, Austrian, or Hungar- lan, yet there is one great barrier between Germany and her intended Russian prey® and that is Poland. The territories of Poland separate Germany from Russia. Germany's plan is, therefore, obvious. It is to make Poland as weak as possible, and to stir up dissension among all the states which come in between Germany and her ambition. Finland, | eugenists account for precocity on the Esthonia, Latvia, and Lithuania oc- | advanced age of one or both of the tupy the shores of the Baltic, which | child's parents at the time of its it is Germany's intention to domi- I birth, and we have very marked ex- Date; Poland is the great barrier on | amples in the following whose fath- |. "land. "During thé war all these €oun- | er's ages at the.time of the distin- tries have been occupied by the Ger- | guished son's birth are given in each mans, so that each of these states | cage. Voltaire sixty-five, FraNklin realizes what German domination | fifty-seven, Audobon fifty-seven, means, and each of these states is | Goethe fifty-three, Irving fifty-two, quite determined that Germany shall | Bacon fifty-one, Shakespeare about not have the control of their affairs | forty-five, Milton forty-five, Confucius Again. - Nevertheless, unless these | forty-five, 'Johnson forty-seven, Edi- | States can come to some working | gon forty-three, Agreement for mutual self-defence, it Is dificult to see how they can help Jerusalem's Cobblers. Siecamning eithee to the intrigues Jerusalem's large army of cob- | © barons aided by Ger- |. "Wy ive Doon enjoying an un- man pressure from Kast Prussia, or | . Jing else to the Germanized Bolsheviks dreamed OF Prosperity pecayse ihe * | terrible condition of the streets has por t p i i Ea - > ered htt It 1t had net oan sor ay. | REPL thom busy repairing shoe, are Clemenceau and the Supreme Coun- | Jokinaing te Worry over lean Says cil, Poland might have made 'peace {ahead. With the British administra- | with the Bolsheviks last November. tion and the Zionist commission the The Bolshevik offer of 'Peace to aged i mproy Bg the stra Bf the Poland was forwarded to Paris by | Holy ity % ® bs STS Axe Imare the Polish Government, and M. Cle- | gaia wh fe A N rmpereq to the menceau and the Supreme Council | 5° Ren bhai i ow Yeaping, told the Poles to take mo notice of jacsary ns aL 2 tite Weekly: i§ | Tchitcherin's letter. So that the Al- j2 BO a Wich TLDer Fubkioh {lies must assume part of the re- (a Jsfalens, W p a id ay | sponsibility for Poland's present posi- he the sata t men ane aetor- ! ij |tion. It may be that the great dan- | wr; oPee Of a large Fie | { which will bring shoé prices down to |§ | ger that Poland is in at present in |g low level, combined with the |Induce-all the Baltic states to dfop {smoothness the streets are now their various differences and unite | Rs acquiring, the present opulent cob- ------ hn, Precocity and Genfus, In every generation there have | been precocious children. Socrates, Seneca, Horace and Confucius ex- hibited extraordinary abilities at | Yery early ages. But perhaps in no. other fields is the relation of genius to precocity so clearly exemplified as in music. At the age of four Mozart composed a number of minuets and | other 'pieces still extant; Beethoven showed marked genius at five, and | when only seven created great aston- ishment by his performances on the violin, while Schubert, Mendelssohn, Handel, and other great composers, | were' precocious as children and | astonished thelr contemporaries by their ea ly performances. Saint-Saens |.is %aid to haye produced creditable waltzes and galops at five. Modern New Quebec Heaters For The Garage dl 1 If Tw ARMURE. DRESS GOODS Reg. $2.50 . . . . . Tuesday $1.79 300 yds. of this most desirable Dress Goods, in a broad variety of the most fashionable shadings to choose from; also black; a= good value at $2.50. Tuesday ............. $1.79 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Watson brand . . Tuesday $2.19 25 doz. fine ribbed Shirts and Drawers--a fine, medium winter weight; in sizes 34 to 46; a splen- did value at $3.50 a garment -- while the quantity lasts Tuesday .............. $2.19 OR THAT COLD ROOM OR STORE £ How are you going to heat the Garage this winter? You must pro- tect yourself by heating it. A Freéze- Up might cost you the price. of*twen- ty Heaters, ; You mug heat it well too. A- cold car that won't start is worse than no car at all. As useful in house or store as in garage. They will make the cold room cozy. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. PHONE 287. « = =~ - . BROCK STREE? W. A. Mitchell, Manager Hardware Départment rein =a ee Sl "a -- pee ------ ---- Se ie we = = ene ---- a] ---- -- ee -- Tet -- WEDNESDAY--REMNANT SALE! On Wednesday, we will place on sale "the hundreds of remnants that have accumulated after the busiest season in our history, at discounts ranging from 25 to 50%. : See to-morrow's pa per for details! teacy's - Limited "The Woman's Store of Kingston." ; = = = 2 EEE LO wo DR. NASH DENTIST SOLD LIQUOR. purchased the lMquor at the Hemond home, from Mrs. Hemond. Provin- cial Officer McCready laid the charge against the woman. Larue paid a fine of $10 and costs. WOMAN | | -- | Mrs. Oliver Hemond Fined $300 and Sent to Jail. ~ Cornwall,- Nov. 1.--The first in- The Hoover lifts the rug from the floor, like this Autters it upon a cushion of air, gently *' beats™ out ite embedded grit, and so prolongs its life The largest selling electric cleaner in the world -- 'The HOOVER | It Beats... n As It Sweeps . As It Suction Cleans Easy Terme I. F. Harrison Co,, Lt We are carrying a most complete line of house fur- nishings, . Some very excel- lentvalues in stock purchased : some time ago. \ 4d Phone 90 to face a common foe. The common danger may make them realiz what they are in danger of forgeiung in the heat of national quarrels and jealousies, namely, that if Poland falls, they all fail. And, "Jest we forget," let us remind ourselves once more that if 'he Germans gain con- trol of the Baitic we loss the greater part of ovr future trade with Russia and Scandinav'a, and also that if the Polish-barrier is broken by the Bol- sheviks, Great Britain, together with the rest of Europe, will be involved in a gargantual catastrophe. . Then, perhaps, the workmen of Britain will regret, but too late, their treacherous and suicidal policy of hostility to- wards the small but brave Socfakist Republic of Poland. em e---- It has been estimated that steam- "rs are 20 per ceat, safer than sailing vessels. An old man is always. boasting about his aches and pains. IVER ILLs blers have reason to worry over the future, the Weekly chuckles, The British Dominate. Considering the fact that the United States has kept practically an open door for a century and more to all comers, and that milliong of Ger- mans, Scandinavians, Italians and others have cettled in the land, it is surprising that only two Presidents have borne otier than British sur- names. These were both Dutch, Vana Buren@and Roosevelt, : E Wiser to Go Elsewhere, 'When you get your groceries to- day," sald the butcher to his wife, "don't go to that little grocer next to my shop." "Why not?" she de- manded. "Because he sent in yes- terday and borrowed an old pair of my scales!" . J. Curtin, Brockville, has sold his farm in BEscott Front township to W. A. Elliott, of the same place, The consideration was $7,500. There are 170 acres in the farm, Portland lost one of its oldest resi- dents on Saturday when Thomas Bol- ton passed away after a short illness of jaundice. : Before you ask a man to feel at HOOD'S PILLS . ; 28e. . home, consider what kind of a home he bas got. : stance of a woman being prosecuted in a Cornwall court for an infraction of the Ontarip Temperance. Act oc- curred, when Mrs. Oliver Hemond | was fined $500 and sent to jail for- { fifteen days. If the fine is not paid { within five days an additional two iand a half months' imprisonment | will be imposed, > 1 The case arcse out of a charge of intoxication laid against James Larue Dep. Magigirate Cline read the sec ! tion" of 'the act wherein it is stated that one so charged must divulge the source of supply or be imprison- ed for three months, or until sach time as the information is fortheom- | ing. The accused then stated he had 'Ha The death occurred Thursday of a prominent resident of Prescott in Capt. Edward P. McGannon. He had been in poor health for a few weeks. Edward T. Smith, a Brockville gro- cer, passed away without warning at his residence on Friday. He had been {ll some time. No plain gir] appreciates the fact that beauty is only skin deep. L 188 Princess Street. 'Phone 733 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth Dormoform Gas acxmmistered for exe © traction. Safe and painless. : OFFICE HOURS: 98 4 The store of D. McRae & Son, Le i= caster, was entered this week and &' quantity of groceries stolen. . BUY 1934 VICTORY BONDS t 93 YIELD 6.25% "You will reap a nice profit a little later and assure yourself of the above yield for a long 'period of time if you wish. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." PHONE 1728.