13. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1029, , : TH E DAILY B R ITISH WHIG. 3 GRAND, NOVEMBER 9&10 | 2 A |- ri | a | = | THE- PEOPLE'S FORUM \ 'BIG DOUBLE PI THE DISTINGUISHED ' | : % ENGLISH 'ARTISTS H. V. ESMOND and EVA MOORE | 15--REELS BEST PICTURES--15 : With Entire English Cast and Production in the Famous Elsie Janis in ; Domestic Comedy " ' - - 52 -- - | THE IMP CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: z T0 LET. ' _ ) : , FOR SALE. "THE LAW DIVINE" ror a] The ea A : . First inseruon, lc, & word. Each gon- 1 : 0 i TRUCK, AP- : - Gladys Leslie in _ ecutive Insertion thereafter, tit | Freee FOUND | ONE NEw OL womILE T : PRICES: ...Evenings, BOec. to $2.50. Wed. Mat. ...50c. to $1.50 WH ; os Lent 8 word, AHatmum Se Queen Street. i | y to a. EE -- x J tow . eet eatin A --------_--r ie -- » > ES, AN ko AT, 12 \ * LAS " - ey Stuy Nov, The Golden Shower" | fi IT NE OM, FUR (a er pacigi 1p || *VECOAT, IY, Fier Chess CoNBL ' i Comedies and" Other Reels... |. We or are tor teh an eo odBRAY, a 387, Johnson: steed. id oh Bho Snare Apply to 489 Johnson suréet: 2 | <r Ch 1 bettas tnd bi 3 A } McCan 3, - ; { GRANDS ORCHESTRA | |= SHUEEOE FURNISHED RGOM, ALL CONVENI-| Silllam McCammon, u AUTOMOBILE 10FS AND CUSHIONS To-night, Friday and Saturday the - HELP WANTED. ences. Apply" 313 University Av enue | * Celluloid for curtains. Judson's t | Bd) : ly, 3 X ta aa gon et ge Jinn 5 2.30 Evg at 7:30 SF Phot de [| 4 namus mie ox pmevewss || SE GaN em, " > i Stree rn have caught in the web of an Infam- ; ; A GIRL TU CLERK IN 4 STORE. APs funy), UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | Re oer | CBEC HEATER IN GOOD CONDI- gus Tediste--with Jo Bove, of 20c. ANY SEAT Ground feor 30e, Piy ai the Marble Hall, 235 Princess electric light; gecd location. Ape | Same by Jiovite | t also irom bed; tavle. AppiF. 'rescue by her husband and her . { Balcony .....20e, Street. ply 111 Ragian Road ! oa WMng at ips go | Sydenham Street. 5 punishment yet to come, the { TE pr ha . | 122 Wellington str . - . scorn of the world's eapital, FIRST CLASS MAN COOK; Soo FOR A YOUNG LADY, WELL-HEAT-| I BUNCH OF KEYS ON UNI- FRAME. DWELLING AND FIVE refereiices. Apply Box 4-5, W Big | ed, furnished room. - Price moder- | ¢ Ge. 1 acres of land; near city iinits, Ape Sd - fg F K 0 NL hic y "CK. ih both. What had this innocent but all GS ice, .. aN ersity Avenue. Call at 30 \ b too-pretty wire dene hpi, both. Wh answer in the tensest photo- KS Vfice Ate. Apply 245 alfred Street. Taity by Ply E. Wathen, 143 Nelso i 62 | ! MAID, GENE uw | LOST. Vl preinises. { | TOR | | Lig rama the screen has produced. BS Ls TWO SCHOOL GIRLS TO WORK ON FIRST CLASS HOOMS AAD BOARD; | ks rh re GRAIN ELEVATOR EQUIPMENTS, gi A Od FRI. & SAT. Saturday's. Apply Bowen's Bak- all improvements, ceniraily iocat- FOUND SRIICLES ADV ER~ S0afUIng DaLgers, Vulieys, PIPOS. OVERTURE: Gay : ery, King street. ed. Apply 142 Brock. street. FRE, Apply at A, Speizman, 53 Rideau Bt. ""TIE LOVE NEST FROM 8 oR! 3 Nov. 5and 6 WALD U4IDS; ALSO WOMEN YOR| ROOMS AND TABLE BOARD, On| Anyone finding anything and ONE LUT, 663132 FOUL FRONTAGH { "MARY" Bargain Matinee Saturday SCrubLlLg, Euud Wages, Apply board only; comiortable home; lib- | Wishing Lo reaca the owuer may On BOulh Macdonald street; chenp | f : Kingston General Hospital, eral table, 'Call 331% Brock street do so by reporting the facts to 10r QUICK buyer. baleisis tell DIRECTION - PAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited ; Rot { 5 4 |] Zhe sriusn Wiis: 'ihe waver. 5 Jr : . i A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE-| SPORAGE BOR FURNITURE AND | isement will be prinied in tay : . Mutt an Ny APPLY lo Mrs. Jt. J. Cardi. | mercuandise elfen wid dry. Sher|| column tree of charge. » TWO BLACK SIBERIAN RABBITS; T ner, ¢8 Jonuson 'street | K sireet. Phone 326] 'I'ound articies" aves not im- Prize winners; cuacep for quick Al ¥ : -- -- : | YR = clude lost dogs, cattle, norses. shie. Appiy 406 Julhuson street, oF AUC O Th A CAPABLE WOMAN FUR WASHING | ete. These, if lost, may be ad- phone 1...r, Saturday"at 12 o'clock Noom : and cleaning by the day. 'Appiy in| FURNISHED DW ELLING; ALICE ST. vertised tor iu the 'Losi" column. . X ngs ; at t \ 28 | 6 furnace, el y. From SMALL FAKM, 43 ACRES, ON YORK Pony am Sompriaing pony, single : . e or cr ne : 3 n. t gt Ty . a in| i, a HKuag, four miles "Ww est of Udesss; harness and buysy. ON ROOMS \ " | 1. me == lair buliings. Appiy J. B. sues, Market Square--Fhone 891J. 3 ; . E enced, ror small lain « | AN HOUSE; ALL (MFROVE- J ~ - yl g 2 aces tae ; relerences t a High- | two nr 'walk from| T WO CHEVHOLET TOURING: CARS) . 4 €SL wages paid. 3 Slriet Car; puss. n Nov, ist. | STRING OF JET BEADS, VALUKD AS Hewly. paired @nd veriwshea; ia -- 4 Whig Untice, -- ! Len $0.00 a mor Phone 325m. & keepsake, on Friday. Keward for Al CORGItivN. Apply Buyd 5 Ukr- u . A : > / 80--People--30 =A - reiurn to Whig Oitice. J age, 12% Brock sirest. % : - NESE a COMI HE, FP i S---- 25--Music Numbers--25 SHR) AT ONCE, A MAID, GENERAL % SHPO TALE ¥ 4 + Tune RUASRLT AA TT Take notice that waian ly 1 : | use of ie leplione. [| BETWEEN BANK OF MONTREAL acres of puipwood land, Li the clay 1. The Council of the Corporation | oy . PRICES: Evenings ... 25c. to £1.50 wees 2 MI8. W. Ue Ry. APDIY Hox of i #ud Wm. Dgvies Co. or in' \Wm Leil of Nort UNAnNo. | adiquire of of the City of Kingston intends «| Re¢ruitin IS now 0 en fo iS Mat.: Adults, 75¢c.; Childe 50c 440 Prin Phone 364. : Apply dos Davies Co, iv bill. Finder please Lr: Lake, 357 Jolson Strees, ony: gonstruot as a local fmprovement a | g p i Bat. Mat.: Adults, 75¢.; Children 50c, rr re {sr FOR FUNNIPOR SAN, | leave al WHig Onice and receive = sewer in Brock street, from Frontenac | Seats now on sale. SALESMAN ry, a Nou. COL X-| Gry, airy rocwis!-your own lock and | reward. GENUINE GRAFMONULA AND TEN Street westerly 160 fest and Intends to ! IUTBETY BLOCK generai- | 3 | seleciions; your own choice, $4a.00, ' 3 hdl a Frost S r ) a tull line wnoie| Ren aes Lily Storage, : . 3 specially assess a part of the cost upon | th Kingst pany, 'e, nave w ueen street. Phone 5g sduw | . WW aks Lermus, $0 cash, 31 per week. ©. Wo the land.abutt'ng directly. on the e on Lom ' > $ aud plants. Big earnings nugen sires Bone 516; res | PARCEL OF LAU NDRY BETW EEN | Lindsay, Lamited, 131 Princess St work. P. 0. anda Kingsion wen- " " S 3 0 Buaraniecd the Year round. our BED ROOM ge n: duuerin . i BE . ; Bld, EX Dar M AND SITTING YOM; IN e . er e- : Surin S2'imated cost. of the work Ma hine G B i ade RR i § I § Thos mo are complete. Exper). fine residence; near gunmo Turn to Lode oftite wnt fndly re] oNK DELIVERY TRUCK, CADALAG is $477.12, of which $387.15 is to be paid Cl mn Ig N ks face not ne e358) x Ne teacn you, I¢ge; aot Wales heating and elects tuin to Las office and receive re- Chassis, yi0v. Une ieo Louring by the Qorpuration, The Satmatens + . : PICTURES! mt US Ldimiied, Montreal, * city! to couple; no chdren Apply Yard. car, §200. Both in good COUUILION, chal rate per foot frontage is L a Jat the U4 Ph ram; Box P-36, Whik Office. . T Apply Boyds Garage, 13y Brock Ths special assesment 1s re bo paid in| AB Officer will be on duty) SACLE IRE oo 5% Whig . : LOST IN OCTOBER BETWEEN THE Sireet. : twenty annual instalments. Armouries each evening to enMst those WANTED GENERAL, Ws be ¢ PARTMENT: a town of Napanee and Kingston, oi TWO FRONT A MENTS, ESPE. Single hey Sides DEIOLGINE 10] PUKE BRED REGISTERED SCHROPa 3 A petition against the work will | desirous of joining this unit. 1 '0-DAY ! lai Tarnished ro uay: SSPE. fot avail to Pre ntAre, Slnstruction, The Parade nights are Tuesdays and X HEATED APARTMENT, OR TuREL yd urls ey Ele Ard rh fugle tren bed, painted white Bile Fada ay "wy Er osukbie prices . . i ten or lour brigat, airy rooms, ia guud t th Jon t 218 'lnder picase notify Ce. Jer ns Appiy . 3 Ors, emuy City Clerk. | Thursdays at 8 p.m. locality. Apply Box Les, Waig Of- A ASu diner Apar Henin Nel 439 Johnson sireet, Kingsion ¢ Foi Portsmoutn, Unt. Phone Kingston, Nov. 3rd, 1920. The new scale of pay will be seen in 2d = as nr Sil 110s r 14. another column of this edition. ; n 5 4 . SHE SD. i AN a TTT ------------ rnr------ nn ) 4 Warten To RENT. A MEDIUM-{ your io re LA mEn STRAYED. CANAKHIES, SINGERS AND BROOD house; ce ally located; nu | one or two gentiemen; centrally lo-| LCinnomwons, "2 pairs . f - Ch laluuly. Apply Box Aj, | ated; alet ignbornvod. p-{ UNTO THE PRLUMISES OF FRED 8, 4 pairs Crest, 6 young Pearl A Nesbit, LICM, and an all star east, In B. | rok B in ; ie : 0g AP heeter, Joycevilie, ten head of Roliers. Apply 5 wo 6.30 Pm, at is - Uniup Street West, , young catue. Owner may have ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR » TO RENT OR BUY, A MEDION SIZED | ---- Ah ay-] -------- TY a Mk. MeSle OAK ROOM, HEATED, ALL ( Billie Oy proving property and pay- . a2 ARTE VEEN ST. CHURCH . farm in Kingston aistrict, win ences Tor 1 hous ng 18 expenses. MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHIN * ® SALE BY TENDER OF SUPPLIES' light soil, part sandy ioum preter- | Need Bo 5 Bid or ig expeuges, me house 1urtiture, specialize in Mills acher| f Singing and Plano. T n + red. Apply Box U-4, Wh 8 ice ladies gait schoo 'F eoillewe tary boois; buy ail kKinas seconds T~ > 7 MILITARY DRUGS, DRESSINGS EE. rp Ss reo College MUSIC, hand Buuas; uighest prices paid, ng en Apply hus street. 'hone Studio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J, AND SUPPLIES : ARPLY 408 Johnsen street. ' Phone a, Koutbard. Fuune 1943. 289 Prine - From James A. Hearnes Immortal SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO | -- OHNSON, A.T.C.M EACHER Cess olreet. on ~ ; % or cas zr - 3 } . HE RON tC rem | S NS » ANC MM, TEACULE SEALED TENDERS will be received Stage Play Yor casi or in part payment of pe " FURNISHED ROOMY, In GOOD LO. | ig Foun AW Tasury 3 he pe "| Bead? oy olock noon, Wednesday, No- Biers ana Braicuplas. C.'W. Lind- pe oom oor, turpmce;f | BY, Livaniand daeury. i "yEorY | WE HAVE FOR SALI ALL KINDS OF vember 10th, 1920, for the purchase of say Limited, 121 Princess street. for COOK 5 | exauinations. Studio: sve Cotling- 800d second hand furniture and ' : e Sb Drugs, Dressings and Supplies, surplus . xB a | 1 for iight se kee 2 f Sign Paintingand Gr. and for sale in the Department of Mili- OPENING EPISODE Cs is : | Suit rd Api sgikeeping. Woud Brest. Piloue $519 W. BIUYGS. iy Peiaul tea ven ao tia and Defence, Ottawa. of our mew serial WANTED---MEN AND BOYS 10 pP | { ' and tarnivuredeluispose Sh we i uigues riees., sy LPS p » 'W. Curson, barber. a "a pn hee { pay ' Tenders should be addressed to the roatze J, run, bi - oe L mento pe ga 9 JAMES Ss ROBINSON "Director of Contracts, Departinent of PIRATE GOI D pnd boys hair Sut, 20a. oats, Lue, 383 Princess street. Phone 1600w, - 275 Bagot Street Militia and Defence, Ottawa," and | near Brock street. 19 Bln PERSONAL. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, | COLUMBIA, DAYTON, Robinson Drow 01d Stand narxed Thengers for Drugs. Dressings A Rolllcking 1 Advent -- eLC., alge OF sillail, guaianiced Xx | inceton and Viciory Bicycles, als dl nd Supplies, ,» November vj 4 ollicking Romance o venture on 4 EB ME "ws > | Build leal, posters, savecards ele, S50 a nuiber of ladies aud gent 3|and WANTED IMMEDIATELY, GOOD HAIR, i WARLS, BIRTH. | Edel Writien and desigasy woes POE of ld Kents 1 Land and Sea. drive horse tor teed gurnig winier | s, rs, etc - These supplies may be seen on ap- nins; must be brokef co stand urs an a, NBeiaraiiny 1 by Shaw, at uo Princess sireet, reduced prices. Special attention ---- plication to the Officer in charge, 146 ta neaa stdll and weight. He- | Slasses ntied nd furnished after | Ningsion, gi ren to wll bicycle and bavy cars "mmet Street, Ottawa. Copies of tend- CHAPLIN to, Box Ad, Whig Onice | uthers have tailed. Goitre removed, | === & er may be obtained from this officer, p ------ -- i5 Years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. | INT, also Senior Medicai Officers at Londo, That King of Laugh Makers, fn 0 Lake, Eye, Ear. Nose, Throat, Skin. DENTAL. ! ® M azines uty aorenio, Suto Montreal Jue. . WANTED, PARTY WITH SOME CAPI- | KNAEY BA L.D.S DD. ingston, Ont, Ottawa, Ont., Hamilton, tal to finance the manufaciurer of | ' A. EB. NAEY B.A, LDS, D. ap ' b a Ont, Quebec, Que. The Vagabond . a household ariicie. that can be, HOW To HOLD CIRCLES FOR DE- | oifice Lo0¥ Princess Street, ii SIVEFY-EOUR hi RE elm ON 7 EUGENE FISET, Major General, used in every house where there is | veloping Mediumship at 'Home, by boa. 1oWh, one mile Fonte aadon arnost \ , Deputy Minister, Militia and Defence. . & bath room. It interested write Franklin A. Thomas, §7 ages, | . . . - Ys Ladies' Jiome Journal, Woman's Home ottawa. Octo 27th, 1020. S. Steadard, Box £08, Kingsion, Ong | $2.00; published by the FATE dy 20| DRS. SPARRS AND SPARKS, DENe eight miles from Kingston. alas ¢ SLT a 5 { : fiwme house; ood outbuildings: Companion, Good Housekeeping, Green NOTE. --Newspapers will not be paid -- Bickerstaff street, Boston, Mass. | Hata ios Ww elunEto street, over Ais ig une 3004 Tora ta a Bsisichoie dient Spiritualistic information y a eres Lone house i Bou ul mei, erate rie ton 21 SN BB | KINGNUT | aS A Ld oe a CR RT ,Noteh, Adventure, Argosy, Classic, Life, : erry PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, } ap Nedium, ese FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Buy. Phone 1107 r. 2-2. | r Judge, Literary Digest, Newspapers, ete. < . { Miss Midge Edgar, expert steno- Dodge Touring || srapaer, open for stenograpnic work SITUATIONS VACANT. iy : - The Nut-Mar arme UF any dentription. wirey chins work ---- TOCA | usr. mwa snr, masceny x) Hes Moudatar: ui Buaranieed. Kateg reustuanle, Spe | Odessa, owing to ill-healtn. No Overland Tolring. . ELDER S M 31 : SEY wes can be arranged. Phone | $8 Karis, Memon bora GREETING | DgeY Jukery Within ten miles Overland a 321. White's Insurance Oiiice, Bago: a dibs Book free. 'Me | store doing goud business! ago Z Ford 2ruck For Egting and Cooking Stre O0ROL Women already making $5 up daily valling Noble Bo 2 Ford Trucks. et. A dwelling. Apply Oule ond, 1 ' a . in spare time. Bradley-Garrets ns, oh All in good shape, reads 1or the road, 269 PRINCESS STREET Brantford, Ont. 7 3 des at. and can ve bought on es. Lerns, 5 SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the | 3 3 PF lie: Uthitglen. "Phone 12831. | Postma -G . Sv { Sold ov a Money Back -- { BLUE GARAGES, L.MITFD 2 Opposite Publ ng ne tmaster-General, will be received at y MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 T0 $60 | : Corner Queen & Bagot Sts. Phone 507.5 Sah % | December, 1920, for the conve ance Hig | 1 ------, { ERP | s Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract | | GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK -- wring showeards for us. | | la : tke ¢ 8 you With work ; $1 er and bdoiicktors, 78 Clarence | FOR ALE the route Kingston Rural Mail Route | fast, ecasily-learned Auto inister)! y Blreet, hingsion. A. B. Cunning. | YICTORY BONDS Ful sALm, MONKEY | Immaterial; positively no canvas - a es le Ottaw 1 criday, | Fan, MALE HELP WANTED tlawa until noon, on Friday, the 10th | Guarantee. paid weekly for your spare time : RM AR a ~-- ; io | m---- ------ BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, ~for four years, six times per week on ASK YOUR GROCER We need you to make socks on the vassing. We instr, : CUNYIRGHAN Ww SMITH, 3A IUST. ; Neo. 4, Irom the Postmaster-Genera. experience unnecessary; distanc a ham. Cyril M. Smith. te Lo Ty Tikge repair work Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King street, Phone 1032w. by OF tember my be otaatnd, blank forms A Pilgrim. Mss, PR Sih em, in ang Breer, icy corne: ew WHEN YOU WANT THE CARFEATER Lins and Brock, over Koy $850--BUILDING, LOT; CONVENIRNT ony K a CO fu - p> - > ARPES y A > Oirices of Kingston, Cataraqui, Eigin One of the romances of manu AGENTS WANTED, see James Selby, Contractor. Temp, 10 loan, Paone 1499. location. : > £ i Printed notices containing further in- Ing; yarn supplied. Particulars, jc = = ty > ( formation &s to conditions of POD OS | ee Hamp. Dept. 6¢. Auto Knitter Co. CARPENTERING, AMBROS: SHEA, BA, BARRISTEK ¥2e.~DOUHLE BRICK; VENEER; § . urg, 8. ham, p 1 the Poss Cate jannd at the office of {goripts Jost and found is associated change of aduress 60 Arch H. MERRICK, with the Pilgrini Fathers. William MEN AND WOMEN, NOT T0 CANVASS, : ne 63 HITE ITE CER DO NOT GO ALONG WONDER. offies 1 tant, Office Inspector. | Bradford's unpublished history of the but to travel wRd &PpouL luck. Top nee ARCHITECT. LOT Sxl Wir Rs i rai Kingston, October 3 Hn 1350. Plymouth. = Plantation, frequently Euaranteed fret years wis' UPHOLSTERING., POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH. yoursels, 5°04 Chaice to build fop quoted by the early historians of New Chance to make $2,600 and expe; tects, Merchanls' Bank Ohambers, ygurseil, \ - ing if your eyes need attention. . ce sna nasipimns so shores J DEES |i ov maapsrst fom v fe | Saf SFR WE | eee ry MEE Sakai Motil) [SENSOR SE ence and equipment to discover ' PEG of for\ close upon a century. Then | D¢Pt: G Toroats =m=mueel pW. HAROLD FOR YOUR oo ANCL x= outs, z ' . this important fact, in a work published by Samuel Wil POSITION WANTE,», polsiering and Fencral tepauing x BAU--FRANE by : oun ° berforee in 1834 several passages | 3 . ; 1 Cl t H x iE 1 A ANC ; Bood stable. % ' . Mail Contract rom Sotaments in Pulba Pajage PRACTICAL NURSE, OPEN FOR a ee SThaNGE Ae stanianed a ANCE * I EME! ER > He | entifie y scholars on e three weeks' engagement. Apply a . ane the most reliable colupanies repre- | $1,700~FRAME HOUS JOHN 5 REMEMS Postmaster Genernr wil ootined, 10 the | giher side of the Atlantic as Brad- to Box X-2, Whig Office. el FURNITURE FINISHING sented. Onice $i Clarence stre House "w wl L -- Ea en Sl 4 > sit + off " a "A Rl You can never get another pair Oitawa until noon, on Friday, the 10th |ford's, and. search in the Bishop of CALL OB DRUP X CARD TO W, DRtigs | .--"PPU3It the pos: offjes. ~ °" " $330CTROUGH. CAST; 11° ROOMS) of eyes, Risember, 1920, for ne Seuve nee is | London's library revealed the long- LAND: SURVEYOR, coll, 22 "John Street. y- esty"s Of su|lost MSS. Later this original to: Smee er ANGInG | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INvEST-| _- , USE for four years, six times per week on | , g ' Ee PAINTING AD EK {GING ment Society; inc rat 1861, | $3,500--FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION the route Junbury Rural Mail Route No. | which much Bower lore is age, Lr EE Napanee Ordi8s PAINTING. AND PAPER HANGING . Praiden Ww. F Nickle, KC; vice- street, 3 s from the lst April next. | was presented by t ishop to the tario Land Survey Kingston Of- | WHEN WANTING PAINTING president, . A. B. Cunhggham, = . Printed notices containing further in- | Qity ot/ Boston. rhe Walken & Walco Spon or » HER. hanging OF drop a er Mouey issued on city ang farm | §3,100---FOR FWO FRAME HOUSES; ¢ formation as to conditions of proposed v So ence street A. Mounteer, 84 Argh street. @roperties, municipal and county rooms; tollet and electric lights, contract may be seen and blank ormas -- debentures; mortgages; purchased; -- Sp nder SIR obtained at ins Dost Industrial India. : investment bonds for sdle; deposits G. A, BATEMAN, ©! I e ce © a :ceived d ing 4 X R Vs the Post Office Inspector. India has already laid the basis of | : C Cariwh Rt a Allowsn. CR. I Wetington Steast, Kinguton -- H. MERRICK, |& steel industry in the establishment | | | ence street! Kin F Spd he Post Office Inspector. [gy two important and successful fron Re a -- - MAASARA SLAs test ST 3 st Office Inspector's Office, ! . 0 Kingston, October 27th, 1920. and ne work, ey he Bebgal | . FOR SALE 2 FOR SALE - Ton and steel works at Kulti, which | Modern home; . A me; feve 3 - The rolling stone; at least gets ex- | turns out 10,000 tons of pig iron a } LRETONNES, LATEST DESIGNS, KX. * age; eleatric nts: furans: gars reise. -- > [mont and the Tata iron and steel gebtianaliy Sow piles, Ki oddard & | % bath; most desirable locality; two . 5 Ong, upholaterers, 37 ng Street; mihutes fro treet rs, - ~e-ne [works at Sakechi, about 156 miles rea 4 Kingston. All kinds of repairs 2 John Dawn. eid a. {from Calcutta, which bas a monthly EB * 9 guickly executed. Send post card | K i Pl {production of about. 35.00 tons. for esiimates For Sale-- ens ngton ace | Mostwof this pig fron is converted into . |steel, which is largely used locally in Brick Veneer Dwelling; Living Room; Dining Room and | the production of rails and the small. , Kitchen on first floor; French doors leading into living room .- § er structural shapes, but even, with ° and dining room from hail, also to private verandah; grate in the additional furnaces now under 3 ; ; - living room; hardwood floors throughout; all glass door knobs, construction, which in the case of " A - 1 00 stationary tubs; im fact, modern in every Particular. Newly the Tata works will more than triple ' finished. Immediate possession. its previous capacity, not more thaa [A Sraction of be supplied or ren | [OX Mm = $3.50 per load--cut in stove lengths THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY [fastest --------------. Phone 68 aud 374w. 2 : 5 Broek Steet oT 5 cs ™i o : Mr. 0000 trons Mr. Jas. Swift & Co., 7s Lin ited Ee oa siga that a at gay 3 will follow, Tashalkewaki wonderfully, Reywhack.. He.slays f Johnson Street crows in Lowbrow: Pleased ts mestch Mister. . foreign games but | know 'where we-can get a Httte Sosy nu. them Foot o i ! WROEPMER (x | erent. en Province of Saskatchewan In rion 8 / 7 Se = |-Auction Sales HIGHEST PRICES PAID 20 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1 st + 1940. Price '96.62 por Scrap pron Metals, Raga Aad and interest, yielding 6.30%. 1 &m the best auctioneer in Kingston. we will call promptly. This is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 and of weaving in @ I i ¢ "9 Make me prove it. Phone 184%. Res. 2087, M. ROSEN & C0. ¢ ba = : a ' A = for warping, 3 : BEDFORD The Auctioneer, 140 RIDEAV STREET er : i i 4 Secrets for dyeing. fey : . \ ohne 1721 or 14 : - ity o rnia . : (1 / : 'John Dwyer, last of the Crimean be T= 'DRO-ELECT RIC DEBENTURES Y . | Xeterans in Halifax, N.S., died Wed- : 1921-1930 Maturities ..u w.au.ows.. Price to yield 6% % G3 : | oy Dwyer came, to Savada any A-Reo Bus «1940 Titles «im we as ; : ; years ago from County Wexford, : 1831-1940 Matu tes «vm wom mpm wos Price to yield §% % : ' England, landing at Quebec. For the Room for 12 people; will make ' : \ me pHvacy A ~ { Jost f1nty years he had Nved in Hali- 1} , Lool Ln 12 Beds' swim pire George Bawden & Co. ||l.>= ASSERTING En mians i Tha re) a of tas ky id 2 : ey : ve: roy hs keys of the house. This fittls key opens mY . | of Spain will probably leave Madrid ; Investment Brokers Generai Insurance Miers ar} echuncrel "ot Solan nter, goin' to have a | ror England next Monday night, tra- J. TURE Phone 705 > i Southern army leaders .in China . s ® velling by way of Paris. . --ONE400 i i: i. 111% BROCK STREET flout the mandate issued by President "O'® again, While I'm huntin' a placs to hang my things you A Canadian census is to be taken Ji A Hsu Shi Chang at Pekin. = Et : ro pero next June. . . : . ' ( Sy