Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1920, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH W -------- H 1 G. =~ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1020. - -- ee -- EE ---- -- er ---- ON Fur Coats SPLENDID CHAPEL ' Basket Ball | | a1 | SEAL COAT "0 inches dong; Collar and Cuffs self Fur or trimmed with Opossum, Skunk or Neutria. $195.00 Beautiful Hudson Seal Coat ~--34 inches long -- large crush collar and euffs in finest quality Australian Opossum, Alaska Sable or Grey Squirrel. A great value EES $355.00 John McKay, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 157 Brock Street, Kingston, Ontario, Used Pine Lumber Several thousand feet of 2" Pine now being removed from the Elevator, foot of Gore Street. This is nice Soft Pine, of good lengths, easy to work and is very cheap. Also several tons of 4" and 5" Nails at a bargain. ~~ S. Anglin & Co. OFFICE PHONE 66 WEEK-END | SPECIALS CORN FLAKES 300 pkgs. .11c. pkg. 500 lbs. RICE 5 lbs. lots . ....45¢. Belleville Creamery BUTTER, 60c. Ib. 50 bags choice POTATOES 28¢. pk - Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS BTS. REAL ESTATE $4,500---Colborne Street -- 8 rooms; B, aid C.; electricity, two lots. :$4,500~Albert Street-- brick; Seven rooms; hot water heating; hardwood, floors; possession May 1st. Rental $360. $8000--Aberdeen Street" 8 rooms; furnace; electricity. Hi $5,500--Frontenac "St.-brick; 7 rooms; hardwood .floors; | furnace; electricity. l| - $8500--Rideau street; frame; four tenaments; 6 and 7 rooms; W. C. Rented $756, FARMS FQR SALE i - wearing two different pairs of s--one for distance and an- other for reading ? If so, try a pair of the invisible bifocals and you will wonder how you éver got along without them. Perfect vi- sion for all distances in one lens-- that's the idea. Consult: i 1S. Asselstine, DOS. 392 King Street. .* Phone 1019w. | D'Armés; Princess from King to On-| SUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE INCIDENTS OF THE DAY to Start on Nov. 9th--May Form Girls' Series. "At a very enthusiastic meeting of | the executive of the Sunday School if | Amateur Athletic Associatiop held in the Y.M.C.A. parlors, on Wednesday evening, final arrangements for the | opEning of the basketball series were | made. Representatives of nearly ev- if | ery Sunday school in the city, which will 'be included in the basketball league, were present to make their entries. The league will open at the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium Tuesday even- | ing next. It was the feeling of the members }| of the executive that in view of the , fact that two of the teams, which |-wera not represented at this meeting, | wight enter the league, it would pro- Lably be wise to leave the time of { entry open until Friday evening next. | A committee was appointed to re- ceive the éntries on that evening and draw up alschédule. It is quite likely that the senior series will be com- | posed of St. James, Young Hebrews, | Bethel, Cooke's, Sydenham, and Bap- {.tist, and there is a possibility that | Queen Street: Methodist will have a |} | senior team. The junior teams will | likely be from Sydenham Street Me- thodist, Queen Street Methodist, Cooke's, St. James, and probably Un- | ion Church, Portsmouth. The junior | league schedule will likely open on | Saturday afternoon, November 13th. The by-laws state that any per- | €on competing in the "~games | must be a regular attendant of the | Sunday school for which he plays, and attend two Sundays previous to | the opening games, or two Sundays | previous to the first game in which he competes. of Queen Street Methodist, brought before the executive the matter, of or- ganizing a girls' basketball league in | connection with tle association. His | suggestion was favorably received, and the matter will be considered at the next meeting. Captain Finney, representing First Baptist church, was appointed to act as treasurer until the annual election of, officers takes place the latter part of November. STREETS ARE NAMED FOR PAVING IN 1921 Clergy and Barrie Streets at | Last to Receive Attention. Captain Skinner, a Tepresentative % -- At a meeting of the Board of | | Works on Wednesday afternoon, the | | acting engineer, Howard Dick, re- | commended that the following streets | B| be paved with sheet asphalt next! year: King from William to West; | { Ontario from Brock to Place] tario; Union from Wellington to | | King; Clergy from Barrie to Ordn- ance; Division from Prihcess to Pine. | The committee adopted the recom- mendation, and will ask the utilities commission to have the underground work in those streets completed early in the spring, The acting engineer was asked to suggest some means whereby the as- phalt paving plant at the fair grounds could be operated without causing a nuisance to residents near- by. The residents certainly have a grievance. In attendance at the meeting were Alds. Anfrove (chairman), Philiips, Sargent, Clow and Mayor Nickle, -------- MEETING AT LONDON, ONT. ! " Of Queen's University Graduates-- * Alumni Association Revived. The Queen's Alumni Association of Western Ontario, whose activities {had been discontinued during the | war, resumed {ts meeting in Lon- don to hear Dr. Bruce Taylor, prin- cipal of Queen's Untversity. Following the dinmer, a short toast list was introduced by the { president, C. B. Edwards. The toast to 'the king was proposed by Gen; Shannon of the yedr of '77, and that to Canada by Major Rev. A. Graham, chaplain of Westminster hospital. The toast to Queen's Uni- versity, proposed -by the president, was responded to by Principal Tay- lor who «in a jovial off-handed way delighted his audience with an ac- count of recent "happenings at Queen's interspersed with «various humorous incidents connected with the life of the university. Principal Taylor spoke optimisti- cally of thé reconstruction now in progress in all faculties, till all pres- ent felt that Queen's had a. brighter future in store for her than had been her past. "Then followed the remaining foasts, which were : "The Alumni," proposed by Rev, J. G. Stuart of the year of '76, and responded to by Professor A. G. Dorland, of West- ern, Dr, McGhie, of Westminster Hosptial, and D. A. MacA [the London and Western Trust | Company. * | "The Ladies," proposed by J. 0. | McEachern, and responded -to by Miss Macpherson, and Mrs. Carr- Harris, of the London collegiate. The programme was interspersed with songs of Queen's, At the close of the meeting, offi- cers were elected for the ensuing year as follows : Honorary president, Principal Taylor; epresident, Dr. A, Voaden, St. -Thomas; secretary-treasuref, Major Graham, Westminster hospi- tal; vice-presidents, W. .D. Lowe, Windsor, A. D. Lamont, 8t. Mary's, A. McKillop, Strathroy, Mrs, A. | Carr-Harris, Dr, A, J, Tripp, W. G. | McNeil, London. ! Com mlittee--Qen. Shannon, C. B. | Bdwayds, V. K. Greer, Professor A. { G. Dorland, London, George Mal-1 colm, Stratford; W. BE! Shales, In- gersoll; Miss Story, Sarnia. Crystal Springs Branch U, F. O. | - At the annual meeting of the Cry- stal Springs branch of United rs nl elected. sa The club. was found to be in a most flourishing condition, many new members subscribing. The presi- dent, Arth , and Robert J. P ted to attend the annual convention of the U.F.0. to be held in Toronto the middle of De- cember. | of the Try the blst package Tea--OHARM Racy Local News and Items of enon Public Interest. 'Tr badwick's (Coal. - Phone 67. Te at. Phone 1544 C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. Charm Tea is from the best gar- dens. Cut' prices you can trust. See Livingston's advt. - . : +The hunters are pushing out into the woods looking for deer. 4 W. Swaine, .plano tuner, orders. at McAuley's ar 'PRond 564W. Superintendent PhiHips is clear- ing the parks of leaves. He is burn- ing them. . Every loyal Kingstonian--and who is not--should have a big share in the Armistice day celebration. After six months rental we will allow money paid in rental to apply 'on purchase of piano, C.-W. Lindsay Lta. Magistrate Farrell had a brief ses- sion of the police court on Thursday morning. A drunk was fined "$10 and costs. Charm Tea fis seonemieal More cups to the pound. The Ry diatrict of the Meth- odist church will meet at Battersea on Nov. 11th to consider rural church problems. KX rule of the Curling Club where- by skips are prevented from select- ing the same vice two years in suc- cession is to come up for amend- ment, A number of lads have been sum- moned to appear before Magistrate Farrell for disfiguring school proper- ty with red paint and doing other damage. The charges will be heard on Friday. Tea. i i by James Oliver Curwood. COSMOPOLITAN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING-- Other contributors are William J. phus Daniels, Harvey W. Wiley; rison Cady, Ruth Sawyer, Margaret Widdimer, No ra Mullan ' COSMOPOLITAN contains short stofies dy R ex Be coln, Thomas Burke, Arthur Somers Roc nie Hurst, Frank R. Adams--the best ten writers in 'America. Subscribe to Montreal Star At Present Rate of $3.00 After the end of this month, a large increase will take effect in the price of the Montreal Star, Subseribe at pr#ent rate of §3.00 American Silver or Bills Bought Dring all your American Silver, Gold or Bills here, The College Book Store Telephone 919 nerica's Two Greatest Magazines (For November) per annum for one or two years; We will pay 5%. on any amount, \ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Commencing tn the November issue "THE FLAMING FOREST," Locke; Rose Wilder Lane, Mrs. Jose- M.D., Judge Henry A. Shute, Ben Ames Williams, Shelia Young, e and othegs. ach, James Oliver Curwood, Joseph C. Lin- he, Edgar A. Guest, Meredith Nicholson , Har- » Royal Brown, Wan- Open Evenings You get a quality tea when you buy Charm. The approach of the cbld weather is getting the local curlers on their toes. Followers of the roarin' game are looking forwhrd to another good season's 'sport. Arrangemenfs have | been made for 'the annual meeting. Read our advt. to-day; it will save you money. Livingston's, A grist of thirty-nine auto drivers will come before County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw, on Wednesday next, charged with driving on the high- way while it is under construction. The offenders reside in places all the way from Windsor to Cornwall. ST. ANDREW'S RECEPTION. To Queen's Students and Royal Mili tary College Cadets. St. Andrew's ehurch hall was transformed into a charming set- ting for the Hallowe'en party on Wednesday evening, when the an- nual reception to the young people of the church, Queen's students and the cadets from the Royal Military College was given under the auspices ! Strangers Committee, of which Miss Gertrude Strange ig the secretary. Even before the appoint- ed time the crowds of guests beBan to arrive and were received by Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Ram- sey Duff and Miss Mowat. Two wierd witches gave out the topic cards to the girls and their partners, and on the platform, with its fire-place, be- side which were two mtore witches with a cauldren from which fortunes were draws, were jack o' lanterns with grinning faces, black cats and the gold and black. decorations which mark the season. Mrs. E, F Torrance played for a sing song and during the evening Miss MacFarlane sang twice. Miss Goldie - Bartels played delightfully on her violin and Billy Wilgar recited. The re- freshments were looked after by the Young People's Missionary society, of which Miss Katherine Fairlie is president, and the long tea table was a thing of beanty with its candles in silver candle sticks, centre of white tulle over orange, upon which rested a huge jack 0' lantern with two smallér-ones at each end. Here Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. J. B. Mc- Leod and Mrs, Swaine, poured the coffee, with Mrs. Ramsey Duff, Mrs. William Gill, Mrs. James Third, Miss Fowler, Miss Newlands and other , Friday members of the committee assisting them. Lieut.-Col. Alexander G@rdon acted as chairman and did much to make the evening the success it was. | For Colds or Influenza. and as a preventive, take GROVE'S L. B. Q. tablets (Laxative Bromo | Quinine <tablets). Be sure you get the genuine. Ask for GROVE'S L. B. Q. tablets. Look for EB. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. : Don't let it ever be sald that you are owing for the style you display. nba Are You Ready For "Cold Weather? The real cold weather will soon be here--are you prepared with good, warm, comfortable Furs? We sell : . --FURS FOR MEN .". * ae a's Mill ends of Striped Flannelette Face 'Cloths--nice quality--white saa nate a. ® ie oan awa ~~ 10 dozen good quality Knitted Dish Cloths: large size; ive. 10c. each, or $1.00 doz, Men's Heavy Wool Socks--to clear Children's Pleated Skirts--Navy Blue Serge--neatl waist. Sizes 6 and 8 years. Regular $5.00 li Friday Shoppers WILL FIND THIS A PROFITABLE LIST 36 inch White Cotton; nice quality but slightly soiled. Friday, 25¢ yd. Creer... 39¢. pair y made, with slip ne. To clear on ade a reais eee $3.98 Ladies' House Dresses--Nice pattern Ginghams; pretty styles and in sizes 34t042. Fridaytoclear...... ......0. 0c .s .. $2.95. Children's Fleece-lined Waists--all sizes . .. ... vaiaigrenarerers SOC Children's Elastic Garters -- White ........... +a aeiviaie 196 pair Penman"s Scotch Lambs' Wool Un derwear --._ nearly all sizes, but slightly counter soiled. Friday. clearance . . ......$1.50 each tara e rans sees en 300 yard Newman | & Shaw | "The Always Busy Store" 1 | "IN MARINE CIRCLES 3 - The steamer School Craft cleared for Erie, with a cargo of pulpwood. The vessel has been held up here a couple of days 'on account of the storm, ? ' The steamer Yorkton cleared for Erte on Thursday: y The steamer Buena Vista cleared for Milford, to load canned Montreal. 2 3 The steamer |. Glen Allan, which went ashore'off Farran's Point, while ) bound for Montreal with a cargo of wheat, has been released by the tug Bronson. --------------s McOCLELLAN-BESWICK. Wedding at St. Andrew's Manse on Wednesday Morning, A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock, when Jane Shields Beswick (Bessie), eldest daughter of Mrs. Janet Beswick, 48 O'Kill street, was united in: marriage to Dawson Me- Clean, son of Mrs, Margaret Mc- Clellan; 451 Barrie street, The cere- mony was « performed at Andrew's manse, by the Rav. J. W. Stephens, and the happy couple 1 drove immediately after to the home of the bride, where the wedding luncheon was served. | The bride looked sweet in a dresk of blue tricotine, with blouse of or- chid, and wore a corsage bouquet of Pink fea . Bhe was assisted by er sister, Miss Mary Beswick, who §{ wore a suit of blue gabardine, with "Makers of Fine Furs" © 126 and 128 PRINCESS ST. corsage bouquet of pink roses. The groom was assisted by William Milne. . » The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, to the brides- maid a gold bar pin with pearls and turquoise, whilg th groomsnian received a gold Ale, pin, set with pearls. 4 Many costly and 'useful presents were received by the young couple, testifying to the high esteem Yo which they are hel. : » The happy couple left on the af- ternoon train for a visit to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo, and' on their return will take up residence at 21 Garret street. goods for | rooms; furnace; ¥. light; once. ing; E. ligh with attic; furnace: $8000--buys that desirable dwelllin lington streets; Possession at once rooms; furnace: BE Possession at once. light; Kiogston Home Fluders. Phomes 530w and LTR $5000--buys a new, solid brick dw TO RENT--a new' brick bungalow $6000--Buys Bagemi-detached stone dwell E. light; three piece bath, $4100--buys a solid brick dwelling on Montreal street; 8 rooms E. light; three piece bath. & on corner of William and Wel. 8 rooms; hut water heating; two fireplaces. on Chatham bath reom and hardwood floors, street, elling on Bagot street, with 8 three plece baths possession at ing. with hot water heat- Possession at once. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate, JOHNSTON and DIVISION STREETS, with 5 Remarkable IN SHOES | $475 "FOR WOMEN. $4.75 | Women's Black Kid Bals--brown buck _ tops; military and louis heels: good-looking Shoes and Shoes that will give satisfactory wear. All sizes. Special ........ $4.75. Steve J]. Martin Value + "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" if PRINCESS STREET. Austen Chamberlain, the British | Chancellor of the Exchequer, has, al . Phone Re18, Maxim Gorki has written g drama satirizihg th London evening paper asserts, beén' vik! offered the position of viceroy of In-| dia/ Hon "Bob" Rogers « methods of the Bolshe~ declares 'against alliance with Mpighen, . . SEE A a ROS ES ET

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