3 v » ; . 5 _. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity woad Methodist and .Alice Presby- | 35-agaifist. 'The school grounds are terfan churches co-operating, . have | not adequate for the children to play | embarked upon a united evangelistic | in and the purchase of tha lot would mission under the leadership of Rev. | have bhéen of great benefit to the H. L. Stephens, and party of c¢o-|school. It is understood that the workers, consisting of Mrs. H. L. [trustees will again submit the ques- |, Stephens, pianist; Oliver Arpold, Jr, tion in the near future. chorister; Mr Arnald, superintend- | ent of woman's work, and Miss Ber- | nard, secretary and girls' worker. | H. C. Hudson, Toronto, L. Green, Preparation for these services have | Belleville, and C. 8. Ford, Ottawa, | been going on for some time. |empiovn by the Ontario government L THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1920. I me Sis 'BUILDING ? Austin's Drug Store REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Sterno Cooking Utensils Sterno Camed Heat § DR. A. W. WINNETT + O. Aykroyd & Son 1 D3NTAL SURGEON. ~ Wood Split Pulleys for Power Transmission. A large assort- ment of sizes carried in stock. Prompt de- livery to stages, boats or trains, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Fuctory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 06. Factory Phone 14.8 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. | - Armistice Ball. Armistice night at the city hall, Nov. 11th, kets, $1.50, SA ALAAAAS AS Sas We Save You Money. k of furnishings ng, and made to Are a convenience in any home, When you want a pot of tea in a hurry, water for shaving warm milk for baby, a STERNO COOKING SEY is economical and convenient. Clean, safe, odorless, smoke- less--it i8 a necessity in the sick room. Take a KODAK with you. If it isn't an EASTMAN it isn't a Kodak. . SALA Le Conditions Good Here. S 3 Sects Phone 363 it Brock street. ~~ { p 1 | : Corner of Johnson and" Wellington b b > --~T Township Clerk Dead. Clark NichOls, township clerk of {ore i SCOTT'S G [South sley for many years, died " | Monday ni ght at Smith's Falls. He Repairs, Washing and Storage. e------ employment bureau, were in the J. K. Hackett's Big Success, jcity on Wednesday, and had a con- Kingstonfans and Wolfe Islanders | ference with Allan Stroud, the local well be glad to hear of the success of | agent, in regard to conditions. The ¥ James K. Hackett in London, Eng. representatives are of the opinion This eminent actor was born on |that conditions in Kingston are | Wolfe Island, which he visits regu- | much better than in the majority of | Zo ------------ {was a widower without children. One 1915 Mclaughlin Toure | log ear for sale cheap for 1 er. 298 BAGOT STREET Phone isoqw. Accepts Lindsay Call. Rev. B. B. Loney, Tillsonburg, to the While other cities have had | -- amma Austin's Drug Store Cormer King and Market Square Phone 230 4 Kingston | ~ REPAIRS! REPAIRS! FENERERERSAN ENE | | Saturday Night Cay might from 7.30 to 10.30 o'clock. THE MARRISON STUDIO Phoiie 1318w. 92 Princess Street. We guarantee our workma n broken parts made anit. Water Jackets and ed without heating. KINGSTON WELDING SHoP as sirong as new So PRINCESS STREET. Ji - Kingston Co-operative | Society, Ltd. BPECIAL ! 100 Ibs. Creamery Butter 62¢ 1b Bulk Tea ; Wagstaffe's Jams and Candied . Peels, Closed on Wednesdays at 1pm, B. O. SMITH, Manager. . DourService Welding 1s not a side-line with us All) Crank Cases weld- {Ont., has accepted a call { Lindsay Baptist church. tsucceed Rev, H. Bryant, | gone to Smith's Falls. He will who has Appointed to College, The Canadian Gazette announces the appointment of Captain and .| Brevet Lieut.-Col. K. M. Perry, D. {8.0., to be professor 'of. tactics at {the Royal Military College. A Large Enrolment, { Industrial classes started at the | Renfrew collegiate this week and al- i ready there is a large enrolment. ! Principal H. W. Bryan is in charge {with a very competent staff of in- | structors. i Laying Heavy Steel. ! In the "iG TR district' there is !still a large fteel gang at work as new heavy steel igs being laid on the main | line in the vicinity of Cornwall. This i is in continuation of the work carried on last year. | | - ! Had a Leg Broken. | Michael White, Portland, had the misfortune to fall while driving his | threshing-engine. One of the wheels | passed over his leg, breaking it above | the ankle. The heel of his other foot was badly bruised, DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafl'a Ginger Marmalade, Wagstall's Pineapple Murmalade, Wagstafi®s Bramble Jellly. We also have . full ime Of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellieg for asaie al: W.R McRae & Co GOLDEN LION BLOOK, FOR SALE Bon Marche Grocery - Cor, King and Earl Streets License No. 5-27149 Phone 1844. Pi New Chief Arrives, | Capt. Kidd, Parry Sound, Belle- ville's new chief of police, has ar- {rived here to assume office. The | new chief constable has an excellent | record, especially in cases of the B. 10.T.A., having discovered and rout- | ed out fifteen illicit stills. Prince Edward Boy Wins. Dr. E. A. Kingston, Lockport, Ill, who was successful at the recent primary in the race for coroner, beat- ing his opponent, a local veteran, over 2,000 votes, is a Prince Edward (Ont.) boy. He is the son of Mrs. GOOD, CLEAN COAL. J. J. Kingston, Picton, Ont. Business at Delta. Watches and Clocks Repaired nD G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call" or 'phone and your or der will be promptly attended A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. At Delta, George Hazelton has pur- chased the building on the corner of Main street from H. Howard and is furnishing it as an up-to-date shoe | store. H. Howard will set up busi- | ness anew in the store recently used by Russel] Brothers as a feed store. Early Easter Lily. An Easter lily in full bloom is a curiosity at the home of Miss Mar- Kingston Cement * Note change of. address: Products F actory Phon: 1866. 267 Princess St. Makers of Hollow Daw p- «Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIPS For Choice Groceries and Provisions wD BTORESw-- 210 Division Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired. Don't Cough NYAL'S PINOL EXPECTORANT will relieve you of that troublesome cough and tickling in the throat, It soothes and heals the inflamed tis- sues of the throat and bronchial tubes. It is especially good Yor re- cent coughs and colds, and, every household should have a bottle in it. For sale ats-- Prouse's Drug Store (Late Montgomery's) Opposite St. Andrew's Church. Kingston's Only Dyer. Phone 82. = ¥ NEILSON'S ICE CREAM BRICKS "Dry Cleaing a Specialty. Always on hand. i. TIT 20 p.c. OFF SUITS AND OVERCOATS Now is the time to pick out' your Suit orf Winter Overcoat - and take advantage of this big Discount Sale at the same time, Men's Suits in blues, browns and greys; material, worsted serge and tweeds; marked regular price $25.00 up to $60.00, less the above os . discount. o Heavy Winter Overcoats, latest . nn 0° styles, all colors, marked regu- Davie & Barrett 'PLUMBING and TINSMITHING Winter Caps, $2.00, $2.50 and Now is the time to have your Fur- $3.00 I. ZACKS nace repnired Before the cold wea. Bargains For This Week One Torooto Wind Mill 24 Foot, in "Good Condition E. Brawley Flour and Feed Man SYDENHAM, ONTARIQ.¢ PATTON'S DYE WORKS FOR SALE An excellent farm' of 150 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, "seven miles from the city -- . $4,500, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424. garet A. Williams, Caintown. The number of years, has never had a plant of this kind bloom in the fall, and florists declare it is a most un- usual occurrence. latter, who has grown lillies for a A Record Yield. ing to J. H. Fraser, Bagot township, Renfrew, has turned out eighty- | elght bushels to the acre. 'This is { said to be a record yield for Ontario. Five ac¢res of this field won first prize in the growing crops competi- tion. "The grain is of excellent quality. Superintendent of Nurses. Mrs. Stacia M. McCann Flynn, a native of Smith's Falls, has been ap- pointed superintendent of nurses at St. Joachim's hospital, Watertown, N.Y. -8he is a graduste of the train- tion, and is the widow of John J. Flynn, who died at Smith's Falls suddenly on March 17th last. Mrse H. G. Vennor Dead. * The death of Mrs. Henry G. Ven- nor, widow of the late Henry . G. Vennor, F.G,S., occurred at _West- mount, after a short illness. She was. the granddaughter of the late Hon. Charles Wilkins and niece otf the lité Hon. Peter McGill. She was born in "Belleville; Ont., seventy-six years ago and educated in that place. Picton Man Injured. Alexander McDonald, Picton, was on Tuesday morning severely in- jured when an aut o in which he and three companions were riding struck a road roller on Pinnacle street, Belleville. McDonald was hurled through the windshield, and was terribly cut about the face and hands. He was taken to the hospi- tal after receiving first aid. For Manager Government. At a meeting of the Belleville city council held on Monday night a resolution was unanimously adopted that the city solicitor prepare the necessary by-law and other legisla- tion as may be required in order that the electors may vote on the city manager form of government, with an advisory directorate consist- ing of six aldermen and a mayor. As © at present constituted the council 'consists of a mayor and nine aldermen. Truck Goes Into Ditch. Walter Bhima, driver of a truck belonging to the Watertown Hide & Tallow Company, and his companion, were arraigned before Justice H D. Cole, at Clayton, N.Y., following an accident on the Depauvilie road. Hoffman was fined $5 for reckless driving and both men were fined $10 for intoxication. Their cases will also be turned over to Federal Com- missioner Melvin F.' Kinley for fur- ther investigation, as a quart of gin was found in the Ford truck. There was also another quart but this had béen consumed by the men. 271 PRINCESS STREET ther wets In. Seé ua for prices. 03 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 658, | Evil events come from evil pauses; | and what we suffer springs, general- | ly. trom what we have doae. Evangelistic Drive, Four of the churches of Pembroke viz: Zion Evangelical, Baptist, Meth- lodist agd Presbyterian, with Green- afly. yndon cable says: James | Places. a | big booms at times, Kingston has | K. Hackett made his London debut Thesday night at the Aldwych thea- tre in Macbeth. He scored a personal triumph, and was given a great wel- come. The Daily Chronicle's eritics says "he played with dignity and nd- tural command. with which no Eng- lish perfogmance within memory can be compared to complete advantage." ¢ Sa RR Ho Had a Rough Ride, In an, address before the Ottawa Rotary Club, Fred Wright, the noted English comedian, who played the part of "Tonio" in "The Maid of the Mountains," hegre, like a pioneer explorer who made a discovery because he had travelled by automobile from King- ston and had never before experi- enced such an ordeal. The distance. 'according to the way the crow flies," he said, was 107 miles but, when the bumps, curves, ruts and heaves of the road were considered, he estimated that he had travelled 274 miles all told. Proposition is Lost by One. At Cape Vincent, N.Y., on Friday a special school meeting was held to vote on a proposition to authorize the Board of Education to purchase a lot in Joseph street to be used as a playground. The meeting was the largest held in a great many years, sixty-nine qualified voters, being in attendance. The proposition was de- feated by one vote, 34 being for and sald that he felt | had | | been going along steadily, and this long | Work is pretyy scarce all over | just at the present time, however, | and the advice given is for every- | i counts for someting in the run, one to stay with the job he has over the winter. ing to the larger cities to. get work, but there is no surplus work in any of the larger cities. Stole "Autgmobile; Returned It, return it, after going fora short spin, is the latest "stunt" of an auto thief at work in Kingéton. The othér night the garage of ' Oliver Chown, University avenue, was en- tered by a man who took out a Mec- Laughlin car and made off. Some of the members of the family were aroused by the noise the man. made getting the car out, and were Just in time to see him making his get- away. - However, they got on the job quickly, and with a Ford car they gave chase. The police were also notified, and the drag net set for the capture of the guilty party. However, Mr. Auto Thief was not to be caught in any such trap as had been" laid. Whether he got 'cold feet' or.had a hunch that he Avas be- ing followed is not known, but shortly after he made off, and while search was being made for him, he drove back with the car and left ft in front of Mr. Chown's residence, where it was found. INDIES Acidity Sourness Gases Flatulence Heartburn Palpitation Instant relief! No waiting! A few tablets of harmless, pleasant *%Pape's 'Diapepsin" correct acidity, thus regulating digestion and making sick, upset stomachs feel fine. Best stomach corrective known, A nine-acre field of oats belong-/ ing school connected with the institu- - Louis Wolcott, also of Watertown, |. Tires Tires Tires Try Our $1 7.00 Tire at W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. ToCure a Cold One Day Grove's Laxative Bromo « Quinine : tablets Popular all over the World, as a rem for Cold8, Grip and Influenza and ss Preventive. Many have been flock- | To steal an automobile and then | Chrysanthemums-That Hallowe'en Party What a delightful combination? | We are showing the large varieties in quantity, sprays of Pom Poms are no less attractive. i _ Call and let us deliver your selection, You won't be disappointed. WE STRIVE TO SERVE. | { A. D. HOLTON £80 PRINCESS STREET - Phone, 661; 7 while the or 661 is our phone No. Res., 2036W. {oA | TWEDDELL'S 'OVERCOATS | For the best values at) $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S - 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Our Chief Ambition is to manufacture and sell the highest qual- ity possible in bedding, and maintain our reputation as "makers of high grade Mat- tresses" solely on the merit of our products. Our "COMFYDOWN" Mattress is a wonder, and our "LUXURY" spiral spring is no less wonderful as a unit of comfort. We specialize in these essentials, but we of- fer items of special consideration in BEDS, SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, COMFORTERS, BLANKETS, ete., and we cordially invite you to visit us at our Sales Room. Kingston Mattress Company SALES ROOM FACTORY 136 Princess Street 856 Princess Streeg Phone 2283. Phone 602w. Experts in Renovating and Remaking, | ONLY $2.95 | Women's Gunmetal and Patent Leather Boots, buttoned or laced, Louis heel and' low heel; all sizes in the lot for ...... $2.95 A