SO AAA SAG Siac ~ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 10304 HE DAILY BRITISH T WHIG. N It has the merit of affording a begin- An Interesting Budget From This | COOL WEATHER DRINKS | BELFAST GINGER ALE ' The Best 'Made in Canada. ENGLISH GINGER BEER Club Soda. PURE APPLE CIDER (JUST IN) ompson Bottling Works OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET, d in the manufacturing ot WELLINGTON TIDIN FREER Veda ng i Rk rr Nothing but imported materials use these goods. For Sale--Kensington Place Brick Veneer Dwelling; Living Room: Dining Room and Kitchen on first floor; French doors leading into living pocm and dining room from hall, also to private verandah; grate in living room; hardwood floors throughout; all glass door-knobs, Stationary tubs; in fact, modern in every particular, Newly -@escription o d in the Townshiy : | reapotion of land in the Township | covenant, the round robin 'is' the auspices of the Young People's So- | Joseph Teskey, who was so unfor- Province of Ontario, fil n the Regis- T f Elih R tF Se {can senators, both irreconeilables | ) alk 0 iu nootror Cre- and reservationists, have signed. | attracted a large number. The | 3tock. Miss Corrie Deheong, Elm- ublic Works Act and the Pr 1 | SLrips or parcels of land," a 1 {against all @ssociations or alliances | were artistically decorated to repre-| Shore Road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles tenac, forming part of the Kings: . | Ing a fine concert was rendered, with | ot + 2 e Marion, O., Nov. 6---President- | which puts him on record as favor-| J. E. Clark spent a few days at Code, O.L.8, filed in the Registty day: sales for the two | 30d Mrs. Garlan ! i ; . McFeones' coal and | ' " |the world outside of Marion, O., but No. 154, which may be more particu- cans of the United States senate in | the socfety's objective town. Harry Coyne, who recently sold | erly limit of the Kingston Road, w policy in the new administration. (in the next administration. Also ft | St. John's church,who have been : ; Purson, Picton, and is moving to 5 from the intersection of line between Pittsburg, thence North 180 51' Wes | extraordinary or high commissioner | assembly hall, have indefinitely post- | daughter at Stirling for a few days. | NOT TO HEAD ning in. the inevitable process of re- Hati ween the varigis fac- UE | we | ini vin imn {GANANOQUE sn vem ie om ms 1 | {tions in the senate. | Wellington, Nov. 4.---Miss Lillian | | No matter what the votes may Greer, who underwent an operation | + NOTICE OF EXPROPRIATION AND | @ I 0 4 BC "XPROPRIATION ANI {have been on the peace treaty, and Nov. 6.--The 'Kermiss," under |3t Picton Hospital, is doing well | Pittsburg, in the County of Fronte te : 3 required for the, publi poses of the single document that all the Republi- | clety of Graee church, was opened lunate in losing seven cows lately, | 1 r OW Vy - Ar office Zor The' Count of Fhe J Thursday afternoon, and the opening | Bas replaced from new well-brod | der th visions of the + i he provisions of th f § ks Senator Borah may have remarks] thsitwelve In number, represented | PTOOk, spent the" week-end with her " s ot . x ' g ' | i ny nad, those cer tary 0 tate Lac {ed during the campaign that he was the twelve months of the year and | cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ireland, Lake g3es situate, lying and being in Real Basis. of any kind, but his name was sign- 'sent each month, On Thursday even. [Thomas will take up their home in | Township of Pittsburg, County of led to the round robin, thé text of | I ellington for the future. Prescott Provincial Highway ar Deputy Reeve Clifford Sine as chair- | ; p 2 sr RS | % t 8 cous k wn ode origured red on a plan by Ror: jelect 'Harding will revert to the {Ing some kind of a league of nations. | man. The "Kermess' was continued | the home of Be eh Ws fice for the Coumty of Frontenac, onl round robin, signed by the Republi-| Moreover, it may be a surprise to fon Fri The | purchased E. M. Me i the 7th day of September, 1920, as ' > | days netted about $500, which was wood business is now moving in arly described as follows f z ' i {it is am open secret here that Elihu | } {'ommencing at a point on the north- | March, 1919, as the basis of foreign | Root will not be secretary of state | THe ladles of the vougtegation or | out his insurance business, has pur-| hich pre- y ar * pa Hr oi . : | chased an interest in the business of Bromerty: Sant 331s feet. me t| This plan, which has been confi- |may be disclosed that Mr. Root ia | pusing fora Bie hasaar whieh vas to |; : . . : : not in particular high favor here, an © been opened t! - "| that place, Mr and Mrs. Samuel tots Jettered "B" and "C" in the first|dentially discussed during the cam- | il the minister- | tinued for ten days in the L.O.O.F. yeer tests concession of the sald Township { paign, will be put into effect just as | At he will not be thp Tr: ¥! { Bush have been the guests of thelr: 168 feet, thence South 71° 08' West 288 soon after inauguration as possible. [to deal with Europe, as s0 many peo- | Poned it on account of the slackness Mrs. P. J. Rorabeck has to | feet, thence South 15° 51' East 158 feet [ple have supposed. of work in the various manufactur- | yo York to epend ihe. erabone 12 ix mare or less to a point in the Northerly | limit of sald Kingston Road, thence | Easterly along said last mentioned | Northerly limit 28% feet more or less to | ing plants of the town. . Under the auspices of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association of this town a well attended progressive MANITOBA OPPOSES LIQUOR IMPORTATION her son, Fred. Rorabeck. Colin Lane | Was struck by Stoneburg's car and | sustained severe injuries to his hip. ! finished. Mr. and Mrs. Immediate possession. ¥ | | the place of beginning. i SiR TAKE NOTICE THAT every person | having any claims to compensation for | SALE the above described land. must file the! ' ' 1 a ' same in the Office of the Minister of MILITARY DRUGS, DRESSINGS Public Works and Highways, Farla-| 7 2 ! nent Bplldings, Toronto, within the | AND SUPPLIES ¢ | notice of expropriation, which was duly | ENDERS will be received -- registered in the Registry Office for the | tk noon, Wedn /, No- | | th Ww County of Frontenac, on the 7th doy of ne kD OF Wednesday So: Winnipeg, Nov. 6.--The electors of | board of Grace church vis Bod > | September, A.D. 1020. ° # : d Supplies, surplus | Manitoba on October 25th piled up a | Wednesday evening, when the | Safety deposit boxes. Ten orders for | MINISTER OF FUBLIC WORKS es the Department of Mili- | huge majority against. the importa- | ing delegates were Bppointed to ab furnaces have been given to Thomas 4th November, 1520. \ & Litawa. 5 ' | tion of liquor into their province, a tend the rural district meeting to | Nagy, hardware' merchant. The hunt- pk inders should be Fadsenseq, fo ane majority, which it is anticipated will | Pe held at Battersea on a raay ers are off north for some deer shoot- i Jirec ro mn cls, ® ne 4 3 | * Ss. . | » | Militia and Defence Ocaaril and | reach the: fourteen thousand mark, | Next: G. A. Smith; Mr. and Mrs | ing while the duck hunters are pluck- ing the feathers. | 204 Supplies, Ottdwa, November 19,!,.0clamation for the official declara- | Sine, James K. Lattimore, Jamey 3 { last April, | Rye » | tion of the polling result. Of the fif- | Lawson, 8. 8. Cheetham, Mrs. C. W. 'Fred. Geddes, Toronto, | motored to Wellington, are are the | | Buests of friends ahd relatives here. | No complaints from Hallowe'en. Boys | and girls were noisy but did no dam- | age. ! The Standard bank has installed | _ THEJ.K. CARROLL'AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street euchre was held last evening. A fea- ture was the auctioning of a hand: some quilt, the handiwork of the la- BY TENDER. OF suxas |The Majority in the Recent | Vote Will Reach 14,000. | dies of the organization. y A meeting of the quarterly official | SEALED 'T up to 12 vembe; Magazines Book, Picture Play, Photo Play, Tep Notch; Adventure, Argosy, Classic, Life, Parham Personals, Parham, Nov, 5.---The party in the {hall was yell attended. Mr. and [ Mrs. M. Cronk at Victor Kirkland's, | Wagerville; Mr. Geo. Patterson at J. ©. Hartman's; Mrs. Genge at W, D, Se | Beetrim's; Mr. and"Mrs. A. C. Wagar en swimming the | ng Guy Wagar have returned from" Fo the other day. | Mr. R. Hamilton at A. B. s sToronto, | | marked "Tenders for Drugs, Dressings | Yesterday wag the day announced by | O- Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford | No frost as yet since Aseaplane was se Knight, Mrs. Thomas B. Lambert | Water of Lake Onta These supplies may be seen on ap- . Prescott fine and being in the "in ~ Particularly described z ® in the Office of the lic Works and Highwa me! EXPROPRIATION AND | and in the Township of NOTICE OF description of 1 | Puttsburg, in the County of Frontenac, | required for the public purposes of the | Province of Ontario, filed in the Regis- | try Office for the County of Frontenac, | under the provisions o the Ontarlo| Public Works Act and the Provinelal | Highways Act. | All 'and Singular Strips or parcels of i8es situate, lying and Township of Pittsburg, County of Fron- | ténac, forming part of the Kingston- | Provincial Highway ana| own coloured red on a plan by R Code, OLS, filed in the Registry fice . for the County of Frontenac, the 7th day of September, 1920, as No. 155, "which may be more particu-| larly described as follows: | Commencing at a point on the N orly limit of the Kingston Road, v the same is intersected by the line be- tween lots 10 and 11, in the first Con- cession of the said Township of Pitts- burg, thence South 53° 46° W st along | #ald Northerly limit of K « 292 feet, thence North 4 feet, thence North 53° 48 I more or less, to a point in th tween lots 10 and 11, thence along saig last mentioned le feet more or less: to the place those land, certain a prem- | being in the! | ? NOTICE THAT every | having any claims to compensati the above described land, must file the | Same In the Office of the Minister o Public Works and Highways, Parlla ment Buildings, Toronto, within th notice of expropriation, which was duly | registered in the Registry Office for thy | County of Frontenac, on the 7th,day of | September, A.D., 1920 MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS | > AND HIGHWAYS | 4th November, 1929. b ------. NINA | Toronto, NOTICE «( sins WOPRTATION AND] @escription of lahd in the Township of | ingston, in the County of Frontenac, required for the public purposes of the | Province of Ontario, filed in the Regis- | try Office for the County of Frontenac, | under the provisions o the Ontario] Public Works Act and the Provincial | Highways Act. | All and singular those certain strips] Or parcels of land, a premises situate, Township of | ingston, County of Frontenac, form- | g rt of the Toronto-Kingston Pro- | ~winclal Highway and shown colored yed| on a plan by Rr. 8. Cade, O.L.S, fired in the Registry Office for the County of Frontenag, on the 7th day of September { 4820, as No. 157, which may Pe more | as follows: Commeneing on the Kasterly angle of the quarry known as John Morley 8 surveyed by N. A. Burwash, .3., thence South-eastarly along the utherly limit of the York Road, 150 | feet more or less to the intersection of | the line bet 2 and 3 of the| third concession of said Township of Kingston, with the Southerly limit of | fhe York Road, thence South 5° 14 L Asty. along said line between lots! a 3, 36 feet thence South §4° 21" | est Asty. 870.8 feet, thence North 250 | 89° Wast Asty. 100 feet more or less to| the Northeasterly and nogtherly along | the Southerly and Easterly boundary or #id Quarry surveyed by N. A. Bur- | Wash to the plave of beginning TAKE NOTICE THAT every person | ving any claims tg compensation for! the above described land, must file the | Minister of ¥8, Parlia- within the ween lots Buildings, Torontg, fee-of expropriation, which was duly | Registered in the Registry Office for 'the | "County of Frontenac, on the 7th day of tember. A.D. 1920. MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS 4th NOvember, 1920. mn Nr ---- Toronto, "NOTICE . .« iIATION AND description of land in the 'Township of ttsburg, in the County of Frontenac, quired for the public purposes of the Province of Ontario, filed in the Regis- #ry Office for the County of Frontenac, under the provisions of the Ontario y hte Works Act and thesProvinelal 3 Ways Act, "Xn and ° Singular those rips or parcels of land, _a prem- situate, lying and bein in 'wnship of Pittsburg, County of Fron- ac, forming part of the Kingston- scott Provincial: Highway and Own coloured red on a plan by R. S. O.L.8, filed in the Registry Of- or the County of Frontenac, on th day of September. 1920, as L158, 'which may be more particu- ly described as follows: mencing at & point. on the West- Jimit of the Town line Road Al) Brance between the Townships = of} & certain nd Leeds, which point is dis- | feet, measuréd northerly westerly limit of Townline wance, thence Solth-63° 09'| ost Asty. 240.5 feet. thence North o 51" WwW, Asty. 270 feet, thence 83° 09' East Asty. 358.5 feet more in said Westerly limit Allowance, 'thence erly along said Westerly limit § feet mare or less to the pla be ning ; 24 TAKE NOTICE "THAT every person ving any claims to compensation for | above Sengribed land, must file the | : fice of the Minister of, 'ublic Works and Highw nt Buildings; Toronto, ice of expropgmtion, which was duly | istered in the Registry Office for the | nty Sf Frobtenac, on the 7th day of! ER OF PUBLIC WORKS i AND HIGHWAYS i nto. 4th November, "1820. { There died on Oct. 29th, at her | . home, near Bloomfield, Alice ichards Rundle, in the forty-sixth of her age. Mrs. 'Rundle was elder daughter of the late Man- | hards and Caroline (Pierce) | ds. = | Offices Recruiting is now open for Book Your Passage Overseas | THAR plication to the Officer in charge, 136 | Fimmet Street, Ottawa. Coples of tend- er may be obtaified from this offfcer, 1 Senior Medical Officers at London, x Ont. Montreal, Que. t, Ottawa, Ont,, Hamilton, | Que. | i FISET, Major General, | r, Militia and Défence. | Ottawa, October 27th, 1920. | NOTE. --Newspapers will not be paid for the adve isement if they insert ir without authority ftom the Department | em | Ae | Mail Contract FEALED TENDERS, addressed to the | te ieral, will be received at | {1 noon, om Friday. the 17th | 1920, for'the conveyance His | Is, on a proposed contract « r years, six times per week, on ? route Sydenham Rural Mail Route Neo. 1, from the 1st April next | Printed notices containing further in- | formation as to conditions of proposed | Contract may be seen and blank forms | of Tender may be obtained at the Post | of Sydenham, and at the of-| fice of the Post Office Inspector. | H. MERRICK, Post Office Inspector, | ector's Office, | 4th, 1920. | | Post Office Insp Kingston, Nov the Kingston Company, Machine Gun Brigade An. Officer .will be on duty at the Armouries each evening to enlist those desirous of joining this unit. The Parade nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m.* This Fall or for Xmas, with F. CONWAY Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent All Lines. 239 BAGOT STREET. Phone 1197. Pearl A. Nesbit, L.T.C], ORGANIST. AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH Teacher of Slaging and Plane. Studio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate, TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD: QUEEN STREET. TEN TIETH ANNUAL OTTAWA WINTER FAIR AND PURE-BRED BULL SALE OTTAWA, ONTARIO JANUARY 18th, 19th; 20th, 21st, '21 $25,000 in cash prizes; augmented prizes in all departments. : Entries cloge January 3rd, 1921. For Prize Lists, Entry Forms and Information, address B. Phelan, As- sistant Secretary, Ottawa. PRESIDENT, | MANAGER, : W. D, Jackso olumbus, Ont. i A Are et VETERANS The Military Service Department National Chunell of Y.M.C.A's 120 Bay Street, Toronto will assist Vetérans of the Great War in gaining Education through 1---CLASSES The National Counci in LOCAL YMCA'e 1 will pay the teen federal constituencies of the | made and the figues announced by | the returning officers. brought the | majority for prohibition of importa- | tion to over twelve thousand. In thirteen constituencies nine gave ma- jorities for the affirmative and of the other four, two were Winnipeg divisions. Winnipeg voters gave a plurality of over six thousand in fa- vor of importation. Rural Manitoba, | however, plumpeéd 'dry' and piled up a majority of near.v nineteen thous- and for prohibition. Some Fine Vegetables. It was stated in the Picton Times | that P. N. Alyea, Swamp View, had | dug two hills of potatoes which yielded 114: tubers, and it was ask- | ed "'Who can beat this?" Donald | N. Murray, "Locust Lawn Farm," | Wellington, dug one hill of potatoes which yielded 104 tubers varying in size from a pea to a hen's egg. Mr. Murray has, also one bean stalk which produced eighty-seven pods containing 382 beans, and again a | tomato vine which measured from | stalk to tip 8 ft. 4 inches, making a | spread of over fifteen feét from tip to- tip. PEPPER ESI Sree P | | | EASILY READ > "Yes, | can read her like a book." "Not difficult--she's of such a bold type." Miss Tabby: Does he love you? Miss Maria: Yes he offered to lay all nine of his lives at my feet. SERVICE Bug: | shall 'have to complain to the lighting company. about § the poor quality of fireflys they are supplying. | can hardly see to read. AT THE SUFFRAGE MEETING Orator: Women are now the equals--! repeat It--the equals of men! i ! Mr. Meekton (applauding): Thank Heaven, there are no longer "better halves!" o STIN fees of the Veterans. 2.--~ CORRESPONDENCE COURSES } The United YMCA. Schools. : { The National Council wil] pay 3% of the fees of Veterans. Consult your Medrest local Y M.C.A. > sr HERE IS THY G1 = Fly: How would you wish to ¥ wh 2 'Second Fly: Drown in a pitcher of molasses. : "been taken. | province, thirteen declarations were | and Miss Nellie Lake. On gccount of the'shortage of the supply of water from the Gananoque Water Power Company, the local fac- tories which are using water as their motive power were compelled to close down all yesterday. 'It is expected that they will be able to run all Sat- urday. : The Marble Rock Cheese Factory, owned by 8. 8. Cheetham, of this town, and operated py Percy Haird, after a very successful season's busi- ness, closed for the winter months on Thursday. TEPPER CPE Bp bp » + + SHOOTS PROFESSOR WHO WHIPPED HIS SISTER # -- + Middlesboro, Ky., Nov. 6.-- & Professor Barnes, principade of Middlesboro High School, was shot and fatally wounded yes- terday by Adolphus Oaks. It is #% reported Professor Barnes whipped Oaks' sister, a high school student, last Thursday, which {s presumably the cause for the shooting. Barnes had tendered his resignation to the Board of Education and intend- ed leaving the city Saturday. Oaks is in jail. oo. * -* * J * °* * + > 5 $ PREP EPP EPG EPP e CHRYSTAL SPRINGS U.F.W.0. Decide to Help The Kingston General Hospital. Crystal Springs, Nov. 5.--The an- Dual meeting of Crystal Springs U. F. W,O. club took place Wednesday afternoon. A discussion took place in regard to the work for the coming winter. It was decided to promote the social and educational life of the community, also 'to take up some Hospital. The club intends as soon as pos- 3ible'to remodel two more rooms in 'the school building which they are using as a community centre. This wi'l enable them to carry on more successfully the work which. they have pianned.« Mrs. J. D. Morris, president of the club, wac chosen as delegate to at- tend the annual convention of tha U. FW. 0. to be held in Toronto, in December. The officers for 1920 were unani- n.ously elected for the ensuing year. Orc director resigned, and anothe- was chosen to fill her place. Mra. Murton moved a vote ¢f thanks to "the officers for the efficient way ia which they had carried on the work cf the club during the year. The officers are: President, Mrs, J. D. Morris; vice-president, ' Mrs. Hugh Day; second vice-president, Mrs. T. Auld; treasurer," Miss Mur- ton; secretary, Mrs. F. A. Graham; directors, Mrs. Bridgland, Mrs. Ab- bott, Mrs. A. Day, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Crosier, Mrs. Campbell. it p------------ Married at Crofton. ? A pretty wedding was solemnized in Crofton church on Oct. 29th, when May Anna Squire, youngest daughter of Rev. T. and Mrs. Squire, became the bride of Lorne Cuthbert Burr, Rev. Mr, Squire, father of the bride, officiated, assisted by Rev. W. K. Burr, grandfather of the groom. The' youthful bride looked charming customary bridal veil caught with white blossoms and "carried a heat of pink dahlias. The bridesmaid, Miss Flossie Ainsworth, was"becomi- ingly gowned in blue silk and crepe de chene and carried pink dahlias. The groom 'was ably assisted by his cousin, Charles' Ainsworth, After congratulations the bridal party and immediate relatives repaired to the the bride's home where the wedding dinner was served. After a few days' honeymoon they will reside at the groom's new home at Burrs. Oil Find Attracts Notice. Walter Reeves, traveling repre- sentative for the General Oil Fields, Ltd., London, England, who is in Belleville, is much interested in the oil seepings in Tyendinaga town- ship, Hastings county. He is so fav- orably impressed with the prospects that he has cabled to England rela- tive to having a test well sunk on the properties on which optién has Prof. McLean, a geo- logical expert, made an inspection of the properties with Mr. Reeves, and his report is awaited with in- terest. ,. What Really Happened. Ottawa, Nov. 6.--What seems to hfve happened in the sugar market was that a sugar ring was formed in Cuba and a price fixed by the produc- ers andl speculators. All was merry o | and bright until several million tons of Java sugar came onto the market. The Cuben ring Jroceeded to buat and people are getting cheaper suga in iar though the refiners barrassed. find themselves em! work in aid of the Kingston General | It was passing Wellington w {ers have com { | union | vears, | his fat | the past two years. | | John Brown and family, { Mrs. Earl Buck and fam | Buck an | | | smith, * | present * | terson a | Thelma Ww | the west. Sard | Howes'; W. L. Goodfellow at Wagar- : y m ors are ray fo ot sight in this bug and the whin: | 11° The hunters aro all away for menced finding fault, "7 ol ag rr Waome & . r. and Mrs. Marsh Jinks have sold farm at McLean, Don Wagar is mov ralli ing into the late T. Black's house. elr farm and moved to W ellington. | EE aor ofthe villagers surprised ------ j Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wagar on Wed- A Harrowsmith Re-uhion, nesday evening af their home and rrowsmith, Nov. 2:<-A happy re-1 spent a very enjoyable time. Miss took place at the home of:| Ethel and Marjorie Steele at M. Frank Davey's last week. Mr. Davey's | Cronk's; Ella Card at home;. G. F. brother Orval, Black River, N.Y. | Howe is in the city. 'Harry Clows Who has not been home for seven | has returned to the city. Mr, and visited him, accompanied by | Mrs. G. R. Howes are at Ross Howes. her who has been with him for 4 -- 8. Another brother , Clarence Davey and family, Tweed, Bongard News. and three sisters, Mrs, Albert Hart- | Bongard"s, Nov. 4.--Miss Estella man and family, Ernesttown, Mrs. | Eaton has gone to Belleville, where Moscow, and [she will attend Ontario Business ily, Harrow- | College. Mrs. Thurston hag\ return- were present. Other guests | ed from visiting friends in Picton. were Mr. and Mrs, Ross Pat- | Mr. and Mrs. A. Kerr, Waupoos, were nd family, Hartington, Miss | recent guests at J. D, Rongard"s. W. ! Walroth, Verona; Miss Curl | dence formerly owned ,by his sister, Tichburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Damon | H. Carnahan has purchased the resi- d son, Kingston, making an | Mrs. Batton, Picton. Miss Graham assemblage of thirty-five, and Miss Ferrill, Bancroft, have re- - turned to their homes after a stay | Fixed the Dates. with Mrs. W. J. Hawker. Mrs. Smith Poultry days for thigs year at | has returned te Fredricksburgh: after Napanee fixed for Wednesday and [a two- weeks' visit with Mrs. Lucas. Thursday, December 1st and 2nd. Judge, Literary Digest, Newspapers, ete, ELDER'S 200 PRINCESS STREET Opponite Public Utilities. Phone 1388¢. AAA AA AAA a Ar Arr -- DO NOT GO ALONG WONDER- ing if your eyes need attention. Our Optometrist has the experi- ence and equipment to discover this important fact. and making fast time. Taxes M {th " Ha REMEMBER You can never get another pair of eyes, 4 The farmers are very busy picking ---- and hauling apples, which are a very Purchased Building, abundant crop, George Tustin, proprietor of Won- derland, Napanee, purchased the building in which his theatre is lo- cated, from James Foster. Sere --c------------ Gen. Wrangel's position is critical, Lin the opinion of the French war of- fice. The timber company must gorge, The Ontario government pro- ceeds against Shevlin-Clarke. R. J. Rodger, Consulting Optometrist Tendered a Gift. A large number of friends and neighbors spent a pleasant evening at Mr. and Mrs. # Harry Kellar's, Croydon, on Oct. 16th before leav- ing for théir new home at Belleville, dis- and presented them with a bheauti- ful writing desk, upholstered rocker and jardiniere stand. By Juanita Hamel - 132 PRINCESS STREET Method is the offspring of punctu- ality. STANDING OUT A DANCE [ £ in a"gown of white silk, wearing the | AIL a a Romance loves to recite how "sitting out" a dance may lead to confidences of the most momentous { sort. Sometimes, $while the music lures, and all the other couples are answering the summons of the gay rhythm, you will find a stray couple "standing ont" the dance becauss ~ome lover chooses, impulsively, per- haps in a demanding way, to ask--well, "what do you suppose he, MIC be asking ? Maybe is it the ques- tion lovers have been asking, on their knees and on their feet, since the beginning of time. Who objects to making or receiving a proposal to music ? Anyway, it IS done | : ; } PH i a bol ~ Wd |