'The First Bark WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1920, Fe Hickey's We are depending upon the -enormous sale of this--the Best of all Cough Mixtures-- to énable us to keep it at the old price of 25 cents. All other .ixtures have advanced to 35 and 40 cents, but we want the price and good quality to remain the same as before. The Return Genie Whitby Jet We have now the finest assort- Get it for u quarter at ment of Best's High Grade Jet Phone B59, Open Sundays, Necklets pa . 1 we ever had. These are extra rich in cut and finish and of 050 inches length. Keeley V M.0.D.0. We have never seen anything finer and anyone needing a Necklet of this kind would do well to pick one up while they last, SMITH BROS. Jewelers - Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. « The optometrist of to-day to do good work must mot only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge In fits use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI ENCE CAN GIVE. | Established 1840. 850 King Street THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. - It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique Kingston. § tery lime. Estimates in | will recelve prompt attemtion. {| 28 Queen Street. ing ia the earpen~ | Wanting anyth ious in Me 0 Toda dance | d mew work; alse hard. |) oval and acy Work; al odors ter th . THE DA (Notice--Hersafter, the Whig, ia common with uther papers all over Canada, will make a charge of $1 ior inserting an engagement, mar. riage or reception annotncement. ! To get the Whig's society writer, telephone No. 8567w., 189 Earl street. * . . ' | ~ Some of the girl friends of Miss | Muriel Walsh, this week's bride, or- | ganized a merry surprise party and | miscellaneous shower in 'her honor | on Saturday evening and went to her home, on Brock street, laden with gifts, each with a clever verse at- | tached. Refreshments were served | during the evening. Those present | were Mrs. A. J. Pettigrew, Mrs. H. |E. Pense, Mrs. F. B. Pense, Mrs. | George McGlyn, Mrs. Robert McMa- hon, Miss Olive Chown, Miss Louise and Miss Verna Mason, Miss Beatrice Lambert, Miss Irene Atkinson, Miss | Ida Smith. ji . ® The L. C. Reading club met for the first time this season on Monday afternoon, at the home of the presi- | dent, Miss May Ross, Altred street, i The elections for the ensuing year | were held and Miss Ross re-elected | as president, Mrs. T. Callandar was elected secretary and Miss Mary Cal- landar, Scotland, made a visiting member, - . . - Profussor and Mrs. A. S. Fergu- | son, "Elmhurst Apartments," 'enter- | tained very informally on Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jef- fries, Toronto, when their guests had | the pleasure of-meeting again the lec- { turer who had given such a delightful talk on Lithographic Art at Queen's | University, during the afternoon. | | Mrs. Ww. Bermingham, "Otter- | burn", entertained at bridge on Tues- day afternoon, in honor of Mrs. E. 8. Osler, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Harty, "Roselawn," Three | tables were in play.and the lucky prize winners were Mrs. W. Bartlett Dalton, Mrs. J. L. Whiting and Mrs. Francis Constantine. . . There will be a little informal dance in the Gymnasium at the Royal y College, this afternoon, af- e football match"between "A" and "B" compa les. Miss . Beatrice Lambert, Clergy DAVID SCOTT Plumber Don't snub anyone. Not only be- | street, entertained very quietly on | Monday evening for Miss Muriel | Walsh, one of the brides-elect. . . » .{ she holds dear. ILY BRITISH GRAND be| CLEVER COMEDY AT "The Law Divine" Will Presented Again To=night. "The Law Divine," the latest com- ! edy from the pen of H. V. Esmond, the English actor, presented by the celebrated playwright and Miss Eva Moore (Mrs. Esmond), at the Grand on Tuesday night, is deserving of the warmest praise. That the play pleas- ed the audience was manifested by the liberal applause and numerous curtain calls. It affords a treat of the kind that leaves a marked, im- pression, and is of the type 'that | sends one home from the theatre feeling that he has witnessed some- thing worth while, and with plea- sant memories of all that has been said and done. Thé principals have a strong sup- porting cast. Every part is in able hands, and the entire production is given with a finished touch that is most refreshing--in fact al] taking part appear to be living the parts, not merely acting, and what more can be sald in praise of their acting? "The Law Divine" impresses one because of the human natuye inter- est it contains. After witnessing it, one regards it as a story from jeal life, and not merely something pen- ned by man. .And then again, it is presented in the very best of English ~--and this counts. The story of the play centres around the home of a family doing their "bit" to help win the war, The husband served at the front, was wounded, and on his recovering, serves in the war office. A son dons the khaki, but the story proper deals | with the wife who becomes so inter- ested in carrying on war work at | home that she neglects her home lite and continues until . she almost brings disaster to her home and all! She finds no time to devote to her husband who seeks her love and af- tection, so busily absorbed is she in various movements. But there comes the time of her awakening--when she realizes her neglect, and there is a happy re-union. The part of hus- band and wife in this play is taken by Mr. and Mrs. Esmond, and each one give a masterly interpretation. ! { Miss Violet Campbell sh ed marked {ability in the role of Claudia Meri- | | topas, one interested in' the family, | i while Miss Faith Liddle was most | charming as Daphne Gray. Miss Florence Wood .as Mrs. Graythorne Was an outstanding character. John | | Reed, as Bill, the soldier chap, and Leonard Uptonas, the sailor, shared honors. Their bright chatter was a | special feature . Both 'ook their Am -- TRI J WHIG. Te . PROBS: --Thursday, mostly fair; colder; snow. g UID) a I Steacy's Price-Lowering 11 TTT > tunities. ATCA ity--a sale that comm Your choice is unlimited --80c. bill in all departments of this 39th Anniversary 0% DISCOUNT SALE Is The Greatest Bargain Event Ever Staged in Kingston One that should appeal to every thrifty woman of this commun- ands your attention for its exceptional - o does the work of a dollar busy shopping centre. por- You Save 20c. on Every Cause some day they may far out- strip you in the race of lite, but be- cause it is neither kind, nor right, nor Christian. rahiox and Gas Work a special a n i dh guaranteed. Address VIR Wenntanne street, Phone 1277. Miss Mildred Jones, King street, parts well ; spent the week-end with Miss Agnes "The Law Divine" delighted an- | Johnson, Gananoque. other audience thig afternoon, and | n Miss Van Straubenzie, Beverly | will be given its final presentatio f| street, has returned from Toronto. to-night. Mrs. W. Bellhouse, Earl street, left ---------- ANTI-JAP LAW WILL to-day for Hamilton, to visit her sis- NEVER LEAD TO WAR ter, Miss Swayne, Mrs. Clarence Chown came up from | California's Governor Says That 'England Has the Montreal, on Tuesday, and is with Mr. and Mrs. T. Lambert, Clergy Same Regulation. Bl Centro, Calif, Nov. 10.--"The street. 'Col. and Mrs. Francis Constantine new anti-alien law will stand," Gov- | William D. Stephens declared | are paying Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carru- pracy hére' In an address made in connec- thers, "Annandale," a visit, before sailing for England, early in Decem- ber. tion with the campaigns for recruits for the new superdreadnought Cali- fornia. "I'am glad to see that the voters $1.00 Purchase Made Here This Week Again, wednvite you to participate in this stupendous bargain sale, which, without doubt, is the greatest event of its kind ever offer- ed right in the heart of the busy season, when it is most needed. Our constant aim is to increase sales so that our selling costs are forced down to a minimum by an increased turnover, which enables us to lower costs to you. TTT 81 | x Oo 8 Mrs. Jon Gordon McKenzie, went PAINTING and | DECORATING | 3 I Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Macnee, have We now have with us Mr. Henry | returned from New York. Wilkins, the merit of whose work is so well known as to need little comment. As in all other Departments, we shall always expect the best from our Painting, Papering and Deco- rating Foreman, and it _is hoped | -Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jeffries, Tor- onto, who are very welcome visitors | in town, are at the Chateau Belvi- | dere. | Several small teas and bridge par- { ties have. béen given this week for Mrs. W. F. Jackson, Brockville, who is with her cousins, the Misses Mowat, Johnson street. | Lt.-Col. and Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins | have gone up to Toronto. | Messrs. R. R. F. Harvey, C. B. 8S. | Harvey, Howard Fair and Peter Fair, will go up to Napanee, on Thursday | to give a recital in St. Mary Magda- of California have passed the anti-~ Japanese law and I am here to see that it will never lead to war," he said. "There may be diplomatic in- terchanges between Washington and Japan, but the law will stand and Japan 'will never go further than protesting. "The reason for this is simple. No foreigner can own land in Japan 'and no foreign workingman can enter Japan. England, Japan's own ally, | [and Australia have both placed in! force laws similar to the California Faw, and Japan has done nothing." Nn TR TTT Profits! We Are Sacrificing All that his old friends may continue to call on him when the need prompts, lene's Church. . . Miss Ingston, has come out from England to spend to winter with Ma- jor and Mrs: Greenwood, R.M.C. Mrs. W. Harty, "'Roselawn" will go up to Toronto on Thursday and Mrs. E. 8. Osler, who has been her guest for several weeks, wiil return to her | home there at lhe same time. In fact, doing business at a loss during this 'great sale, but our object has been attained. WEHAVE KEPT FAITH 'WITH THE BUYING PUBLIC--by doing more that we ordained to do--namely "by giving you the benefit of any revisions in price, as we are not confining you to those lines that have declined in price, BUT HAVE GIVEN YOU the choice of our entire high-grade stock to choose REFINERS TIRING OF THROAT-CUTTING Sugar Slump is Said to be Due to "Ridiculous Price, Cutting." Nov. +Mrg. DE: Mundell and Miss Elea- nore Mundell, Brock street, returned early in the week from Montreal, where they-were with Mrs. John Aird for a short visit. / Mts. Ney, Toronto, is in town for tha Ney-Walsh wedding on Thurs- EE ------------------------------ 1 Golden Oak Dining Room Suite: : reg. $175.00.. Special . ......$145.00 2 Fumed Oak Dining R¢om Suites; reg. $150.00. Special .......$120.00 8 pieces each. These are extra value 4nd will be on sale until F riday, No- vember 12th, These prices are less than the prices of imitation oak to-day. Come early if you want one. Sale prices for cash. I. F. Harrison Phone 90 - H. Scott, Division street, has returned from Winnipeg, after a visit of two months with her son, Roscoe Scott, Mrs. Percy M."Roberts and her lit- tle daughter, Isabel; who have been visiting their aunts, the Misses Mec- Millan, 28 Wellington street, have returned to Halifax. Miss Portia Mackenzie, who the week-end with Lt.-Col. and . H. P. Elkins, Montreal. Charles R. Crowe, Guelph, is in town on a visit to his son, Cadet Crowe, at the Royal Military Col- lege, and is at She Chateau Belvidere. Messrs. Clarke, W. Boyce and Her- vey L. Smith, Odessa, returned home on Saturday, after spending three months in Saskatchewan, . Miss Vera Sparling, visiting Mrs. T. Harvey Percival in Ottawa, has re- turned to Kingston. Miss Mary Patton, Montreal, is the guest of Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Brock street. Miss Dolly Hanley returned to Watertown, N.Y, to-day, after spend- ing the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doyle, Clergy street, (Continued on Page 8.) ------ . Separate School Board. At a meeting of the separate school board on Tuesday-evening, the usual routine business was disposed of, and the secretary was requesdxd to notify the schools of the Armistice celebration and of the desirability of their attendance to take part in the ceremonies to be held at the cricket field. spent Mrs. has returned to If 3 man has money he can get in- to society; if he has brains he can keep out of it. . "Montreal, 10.--Trading in the sugar market yesterday was al- most at a standstill on account .of what 'one refiner characterized as 'the ridiculous price-cutting of the last few days." One refinery appears to be determined to underseil the otl- ers, and they quoted their price at $13, a drop of fifty cents from the price set yesterday afternoon, which was, Ir its turn, a decrease of titty cents from' Monday morning. The general impression among local dea- IAT) i Wo lers is that the situation will soon be normal, for, according to the majo- rity, the refiners are becoming tired of "cutting each other's throats." -- To Investigate Pillage. Constantinople, Nov. 10.--Pillage by the Turks of the Imperial Russian .watering-place of Abbas Touman in the Caucasus mountains, is being in- vestigated here. A large quantity of the furnishings and Paintings belong- ing to the luxurious villas of this little city, where many of the aris- lostaey of Russia used to pass their vacations, been discovered in Constantinople. Some of these fur- nishings are in the palace of Enver Pasha, formerly Turkish War Minis- ter, on the Bosphorus, now occupied by the general staff, LINN LS) 4 * on cough. The s s of coughing arc less frequent and less vio- lent. when Chamberlain's fo Remedy is sed, and e danger is greatly lessen- ed. Chamberlain's: 4 known to thousands of mothers us a-safe and Teliable remedy for children. - 35¢ and 65¢ C3 COUGH REMEDY « in cases of "or cough Northbrook, Nov. 8..--The heavy rains have in no way hindered the hundreds of hunters taking to the woods and already some fine deer have been shot. Marshall Vanness shipped a deer that weighed 280 pounds. Ervin Shier and William Both shot the first one. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wood are living at Point Anne for the winter. - Harry Levelr was surprised, when nearing Kaladar with his Ford stage, to see' his hind wheel spin past him Mr, and Mrs. Willlam Niven and famfly, Harrowsmith, have purchas- ed the George Wheeler s "Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson, Queensboro, are the guests of Mrs, Willlam Both, Mr. atid Mrs. Harve Fuller, Picton, are spending a few days with Mrs. Fuller's sister, Mrs. Elizah Thomp- son. Sam Both, clerk of the Ore Chimney mines, mide a trip to Den- bigh last week: Miss Velva Thomp- son in spending a few weeks at Har lowe. Mr. Lisk, Clifto York, is at the Ore Chimney mines where many enthusiasts know for a certainty that the mines' future is a surety. Wonderful veins of rich ore have been unearthed during the sum- mer and the work of installing the electric plant is fast being complet- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruttan Spring, New |' from, at a géneral reduction of 20 %. Steacy's - Limited SZ s------ lil | ONCE We offer Men's F all. Footwear -- Good union made, at prices $14.00, $ $12.00, $11.00 and $10.00. MORE ou a complete stock of the best Welt, | 3.00, A special double soled, Goodyear Welt, - heavy waterproof Boot at . ......$11.00. CALL AND SEE US. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 81) - - 'were Sunday guests of C. C. Thomp- son. ess tuoi tess 4 Notes From Lyndhurst. Lyndhurst, Nov. 8.--Mrs. W. Neal was taken to Kingston Gemeral Hos- pital on Tuesday, to undergo an op- eration for appendicitis. She under- went the operation and is doing nice- ly. The members; of the Orange order held a pty in St. Luke's hall on Noveniber 5th, and all spent a most enjoyable time. Mr, and Mrs. a 70 Brock St. J. Kirkiand are in poor health. Mr. Kirkland wag removed to the home of his son, and Mrs. Kirkland to the home of her daughter, Miss Jessie ; Blackman, Watertown, a iY ha her brother, C. Blackman, Bay, for some time, Ef m---------- at y If tHe financial backing can be so cured, Montreal is the logical city fd fill the empty twelfth place in : new National Baseball League sche- dule, i '