Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1920, p. 7

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NOVEMBER 12, 1920. > : 'We are putting on sale Single and Double Breasted Overcoats-- made up In good, heavy Tweeds; regular prices $30.00, $32.00 and $35.00. YOURS ON 'SATURDAY George Van Horne Phone 362w. 213 PRINCESS ST. (Opposite Grand Opera House) $25.00 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SPLENDID OPERA COMPANY Appeared at Grand in "The Mikado"--Plays Again To=night. At.,the Grand Opera House Thier evening the Royal English Opera Company 'opened tsi- three days' engagement with: Gilbert and an's ever-popular opera, "The Mi kado."" The company, which is a very well balanced one, was greeted 'with hearty applause after the opea- '§ [ing male chorus, in which the voices ! were heard to great advantage, sup- i ported by the very excellent or- |chestra. J. Humbird Duffy, who i {played the part of Nanki Poo, the |son of the Mikado, is the Possessor i} of a fine voice and good stage pre- | { sence, and made a splendid foil for | | petit Miss Hana Shimozum, who | made a fascinating Yum Yum, with i her graceful dancing and sweet | soprano voice. Jefferson De Angelis las Ko Ko was perfection in his role Land-his song "I -Got--Them On the | List" was greeted with roars of { laughter. . The list; by the way, has been enlarged since he played the {same part in the early days of the Watches The Gruen Watch is making ;an enviable reputation for it- self by its accuracy and preci- sion---not to mention the beau- tiful designs in cases--whether it be a Lady's Wristlet or a " Gentleman's thin model, solid gold or gold filled. ANY cauges of eye M strain might easily be avoided. Reading in bed or on the train, con- stant watchfulness over riinute figures, trying to read in the failing light or other abuses may have so impaired your sight that it should be examined and '"'chocked-up" by an accom- plished optometrist, We will test your vision thor- oughly and prescribe the Jenses that will aid your sight, LADIES' WRIST WATCHES $20 to $500 GENTLEMAN'S THIN MODEL WATCHES $35 to $300 Sold only by: -- Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers 100 PRINCESS STREET AJ. | famous opera. "Three Little Maids | from School" was another old favor- [its that brought forth hearty. ap- | plause. "The Flowers That Bloom in | the Spring' was perhaps the hit of | the evening. Mr. De Angelis was so | delightfully: funny in his objecting {to marrying Katisha, a lady of the mikado's court. Miss Marie Horgan's | tins contralto voice was heard {to advantage in the famous "Tit Wil- low" duet with Jefferson De Angelis. | Detmar Poppin as Poo Bah, Lord High Everything Else, was an impos- ing figure in his gorgeous costume and his fine bass voice was. very | pleasing. The scenery was the good and gay kimonas with sweet fresh voices very attractive. The last scene, where the mikado, Sam 'A. Burton, in a fittingly imposing robe and head gear, has his son restoréd to him, and Yum Yum presented to him as a daughter-is=law, and Ko Ko, the Lord High Executioner, chooses be- tween the fate of marrying Katisha or being thrown into a cayldron of boiling oil for beheading the son of the Mikado, was exceedingly funny, and the handsome costumes in the gorgeous hues of the east, made it very picturesque. Though the house wag not as well' filled as the performance merited the students were in the gallery in force, as was between the acts. - 'The Chimes of 4 | Normandy," a comic opera in three acts, will be played to-night by the TO RENT Two well heated, unfurmished rooms; first or Telegraph Huiiaing. Appl MR. KIRKPATRICK On premises 7 i» The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post ORice Phone 699. KINGSTON. y omy same company. WAS IN KINGSTON Had a/Real Hard Time Getting to Watertown,N.Y. A despatch from Watertown, N.Y says: J. Marsh Kellar returned after Established 1840 Nordheimér Piano has proved itself "worthy of the confidence bestowed upon it by its purchasers. It has brought melody into many of Canada's finest horhes-- it bas afforded highest musical enjoyment to its owners and their friends. Many years have rolled by since the House of Nordheimer conceived the ideal of a piano that would yield the greatest possible tone value, grow richer with right use, resist the changes of atmosphere and the passing of time, The fulfilment of these aims is a proud achievement--one reflecting credit upon even the least important of the craftsmen whose combined efforts have developed that re- markable tone which is the distinguishing feature of the JEWELER PRINCESS STREET R. J. RODGER = an interesting experience in endea- voring to get home. Whatever may be the case with which bootleggers claim to cross the border from Can- ada, Kellar finds the immigration authorities possesses eagle eyes and bull dog persistency. It was only after his attorney, Her- bert C. Teepell, had interceded for him that Kellar was able to come to Watertown in readiness to face a charge in county court next week for selling liquor in dry Watertown. Eight hundred dollars in cash secu- rity depended upon his success in crossing thse lice, Kellar was indicted by the Octo- ber grand jury and put up $500 in cash to appear for trial. Subsequent- ly he was again arrested upon a charge of selling at his Lapper street home and deposited $300 additional for examination next week in city court, Then he and Mrs. Kellar went to Canada, their native cauntry and former home. Kellar is not a naturalized eitiven. A few days ago he satled from King- ston, Ont., for Cape Vincent on his return to keep his court appointmerit but immigration cfficers at the Am- erican port refused to let him land. Three times he essayed the journey only to be turned back. Then he tried Ogdensburg and was held in custody by Inspector Robinson. After stating his case and showing the necessity of 'his appearance in Watertown: Mr. Kellar induced the inspector to communicate with At- torney - Teépell. Arrangements were completed this afternoon to permit the temporary entrance into the United States of Mr. Kellar upon the promise of his counsel that the man will be returned to Ogdensburg 'promptly after the trial, should he be acquitted. XK On the Right Side, Drivers of automobiles must ob- serve 'the rules and regulations of the road strictly. In police court on Thursday, two drivers were fined $2 and costs each, for allowing their cars to stand on the wrong side of the street. Power for a toy player piano in- tended for children is furnished by a phonograph motor, See Bibby's $27.50 ulsterettes. on' chorus of pretty Japanese maidens in' ARMISTICE NIGHT DANCE in the City Hall, by the Catar- aqui Chapter of the .0.D. E. Once again the city fathers upon the walls of the city hall looked out from their golden frames upon a gay scene, when Cataraqui Chapter of the Daughters of the Em- pire gave a their bridge and dance on Armistice Day, choosing it as a fitting time to do their shard towards swelling the war memorial fund, that has for its object the edu- tation of the sons or daughters of Canadian soldiers, first in the sthools and colleges of our own land, and then if they are fortunate enough to be successful in winning the scholarships offered in the uni- versities of the old land. There were twenty-two tables in play during the afternoon, and the prizes; a china dish, a big bunch of 'mums and a pack of cards, were won by Miss Atleen Folger, Mrs. F. Hill and Miss Ada Birch. In one corner of the hall the tea table was a charming feature, with pink candles in silver candlebra and lovely white and yel- &= low chrysanthemums in silver and chrystal vases. Here Mrs. Wurtele poured the tea, which was taken to each table at 4.30 on a tray gay with wicfles and cakes and most refresh- ing tea. Mrs. Percy Wilgar and Miss Rhoda Wurtele were in charge of the tea with the other members of the refresliment committee, com- posed of Mrs. Bermingham, Mrs. Norman Fraser, Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Mrs. J. H. Rowland, Mrs. C. 8S. Kirk- 0 OR patrick, Mrs. J. L. Whiting, Mrs. Ar- | thur Cunningham and Miss Lilla Cal- | Jaghan assisting them. | committee were Mrs, Norman Fraser, Miss Hora and Miss Wurtele. In the evening the guests were re- ceived by the regent, Mrs. Sandford Calvin, Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Mrs. J. L. Whiting and Mrs." W.: Bermingham. ""'Symphony Six," the splendid or- The bridge | chestra of Science '23, was stationed | on the platform and played an ex- cellent programme of eighteen dance numbers. Supper was served at 11 p.m. from the same flower-decked table, with Mrs. Arthur Cunningham pouring coffee and the other mem- bers of the refreshment committee assisting. Mrs. J. L. Whiting and Mrs. W. Bermingham were in charge, {and the arrangements were most satisfactory. The regent and chapter are to be congratulated on a Yery successful affair. GETS BIG | BOAT TO HELP WORK 65-Foot Navy Yacht Will Aid in Collection of Spawn. fident from the ccllege songs | ! Collection of 'millions of whitefish, lake trout and ciscoe eggs is now under way to fill the 800 glass jar incubators of' the United States fish hatchery at Cape Vincent, N.Y. In this work, as in the distribution of the fish mext spring, the hatchery | will be aided by a sixty-five foot yacht, a gift from the navy depart- ment, which reached Cape Vincent after a stormy 'voyage from Oswego. Use of a sea going boat for the hatchery has been urged for more than a year by persons interested in the propagation of fish, who have contended that such a craft would not only save money to the fisheries department but that the possibility of properly planting the young fish would preserve millions of lives for future consumption by Americans. It has not been possible, with the limited means at the disposal of the hatchery, to place little fish in waters best suited them. | Ciscoes, for in- stance, should be planted in bays and scattered, to insure plenty of food, but it has been necessary to liberate them within a limited radius from the hatchery. The yacht is a former private pleasure boat, taken over by the navy department during the war for a gun boat. It mounted two guns and was commissioned largely for antisubma~ rine work. The craft proved its searworthiness in the run from Oswego in a gale, It will be at once put into commission and ueed in the collection of spawn now under way. Superintendent Sny- der, of the hatchery, is Nighly pleas- ed with the boat. Lake trout, whitefish and ciscoe eggs are being collected this month. Next spring yellow perch and pike fry will be. taken. In January about 1,000,000 brook trout eggs will be added to the hatchery, being "pur- chased from commercial hatcheries, and rainbow trout will be received from other stations. Postponement, The recital of sacred music in St. George's cathedral, announced for Saturday, 13th, has been postponed until Saturday, Nov. 20th. Sele of men's hats, Bibby's. Engineer Cousins, Toronto, warns the public of a plot to strangle St. Lawrence power and canal project, Bibby's black wool socks. Three pairs for $1.00. | { a Japanese napkin with dainty sand- | BRITISH WHIG 0 {SHOE BARGAINS} SPECIAL BARGAINS SHOES--SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES' SHOES -- REAL 'BAR- GAINS IN GIRLS', BOYS" AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. Abernethy's Shoe Store Subic IN MEN'S TTL od Sm; EERO sal Job Dept. © Continues to execute Printing ranging from Books and Magazines to business, profes- sional and personal requirements, ete, Its efficient, prompt service at your command EE NEED VED ICED: +920 Catarrh a Of the Stomach Is Dangerous "Thousands Have It and Doris Know It," Says Physician. Fre- quently Mistaken for Indiges- tion---How To Recognize and Treat. "Thousands of people suffer more or less constantly from furred, coat- ed tongue, bad breath, sour burning stomach, frequent vomiting, rum- bling in stomach, bitter eructations, gas, wind and stomach acidity and call it indigestion when in reality their trouble is due to gastric catarrh of the stomach," writes a New York physician. Catarrh of the stomach is danger- ous because the mucous membrane lining of the stomach is thickened and a coating of phlegm covers the surface so that the digestive fluids cannot mix with the food and di-| gest them. This condition soon breeds deadly disease in the ferment- | | Sie KROEHLER DAVEN-O Ett ~~ The High Rent Problem AND THE IMPORTANCE of MAKING SMALLER HOMES ATTRACTIVE AS WELL AS COMFORTABLE Everywhere people are confronted by the necessity of either renting a room or two or moving into smaller apartments. We emphasize the advantage of DAVENPORTS and DAY BEDS as, the logical selection for overcoming space limitation. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. The Leading Undoreiies, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 341b. Tea for the price of };1b. In the course of this week all householders will receive a card which; when presented to their grocer, will entitle themtoa quarter pound FREE of CHARM BLACK TEA if they buy a half pound. We want every- body to try this delicious Ceylon Tea, be- lieving that if it is ONCE -USED it will be : ALWAYS USED. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited ed, unassimilated food. The blood is polluted and carries the infection throughout the body. Gastric. ul- cers are apt to Torm and frequently | an ulcer is the first sign of a "deadly | cancer. In catarrh of the stomach a 408 and safe treatment is to take before meals a teaspoonful of pure Bisurat- ed Magnesia in half a glass of hot water as hot as you can comfortably drink it. The hot water washes the mucous from the stomach walls and | draws the blood to the stomach while | the bisurated magnesia is an excel- lent solvent for mucous and increases the efficiency of the hot water treat- | ment. 'Moreover the Bisurated Mag- | nesia' will serve as a powerful but | harmless antacid which will neutral- | ize any excess hydrochloric acid that may be in your stomach and sweeten its food contents. Easy, natural di- gestion without distress of any kind | should soon follow. Bisurated Mag- | nesia is not a laxative, is harmless, pleasant and easy to take and can be obtained from any local druggist. Don't confuse Bisurated Magnesia with other forms of magnesia, milks, citrates, etc., but get it in the pure bisurated form {powder or tablets), especially prepared for. this pur- pose. - EAA TTR Special Values In Footwear Men's Brown and Black Calf Boots-- in recede and broad toes; excellent quality and value .............$5.75 Women's Highcut Black or- Brown Shoes, with Louis or Military heels $4.95 Several odd lines in Children's Shoes at greatly reduced prices. Allan M. Reid, SHOE STORE HIRI HH Hi HifZ NTO a L TWICE TOLD TA LES | TEN YEARS AGO. Inspector J. Russell Stuart has recommended to the Board of Kdu- cation that a system be adopted which will lessen the amount of work to be done by pupils at home. George Adsit and his staff are still fighting the tussock moth with creosote. This pest has attacked many of the city's beautiful shade trees. W. Garland Kidd, ex-inspeetor of public schools, has been - elected honorary president of the Kingston Teachers' Institute. The annual parade of the Queen's students will take place this even- ing. "Hank" O'Brien, veteran clerk at the Randolph, announces that the McGill Harrier Club's runners ar- rived to-day and are under his care. Deer are very plentiful in the back part of the country, News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, + Oscar McKim and Mrs. McKim have just returned from San Fran- cisco. Both are in excellent health. Flames, leaping from the chimney of the gas works last night, need- lessly alarmed many citizens. A society, non-religious, for young men, is in the process of or- ganization in the city. If you would have the world as friend, And keep it smiling still, You must not ever touch it for Its last tei-dellar bill, Ronald Melntyre presided at the civil service ' examinations which opened t morning. Fiye candi- dates are writing ii Kingston. On Friday 2,000 boxes of cheese will be shipped to Montreal from this district. Presentation At Wilton. There was an interesting gathering at Wilton, on 'Wednesday night, when neighbors and friends to the number of one hundred or more, gathered to say good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Burgess and family, who are moving on Monday to Napanee. Mr. Burgess lived in this district from childhood, and he and his wife dre held in very high esteem by all their acquaintances. During the even- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess were pre- sented with a handsome dinner sett, an address accompanying the gift which bespoke best wishes for the re- ciplents and their family in their new home. The address, which was signed by Mrs. Frederick Cole and Mrs. Archie Simmons, on bebalf of neighbors and other friends, was read by N. A, Asselstine, who taught Mr. Burgess at school in his early days. -------- AN The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Pratt, Brockville, are extending hearty congratulations to her on reaching her eightieth birthday. She was born in England, November 10th, 1830. She resides with her daughter, Mrs. 8. W, Bell Bibby's shoe sale is on. EXTRAORDINARY VALUESIN FOOTWEAR At THE VICTORY ~ SHOE STORE 40 pairs Woman's Dongola Pxfords--Louis and Cuban heels ...$2.08 regular iF $4.08 regular $5.00; now .. Teeter emeverc simran 60 pairs Woman's Black and Brown Kid Oxfords; values up to $8.00; BOW uv vvevecocnnnsissrsnnnnse Woman's Brown Kid--high cut Bal; cuban heel; $10.00: NOW ..ucuisserivnmeesnsvion vom rade regular $7.05 regular $8.00; now $6.45 © $5.90 Woman's Dongola Bal---military Bod); Woman's Dongola Bal--Cuban heels' regular $7.25; now Woman's Gunmetal and Patent Bal, with grey suede tops: regular $10.50 and $11.00; now ,............. $6.95 Men's Mahogany Calf Bal--Gqodyear welt; reg. $10.00; now $7.06 Men's Mahogany Calf Bal--Goodyear welt: reg. $11.50; now $8.95 Men's Brown Calf.Bal--Goodyear welt; reg. $11.00; now ... Men's Brown Cait Blucher--Goodyear welt; reg. $11; now. . $8.75 Men's Black Bal--Goodyear welt; reg. $11.50; now ... Men's Black Calf Blucher--Goodyear welt--viscolized sole; regular $10.50; now ...... eas Boys' Gunmetal Blucher--regular $4.00, now

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