: = - - * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : | | wil be handed down and cherished A BS. ELLA LEFTWICK, an- || {as something sacrosanct by the re- other Kansas City woman | presentatives of coming generations. | : RAEUMATISH i - ; Ie | ERETESEES) UNDER PROVINCIAL CONTROL Frat Madicke No. 3. Losun Owe. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1920. "VETCRAFT" (The Handiwork of Disabled Soldiers) FLOOR LAMPS, TABLE LAMPS, TEA TRAYS, BEATEN COPPER WORK, TOYS, REED WORK, ETC,, ETC. BUY YOUR XMAS. PRESENTS NOW AND SAVE MONEY TE WARBURTON Phone 2277. - Tanlac has astonished her neigh- | up--and, we hope, on sure ng bors, many of whom have begun tions---an estate which wi e ] eld | Master Medicine. | precious by their successors as a valu- | "They all agree with me that it | able heritage. x Its Claimed That This-Is the Best Method to Adopt in : . $- Order That Ideas of Reformation of Prisoners . May Be Carried Into Effect. recognized the true conception of citi- | Opposite Bibby's . » zenship which a university epirit em- to us by the judges, braces, then the University: of Sae- | in our custody." 'and her teachings there need be no Bo, between the two, the sheep fear of the university dying out-- | are never separated from the goats, rather it will be perpetuaed and emu- | experience in life, but mostly for the worse. | The commission is faced at the men who are prematurely gray in re- gards to hair. The causes of this con- dition are many and varied. Some- courses. The first is to transfer the dominion penitentiaries over to pro-| vincial control to be administered some business difficulty, and in many cases poor health is the primary cause. There is, however, one man in \ The penitentiary commission is constantly at work, but as it is not dealing with any specific charges or complaints, the only public interest tha tattaches to its work is in the final report which will probably.cbe available about March next. When interviewed on Monday, W. F. Nickle, K.C., stated that the com- mission was endeavoring to deal with the Canadian penitentiary problem as it existed to-day, with- out reference to local conditions, or alleged conditions at any one insti- tution, They were, therefore, obliged to carry on their investigation into the regulations in force, and this re- quired them to visit the different in- stitutions. > Asked whether they would re- commend that the penitentiaries be handed over to provincial con- trol, Mr. Nickle could not say at the present time. This course was sug- gested to him! as being one of two alternatives that might be followed in order to carry out ideas of re- formation. In the first place, it is held that there is absolutely no sys- tem of reformation in operation at the present time. The parole 8ys- tem, that has been talked so much about since 1899, the year it was put into operation, is not a refor- the county and | "HEADQUARTERS FOR ROBES, BLANKETS, and MITTS, MEN'S and CHILDREN'S MITTS and GLOVES A SPECIALTY. W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 316. 1 This light, dry i] fleecy wadding Applied (straight from the box) te any chill-caused ache, attacks the trouble At its source, and gives "A number of my friends, after seeing the wonderful good Tanlac did me, began taking the medicine, and now they all agree with me that it Ys the grandest medicine on earth," said Mrs. Ella Leftwick, 722 Pile 8t.,, Kansas City, Kans. "Tanlac completely restored my health," she said, "and just seemed | { is the grandest medicine on | .° The University of Saskatchewan | earth,' 'says Mrs. Leftwick. ! will be known by the conduct of its graduates. If those graduates have . | understood the deeper meaning of a | university spirit, if they have realls- | | @d that it must extend beyond the | | confines of the campus, if they have | City magistrates." we { katchewan will be known as a-seat of | The ines say. hat say learning which has been successful | we 60.» 8g amiaion in achie eal purposes of edu- made the laws and the sentence is coqjon 6 'he real p | there. There is nothing that can be ~ , long as the students of the Uni- done about it. It's a penitentiary | yer of Saskatchewan are true in sentence, and the prisoners are not oo. respect to their alma mater but all sorts and conditions, male lated a ei on. | and female, are sent to the do-' Bd purified as He ¥ a "| minfon penitentiary where they * -- mingle with the perpetrators of'all ; the crimes on the calendar. If o CHEWING GUM happens to be paroled after a yea , i or two, he has at least had & NEW | Sees ttttutntrt ttt ttt ttt tutus] In the course of a day's travel in some fairly well populated district : one runs across many men and wo- outset with this problem, apart al- together from the regulations in! force, methods of enforcing diseip- ling and general management. Re-| ¢iy 00 they are the fault of the vie- formers declare that it must, if ft| tim himself, sometimes they are not. is striving seriously to effect sub- The grayness may have been brought stantial reform, adopt ome of two by overwork, it may have cropped out naturally as a family trait, perhaps it is the result of long / ayward child, |-§ by a proviucial superintendent of| NOFTy Se =" ne Way prsons who will be responsible for their entire administration uhder a to give me a new lease on life. If I could talk parsonally with every 'woman suffering as I did, I would urge them to take this medicina. "For the first tima in thrae years I am able to eat and enjoy three hearty meats every day and not suf- fer in the least with indigestion afterwards. I am never troubled now with the awful smothering mative scheme at all, but merely the operation of a humane law adopted as affording a means for the release of prisoners before their sentence expire. The reformative ides de- mands that action be taken before commitment to a penitentiary, as that institution is at present under- stood, thereby saving-the individual from the contamination of a worse systen. 'of reformation that will in- clude a graduation from the trivial to the most serious cases, suitable institutions being provided for seg-| regation in order that offenders within the same class may be separ- ated from others. The Criminal Code would require to be .amended to put into operation the indetermi- natesentence,and the Ticket-of-leave ev ch fa oil who can blame his silvery locks on time can be tolerated; um as an accompan.ment to the or- curses of modern times. Perhaps the ery fifty who are prematurely gray, ewing gum, Chewing gum as a confection is irly good; chewing gum as a pas- but chewing estra at the.theatre-is-one of the spells that used to frighten me so meaning is mot quite clear. In order Act supplemented with a probation- 'much, and the dreadful headaches that came upon me every day have 'been entirely broken up. "I was extremely nervous and couldn't sleep well, but now my nerves are in splendid shape, and I 'sleep like a child every night. My strength has been so wonderfully 'Alcreased that I can now do all the housework in fy eight-room house and attend to the children besides. I feel just splendidly all the time now. Tanlac is certainly worth its weight in gold." Tanlac 1s sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Mountain Grove by James McDonald, and by the lead- ing druggist in every town.--Advt. environment, It is, therefore, claim- ed to be impossible to effect any measure of reformation under the present system, because of the divi- sion of contral as represented by the dominion and provincial ad- ministrations. The dominion prison authorities have nothing to do with the committal of offenders, but as the mere jailer for the province must house and feed all sorts and conditions, over the age of sixteen years, that may be sentenced to a period exceeding two years. Just 80 long as this condition exists, there will be no improvement in the administration of justice, and re- formation will still be a problem calling for solution. The dominion authorities say : "What can we do but provide decent ary system, applicable to all offend- ers under twenty years of age, The other alternative is to allow the penitentiaries to remain under to get it clear it is only necessary to visit any movie emporium three times. You are sure to find out what it is in that number of visits and in ne cases out of ten you will dis- { dominion jurisdiction and endeavor is to bring about co-ordination in the treatment of offenders by the co- | th operation of all the provinces under the dominion superintendent penitentiaries. How this done effectively it is difficult to see. fo of 10g his jaws slowly and quietly in can be fiendish anticipation of the discom- | ver it the first time. | The gum chewer starts out when | e lights have been turned low, mov- { | | | rt which he is about to cause later a on. The first few scenes of the photo- Every logical argument appears to be In favor of a provincial rather P}8Y pass off without much happen- than a dominion system. 3m The commission obtain the views themselves regarding--"prison man- agement, routine and discipline, The question of paying them for their work in order that they may contri- g except a few appreciative cracks : from the abuser of good chewing the prisoners gum. The first exciting or comic hap- pening in the piece is a signal for a volley of smacks, sucks, spasms of blowing and snorts. That is only a preparatory exercise thing. When the action of the picture for the real Skin Troubles wens S00thed ---- With Cuticura fe, lvtmery Tog, Se oh Sed mbe FOR LUMBAGO Musterole. See How Quickly It Relieves You just rub Musterole in briskly, and Y OU will find every Happy Thought user keenly enthusiastic - about her wonderful Oven. tell you about its consistency, its ability to respond almost humanly to the demands she makes upon it. you why the Happy Thought Oven is so wonderful--we can. We have one of these Ranges on our floor now. strate it to you--without obligation. Without solicitation, she wil She may not tell Let us demon- usually the pain is gone--a delicious, ing comfort comesto takeitsplace, Musterole is a clean, white cintmen ade 00 of musard. Use L m » Will not blister, Many doctors and nurses use Muster. bute something to the support of their dependents will be considered. KAISER BRONCHITIS IN EXILE * Thousands Liberated 'What! have you not heard the joy. ful tidings? onchitis has been ex- iled--kicked right out of society-- food, clothing and safe custody ? We have got to take all that are sent THE UNIVERSITY SPIRIT! How it Can be Developed and Nursed at the University. The following editorial in The Sheaf, the students publication at the starts out in real earnest then it is that the hair of any man in the neigh- borhood of the gum chewer with a fairly decent sense of nerves begins to take on its lighter hue. His ears are delighted by a sound like many porkeérs working strenuously at a trough in the pursuit of satisfaction for their inner demands. Cracks like pistol shots mingle with this delight- ful melody and the whole is usually interspersed with a4 running fire of mumbled and jumbled comments on the scemes being presented om the LESS MEAT'IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid. neys if Bladder Bothers You. - McKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. 65-71 BROCK STREET. m of PHONE 287, Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known author- ity, because the uric acid in meat ex- elites the kidneys, they become over- worked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, partteplar- 1y backache and misery in the kid- University of Saskatchewan, Saska- toon, is from the pen of a Kingston- dan, J. Courtiand Elliott, B.A, a and 100,000 Canadians liberated from the bondage of this disease. Every trace of bronchial trouble is blown to sc reen, . In many cases the victim leaves the theatre, never to return. He goes to his home a nervous breakdown, sadly looks at his gray locks, turned to that color in an hour, and makes a solemn vow to himself that he will join the Society for the Prohibition Wey region; rheumatic twinges, se- vere headaches, acid stomach, consti- tion, torpid liver. sleeplessness, ladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if blad- der bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in A glass of water before breakfast for # few days and your. kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu- atoms by the world's most effective disease-destroyer Buckley's Broachi- tis Mixture, No wonder Joop are rejoicing! No longer do they dread the uot of joy : a. ete, and se anxious are ey others should benefit also, A of everything. | of letters have been written proclaim- |. Whenever you run your hand along ing the merits of this wonderful mir- Tthe under side of your seat at church, aculous remedy. Here is one letter:-- | or the chair in a restaurant, or in an To Whom it may Concern: "This is | ice cream parlor, or in the theatre, to certify that I had" been suffering | and find stuck there a harmless little for over threes weeks with bronchitis | pellet of plastic substance, bring it and was advised to try Buckley's | forth and look well upon it with the Bronchitis Mixture. I purchased a | reflection that it, perhaps, has turn- bottle and after the third dosq I re- | ed some man's hair gray. Further- ceived relief, and before the bottle | more, if you would make a fortune, was {| od, I was perfectly well. | sot to work and invent a noiseless Queen's graduate: Much has been heard in university circles since the commencement of the session concerning the present stage of development of a university spirit. Nor does it require extraor- dinary perspicacity to recognize the existence and the gradual cultivation of a body of traditions which will be incorpogpted eventually as essential parts of student activities and will be manifested in that intangible and much desired university spirit. It. such be the case the acceptance of those attributes must not be con- sidered lightly and the choice invol- ves serious thought concerning what I. Car Owner v It is approaching time to con- Back Ache Limber Up With Penetrating For Larte Back, Sideache, Shoul- sider winter storage of Batteries. Do you not require your Battery de Bate 2k. Sideache, Shou). properly and scientifically cared lin's Wizard Oil It penetrates quickly, eases the pain and drives for during the winter months, in out the soreness. Keep it in the tralize the acids 1h the .urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad- dar disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent li- thia-water drifik which millions of is really necessary for that mode of conduct which indicates a university spirit. Such a spirit is not cultivated merely by the college songs we sing, the associations we make or the me- mories that bind us in later years to In making the above assertion I have no hesitation in saying it is the best remedy I ever came contaet with for heavy colds and bromehitis."= Mrs. M. Har ¢/o Dust- chewing gum. Another Substantial Gift, One of the pleasing features of the house. Wizard Oil is a good dependable preparation to have in the medicine chest for first aid when the doctor may be far away. You have no order that it may come out in Al condition in the Spring? We have Co., Toronto. may Limited, e original ge ge idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mis- h Then there Jced of an fm- me ealing, antiseptic lica~ tion, as in cases of sprains, Monisen cuts, burns, bites and stings, Generous stse bottle Ste. If you are troubled with or sick gl Ramiins Wises Pembroke General hospital campaign Is the magnificent spirit displayed by public men. not residents of Pem- broke but who, nevertheless, have observed the good deeds or the hospi- tal and the zealous devotion of the sisters and staff in charge of the same. Hon. M. J. O'Brien, whose re- butation for assisting all worthy pub- lic charities is so-well-known, very our alma mater, There is a deeper significance in the true conception of a university spirit. Contrary to general opinion a uni- versity spirit is manifested in #ts pur- est light in alumni rather than in un- dergraduate days. Consequently, the development of a splendid spirit in student environment will redound to the benefit of the alma mater when men .nd women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. ° (Bigned) less Brush of this W. K. Buckley, 142 Mutual Bt., Toronto. ia thousands of : will give you sure relief. It eannot fail. Seventy-five cents Is the price that stands between you and the road to henlth. Take mo substitute--insist every facility for doing this. Come in and we will tell you all about it. Met, With Bad Accident. "' Harlowe, Nov. 12.--The weather in this vicinity is very cold with occasional flurries of snow. Hunters are naw. returning, from the woods and most have their number. Dane- court Thompson met with a bad ac- cident of cutting bis leg while going to the hunting ground. Walter Camp made a business trip to°King- ston this week: Mrs. Ibra Morrey and MisE Annie White are expected to be home next week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whiteman, Walter Oamp _ and Mr. and Mrs. William Loucks at Perey Whiteman's. Miss Edwin Cole the evidence of that spirit is seen in the surroundings in which the gradu- ate later finds himself. It the university spirit is some- thing more than an invisible chain that binds one graduate to another, if it reflects itself in the dally lives of those who have passed beyond the Jottale of the college halls, if the gra- uate of the University of Saskatche- wan is known as a man or woman of integrity, of tolerance and of good- on the bottle with the "Sati Supastond, or money iin generously sent to the Right Rev. P. or by mail from a 142 14 W. K BUCKLEY: MUTUAL ST., TORONTO. will, then it will be said that the nur- sery of such an attitude was good. The very youth of our beloved umi- versity itself involves deep responsi- bilities on the part of those students who from day to day ate formulating T su Ryan, D.D., Bishop of Pembroke, his personal cheque for $5,000. 5 A new combined excavating and loading machine is said to do the work of twenty men with tools for- merly used. Promoted by the Japanese navy, ccessful ofl well drilling is under unconsciously the traditions which , way in Formosa. WOOD Sawedin Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. Limited ~CORNER BROCK and MONTREAL STS. Telephone 600. : and Miss Clara Black arrived home from Kingston last week. Mrs. Ed- Nn Sole and Miss Clare Black at . Marshall's; re . Miler at ] Whiteman's; Thomas White. man and Percy Whiteman hawt laid new floor in the latter's home. Mrs. Hara Thompson and chiMren at Mrs. N. Mills'; Miss Clara Black at Frank pson's. A container for the ice features a drinks. A Los Angeles theatre which main- has arranged its electric sign board Foot West Street. Phone 133 tains a nursery for infants while [act annguncer to summon a woman their moth are in the audience, | whose clitld may need her, EN AAT mn AAA r {For Autumn Wear | Overgaiters Oxfords [| Brown, Grey, Fawn, and all From Brogues to Dressy' Tie the newest colors; 10, 11 and Shoes in Brown Calf, Black . 12 button. Calf and Kid. Hmm new glass pitcher for cold tL ° SY | | THE SAWYER SHOE STOR in PRAY FOR YOUTHFUL SINN FEINER. 3 : : 184 Princess St. scene shows women praying in the streets of Dublin for Kevin Barry, the eighteen- |S a : year-old Sinn Feiner who was hanged recently for- murder. Inset is a photo of Barry. 5 im i arr Hl) EATER x