Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1920, p. 7

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| FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920. Demands winter wearing apparel such as OVERCOATS = SUITS -- SWEATERS UNDERWEAR--HEAVY HOSE--CAPS We Have Them AlL George Van Horne Phone 362w. 213 PRINCESS ST. (Opposite Grand Opera House) \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. A Crowded House Witnessed "Biff, Bing, Bang," Thurs- ay Evening. The third division concert party ("Dumbells') in the second edition of "Biff, Bing, Bang," opened a three-day engagement on Thursday evening at the Grand Opera House, | before a large assembly. Those who | had the pleasure of seeing this party of trained soldier artists last year pronounce that this second edition {is far better than the 'first. On Thursday evening, on account of the illness of two of the players, the tondensed version of "H.M.S. Pina- fore" was not played, but three ad- ditional numbers, which delighted the audience were offered. The scenery, the lighting -effects, and the curtains used make up one of the .prettiest of stage mettings. The company has recently pur- i | chased a lighting service which cost approximately four thousand dol- lars. : Ross Hamilton, as "Marjorie" was certainly the belle of the fe- male impersonators, but the others were excellent also. The first act 7 Watches The Gruen Watch is making an enviable reputation for it- self by its accuracy and preci- Slon---not to mention the beau- tiful designs in _cases----whether it be a Lady's Wristlet or a Gentleman's thin mogel, solid gold or gold filled. LADIES' WRIST WATCHES ANY reasonable people $20 to $500 \Y Ea would not labor be- yond their strength in any other manner continue to test to over-capacity their eyes. After their eyesight begins to fail they continue to strain it. Here you will find complete scientific ex- amination, correct prescrip- tion and vision restoration at such a moderate figure that you must not longer con- tinue the dangerous delay. GENTLEMAN'S THI) MODEL WATCHES $35 to $300 Sold only by:-- Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers 100 PRINCESS STREET opened with a biff, bing and a bang, i which reminded many of the sol- diers present of the never-to-he-for- gotten days in France, and the avia- tor who announced that the armis- tice had been signed. Jack McLaren and his party of bathing girls de- lighted the audience with the song and chorus, "All the Girls are Love- 'ly by the Sea." Albert un'.ett was loudly applauded whenk he sang "Where do the Flies go?" Red New- man sang the old favorites "Apple Dumplins" and "Oh! Oh! Oh! It's a Lovely War," by request, and re- celved the hearty applause of the |audience. , Alan Murray, one of the "ladies" and Albert Plunkett were their song and dance number. All members of the company played | | thelr parts to perfection. | | For those who saw service in . France and Belgium, this play re- | calls many of the pleasant incidents. , { Thousands of Canadians have walk- (ed miles to see the same company | {put on a*how in France. Many went | | feeling rather gloomy, but were | cheered by these men' who were set | aside by the army for the pur rof entertaining the troops: In those | days it was nothing to walk five {miles and then stand for two hours waiting for the doors of the Y.M. {C.A. hut to open, where the show | was put on. {the Dumbell concert party filled in {many lonesome moments in the sol- |diers' lives. Those who were privi- {leged to be in Mons will never for- |get the keen interest which the TO RENT Two well heated, rooms; first yer. ilding. Apply: he Mi. KIRKPATRICK On premises The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone 699. KINGSTON. Our Reason For 207° Discount Sale It has never been our policy to run a Dis- count Sale at this time of the year, but our rea- son for doing so this season is that Dry Goods, 'Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Furniture mer- chants are offering large discounts, thereby di- verting ready Cash from the Jewelry trade. In order to get our share, we purpose giv- ing a discount of Twenty Per Cent. on all our stock of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Clocks, Watches, China, Ivory, Electric Lamps, Leather Goods, etc., in fact everything in the entire store with the exception of goods in our Music and Optical Departments. . Our Xmas. stock is complete in every de- partment, so that you have the unprecedented opportunity of saving 20 cents on every dollar you spend with us. : Sale begins Friday Morning, 9 o'clock, and closes Saturday night, December 4th. ALL DISCOUNT SALES FOR CASH ONLY R. J. RODGER JEWELER 132 PRINCE 88 STREET | | | ge I eT ! ® ae Special ~Misses" Gunmetal, Button and Lace; and - Box Calf Lace Shoes; sizes. | | to 2. Regular $4.00, $3.50. TO CLEAR AT ........... 5%. %250 Allan M. Reid, SHOE STORE A I TT --_-- : unfurnished Telegraph + | gold {i|| ing one of the |{| | concert parties iil peditionary Forces. il | when he arrived in the city, many of |ll| the officers of the Canadian Expedi- Te aH | civilian and soldier population took ----p lin this concert party. The party was | later moved to the city of Brussels, { where it played. before the Belgian | royalty, and each member of the concert party was presented with a medal in appreciation of his | services. | Captain Plunkett, who heads the || company, was looked upon est managers of in the Sritish Ex- On Thursday, | {4 tionary Force, who had made his acquaintance overseas, called on him at the Randolph hotel. Among the 'visitors were Lieut.-Col, Brown, headquarters staff, Major William Harty, formerly of the Second Livi- sion Artillery, and Captain Robert Robinson, formerly of the Third Di- vision. TORPID LIVER FOR OVER 4 MONTHS. The duty of the liver is to prepare and secrete bile and serve as a filter to the blood, cleansing it of all im- purities and poisons. When the liver becomes lazy, slow | or torpid it is not working properly, and does not supply sufficient bile to | thoroughly act on the bowels and carry off the waste products of the | system, hence the bowels become clogged up, the bile gets into the blood, constipation sets in and liver troubles follow." | Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills quickly | remove the secretions, clear away the | waste and effete matter by acting di- | rectly on the liver, and making the | bile pass through the bowels instead | of allowing it to get into the blood, | and cause so many troubles. | Mrs. 'Alice Mehill, Napanee, Ont., { writes:--"1 was - very badly run down, and had a torpid liver for four | months. . I tried several remedies, | but got no relief: One day my hus- | band brought me home a vial of Mil- |"burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and before | I had used half of it I was much bet- ! ter. I only used two vials, aid T am } a different person to-day. I can | safely recommend Laxa-Liver Pills to any one troubled with liver trouble." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢. a vial at all dealers or maiied di- rect on receipt of price by The T. "OUMBELLS" AT THE GRAND" heartily applauded at the close of | After the armistice, ! as be- | THE KHAN. Continued from Page 6.) make you' pay Ter what you break an' then you'll be broke, see? Heiga ho, tnat's settled." Silence tell upon the room, but the weary Runt was not destined to get more sieep yet. Tee Tee nudged her soltiy and whispered just above her breath: "Ruat, do you love young Dan?' "Sure, I do!" "Oh, Runt, no, you don't." The Runt sat up straight. "Say, Miss McCrakin, what do you mean?" "Lie down, Runt, an' lissen to me. You love young Lan, but you love him as a brother, There isn't much difference, yit there's a big differ. ence.' You two was brought up to- gether, you just as well might a bin E Iigsee... You. got to-love-him- as a sister loves a brother. He pitt on you, didn't he? An' was rough with you frequent and sassed you, didn't he' jes' like a brother. Did he git . Jealous if arother feller come | around? Nix. When he went away you longed fur him, but it was not a sweetheart"s longing, but 'the yearning of a sister who loved her scapegrace brother and would fight fur him till the death, not because he was her lover, but because he was a Losee, a son of Ole Dan ana Mom." The Runt snuggled up closer her chin. "What you tryin' to do, Sis?' she hed. "Why, blame my cats, e in love with young Dan your- to "A mind reader come to judgment, yes, a mind reader," yawned Tee Tee, | "and now, homey girl, let's have a! sleep." : ...And they slept till noon! ! THE KHAN, The 'Wigwam, Rushdale Farm, Rockton;*Ont. | Letters to the Editor | Indian Missions Kingston, Nov, 18.-- (To the Edi- tor) : A course of six lectures is to be given by Professor McFadyen on these subjects: 'An Indian City," "Life in a Mission College," "What fs the Missionary Trying to Do?" "Afe We Making Headway?' 'The Indian Church," '""A Visitor to Cen- tral India." The foregoing lectures are open to the public free of all charge. The time and place will be announced later, The first lecture will be given about the end of November. All students, those interested in the poliitical and social problems of India, as well as those Interested in missions are cordially welcome. Perhaps you will give us a lift in letting the public know. Yours sincerely, S. W. DYDE. CARDINAL ANDREA FERRARI Of Milan, who is reported to be dy- ing. IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S The Students Preparing to Root at Saturday's Gane. Realizing the wonderful help that well-organized rooting can be to a team on the field, Queen's -ropters held a very enthusiastic meeting in convocation hall Thursday afternoon, in preparation for the game with Varsity, Saturday morning. Some- thing new was the appearance of members of Levana at the Jueeting of the club. New yells and parodies were practised by the stu] dents who crowded the hall, Arts '22 is holding a social evening in Grant Hall, Thursday, Nov. 25th, The committee in charge of the ar- rengements is composed of Miss D. Lavell, Miss R. Evanson, G. W. Sug- den and T. H. Whotton, { The Q. U' M. A, was to have been addressed on Thutsday afternoon by Dr. E. C. D. MacCallum on the sub- ject, "Social Service Work in King- ston," but unfortunately the speaker was called away. The address is to be given at a later date. 20 per cent. off custom- clothing. Livingston's. The short lie often casts a long Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. shadow. | TWICE TOLD TALES TEN YEARS AGO, A new Methodist church is near- ing completion at Verona, and will cial services, aaemiehil George Allen, of Tichborne, was injured when a piece of flying stone from a blast lodged in }tis forearm. He is doing nicely. Rev. Ben. Spence stated 'to-day that about ninety municipaiities will vote on local option in Om In January, 1911. George Lewis, president, presided 4a meeting of the Trades and Labor Council, which was addressed by Prof. Skelton. His subject was the unemployment question. J Sousa"s band will give a concert in the city on Nov. 22nd. . "Beta," one of the members of the ~R.C.H.A., is creating sensations at ithe barracks social events by his mystic performances. He is under the management of Sergts. Harte 2 be opened on Nov. 28th with spe-| and-Fowler and is claimed to be the | equal of /*Ita." News of 'Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, John Fisher will again run for the reeveship of Portsmouth. Capt. John Breden, S. Harkness and Harry Youlden have gone to-To- ronto to attend a meeting of the shareholders of the Magnetic Motor Company. . . Allan Chamberlain, of the post of- fice departmnent, is in Buffalo spend- ipg a vacation. W. McCammon leaves to-morrow to accept a position in an electrical supply plant at Syracuse. He was one of Queen's best rugby players, Miss 'McMillan has been engaged as superintendent of nurses at the General Hospital. Stanley T. Chown, who has been studying in Mudie's law office, has been called to the bar. John E. Hopkirk, head clerk in the post office inspector's staff, has heen granted a month's leavey William Minnes reta AAA i 8 =m SHOE NO CC BARGAINS] LADI >» CHIL Conceals Age Rid the Face of Pimples and Such Blemishes by Using Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers -- Surprising How Youthful One Looks. Pimples, blackheads and other such facial blemishes may be traced to an excess of impurities being elimi- nated through the gkin and this con- dition calls for calcium to enable the process of elimination to be car- ried on more completely. It is the Calcium in Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers that has given this com- plexion beautifier such a wonderful reputation. The results are soon noted in a much finer texture, the gradual disap- pearance of the blemishes and a real- ly beautiful complexion. This is con- sidered the. correct way to a hand- some, lily-like skin. Get a 60 cent box of these wafers at any drug store and observe how nicely the skin soon clears. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES GAINS SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S SHOES--SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ES' SHOES -- REAL BAR- IN GIRLS', BOYS' AND DREN'S SHOES. - Abernethy's Shoe Store ga Il mh L J : CA Tcet bg i HUTT The High Rent Probler AND THE IMPORTANCE of MAKING SMALLER HOMES ATTRACT AS WELL AS COMFORTABLE Everywhere people are confronted by the necessity of either renting room or two or moving into smaller apartments. We emphasize Lh advantage of DAVENPORTS and DAY BEDS as the logical selection overcoming space limitation. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. The Leading U WE WANT YOU TO REDEEM YOUR AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens / Naturally That Nobody Can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a bottle of Wyeth"s Sage and Sulphur Com- pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addi- tion of other ingredients,- are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van- ishes and your locks become luxuri- antly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray- haired, unattra#ttive ' folks aren't wanted ound, 80 get busy with Wy ge and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dirk, hanggome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. HAVE PURCHASED A PANO The Community Club of Cata- raqui Doing Excellent Service. The Community Club of Catara- qui, of which Mrs. George Nicol is president, is to be congratulated on the excellent entertainment put on in the Town Hall on Tuesday even- ing last. The Community Club had in mind the buying of a piano to be used in the hall and also the school house, and as a result of the enter- tainment the instrument has been purchased and is almost paid for. The programme took the form of a play named "Aunt Susie's Visit." Those who took' part were: Mrs. -Lo- ney, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. R. Gardin- er, Miss K. Grant, Mrs. P. Ward, Miss D. Cooke, Miss P. Smith, Miss Helen Nicol, Donald Kelly, Joseph Foster, Bernard Curran and Harold Sharpe. «Mr. and Mrs. 'Loney sang Saunders sang solos. ALLE PILLS = So | a duet. Miss Jessie Sharp and Mrs. |. | OF i Charm Teas 4 { ONCE USED ALWAYS USED ie LATE COMMU 5 "Patrician" & "Adam" A GIFT THAT WILL LAST What more delightful and durable gift can be imagined than this beautiful silver plate in above patterns. It is treasured by the most fastidious hostess in the most exe clusive homes. 3 ~ We carry a complete line of these goods. "Crown Derby China just to hand. Som -Yery niceshapes, A quiet wedding was solemnized | ( Morley) Simon, at Brockville on Tuesday, when Rev. | E. Lloyd Morrow united in marriage | Simon. Miss Bernice Marguerite Stack, Paragraphically speaking, MAaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas |the Mue pencil to make a Stack, Mallorytown, {6° W. Maurice, short, : youngest late Wiliam Simon and of

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