MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. et -- ares sma rm WORK ; 4 | ee neem | Buenos Aires, Nov. 22.--President : Moderated [CORSETS Mogeaisi . ¢ | Irigoyen has 'asked ' tHe Argentine : nd y : | congress to pass a law designe ) 4 | Marjah, the Mystic, To-night | prevent officials of the govern t : The ideal figure is the natural one, and your figure can only be natural when Marjah, the my | or their employe reader and Crystal G {influence in favoy your Corset allows you to move, to walk, sit, or bend, without the Teast restraint. You will be comfortable, yes, and modish in one of our Corsets, fo every model, 0 J | tured in the Mystic ¥ | where business transactions with the whether it is intended for a tall figure, short figure, slender figure or heavy on all Suits and Overcoats-- There are Revue, "which comes to thé 'Grand | government are involved Theatre for three days, commencing | be forbidden under the m figure is built along graceful, correctly proportioned lines. No Restrictions--Every Suit and Over- 20%. Discount. SHIEH to-night, sends the following me s- | taking any part in such sage to the people of Kingston: 'My | either directly or indirectly. nted shortly mittee had ate charges children, you shall find contentmedt The measure was p and peace, comradeship and good-|after a legislative will through thine own heart. Love | been appointed to invest : truly, hoid kindness in thy thoughts | made in the Chamber of Deputies 2 iE . sn: | that Domingo E. Salaberry, Minister for your fellow-man women; | z , ! : if o | of Finance, had favoged business con- gird yourself with your courage 10}... "5, "yicy he was interested in | BO on, will to work ambition to pro- {the matter of granting permits to ex-1 gress--thus shall you attain the |, gyear "jn" the transportation of | | greatest boon upon earth--happi-| poirglenm 'and in the.observance of | ness." During his engagement Mar- |. ciomq requirements. jah will endeavor to answer your questions on business, investments, love affairs and questions of a per- Sb sonal and private nature. 'In addi- | Mail Train Robbers Burned Up tion to Marjah will be presented]. Some $35,000,000, | Ovette, the Miracle Man, in his fam-{ Omaha, Neb., Nov. 22.--Bonds lous weird Oriental interpretatic and securities burned by the bandits | "The Temple of Joss and Hutt's who robbed Chicago, Burlington and | Harmony Hounts,"" proclaimed by | RQuibey mail Hai No. : 2 Squnell [= orl s Jazland"s mier © ed | Bluffs last Saturday night, totalled | = erties as Jasend's Premie: solored | fore than $5,000,000, according to | = | an announcement here to-day by |= | Postal Inspéctor Glenn. . I= At the same time, he announced |= that the loss would fall heavily up- | == on two national companies, which | insured the bonds. ' c.c. a la Grace --- ANTIPON BELT" - ARTICLES WERE INSURED UEC RER CARRE ORE - RAO For the stout figure--well boned to Suits and Overcoats reduced as follows $25.00 Suits and Overcoats . . $20.00 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats . . $24.00 $35.00 Suits and Overcoats . . $28.00 $37.50 Suits and Overcoats . . $30.00 $40.00 Suits and Overcoats . . $32.00 $45.00 Suits and Overcoats . . $36.00 meet the necessary requirements -- made of good, stout, French Coutil; jazz orchestra. --Advt. b I ¢ Toe es absolutely rustpro i At The Strand. | y rustproof, wear and entire Can you fancy beautiful, Gloria | | Swanson dressed in rags and tatters? Remember the many gorgeous gowns satisfaction guaranteed; white only. $50.00 Suits and Overcoats . $55.00 Suits and Overcoats . $60.00 Suits and Overcoats . . $40.00 . $44.00 . $48.00 which have become so much a part of Miss Swanson as a result of her sue- | cess in "Don't Change Your Hus-| band," "Male and Female' and "Why ! {Change Your Wife?" And yet rags| {and tatters are Miss Swanson's por- | States Postoffice Department, ~'we This is the first intimation since the robbery of the exact amount in- volved. The figure places the rob- | bery as one of the greatest ever staged in the 'history of the United PRICED ..........$3.75 to 85.50 WARNER'S Rust Proof CORSETS Hit TG tion through a large portion of the | story of Cecil B. De Mille's Para- | | mount picture "Something To Think | About" which will be shown at the | We are sole agents in Kingston for this celebrated Cor- set; ads in various styles to suit the heavy, average and slender figure; White Coutil and real whalebone is used in the construction of Warner's Corsets, and their moderate pricings are a very strong feature; to be had in all sizes. PRICED AT............... $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 D and A PRACTICAL FRONT Suitable for average and stout figures--a newly patented Corset, which really gives a perfectly straight front and a small hip effect. A Corset which permits perfect and quick adjustment to the figure at each wearing. The in- ner front section of high grade elastic holds itself to the body and automatically forces the wearer to put the Corset on properly; White and Flesh. r ] PRICE ...............;......... $5.75 to $7.00 IAEA RACE | in either constituency. | Found Woman Huddled | In Bushes, Nearly Frozen Brassiers "MODEL" BRASSIERES ered the infant under his coat. TTT ATT § oo conceal the outline of the Cor- sets, but REVEAL the BEAU- TY of the FIGURE. We carry a great variety of Model Bras- siers for full figures, normal figures, and slender figures in every type of fastening. PRICE... $1.25, $1.50 up to $7 5 DE-BEVOISE BRASSIERE' Won't let you be uncomfortable; pliable as a glove; it even allows you to lock arms behind your back or lace your boots with no feeling of strain or stiffness. We see to it that your "MODEL" fits. Pink or White. PRICINGS MODERATE ..........75¢c., 90c., $2.25 THE -DELINEATOR 550 Year $1.50 YEAR For the benefit of those who have not taken advantage of this special rate, Mrs. Dunbar, a representative of the Butterick Publishing Company, has arranged main for a few days longer. Many. are making the Delineator Magazine a Regular price $3.00 per year. . e ALL CUSTCM TAILORING oz yg iy o. OFF 2 ! | Strand Theatre for taree days com- | Can Be Said as a Result of the Elec. | ts % { mencin today. "Something To | tions To-day. _.. ¥ ALL FURNISHINGS | Think About" represents a new de-| 'Toronto, Nov. 22.--To-day will 7 ng ig | parture in the type of role portrayed | bring a verdict of the electors in two | 20¢ 0 OFF. | by Miss Swanson. As Ruth Ander- [important and well-campaigned bye- ! | son, the "talented young actress had | elections for the House of Commons ' . { abundant opportunity to display her | in Kast Elgin, Ont., and -Yale-Cari- ALL BOYS CLOTHING | abilities. The role carries Miss | boo, B.C. In both constituencies the , SE | Swanson through the entire emotion- | heaviest artillery of the opposing 20¢ 0 OF F. {al gamut and it is -confidently ex- | parties in the federal house has been : ! peut that this Production Will earn { hrought into action and results will, . . . { for her an additional host of admir- | §} |g acknowledged by all, be very Our 73 years in business is a guarantee {ers. Although rags and tatters play Neen While friends of the re- of our reliability. All sales for cash. heir part in the action, Misy Bwan- | spective candidates in both constitu- I | son wears gowns of striking beauty. | encies are claiming a sure election No approval. No exchanges. Goods | Severs! Slhiranew street Sosiuimes | for their men, the independent ob- k d i 1 1 fi and evening gowns of anya) Sally |. server declares that the indications marked in plain ngures. | were designed by Cldire West under | . ans: definite eith the supervision of Cecll B. DeMille | are bY mo means definite either way - {and Miss Swanson wears them with | her habitual grace and charm. Miss Rod 4 4 9 Swanson ily the central feminine Kidnapper is Sentenced. ! join S on S | role, Other notable names in the Norristown, Pa., Nov. 22.--August | cast include Elliott Dexter, Theodore | Pascal, alias Pas juale, "the crank | Roberts, Monte Blue, Claire Mec- (iM the Coughlin kidnapping case, Founded 1847. | Dowell, little Mickey Moore, Theo- | Was sentenced to life imprisonment dore Kosloff, James Mason and Julia | b¥ Judge Swartz, in Norristown | Faye.--Advt. court. Pascal pleaded guilty at his | BROCK STREET | trial to second degree murder and kidnapping for extortion. He Stoje ? 3lakely Coughlin, the 13-months-old 1f Off Your Réute baby of Mr. and Mrs. George H. *" { | | Coughlin, from their home near Nor- It Pays to Walk. | The Picton woman who escaped | FIStoWn on June 2nd last, and smoth- | from Rockwood Hospital last week | was found by Joseph Hawkey, jail >, Ss. { governor, and his party of hunters, iter msey are payers: Genera) huddled in some bushes' at Robin- Felix Angus, the veteran publisher son's Point, and it is conisdered 4 lof The Baltimore American and The miracle that the woman was not|pajtimore Star, announced in The | frozen to death, as she was exposed | American today that on December to the Intense cold for about thirty-| first the American and the Star will six -houps. Mr. Hawkey and the| pass under the control of Frank A. members 'of his party gave the wo- | Munsey, owner of the -Baltimore man every attention and notified the | News, the New York Herald, the New authorities .t Rockwood Hospital. York Sun, the New York Telegram and other publications. CARL Burial of Judge Britton, Men's Collars Drop. The funeral of the late Judge B. Toronto, Nov. 22,--Collars have | ! M. Britton teek place from the G.T. dropped in price in many downtown | R. train, Kingston Junction, at 1.50 | stores from 35 cents each«to 25 | p.m. Monday, to Cataraqui cemetery. | cents. Formerly they sold 3 for 50 J. L. Whiting, K.C., Judge Lavell | cents, then they jumped to a quar- and J. M. Farrell were appointed to | ter straight, and finally reached the | represent th ntenac Law Society, | Pinnacle at 35 cents straight. They | have now dropped back to the middle | The officiaf rgymen were R ) i Newton'Pow at Toronto, gn price, | r ---------------------- W. 8. Lehnon, pastor of Quéen Street Activits in Irelend | Methodist church, at the grave. Activity in re and. . rave London, Nov. 22.--The Globe says today that great military activity is! reported in Ballydehob and Schull, | Ireland. Many troops | Anderson Bros. Limited EE TR TTT Assault Case Enlarged. In police court Monday morning, | in County Cork Frank Marell, a husky-looking chap, | armed with rifles and machine guns ; was 'charged with assaulting one, H. | have left Skibbereen for the alleged J. Wilson, but the latter was unable | purpose of rounding up members of { to attend court, and the case was en- | the Republican army, the reports larged till Friday. Wilson, so it is | state. stated, had his jaw broken as a re- | teen i sult of an attack 'made. Three members of the Fort Wil! | When the case was called, Magis- | liam Board of. Education and seven- trate Farrell had a letter from a [ty women teachers have resigned doctor, | which stated that' Wilson | over the salary question. { was unable to appear in ceurt, | Pears by the peck, basket, box or i - dozen, at Carnovsky's. ¥ to Christmas gift. 2 ohn [aidlaw & Son Li d tion and has been granted 1 t J 1 2 ' t : ante eav absence cil the end of the present | JANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR EE ree T x |S TET EERE COTE EUSA TTI the Jeniientiary service since April PRIN ER - | 1st, . V EEE EES EERE RAR ood Tea AT A SPECIAL PRICE ' turney, who tendered his resigna- Resigns From Prison Staff. : . DIT | Still another resignation is .re- DAILY MEMORANDUM, "ported from the Portsmouth penis hs TR Ctincert tn Grant -Hall-at tentiary. The latest official to leave | 5-13 : § 0 P , right hana is the warden's clerk, George La- Ses top of Page ures iE B corner for probahilities. RET Introducing our own blend Black Tea a 7 wh s------ Brought Home Live Deer. The hunting party of which Dr. -- { William Nicholls and Fire Capt. F. Reid were members, arrived home 1920, at St. Mary's Cathedral, by on Saturday, having secured sixteen Rev. Father lacey Ita Margarel, deer. Dr. Nicholls and Capt. Reid $ligst daughter of MI and NS each shot a deer. The yearling deer ; MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. MARRIED. LAURIOL--LA MARCHE--On Nov. 15th 0 Loy THE Van ri HH Poor Protection and § D. C. M.,, L. M. C. C., of Lanctser, that the party caught alive was taken ont. to Cape Vincent on Saturday after- | 30c. Ib. Shs... ..$1.40 08s ...................92%0 $ noon by C. W. Cole, horseman of that place. Salvation Army Annual Sale. Wednesday, Nov. 24th, the Salva- tion Army will hold their Annual Home League Sale. The sale will i be opened at 3 p.m. by Miss M. Van- ! Stranbenzie. Special musical pro- gramme, Refreshments will be served to all who secure a ticket for , ten cents. Special programme duf- | ing the evening. Admission 10c. | The Law Vaccination. | Mayor Nickle iS being abused in some quarters because children will not be admitted to the schools unless they are vaccinated. It was the Board of Health which ordered vac- cination. The law requires it, and probably ninety per cent. of the children of Kingston have been vac- cinated as a safeguard against | smallpox. , | { { { | -------- To Be a Feature. For the U.F.O0. concert, Cataraqui, Hl Wednesday, Nov. 24th, they have se- |: s cured, among othor artists.the Scotch 2] | entertainer, Sandy or. g ay DIED. CONNER--In Kingston, on Nov. 20th 1920, James Holland Conner, aged 63 years. : Funeral took place from his late resi- dence, 137 Frontenac street, Mon- day afternoon at 1.15. Interment at Gananoque. CAMPBELL--In Kingston, on Nov. 21, 1920, Alexander Campbell. . Funeral wiil take place from hig late residence, 186 Bagot street, Tues- day afterncon, at 2 o'clock, to St. James church, Funeral private. ~ JAMES REID . The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254 and -236 - PRINCESS STREET. Phone 147 for Ambulance. ROBERT J. REID Phohe at 0 irae M. P. KEYES Kindly omit flowers. RR Poor Taste! Everyone admires the EC beauty of the novel strap Pumps for Fall and Winter. But they are not in- tended for wear in unpleasant weather. : Not only is one's health jeopardized by wearing them when it storms, but not being made for such year, they'll be ruined quickly, adding unnecessary expense. There are good-looking shoes made to stand winter's hard wear, which will save both health and money for you. Get your Rubbers for the family NOW! Best quality only. Sold at:-- : ae -- A = LOCKETTS § Hi! HH HHH