Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1920, p. 2

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Wholesale and Economize Buy Your Furs Without qhestion, the best valués on the the ity lished Its reputation, has been fully mai Plain .... Squ Alaska trimmed | Alaska Trimmed--Squirrel Trimmed --Beaver Trimmed---Mole Trimmed John McKay, Limited THE FUR 149 to 157 Brotk Street, Kingston, Ontario. | Beautiful Seal Coats market. Prices in kéeping with times. The high standard of qual- and value this house has estab- ntained, FRENCH SEAL COATS irrel trimmed . . HUDSON SEAL COATS $250 to $350 $250 to $400 HOUSE [NO COAL SHORTAGE HEREC DAILY BRITIS THE Have Suf-| Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. : : we Winter. Try Chadwick's foal. Phone 67. d there is an unusually cold | Pianos tuned. Phone 1544 C. W t .al coal dealers do not | lindsay. Ltd. : a any |. J9seph- Hodge, piano-tuner, phone ie a He day morn. | S88W, or McAulev's book store. OO nan fon Mr. and Mrs, Charles Randall, he dealers, when seen by the rape fy 4 i <1 John street, art visiting friends in were of one opinion. Kings- { New York ton is in altogether a different posi: |" If you have not vet useg] DALY'S tion to many of the inland towns, who have to depend on the railroad | | companies to draw the coal from the! Chief of Police Barrett, of Napa- | mines or the nearest port. At pres-| nee, is enjoying his vacation on a ent, the local dealers have steamers | hunting trip. across the lake -waiting for "thé| Dean Starr returned on Saturda storm to clear; so that they can re-|afternoon from Toronto, where he turn. to Kingston with cargoes. spent a couple of days. ' | John FF: Sowards, when asked After six months rental we willl about conditions, stated that as far | allow money paid in.rental to apply | cal Dealers The Lo i ficient for the At MAHOOD'S. shortage, providing there was not alld. : : apy ; inte 4 St | St.<Luke"s organ recital that was | J Yory bad hh A Pi present [to have taken Ran on Sunday even- | time, he hay suficls ou | ing, was postponed on account of the | | stormy weather. Church a Ladies of Sydenham Street Chure R. Crawford & Co., stated that there | will hold thes tea and sale In the was no immediate cause of alarm. {yt re Hall cf the church, Nov, 25 At the present.time, the firm had two {from 3 to 7 p.m : : steamers loaded with coal wallng| Providepce was good in regard to for good¥weather to return to Kings- ton, ¥ '| weather was fine in comparison to Samuel Crawford, of the Walsh | what it has: been since. Coal Company, stated that the whole] This morning at, 7 o'clock an anni- situation depends on the kind of [versary high mass was sung at St. | winter. As far as he could see, King- | Mary's Cathedral, by Rev. Father | stonians would have all thé - coal | Coyle for the late Charles A. Martin. | they required. | We didn't notice particularly, but | rank Anglin, {Some of the Queen's boys say that | lin & Co., stated that there was | the "co-ed." representatives' from | no shortage, and the conditions in }tontrenl and Toronto werl pretty | Kingston were real good. During the | *8iT 3 { summer months, hundreds of citiz- Yaron fo onl Da cating, both ens took the warning that there | oy en's for the Teal stuff That might be a shortage, and placed their | mOThing Sale was ¢ ror ion of the supply in the cellar. His firm was | lung power in reserve at Queen's not able to get all the coal it want- | Prof. Malcolm, of Queen's Univer- ed, but, with the coal which it Will} gity stated that although the oficial | bring in by rail, there'will not likely tigures had not been given out, he be- | be any shortage. The coft coal situ-{jeveq that over four thousand per- | ation has(hanged. Soft coal, which | sons were in attendance at the game | was gelling athe mine for $9 a ton, {on Saturday afternoon. | had G d to §3, which means that | Miss Rheta Field, Miss Viola Gib- | soft coal, which has bgen selling at (son, Don Faris and Pherson .Me- $20 a ton in Kingston, will likely | Arthur, all students at Queen's | sell at about $17. University, have been the guests of A. Chadwick & Co. stated that the | Rev. M. N. and Mrs. Omond at the coal situation was O.K., providing | manse, Prescott, for a few days. to supply the demand. Reginald Crawford, of the firm of of the firm of S. | Used Pine Lumber Several thousand being removed -from the Elevator, foot of Gore Street. This is nice Soft Pine, of good lengths, feet of 2' Pine now easy to work and is very cheap. A Also several tons of 4" and 5" Nails at a bargain. S. Anglin & Co. ° OFFICE PHONE 64 Victims of . ° | P rocrastination ! There are thousands of men Who have made up their minds to jake insurance, but who for a variety of reasons procrasti Ap ten per cent, of all deaths are due to accidents and many men 'apparently of gound health die suddenly, the danger of delay is apparent, but there is a great. er danger tham this, the danger of becoming unimsurable, which often comes as unexpectedly as an accident, Last yesr over 25,000 men waited =i days too long, that is, sixty days after they could have obtained life insurance their power to do so ended from in. ability to pass a satisfactory medical examination, FOR SALE RE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Phone or See. J. 5. R. McCann € LIFE, FI i I | | Xmas Fruits Get Your Supply Early RAISINS 1000 lbs. extra fancy Seedless; 1s 83c. pkg. 1000 1bs., fancy, Special, Seed- ed; 1s 33c. pkg. 700 lbs. loose Valehcias 1s + « « 26c¢. 1b., 4 Ibs. for $1.00 CURRANTS 1000 1bs. choice, cleane PEEL Lemon, Orange, Citron-- mixed 28 MINCE MEAT Extra choice TEA Hundreds are returning for more of our Special Blend Black Tea. Ours is guaranteed 35¢. a 1b. \S ] { | | i I | 22c 1b. | i" i | 86 Brock st. Phone 326 or 021 ll em a BLACK WOLF Now is the tim \ are CAMPBELLS - BARGAINS The prices on fine Furs are not high if you 'buy here. We have them at the pre-war prices. Just now we call your attention to "FINE BLACK FOX NECK PIECES $35 e to buy while the p low. Cullen's' CASH AND CARRY | ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. || | TA | [ Tr NECK PIECES $30 $35 rices BROS. I'S A GRAND OLD CHURCH i | | ii | || ada and the United States, who said.) HTT OE there is not a very severe winter, James Swift & Co., who have at | High - r : 4 | way Work Next Year. | the present time three boats across | On ey morning ar Ran- the lake for coal, stated that the [in M.P.P. when asked by the W | situation was O.K. With what Coal | hors tha ro fi YS ie . | about the road work that wi | the firm has on hand and what would by the highway commission next year, still be brought by steamer stated that some work would be done rail, there should be no shortage [in Ernesttown and Pittsburg. The | whatever. work to be done in Ernesttown will | link up with the pjece of road which | starts at Kingston and ends at the 'Frontenac boundary line. The work in' Pittsburg will be on the Ottawa- | Kingston highway, which runs! through Seeley's Bay. «x { | | | | | | | | { | | 'Col. Hugh Walkem, D.S.0., . Speaks About St. George's Cathedral. Col. Hugh Walkem, D.S.0., who | came up from Montreal with the Mc- Gill football team, was a visitor at | St. George's Sunday school on Sun- |day. He was introduced by ' the dean, who expressed his own plea- | sure and that of the School in having {an old boy of St. George's, who had | served with distinction in the war, | with them. Col. Walkem said: | "There .is no place like old St. | | George's after all, boys and girls; | no more beautiful church in Canada, | and no musical service to compare | with the one you have here. You don't think much of it, nor did I at your age, but as I sat in church this morning, I knew that it was so." | The principles learned in St. Old Newspapers Gone, . We would suggest that all news- papers bearing the name "Times" at once change their name. It ap- pears to be one of ill-omen. Hamil- top- Times, Toronto Times, Brock- ville Times, Peterboro Times, Qwen Sound Times are a few of those that have joined the newspaper dead or have been absorbed by their com- petitors in the last few years. -- Oshawa Reformer. Go away, Alloway. the St. Thomas Times ? What about Guest of Gen. King. General Sir Arthur Carrie, prin- cipal of McGill university, came from Montreal on Saturday to wit- ness the final intercollegiate cham- pionship football match at Queen's athletic gfounds. During his stay | George's Sunday school, the speaker | In the city he was the guest of Brig.- said, had made for the best kind of | Gen. W. N. King, C.M.G.,, D.S.0., advancement in life. He had met | general officer commanding military men, who had been classmates, at | district No. 3. He returned to Mont- the front, in various parts' of €an- | Fea! by the 6.30 p.m. train. the 'same. The world never needed men and women with staunch prin- ciples more than it does to-day, and | "those are the principles taught there," : Col. Walkem, who is superinten- dent of the Sunday school of Sf. James the Apostle, Montreal, went | round the classes, talking to the! teachers and scholars, and the wel- | come home he received was a very | hearty one on this, his first visit to Kingston since his return from | France. ' { | of | | THE UNIVERSITY COMMISSION HERE Making an Inspection Queen's -- To Address: the Students. sins The Ontario University Commis- sion arrived in Kingston on the 1.50 sm. G.T.R. train Monday, for the urpose of visiting Queen's Univer- | ity. The. members, who are Hon. . J. Cody, Sir John Willison, T. A. tussell, Toronto; Col. A. P. Deroche, Ottawa; C. R. Sommerville, London; iJ. A. Wallace, Simcoe, were met at the Ringston Sunciion by Dr. Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen's, and members of his staff, and proceeded to the university, where a thorough inspection was made of 'the differemt departments. The General Hospitai was also visited. At § p.m. Hon. Dr. Cody and Sir John Willison will address a mass meeting of the students in Grant Hall. The visitors will be the guests | of Dr. Taylor at dinner this evening, | and they will leave on the midnight train, : > | | | co [2 THE BOTTOM HAS BEEN: REACHED IN FUR PRICES = I Our "drop in price" Sale of Furs affords a wonderful buy- ing opportunity right now when Furs are most needed. All the Furs in our enormous. stock bave been re-marked, with a new price. in keeping with the drop in the price of the raw Furs. Now is the time to buy! Don't wait! In our opinion Jf Furs later on are just as apt i to be even higher in price than ii they are now. Ladies' Seal Coats «+. $150 up. Ladies' Fur Sets .......88 up Ladies' Fur Muffs ......85 up UNION CHURCH no At Collin's Bay, Now Has Delco : t. # ' The members of the Tnion church, Collin's Bay, are to he con- | gratulated on having a well lighted church. 'They nave just recently in- stalled the Delco Light System, which in every way Is giving good satisfaction. : We make everything in goed FURS. ALL SALES FOR CASH. George! Mills & bo | It is interesting to kmow that in {1792 Capt. H. Johm Denison, Hed- {don, Eng, progenitor of the To- jronto family, came 'to this country, L t ettling first in Kingston and going o Toronto {Yori)-dn 1754. J. 8. Runpings, Smith'§ Falls, | Cied on Wednesday, aged eighty-two Furs--Hats--Millinery years. Four sons and one daughteg hi » ~ ' survive, _ DENTS OF _ THE DAY I | f | | | GOOD TEA and COFFEE, get some. | § vil as he could tell, there would be no | on purchase of piano, C. W..Lindsay | f | the rugby game on Saturday. The | | | was a widower, and is urvived by one | taker. ll | years of age, and a Methodist in re- ! Jan Hambourg (violinist) and Al- children), to H WHIG | | v on To avoid disappointment get your copy now. Not more than one-quarter the Canada supply was received from the publishers, PRIVATE GREETING .CARDS + Sample books now on display of Canada's two best manufac- turers of Private Greeting Cards. Orders should be placed at this time to insure receiving in time for the overseas mails. GENERAL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS . Telephone 919 As usual, our line is the largest and best sents all the leading U. S. manufac turers. AMERICAN MONEY BOUGHT : We are still buying American Gold, Silver-or Bills. in the city and repre- i The College Book Store | Open Evenings More Room Wanted < For the Display of Holiday Goods, Hence This Big Cut in Our "Lew- The price of :-- --Ladies' Winter Coats. --Misses' Winter Coats. All Silks, Dress Good | | | Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" Good, warm UNDERWEAR for all the family--speciall priced for 'est in the City" Prices 25% OFF --Ladies' Silk Dresses. --Ladies' Serge Dresses. 20% OFF s, Coatings, Sealette, Ladies' Blouses, Skirts, Floor Rugs, Carpets, a, Shrewd Shoppers. Tra Bl Rl id, - SPLIT Late C. Gorman, Picton. Cornelius Gorman, Picton, passed away at the Hotel Dieu on Friday, after an illness of some duration. The deceased was seventy years of age, and during the greater part of his life was a barber in Picton. He brother, William, and one sister, Mary, both of Picton. The remains were sent to Picton on Saturday for interment by M. P. Keys, under- Late J: H. Conner, Gananoque, James H. Conner passed away - at , 157 Frontenac street, He wag sixty-three ligion. He is survived by two daugh- ters and one son, all of whom reside in Kingston. The remains were sent to Gananoque for interment. ? Queen's University Concerts. The second Hambourg concert will be in Grant Hall at 8.15, when berta Guerrero (pianist) will play the Kreutzer Sonata, among other pieces. Tickets : $1.00, 50c ; chil- drem, 26¢. A few serial tickets for the four remainging concerts may still be had, price $2.50. Family tickets teaming parents and two 1.00, Resigned as Teacher. R. H. Young, B.A, science master at Picton Collegiate has resigned his position to accept an appointment on the staff of Sarnia Collegiate, the re- signiiition to take effect at the Christ- mas holidays. On Nov. 17th, at Lyn, the marriage wis solemhized of Miss Euliffia Ber- nice Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Warren, Lansdowne, to William Robert Sibley, Fairfield East. grant J) E. W. MULLIN & SON Specialists in Go od Real Estate 2700--Stephen St.; double br ick: B. and C.; Gas. $3100--Union St.; near Barrie i B. and C.; gas. $1550--York Street; cement; 6 rooms; toilet. $3700--Raglan Road; double frame. $5500-- University Avenue; bri ck. $5800--Brock St.; Brick. Houses to rent. ; SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST AT OFFIoe. Kingston Home Finders. Bayers 8 Phones 530w and 539; y 4 Sellers of Rea} Kotate, JOHNSTON and DIVISION STREETS. Finest Quality Brands only, Rubbers to fit every type and style of shoes. They save your good Shoes--they save paying doc- tor'sbills. Steve ]. Martin - "Shoes obMerit and Distinction". 4 Phome soe J. A. Miller, superintendent of the Ontario ng Bureau, ss that persons in to go to To- ronto for employment would be well i: oN ad Taoronte. { ' A contribution of $5,000 from the T. Eaton Co. was announced by the McGill Campaign Committee, Mont- real, along with the government's of a. million dollars. vised to keep out of

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