Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1920, p. 3

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MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1020. : THE D AILY BRI T ISH Ww H I G. 'BATMR A GREAT SUCCESS ik Cn IE 0 Gr ut mm ; Beating The First Bark she Winners of Special Prizes he Gon Seud | dorupeient | ° =-The Mother Superior of the London Times transmits the Hickey's . Thankful, ; following details of the capture of '= : : Jafer Tayar, the Turkish Nationalist ' > bazdar has been a great suc- | {gader in Thrace, a8 published ia the Our Wind We are depending = upon the ur mm ows c ' id the Rev.jMother Clement, | loeal newspaper Bosphore: enormous sale ' of this--the || : 3 r of the House of Providence, "Phe Nationalist commander in Best of all Cough Mixtuges-- 'ARE SALESMAKERS AND ,n Saturday evening, when the clos- Thinad Bag slides to Babe Baki 1 to enable us to 'keep it at the BECOMING GREATER .ng events took place. "I want to Were eS 'and found "a in old price of 25 cents. All thank theucitizens of Kingston and full flight, pursued by Greek cavalry. other mixtures have advanced - iii from 'outside points for their gen- A party of Greek horsemen rods ine to 36 and 40 cents, but we Jil The time of one of our sales [| ¢Tous support and patronage. =A |i; "ny egcort, of whom seven | \appy epird oval t . want the price and good quality {|| staff is devoted to them. dappy spit pesiases i Sheou shot, were killed and two, including his to remain the same as before. ~ als" : i batman, were captured. Tayar's siderate and kindly reggption of the ho Now bolted 'and finally threw Get it for a quarter at | v - appeal on behalf of ihe House of nan in ths middle - 4 {lf --They are full of suggestions rovidence shown by all classes of ci- feld. bet he lay unconscious and for X | L.zens, Protestant and Roman Catho- . bor oll a5 or mas. lic alike." Words failed to convey her abandoned by ol owes, 0 first relieved him of a diamond ring, -- N. - B t's, real feelings, she said. No approxi bis money and papers belare dis Capp FLOGGING CLOSED 'CAREER. PROBS +--Tuesday, occasional rain or snow. tbat atm . | 3 UA A We Led--Others Were Forced to Follow! Kingston's Greatest < ; mate estimate could be given of the --Are very frequently changed. proceeds of the bazaar and a day or appearing into phe, » two would elapse before'the work of ng Irom is swoon, | the committees was completed, and Juyer, whe Safest Sesiows minor Phone 59. 0] 5 : -- i i y i ' 8 ey realized mado u , G8. 2 5 pen Sundays. | Are illuminated every night. the amount of money re Be thls wry tun The kopusar 3 Yo 1 -- + Toem-- known. She felt, however, that a --~-- - Ereal -- zreat success had been achieved, and | the Moslem and Bulgar inhabitants she was especially grateful to all | of the village that Tayar was hiding They will-prove an education those who by donations and personal | iB their field. The villagers said they and a time and worry saver, service contributed to the splendid | Would look after him. Their method result. of doing so was to tie him to a cart q - The closing day of the bazaar was | and give him & sound beatthg. They eeley k M0 D 0 --Look for their contents for marked by the same enthusiasm |then {informed the Greeks of his " we : shown on the previous days. This was | whereabouts, perhaps heightened, {f anything, when "This humiliating close of Tayar's the time came for the drawing of the | eareer has injured Nationalist pres- w lucky tickets that showed the prize | tige among the Constantinople Turks --Our prices are completely winners, whose names were announc- | more even than the defeats sustained convincing. ed from the platform by Mayor Nic- | by Mustapha Kemal. After threaten- kle. ing to "burn Adrianople, commit sul- At an early hour crowds began to | cide and drench Thrace with blood gather in both halls. The young peo- | rather than surrender, Tayar closed ple danced in the city hall, while On- | his career in a manner which sug: tario hall was jammed, Articles were ' gests the misfortunes of Charlie Insure Against After Regrets by aucfioned off at two different points | Chaplin as depicted on the cinema and the drawings took place at the rather than the dignified surrender Using Glasses Prescribed, head of the hall. Four persons wers | of an Abdul Kader. Tayar has rene ) | needed at this work. Two men held | dered the Entente powers and Greece ® Made Fit and ted by large bags containing the tickets, one | a priceless service in making the Na~ on each side of the mayor. The tic- ' tionalist movement unpopular in ] D 'Jewelers - Limited | kets were handed to him by little Thrace. and ridiculous abroad. It ecley , Vel UV. | girls who received them as they were syould be very unwise to make a SA LE! At less than cost of production! >» CEE OO " nu Xmas. buying. | This is without-a doubt .the greatest Dress Sale announcement ever made in Kingston--an opportunity without par- allel. The most amazinzly offering of . high - grade, all-wool, Botany Serge Dresses at prices that are. unbelievably low. Be here early to-morrow for first choice. Take our tip for it: they won't last long at the prices we. are going to make for you. Te VY nd Or . £ taken from the bags: | martyr of one whom fate has turned Established 1840. The wifiners 'were: Centre piece, ' {nto a mountebank." The optometrist of to-day to do Mrs. C. 'Donahue, 80 Wellington - good work must mot only be 350 King Street street] slumber bag, Mrs. T. J Huy. Overall Fad In France. nipped with the best mechan- phy, iliam street; cushion, pi apparatus but must have James Fowler, Mount Chesney; em- | os reels. Bute eo knowledge in its use W} Dbroidered cushion, Mrs.. W. Maiden, Harper's Basar "They don the "ae x a Pe ee et et ete a ai : i - ' WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- : < tn . Main street; oak chair, M18, J. MO-1 5) 00 "(the workingman's costume ENCE CAN GIVE. I AnUMIAS CorLeEY grat, 53 Earl sireet; aoopiane, J. PE olny uv Telephone 987. vase, Miss Stella Dwyer, 79 Johnston, DISD cost of living. This costume, as- It is this combination of mind || Wantiwg anything dond !n (he carpen.|strect; centre piece, Miss T. Branitr, ®oclated with physical toi] which one and machinery of experience tery line. Estimates giten on all kinds Brockville: $8 box of chocolates Miss is used to see spotted, soiled, saturat- and equipment that makes oagvairs and new work; also hard- (yo icolly. Brockville; $6 box of °d With perspiration and sometimes Keeley's service unique in wood floors of all kinds. All erders! ar Y, y ' with blood, now promenades the will receive prompt attention. Shop:|chocolates, Mrs. Young, 144 John- » Kingston. UN Queen Street. son street; cake, Miss Carrie Cun- Streets of Nice and Paris fresh, crisp pingham, Hotel 'Dieu; note paper, and spotless. One sees it often worn 9 Sister Mary Stanislaus, Glen Nevis; | DY a man who would be incapable of 8 "SCOT | S GARAGE | picture, Sister Mary Mathew; button | driving a nail; and the laborer on his A highly respected resident of | guess, Stanford Kehoe; tricollette return at nightfall, in his citizen's Kemptville, Mrs. Charles Robertson, | smock, Mrs. M: S. Grace, Kingston; , clothes, his work over for the day, baby's blanket, robe and bonnet, Mr. | 8tops nonplussed before this crowd of TOES RTAR 0 TAO 200 Botany Wool Serge Dresses, Embroidery Trimmed, $16.95 200 Navy and Black Botany Wool Serge Dresses--beautifully embroidered with Silk and bugl®m etallic Heads--in sizes 14 to 42 -- regular $35.00 and $37.50 values--while they last Sale Price ........... oii iii itdesnin sven an. 31695 100 Botany and Men's Wear Serge Dresses, $25.00 100 only, Navy and Black Novelty Serge Dresses--handsome- ly embroidered--a dozen beautiful styles to choose from. Sizes up to 42. Regular values to $47.50. Your choice SalePrice ........... i... Foci een anne» 32500 ' v a . Bassed away Thursday, at Brockville. a quie Brown, Ottawa; baby's woollen jac- | blue phantoms and laughs slyly at years. 208 "WLGOT VINERT Phone 1894w. ket, Miss Ryan, 66 Bagot street; hot | this game of the bourgeois. As a pro- water bag, Miss Nellie Hanley, Wel- | test against the high cost of living, = lington street; fruit cake, Daniel | one dons the livery of the working- ew Pectin 0 Heaters | Dennis; thermos bottle, Mrs. Kamis- mas of the workingman who has cop- tribut 80 largely to the costliness of living, and one marches across lo- . calities Indicated as being in the RECITAL IN ST. JAMES' range of the apparatus of the cine- = matograph, and one says to oneself, By Mrs. A; R. B. Williamson on Sun- | 'we are few in number, but the films « day Evening. of the ginema will spread our auda- After the service in St. James' | fous innovatien throughout the en- church on Sunddy evening, a recital | tire country.' But is it an innovation was given by Mrs. A. R. B. William- | --a new French mode? Now it must FOR CHILLY ROOMS i" | son, organist and choir director, that | be at least four months since this Make home comfortable by having one of | was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Wil- | infantile protest, born in America, our new Perfection Heaters i In your house liamson, whose ability as an organ- | crossed the ocean and arrived in to light when you feel that chill that some- ist is well known, never fails to | France. I do mot know what form ft ! please, and the entire congregation | took im America, but here it took a times means the starting of a severe cold. remained to hear the music, which | ridiculous form. I have seep at Monte JAPANNED $7 50 was rendered with great feeling and | Carlo an individual in a 'salopette' x ] aude ssw ine ve mse . technical skill. made of heavy silk with a matching "0 Sanc- hat. For this absurd outfit he had i al ' § NICKLE-PLATED ....... ..... $8.50 [fll ms oresins ssicction. 0 Sanc-| Bat, Por his abourd outst ne had | ably. adapted to reveal the fine qual- | tume made by a leading tafler. I have v seen as well,' several people arrayed New Quebec Heaters | ities 'of the 'instrument. The othex in the ordinary "salopette' seared selections were "Cradle Song ) { (Barili), in minors, and "Melody in about the gambling tables of the With oven and water front. An ideal new B" (Paderewski), both of them de. | Casino. There, in the temple of a chance, disguised as laharers, they type of stove for a small kitchen. [ghitu, In the Shoie re Ih | entered their protest with the aid of Withoiut Oven . . . ... . .$20.00t0 $25.00 [| Soniereus vn" speciation or | ii ce det ie ih or eu : } | what is most pleasing to an audience. ard at the same moment. Ridiculous With Oven Ses sant el sass nnnns $40.00 She Broposss EY otha protestation! Could. one call it a an Large assortment to choose from. dlr. Fomphine. tegor. sane "Fear Ye | 274 ! i Not, O Israel." He possesses a tenor - | of exceptional quality and purity of New Angling Pastimes. Trolling for deep-sea game fish | tone, and his Yenderive of the solo trohr the FURdola of & avi a 'wi ow-flying di- | 3 I L ES S A the air; amd-then tossing the" hooks te them from the air, is the newest twist t 11 ti t t t Bi 18 Busy Hardware, Kinga, | Are Generally Caused by | the attention of American sportemen. . . says hi * - Wait for our Big Sale and Demonstration CONSTIPATION, | FiarjaarMechanis. The Smt 4. out om July 7, by a party of Los of Aluminum Was, D Dec. 5th to I Ith There are few, if any, complaints | Angeles = men, who flew from PHONE 287. ' more common than hemorrhoids, or [the city in a pony blimp to a point piles, as they are commonly called, [about twelve miles north and out to and scarcely any which cause more | sea, from the harbor. The trip of trouble, annoyance and misery. thirty-five miles was accomplished in Ninety per cent. are troubled with | Afty minutes in spite of delays from a them at some time or othér, owing to | low-hanging fog, which made flight allowing the bowels to become in a | by compass necessary part of the Way. Steacy's - Limited | . "" Piles are classed under thres head- | thirty feet aud About tea miles Toc *"The store that forced prices to new low levels | ings, i.e, itching, bleeding and pro- | land, the big thrill of the expedition ' | trading, 'and. the' excruciating paioc | came when an eight-foot shark swal. -SllI{IINININEEIAAEE QUART EOA which accompany them cause misery | lowed a big mackerel that one of the | which is beyond description. flying fishermen was reeling ia. Ointments and suppositories may tine Wool Market. help and relieve for a while, but to Water Power In China. iy Nov. 22.-- During get Tid of them, it is necessary to! China's great commereial 'water |the season of 1919-1930 ending Sept. { have a free, easy and natural motion highway, the Yang-tze-Kiang, is to 30th Argentina sold and shipped to i of the bowels, at least once or twite pe put to work. To keep the river | foreign countries 301,698 bales of 1] " y ! F ; .. : HARRISON'S op} day, and by doing this the cause (always at flood level, and, incidental- | wool or about 37,739,748 kilograms, : ' 11 be quickly Jomo. : ly, to get rid of rapids which inter- | the average price for which was ap- ! Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regu-| tere with navigation, seven dams will | proximately 74c¢ in United States mo- k ° late the flow of bile to act properly | pe constructed. <The project contem- {ney per kilogram (of 2.20 pounds OC e ucing Qa on the liver and bowels, thus remov- | piates the development of 31,000,000 each). During the previous season 3 7 : ing the constipation and all its allied | gleetric horsepower, and will cost | the amount sold was 59,334,480 kilo- troubles. : $40,000,000. grams. - All This Week Until November 27th They contain no calomel or dras-|" mhig if the first important water 'During the season just closed the : tic mineral ingredients, being purely | power development undertaken in | United States purchased 72,39% bales our 2 0% ; vegetable. They are small and easy | China, whose industrial future has & | of Argentine wool as against 132, sky, Queen street. New Perfection Oil eon an Fur Coat Sale Prices Cut in Two for a Quick Clean-up 10 only at $249.50 Reg. $425.00 to $500.00; trimmed with Beaver, Alaska Sable, Nutria and best quality Australian Opposum; beautifuly lined with two season guaranteed Pussy Willow Silk; belts and pock- ets; full 42 inches long--absolutely the greatest Fur Coat Bar- gain ever offered in town. We invite comparison. No two alike </ RS to take, and do not gripe, weaken Or | wonderful outlook in that direction. |866 bales the previous season. Eng- sicken. For, thanks to its lofty mountain |land, Belgium and Germany re-en- Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢. | ranges, the Flowery Land bas far |tered the market, buying. 25,935 3 3 a vial at all druggists or dealers, or Discount on all Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, mailed direct on receipt of price by | ELSHLeE water powers available than | bales. ; Curtains, and Draperies i Zhe x Milburn Co,, Limited, Toron- Bridgeburg council Lint : : : : . . . Hint Taken, Mayor Gordon fuel controller. Y We also include all Bedroom Furniture in ; Fussy passenger, on gboard a Walnut and Mahogany, Ivory and White Sav Dosw' 108 Buafilp 4 Jol, : 1 i Steward: "Yes, she's setting a good ® ® Enamel, 200ak Buffets, 15 White Sewing read CJ they aufing 4 $000 . Aches. i ' pou ai, oi Office and Elevator foot of Princess Street. This is Your Opportuni Ty i pan. uo ud : : ' . Lo , Nov. ~Me rne - LF. B ty --_---- Powgprnd, that £20,000, including Phone 51 or 217 Kingston, Ont. All Sales for Cah . | or or William 1. Hughes, the & : ] Australian Prime Minister, as a testi- x . monial and recc nition of his public services during wer and peace. J 1 ie A - ! Greece has notified the League of A bill providing for a compulso Hope ~ ig 7 : The Turkis™ Nationalists have ha. ' Nations of ratifications of the labor {day of rest weekly for newsp | 8 The. a y Sel avg bers. "| sent an ultimatum to the Georgians N conventions adopted by the Washing- | workers will be discussed im ao wo ------ -- to excavate Batum. ton conference. '| French parliament.

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