Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1920, p. 6

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~ ¥ NN MONDLY, NOVEMBER 21, 1920. S00 a | 6 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. BRITISH WHIG HOME INFLUENCE AT 87th YEAR. POLLS. Opponents of woman suffrage have | :| claimed ¢hat wives and husbands | would vote alike, that election ex- | penses would pile up, that the vote would be doubled, but that propor- | tional results would not be changed. Even supposing this to be true, the experience with women voting in their first presidential campaign in the United States is now reported to have been markedly satisfactory. ? [the office on her way home. He : . | started to explain, to apologize. MUSINGS OF THE Kuan] re ablaln. 0 2poioEies. she . sald. "I want to catch that street er ear "Let me take you home in my boat," and the first thing she knew they were gliding up town together He explained to her that he lived with his mother in a bupgalow away on the northwest side/of the city He wanted a capable chauffeur who would be company for his mother and take 'her out in.the car Mister Rossiter expressed the opinion that she needed no more lessons in driv- THE | | BIBBY'S THE STORE THAT KEEPS THE PRICES DOWN The Runt and the Rascal. (No. 9) After they had left the cathedral they tripped down to St. Lawrence Market and got a car for the east end. ' "Listen here," admonished Tee Tee on the way down, 'you are not the Runt east of Wilton crescent." You are Miss Tudor, understand, an' al- 'ways call fer it. Dignity"'--and Tee =n TN Their presence a t the than justified- itself. 2olls more Tee searched in her little wrist purse for a chew 'of Spearmint, found it, 'parked it in her well-moulded cheek, dabbed her lips with -her handker- ing and would she accept the situa- tion---he didn't call it a job--and .hame her own terms? She would and did) 3 ~ Our Revised Prices Elections were orderly to a .de- ] "And it you could bring us a good cook with you--we--"' "I kin cook." "But will you?" "What?" "Cook." . . "Yes, I'll cook. I like to cook. Make it another twenty-five a month and--here is my abode." "Oh, wonderful, amazing, oh, heaven-sent girl! I'll come for you to-morrow at eleven," , . "You must get me a glass rolling pin," stipulated the Runt, "And you must give me your glass slipper," countered the Prince. The Khan, The Wigwam, Rushdale Farm, Rockton, Ont. chief, glared through the opposite window and then through the one at her back to locate the part of King street, just as if it mattered, and then proceeded: 'Dignity is aw- ful necessary in young ladies. I have always wanted to have a haughty appearance. Oh, Kid, it's great to look haughty. It commands respect and general attention, Men love haughty dames, I know they do; they love 'em better than the giggly kind. But I never could make it go. When I tried to look haughty, darned if I didn't look fierce and--"'She giggled, and so did the Runt, but the latter had learned her lesson--she was Miss Tudor. 4 They found Aunt Jule in the par- lor and Mister Hopkins with her, for a wonder, Mister Hopkins was ill at ease in a parlor and a clean collar. Nevertheldss, they were -a wéll-as- sorted couple and got along fine, not- withstanding she was a trifle older than he and some seven inches tal- ler. I will not go so far as to assert that the aforesaid Mister Hopkins was in love with Tee Tee's Aunt Jule, J but he was very much in awe of her, which was in the long run better still. The Runt started in the next morn- ing as a motor car student, and made good from the very start. Any old bus intrigued her, any old engine fas- uw dm = i will make you feel as though you had got into a wholesale house. SEE OUR YOUNG MEN'S ULSTERETTES Revised Prices $27.50 RL YOUNG MEN'S GOOD QUALITY TWEED SUITS Neat patterns; good style. Revised Price SEE OUR YOUNG MEN'S $24.75 ~ "BLUE SERGE SUITS Genuine English All Wool Serg- - es--splendidly tailored in the MEN'S SOCKS newest models--revised price Heavy Wool Socks--Grey or Black--revised price $45.00 3 pairs for $1.00 These Suits are being sold else- - ( 4 hohe oR } where at $60.00 und $62.50. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS, : ULSTERETTES AND ULSTERS Real classy garments--Coats that cannot be dail cated for less than $45 or $47.50--revised price $35.00 Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING Sata CO., LIMITED. JIT CET IMRAN HRA (Semi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mail, cash ..: One year, If not pajd in ad One year, to United States 1. Six and three months pro rata. OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES + Calder, 22 St. John St, Montreal. « M. Thompson, 402 Lumsden Bldg. Toronto. Walt Mason - THE POET PHILOSOPHER y . UNEXPLAINED. A man with sideboards may be wise, a shining light to other guys, but ten men out of nine or eight will view him with a deathless hate, and wonder why he'll thus behave when twenty cents will buy a shave. And where's the man who can explain why sideboards don't seem safe and sane? Why do they make most men see red, and yearn to punch the wearer's head? The man who leads a dog around may be a scholar most profound, may be endowed with vir- tues fine, equipped in any crowd to shine. But men who see him will remark, "He ought to do that after dark; a man shof® be ashamed, by Jing, to lead a bow-wow with a string when there are chores that should be done ere yet the night obscures the sun." I cannot tell the reason why, and yet we all detest the guy, who travels parasang and verst, and leads his. living wienerwurst. The man who's free with® good advice SEE BIBBY'S ALL WOOL RIBBED UNDERWEAR All sizes--revised price $1.50 Per Garment YOUNG MEN'S SUITS The Stanton The Raymond Revised Prices $35.00 Hand-tailored; neat, hair-line Cheviot garments. The Clinton The Foster Letters to the Editor are published r the actual t th ~ er s S%ua name v . MEN'S UNDERWEAR Scgtch Knit Shirts and Drawers Revised Price $1.00 Per Garment 'BIBBY'S Ss rr Attached is one of the best job print- ing offices in Canada. | The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO nn Audit Bureau of Circulations. John Barleycorn to Scotland: Et tu? Prem ------ Money isn't really tight, but' just quietly jingled. ------------------ Calico is down In price. But will the maidens abandon silk for it ? mC gree almost unprecedented. The in- fluence of women restrained rowdy- ism. It is to be hoped that this par- ticular effect of woman suffrage will continue. If politics comes to be more of a family affair, it is sure to SE absorb mors of the moral tone of the he G. Elfote 2 ...0....,...... President | home. " Leman A. Guild": ESOT Aad Carla] over the United States men TELEPHONES: escorted mothers, sisters, daughters, eon Office +sreeriitiieeeess 28 gyoethearts and wives to the polls, dob Office ...........cc0oviiivvnen The refining influence of women was 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES manifest, Men were on their good One your. dates SHE) 10.00] bebavior. ' Polling places 'were: com e i 90! paratively free from the haze of smoke. Quiet superceded rowly language. "Rough stuff" wag taboo. Under such circumstances a man Is less subject to corrupt influence. Even if the wife follows the lead of her husband and doubles his vote, the probability is that his will be a better, a more thoughtful and a more conscientious vote, and so worth the added expense. Politics has long suffered from the Influence of the rowdy, the gangster cinated her. She was the wizard and the corruptionist. Because .of | With a tire and when a disabled car this, many good men havo affected a 45 towed in she had an uncanuy superiority to political activity. Poli- and where to locate it before it came tics has been "too dirty for a gentle-| to a halt. She drove accurately and man." intelligently, and it was not long be- It the presence of women dons no | ort Mister, Hoskins entrusted wer tion practices, it will be worth the] for a store in Brampton and she was more than lift the moral tone of elec- back betore dark. 8 Sou" apolopised rise in the level of political proced- Mister Hopkins, le gine ure. Politics will become more "'re- a suitcase up to St. Clair avenue spectable," and will attract better right away? Here's a Ford toorin', citizens. the only thing I've got. Jump in." And away she went. ~~ She was north of Bloor and going --- A SATISFACTORY ANNOUNCE- Another little trouble with the world is the long time between MENT, The announcement that Rev. J. O. along smoothly on the right side of the street, when--bang! a big run- about swerved across the sti et and crumpled her mudguard and cracked may mark his rede when he would | counsel, guide and plead, but still he keeps us seeing red; we'd bounce a brick upon his head. We are a cranky POULTRY BANDS - WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE thinks, ah : L. Spracklin is to be put on trial fo le Shoot p Tlher windshield. It was dark and | pypch, say I; we loathe and love and | ~IN the shooting of Beverley Trumble, | misty. The driver of the other car don't know why, | That we can again offer proprietor of the Chappell House, |Zot out hastily and came round to ~--WALT MASON. | CELLUOID and ALUMINUM--PLAIN and NUMBERED Sandwich, on Nov. 13th, -will give | her side. ately dae LY ANG IMPORTED FRENGH PEAS general satisfaction, both to tha| .ARYbody hurt?" , 3 We carry a complies line of supplies for the poultry business. IMPORTED FRENCH BEANS He peered into the Ford and then The Toy Situation. friends of the pastor-license inspec- D (Dry Goods Economist) IMPORTED FRENCH MUSH- tor and to his enemies. The latter will 'BUNT'S ROO) KING ST. The automobile industry is grow- ing rapidly. Also the cemeteries and hospitals. The profiteers may be getting what is coming to tham, but they are not getting *it in such large chunks. ~All new goods Jas. REDDEN &: Co. Phones 20 and 990, stared at t A { AM he Bum aghast, This story, as told by a toy sales- "Quite," quoth Madam. She was | Man "on" his chief, a big doll manu- HOW be sasured that the Jaw will be sitting there as quiet and self-pos- facturer, is going the rounds in New | fully complied with in this case, and sessed as a clucking hen. Her as-| York: A customer of long and good that, if Spracklin is deserving of sailant didn't say much, but he said | Standing wired it to the firm: "Cancel | punishment, and is adjudged so by | it well. . He would gladly pay for all | ©! outstanding orders for dolls im- | the hi ' damage. , He got out his note book. | mediately," whereupon the manu- | e high court, then justice will be J factur ired ck: "Can't cancel | 'May Pask your mdme, madam?" | facturer wire Ack: a ne done. On the other hand, Sprack- "The Runt" she answered whim- | !mmeadiately. Ybor will have to wait | lin's friends} confident that he acted | in a manner Which deserves no con- demnation, will look upon his trial as a means of vindicating him. In ically. your turn." 8 A agen Of course, this is only a story, but | either case a fair trial will do more than anything else to clear away all " { it very nearly typifies the toy situa- | od Syne! BLN Penal hd tion, for gloom is so thick in the top | on my way. Come fo No. §' Packing trades you can cut it with a knife, { the indictments which have been made against the Ontario govern- ment and egainst Spracklin. House Lane in half an hour and I will listen to your explanations," and she was gone. This fellow was a gentleman-- Rossiter was his name--and he was It is also a good thing that the trial will not take place for same months. - Public feeling runs high in connection. with this case, and it would be only natural to suppose waiting for her at the garage when she returned, the .twisted mudguard flapping like a wounded wing. Mis- ter Hopkins charged Bim handsome- ly and had just completed the trans- action when the Runt came out of that any jury 'would be open to pre- judice one way or the other. The best thing for Spracklin to do until his trial would be to stay as faraway from the limelight as possible, cease his activities against the bootlez- a gers and rum-runners until he's either vindicated or found guilty, and to, for the present at least, va- cate his pulpit. It would = hardly seem appropriate that a man charged with manslaughter, committed in tha course of his duty as a license in- spector, should be permitted to con- tinue in that capacity until the trial Is over; and it seems equally ingen: |. sistent that he should carry on his HARDWARE. PHONE 388. A little more of this back to the fatm movement and there will be no front to the lunch counter move- ment. v Adam was naked and got his din- ner from -the trees. Perhaps that 18 the sort of Paradise Lenine has in mind. FARMS FOR SALE 119 acres, 8 miles from Kingston, on a leading road, new barn, with stables 30 by 40 feet--small dwelling, nearly new; about 45 acres now under cultivation; about 30 acres of valuable wood, chiefly maple. Price $4,000. 85 acres on the Bath Road; pleasant location on the Bay of Quinte; over 80 acres first class oR. under cultivation; good buildings. Price $6500. We have also a large list of farms of all sizes and prices. T. J. Lockhart Rea rstate and Insurance KINGSTON, Ont. Phone 1036w or 1797). After Seeing Low Prices on Furs Has Since Been Heard From. | (Ohio State Journal) | The 23,000-mile campaign made by Jimmy Cox must have involved a | eevere test of his remarkable physi- | cal resources, but the Democrat who | underwent the most terrific strain in | the late unpleasantness must be | Colonel Bryan, who didn't say more than three-quarters of a column from | beginning to end. | Doubtless you have observed that the man who is good at nothing else is t formidable opponent in an argu- ment. Ooncerning League revision, France 1s willing to concede any | point except the one which jabs Heinle : ? Getting an invading army out of ~ Russia is a task that seems as dif- ficult to-day as it was in the time of . Napoleon. Every time the political bee em- ploys its sting the world loses an- other laborer, ¥ou can say one 'thing for 'the banks. Falling prices haven't set them to whining that they are oper- ating at a loss, v The war was to anake the world Safe for democracy, In Greece, how- "over, they are trying to make the | duties as a minister while this charge "country safe for mongrchy. hangs over his head. ; of How the trial will end we do not ~ A name means nothing. The Vir- {presume to forecast. ~The evidencs $in Islands sound innocent, but | whion was submitted at. the inquest travellers report that the natives is not sufficient for a high court, and See place for before they occasion 'Gourdier' i oy ourdaier's Throat, and Toneilitis. hay sre swsetened and BROCK STREET m re el : i per ton CompenyelCoands, ree Lake Ontano Trout $ie3 $16.90 per ton $1 put the accent on the gin. there afe many points which will re- EGGCOAL ............ d Whitefish, Frosh STOVECOAL ....-. Ta by Fresh NUTCOAL............$16.50 per ton ; ; ---- PeaCoal.....in........$15.00 per ton . Car Owner quire clearing up. In the final re- & - : salt the public are not so greatly Er : } almon, dock, Halibut and Carrying 50c. extra. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.D, Dominion Fish Co: erned, Th: h - . . Tr ce lel suBoSTy a3 It is approaching time to con- Canada Food Board License 1 COAL CO. [|| worm Spracklin Was tp be tried or allowed Crescent Wire Works ---- -------- escen ce Wo | to go free without a full and com- Fencing, Guards Bukets Flows: That Suits plote_investigation. Now that this ) bord "s, re Work of all kinds, mary facti.ed by:~-- point has n settied, the public i mind will rest more easily with the The Delaware, Lackawanza and Western Rallrcad's PARTRIDGE & SON, 42 King Street West. assurance that justice, at least, will be done to. all parties concerned in d of = > Celebrated Scranton Phone 380. Residence s10w the case. in ~. order that it may come out in Al Lining Up. Ys . condition in the Spring? We ha The Standard Anthracite Toe oaly Coal handled by Wipey Tribune) every facility for doing this, Come ( If the people of Canada ' cannot properly take the measure of the in and we will tell you all about it. . : i Phone 9. Foot of "meen Bt. "It's a black busines. dul we KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. : * Limited : which may be serious iliness Th PHONE 18585. SOWARDS i An English visitor declares that there is no clear articulation on this side of the water. Did the gentleman .ever hear our money talk ? ! The back-to-the-farm movement has started, due to the tnemploy- ment in the cities. Government em- Hoyment bureaus report that many believing a hard winter is , are 'seeking work on the || Sign Painting and Graning sider winter storage of Batteries. '} JANES S. ROBINSON i 275 Bagot Street { + Robinson Bros' Old Stand Hunter Ogilvie INSURANCE AND GENERAL BROKER In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Munici- pal Bonds for sale. Do you not require your Battery properly and scientifically cared for during the winter months, in ---- The New York Ilrustrated News remarks : Senator Harding has as! 'sured the working man that he yer said a dollar a day was h for him ; he has assured the that he never said a dollar a was enough for wheat. . The are now awaiting to be as that he never said a gollar enough for a hair<ut. 'Reflect on the place this nation ids, its prosperity at hame, its abroad, - the pride of . its ment, the splendor of its tts; think these things over In niet of your homes, and be true y Canada; and come to conclusions you believe are sound and it."--Premier Meighen at Toy Apple 5d Dump : breakfast, every > 'SERVES YOU RIGHT Food or drink, hot or cold -- when, where and as you like. We have a full line of men. The opportunity is the peo-| ple's and they should mot fail to make good use of it. ? Canada. will be able to congratu- late itself if it knows exactly what it is voting for, economically speak- ing, at the next election. All other tariff issue elections have been cam- ouflaged one way or another, and a lot of politicians had really never been smoked out of their holes. To- day things are different, *51 KING STREEY GENUINE THERMOS BOTTLES and LUNCH KITS They make very acceptable Christmas gifts. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess St. , Phone 343. them, and appealing for support, will not be the fault of the public ' CORNER BROCK and MONTREAL STS Telephone 600. Home or Restaurants? (Rochester Post-Express) Americans will rejoice that ' the in crops this yeas @ can have pie fo day this winter, , To , Sh i ~~ &

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