i ES ~ 3 STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD death of Mrs. From The i". Countryside, a DEAD CREEK. Nov.' 23.----=Rleighing is good here now. All hunters going north frou ! bere report plenty of game. News reached the relatives here of Edward Newton's death, on Nov. 14th, t Port Moody, B. C., Hospital. He had been ill about two months from pneu monia. He leaves a widow and fous | children, all grown up. Mr. Newton was well liked by all who knew him, and his sudden death was a great shock to his friends. KEPLER. Nov. 23.--The recent snow storms have made good sleighing in this dis- trict. Most of our hunters who were in the back woods in quest of deer, have returned home and report game very scarce. H. Wartman and wife have returned from Canton, Ohio, where they were visiting their daughter. Mrs. W. Orser spent a few diss visiting her uncle, Rev. James Lawson, Verona, recently. B. Johnston and bride, Philadelphia, Pa, have ay spending a few days a' his father's here. Mrs. Annie Gordon, Glenvale, was the guest of her bro ther, Stephen Knight, recently. Mrs H. Dobson, Detroit, Mich., has r¢ turned home after visiting friends here. The Ladies' Aid met last Wed- nesday afternoon at Mr. Edward Dou- i of sleigh bells is heard again. This place was shocked to hear of the Wellington Saider, S78 Crean ed in Nostrils Colds at Once. If your nostrils are. clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely becanse of a cold or catarrh, just get & small bottle of 'Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti- septic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air pas- sage of your head, soothing and heal- ing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane agd yoy get instant re- let. Ah! how good it feels. Your nos- trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely"s Cream Balm 1s just - what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight. ? W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. | ® Murvale, 8he was highly respected by all who knew her. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved friends in thelr loss. Visitors: Stuart Snider at Byard Snider's; Miss Norma Toner, teacher, spent the week-end with her parents, at Strathcona; Mr. and Mrs. Sperry Redden and Greta, at Mrs. M. Redden's; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knox, Belleville, have return- ed home after visiting at Stuart and Byard Snider's; John Peters has re- turned from the north with a fine deer. Mrs. Willlam Martin and Wal- | ter Compton on thé sick list. The hay- pressers are in this neighborhood. BURRIDGE, # Nov. 23.--~Our recent snowstorm has made the roads quite good for sleighing. Threshing is the order of the day in this vicinity. Mrs. E. J. Madden is convajescing, after hat re- FLORIDA, ~ |ed in Smith's Falls hospital. Nov. 23.--The weather is very cold | deer hunters returned with one deer; with frequent snowfalls. The Samelc Hollinger is shipping cattle and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, aude Hawley as librarian. The tory has closed for the sea- e pleased to hear that R is bette a rd of people stealing a ut the person who from one, of our neigh- ne service in the irch on Sund ing / meeting | Miss | Loucks nursing in Napanee, Prince Edward BONGARD'S. Nov, 22 Mrs. Jane Storms, ralict of the late Joseph Wright, passed away at her home on Friday last af- ter a short {llness, aged seventy-seven years. Deceased leaves one daughter, Mrs. Vincent, Bethel, two brothers, Philip and George, Cressy, and one sister, Mrs. 8. Wright, of this place, to mourn. An only son died about five years ago. The funeral took place on Sunday to Cressy, whers interment took place. Miss McKay spent the week-end with Miss Grace yrms Quarterly service was held at the Methodist Church, on Sunday, Nov 14th. The official board met on Mon- day LANARK FALLBROOK. Nov. 23.--Miss* Margaret Shanks gell's. [had the misfortune of breaking her un i leg at the ankle She is being treat- sheep from hers. A number of farm- ers are shipping their cattle to To- ronto on account of the low prices be- ing paid. Mrs. Adam Long returned to her home fh Port Elmsley after visiting her mother for a week. Miss Jessie Anderson and Miss Mary En- nis spent Sunday at their homes in Fallbrook. Carl Cammeron return- od to Golden Lake, after a pleasant holiday at his 'home here. -------- LEEDS WESTPORT. \ Nov, €£2.--Miss MacDonald,\ Lan- ark, is the guest of Mr. and | Mrs. R. W. MacDonald, Miss Sephronia McCann, Ottawa, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Me- Cann. The Ladies' Guild of 3t. Ed- cent illness. Many from here attend- ed the sale at Roy Gillis'. School is progressing favorably under the ma- nagement of Miss MecCallum. ham Barr's; Derbyshire and son, at James Me- Neil's; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barr | and bab~--t R. J. Barr's; Mjss Edna Kilpatri. - «nd Douglas Hanna, at the latter's sister's, Mrs. S. W. Bresee; Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Barr re- turned from Perth; Mrs. L. D. Buch- anan, Binghamton, N.Y, is spending a few days with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil; Mr. an, Mrs. Mallet at W. H. Thompson's; Mr. Deyo has 'returned to Albert Barr's; Mr. and Mrs. John Barr at J. McNetl's; P, Githooly at Mrs. P. Mc- cann's. moderate, QUEEN STREET. OLD STANDBY, FOR Sloan's Handy Will Tell You That Same Thing. E SPECIALLY those frequently A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lini- ment scatters the congestion and Penetrates without rubbing to the at- and pain. Kept handy-apd used everywhere | ; for reducing and finally eliminating | ralgia, muscle stratn, Joint stiffness, Sprains, bruises, and the results of exposure. ing, healthy odor that it will do you good! Sloan's Liniment is sold by all druggists--36c., 70¢c., $1.40. Made Sd ,TEMPLRANCE HOTEL YARD Any Man or Woman Who Keeps attacked by rheumatic twinges. flicted part, soon relieving the So the pains and aches of lumbago, neu- You just kmow from its stimulat- in Canada. Firewood Large quantity of sound '{ Railway Ties tor sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear, We need the room. L Cohen & Co, * 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, Consult our . Samples of Xmas Greeting ards Ask representative "to call or Phone 292 BRITISH WHIG Job Dept. I eh x iy a lemox & Addington CAMDEN EAST, ? Nov. 24. --Miss Jean Riley left on Monday last for Ottawa, to spend a month with- her sister, Miss Mar.on |~ Riley. A num from here attended the shower fof Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilson. - The Women's Mibsionary Sociéty met at Mrs. L. H. Stover's, last Wednesday. Master Ty Mec- Ginnis, who has been ill "fn rheu- matiem for the past two eeks, is somewhat better. A number attended Joseph Amey's sale. William Loucks left for Mountain Grove on Friday to spend a couple of weeks. Gabriel Robinson spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. Fred Waiker unloaded a car of corn last week. The public library ward church held a very successful euchre party and dance on Friday Visi. iH " tors: Rev. Mr. Commerford at Abra- DA N D E R | | Mr. and Mrs. 'C. E.| " Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! | i | Immediately after a "Daaderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, ap- pearing twice as heavy apd plenti- ful, because each hair seefns to fluft and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 36-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" freshens your « Scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youth- ful brightness and abundant thick- ness--All druggists! opened on Saturday evening with nan Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON OUR SERVICE and ADVICE experience. are the result of years of battery strongly recommend great care in keeping rged while car is in use, ediately When car is laid up. and WINTER DRY Our workmen 2re experts--our charges most reasonable, ~ Send them to us--Kingston's ... WILLARD SERVICE STATION 10 Brock Street only Battery Specialists. I. LESSES, Prop. T. Ai- | Iris Tam- | 1 home on | oaf ioaf § r {turn the b The | ------ ET ------ evening. Mrs. F. D. Bailey left zor | Toronto on Tuesday, where she will for a couple of weeks. ! { visit relative } PHILIPSVILLE, | # Nov, 24 --Auction sales are being | held nearly every day. in this sec- | { tion and the prices of live stock and | falling. Allen Has- nased the. Pmnhom e executors and will Iding into a first-class aato repair shop He intends' put- | ting up another building in the . Myers has purchased two on the south side of Main street, and has put up a large build- ing for a garage and repciring autos. George Lynn and Jessie Brown have the contract for cutting several hundred ~ords of wood for tie farmers this winter. Morley WTliams has seccred the services of Richard Lawson te assist him on the Willow Stock farm. Mrs. Julie | Davison has rented her farm to Mr. Baker, of Lyn, for a number of | rears. j machinery are {kin has. pu estate from RIDEAU LAKE. Nov. 21.--Many are taking ad- vantage of the sleighing to draw up wood. The snow and cold is making this November one worth 'record- ing. Miss Katie Scanlan spent a tow days last week with her broth- ers here. Misses Glavin and Quig- ley were week-end visitors at the home of J. J. Donaghue. Miss Katies Donaghue spent a day with Mrs. W. Breen. "Jerry Donaghue is confined to his home through f{llness. 'S. Bresee Is improving slowly, ORTON. 22.--Born to Mr. and Mrs. itobert Stacey, an Nov. 17th, a daughter. A number from here at- tended the sale. at Albert Gamble's, | Jones' Falls, on Monday. Owing to the heavy snow storm on Sunday last the services in the Presbyterian church were not very well attended. A number from here attended the fu- { neral of the late Robert Tate at Lynd- hurst, on Monday. Mrs. H. G. Dean spent a coyple of days last week with friends at' Seeley's Bay. Mrs. A. R. Jacob is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston, Bellemays is at present. at George Roantree's. 'The meeting of the Bible Society on Tues- day evening last was well attended. PRICE DROPS AT YARKER' Nov. Bread Down A Cent and Hogs Are $15.25"A Cwt. Yarker, Nov. 24.--The sleighing is good in the country. The first snow last fall was Nov. 27th; this year, Nov. 17th. Bread in Yarker fell another cent on Monday. Hogs fell away to $15.25 4 ¢wt., and farmers do not take very well to this drop in prices. Charles Silver died Saturday last and the funeral took place on Tues- day. This makes two deaths in Yar ker in less than twelve months. Reuben Garrison has sold his resi- dence here to ira Amey, Wilton. Mr. Garrison goes back to his farm. It is noticeable how rapidly village homes | are being bought up by retired farm- ers. | The special services held in the | Methodist Church here by Rev. Mr. Robinson, Belfast, Ireland, came to a close last Friday night. Mr. Robinson left here for Tamworth where he is conducting special services for four weeks more. A. A. Connolly and wife, visiting in Kingston, have returned home. A. Snare is spending a few days in Har- | rowsmith. Should the 1.0.0.F. pur- | chase a building they are negotiating | for, Yarkerites may soon have a hall | 2gain. There was no exchange of pul- | pits Sunday last, owing to the storm. | Maitland Lake has bought the large { paint shop from A. A, Connolly on Foundry street, and will change it into a garage. Mr. Jackson, who pur- chased the large frame barn from J. €. Connolly, has remodeled it into a blacksmith shop, and has opened up for business. W. D. Wilson is spend- ing a few days in Peterboro this week on business. George Woodcock, Ar- den, spent the week-end with his family here. Wedded At Railton. A pretty wedding was solemnized in St."Patgick's Church, Railton, oa November 23rd, 1920, when Miss Margaret E. Walsh, youngest daugh- ter of -the late Patrick Walsh and Mrs. Walsh, Oates, was united in marriage to Thomas R. Marshall, of Taylor. The bride entered the church on the arm of her brother, Francis, to the strains of a march rendered by Miss Kathleen Liston. The bride looked very smart in a chic navy suit with hat to match. She was assisted by her cousin, Miss Bessie Bedor, of Kingston, while - Proster Marshall, brother of the groom, performed the duties of best man. During the mass a violin solo was ably rendered by Jay Liston. After jthe ceremony the bridal party, accompanied by Rev. Father Powell, drove to the home of the bride's mother, where ga sumpt- ous wedding breakfast was served, after which the happy couple left amid showers of good wishes for their future home in Taylor, where the groom is a prosperous farmer. The many beautiful presents testified to the high esteem in which the young couple are held. . ------ Odessa Personals, Odessa, Nov. 22.--Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Davy have returned from spending some time with thir daughter, Mrs. James Miller, King- ston. James Kenny has purchased fli a fine residence in Brighton, and contemplates making his home there in the near future. Benjamin A. Ayelsworth has moved to West- brook as it was impossible to find il! a vacant house here. Seymour Kilgannon has moved into Mrs. James Smith's residence, about a mile from the village, -and next Monday. "The sale of stock next Monday. The saye of stock and implements at Roy Rose's, last Friday afternoon, vad well attendetl .| with anxious buyers, and everything To-day is our 13th Birthday in the ELECTRICAL BUSINESS . Wa thank our patrons for the splendid busi- ness we have done. bigger this year than Our volume has been ever. H: W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. . Phone 441. 167 Princess Street sold well. Mr, and Mrs. Rose expect to leave soon to make their home in Peterborough. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Decker and son, Fred, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce; "Mr. and Mrs. Freeman and daughter were guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Lew!s Snyder last Sunday. | Miss Lena Burley returned to Belle- | ville. after spending a few days with {her mother, Mrs. Henry Burley; Miss Isobell Mathews, Consefon, Js | the guest of her mother, Mrs. James | Bailey. Miss Grace Sharpe spent {last' week at the Dominion; Mrs. | Gilbert Hillier is the guest Mr. {and Mrs. Peter Spider. Mr. Mrs. [James Shawe spent the week-end D¢ you feel like these children in the merning, full of : ig uoyant Dd you get up retreshed by your night's sleep ready for anything the day may bring forth? . You should and you may if the simple rules of health are observed. It is possible that by some excess in eating, or over-exertion, your heart has not been working with its accustomed ty, and you are not getting un- disturbed and refreshing slumber. . Your sleep may be broken with terrible dreams, smothering spells, sinking sen- sations, and even fear of impending death. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have brought relief to hundreds of such cases, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills enrich the blood, strengthen the heart tone up the nerves, making the whole work in harmony, ing back in a few days that blessed condition where child and hail with jey the return of another day, Mr. Harold Acker, Springfield, N.B.,, writes: time with nervous headache and dizziness, I times, as everything would get black before my eyes. I coul at night, and my appetite was Break dows I used of el me froubl ed with Toa Milbarn's Heist and Nerve Pilly are 50c."a box st | All dealers, or mailed disect on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Company, Limited Toronto tario PRE 0) Soar Economy--in Floor Coverings The constant wear and tear of little feet and the dust and dirt they carry makes it difficult to keep floors clean. For all places where a permanently good $ appearance is desired / LINOLEUM FLOOR OILCLOTH AND FELTOL are the most satisfactory floor coverings available.' They are smooth, springy and comfortable to the tread, hacd nearing and sanitary and require occasio wiping off te preserve their iness. Lincleum, Floor Oilcloth and Feltol can be had many attractive patterns and shades to bl d with prevailing color schemes. - ye Made in Canada, specially adapted to th Canadian climate and sold all over ED the at prices which make them the most economical floor coverings available. J NN } (EX 3 = FLOOR OILCLOTH AND FELTON We carry a choice selection o f the above. See our stock be- fore buying. JAMES REID burgh. Mrs. Dowling, who has been spending thé past two weeks with ber sister, Mrs. James McConnell, in 1866, being Ahe second daughter returned to her home in Glenburnie of the fate Mr. and Mrs. John Craw- last Monday. ford. . 'B. W. Bolin, Lyn, sustained a frac- | The wife of R. B. Wiseman, Belle- |. the right wrist through the | | with Mr, and Mrs. John Shaw. New- ville, passed away on Monday, after back- fri a F he | : Sod Pepe) ng of\a Ford car which he | EE app ep----