10 Our Christmas Grafonola Club Is Growing Why not be one of ths lucky ones who are their homes thie Christmas? You can if you want tq. Read our offer: Come into our: store, hear the instruments you think you'd like, pick out yours and we'll put it away for you, to be delivered on Christmas Eve | We ask only $5.00 when in-| The re- =--ready for the following morning festivities. strument is put away, and $2.00 every week until Christmas. maining balance can be paid in small installments. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the World of Sport MONDAY, NOVEMBER £9, 1920. CHANGES 1N OHA. RULES Stedents Playing in 0.H.A. Intermediate. The thirty-first annual meeting of the Ontario Hockey Association will | be held next Saturday at 10 o'tlock at Toronto It is expected that the business of the convention transacted by noon hour, so that the delegates can attend the final game for the Canadian football champion- ship in the afternoon at the U. of T. Stadium. TLe chief business for the conven- | tion will be the consideration of the | amendments, and most of the sug- going to have music in! gestions offered are sponsored by the { O.H.A. sub-committee consistin | R. M. Glover, the retiring pre | Sheriff J. F. Paxton, W. A. Hewitt, secretary. That a determined effort w'll be | made this year by the association to | eradicate the 'Rockey tou It There is uo need to dwell upon the many features of the Columbia | following amendment: onola. They are so well known that everybod knows them to be the _ grat y . every wey ik : | his residence since January 1st last | best value for the money iuvested. You'll surely regret it if you don't. Get the Habit: --"For Records, First." Drop around early while our stock is complete. Only a limited | change, and that all such applications number of machines accepted on these easy terms. RECORDS--Our service is the best in the city. Try Treadgold's i; Store Hours: & a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays, 10.30 p.m. --SHOP EARLY-- TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CoO. #8 PRINCESS STREET ; "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" 3° Telephone 529, NERA RARE EER Eg Put in good shape for cold weather driving. Book your order for winter overhauling now. Satisfaction guaranteed. MCALLISTER & DRAKE 598 PRINC ESS STREET yo Phone 1750. "HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE Phone Res. 1246J. New Ford Service | ox WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW We have started a flat system for re- pair work on Ford Cars. You are guar- anteed a price on every job. Bring your car to the Ford dealer, and let us tell you what it will cost, Ford Sales and Service. i VanLuvenBros. 34-38 Princess St. "That no player who has changed | be granted a certificate until he has [ satisfied the O.H.A. Executive Com- | mittee of the bona fides of such | tor certificates, with complete and definite information of residence, together with an vit from each player conforming | O.I.A. amateur rule as set | out | must Je in the hands of the secretary | on or before Dec, 20th, so that each application may receive full and care- ful consideration by the Executive. No application received after the date mentioned will be considered | antil January 20th, except in the case of junior players. The clause in the O.H.A. amateur rule referred to is as follows: Hard and Fast Rule, "An amateur is a person «i whose membership of - 1y hackey club was not brought about, or does not con'inue because of mutual agreement or understanding where- by his becoming or continuing a member of any hockey club would be of peculiar benefit to him, either directly or indirectly, who has never, | either directly or indirectly, received any payment as a member of any hockey cl#b or any money considera- { tion whatever for any services ren- | dered as a player, except his actual travelling or hotel expenses, and who {has not made any offer, which if it had been accepted would have made the recipient a professional." Further tight ning of the residence irule is desired by the recommenda- | tion that this amendment be adopted. "A student leaving a town to at- tend a high school in another town cannot qualify uader the student rule if there is a high school in his own town." This means that a student must play for a team in hi§ 'Wi town if there is a high school located there. This does not affect any of the pre- paratory schools, such as Tirinjty school, Ridley, U.C.C., St. Andrew's, U.T.S. and St. Michael's. The Canadian Amateur Hockey As- sociation is to be asked to adopt the O.H.A{ residence rule, viz.,, August ist; Advancement Barred. { Alvin Forier of New Hamburg has an amendmgnt to the effect that "No player shall 'be eligible to play in the senior series who has taken part in intermediate sch2duled match in the same season." | Another amendment in the same connection is as follows: "Members of intercollegiate senior teams will not be eligible to play on O.H.A. intermediate teams. Man- agers of intercollegiate teams must file a list of players eligible for O.H. A. intermediate series before first game. If any such players are after- wards played in intercollegiate senior series, such winning games as they may have taken part in will be for- feited to their opponents." According to the present rule when the home and home matches are play- ed in the same city or town, the Putnam's Corn | Extractor Destroys | All Corn Misery 'ACTS PAINLESSLY-NEVER FAILS |" Takes the sting right out--cleans 'em right off without 'pain. Thou- sands say it's tHe surest thing to rid the feet of callouses, sore foot lumps or corns. Don't suffer--that's fool- ish--buy a 25c bottle of Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor, it does the trick quickly and is im- variably satisfactory. Sold by drug- gists evervwhere Objection to Senior College will be | treasurer, and | is | videnc a introduction of the | : | 2videnceq by ths introduction o id be allowed, but this substitute shall | regarding the | page 121 of the rule book, | net proceeds | amendment "Or an agree- advance be- all home J home club is to take ti of the ga Tt is a to add the following ment may be made tween the clubs to divide - gates on an equal basis Here is an amendm that w club, officia the assoeiation: | trally located and furnished with a | bell or gong, including timekeepers, | penalty timekeepers, penalized play- | ers, spare players and the managers and coaches of each team, and under no circumstances will the referee | permit unauthorized persons to re- [ main in such box. The home team will be held responsible for the pro- | per carrying out of this rule." | Owing to the change in the rule regarding goalkeepers the following will be the new reading of the rules: | be been decided that seven games played and the winner four games will be declared the holder of the D. A. Shaw trophy. The teams Sydenham---Joe Crawford, Craw- rd, Hagel and Anderson. Queen--Edgar, Lawrence McCut- [ cheon, King and M¢Broom. k must be provided with | a timekeeper's and penalty box cen- | Ar gonauts Qualify Officials--"Jim" Sutherland and C. Burns, To Meet Varsity On Saturday, Toronto Argonauts, by defeating the Toronto O.R.F.U. | team, qualified to meet Varsity in the | Canadyan rugby final championship | matcl next Saturday. In the replay of the second half of the semi-finals, | (1) The game is played on ice by | Argos started with a two point mar- teams of six men on each side, with 2 puck made of vilganized rubber, one inch thick all through dnd three inches in diameter. The players to | be designated as follows: Goalkeeper, right defence, left defence, centre, | right wing, left wing. | the players mentioned, each | may use two extra players as sub- | stitutes, but there shall not be more any time during the match. A substitute goalkeepeg shall also not play any other position but goal, at the end of a period, except in case of injury, as hereinafter provided for. In case of a penalty to a goalkeeper, In addition to | team | than six players a side on the ice at | | and any substitution to be made only i | he shall be replaced by one of the | players who are on the ice at the time the penalty is inflicted. Al] players shall be numbered with conspicuous figures, displayed on the gin, Torontos tied it, and then Gar- rett dropped a field goal, which gave | the scullers the victory by 5 to 2. "Benny" Leonard, world's 'light- | weight boxing champion, beat Joe | Welling in fourteen rounds. A Cochrane district deputation has asked for separate judicial area. | Well Worth Following | In the case of dyspepsia, the appe- | tite is variable. Sometimes it is rav-| enous, again it is often very poor. For this coudition there is but one | sure remeuy--Dr. Hamilton's Pills | --which cure quickly and thorough- | 1y. Sufferers find marked benefit in sl | day, and as time goes. on improve- | | backs of their jerseys, the numbers to i | be assigned to the players upon their | registration with the association, and | to coincide with the numbers on the playing certificates, Nine Players to a Team, (16) In addition to the extra goal- keeper referred to in Rule 1, two extra players may act as substitutes on each team during a match (mak- ing nine playeis altogether), and a change of players may be made at stitutes reporting to the referee, when that official has stopped play, but must not get on the ice must stitute or substitutes game, stitution is made must also leave the pears, Im case of injury to the goal- keeper an extra substitute may be allowed, but he must play in goal and in no other position. goal tender can only be used at the end of a period, or in case of injury, as aforesaid. Should any player be { injured during the match, break a | skate, or from 'y accident be com- | pelled to leave the ice, his side shall | immediately put on ga substitute to equalize the teams, and the match | proceed until such time as the player so compelled to retire because of the accident is ready to return. Should | more than two players of one team (exclusive of 'he goalkeeper) be | compelled to »_tira because of ac- cident, the opposing side shall drop a man to equalize the teams. No player shall resume play until he has received permission from the referee to'go'on. In event of any dispute the matter shall at once be decided by the referee. Penalty for Violation. 1 A most important amendment {is the introduction of a penalty for ac- cidental or designed violation of the foregoing rule. It is as follows: "Referee to be instrugted to pen- alize a team violating the substitn- tion rule in any manner by ruling the | offending player or players off for not less than two minutes' actual | playing time." A Another amendment prowides as | follows: "When in the referee's opin- | fon a neutral penalty timekeeper is | not available, the referees may ap- | point a representative of each club to | act as penalty timekeepers." ------ JUNIOR 8.8. A.AA, BASKETBALL, OPENING GAME PLAYED | The junior 8 S., A.A.A., basketball | series opened at the Y.M.C.A. on Sat- | urday evening - hen Sydenham and | Queen street Methodists were match- ed in the opeaing game. Sydenham street, winner of the D. A. Shaw tro- phy last year, won the game by a | Score of 43--to-22: Phe halt tims score was 33 to 8. For the winners, the Crawford brothers were the stars, The success of the winners was main- ly due to the ability to play cbmbina- | tion, Hugel and Anderson, the other members of the team, played a real good game. For the Queen street boys, McBroom and Edgar starred. On ac.ount of Sydenham street Methodist only having four | members of their team present, the | game was played with four men on | each side, The - other Sydenham | player was ill. This season there are only two teams in the junior series so it had | Pills. ment continues. No other medicine | will strengthen the stomach and di- | gestive organs like Dr. Hamilton's | They supply the materials and | | assistance necessary to convert every- | thing eaten into nourishment, into | | muscle, fibre, and energy with which | any time by the substitute or sub- | the | while play is in progress; such sub- | be all | ready to play, and must take his or | their position without delaying the ! The player for whom the sub- | ice promptly when the substitute ap- | The substitute ! to build up the run-down system. Why not cure your dyspepsia now? Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills today, 26c, per box at all dealers. i | | mm ve------ Advice to Dyspeptics | r CHRISTMAS SUGGE STIONS IN FURNITURE PRE-WAR PRICES Chesterfield 'Tables--from to $75 each wing prices $13.50 each $14.50 ench It requires no discount i o J in Leather , Mahogany frames, U pholst'd in Tapestry, any Recker and (Arm Chair, Silk cover Tea Tables--Fumed Oak ....... .. . Tea Tables--Oval, Mahogany .s . Solid Oak Magazine Stands--4 sh elves . If you compare our prices with others, y 30 per cent. off the present prices 1 goods marked in plain fig ures R. J. Reid 230, 232 and 234 PRINCESS STREET, The largest stock im the City te choose from, Telephone 577w, u will find' if nearer At NS a - CITY OF TORONTO 67 Serial Coupon Bonds Due any year from 1921 to 1950 Denominations $1000 To yield from 6.35% to 6.50% depending on'maturity. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 1728. J i 3 ah ---) C.C.M. heat treatment gives glass-hard running edge combined with a tough core which makes blades practically unbreakable, Heavily nickel-plated over copper to prevent rust. Made in Canada Used by World's Champions The famous "FALCONS" who won the Olympic Amateur Hockey World's Championship at Antwerp last spring--with one exception used Automobile Skates. The entire American Olympic Team, winners of second place, were also equipped with Automobile Skates. Made of Special Automobile Steels | TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS COMPANY 88 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 520 Ze yw Eo CE [4 Eo hy BRINGING UP FATHER > tc mt INRmnnnnRES ~~ -- Brier Plug SMOKING TOBACCO After years of domination Still Canada's preference. BY GEORGE McMANUS 483 Princess Street. 'Phone 738 WE TAKE X-RAY FICTURES of troublesome teeth Dormoform Gas aummuistered for eze . traction. Safe and OFFICE HOURS: 9.6 Proaucts Factory Manecis of Boliow Laid Pe Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, . Sills, Lintles, and Urain Tie, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamenta] Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles ang reets. Patrick st PHONE 730W. MAKE UT 3 & F THAT THINKS QUT OF ME - mis THINKIN DAYS, ARE Doctor HE'S AN INVALID "I'M LON TO UP RIGHT NOw- LL 40 YO HIS OFFICE TO SHOW HIM I'M ALL GET YOUR THINGS READY - 'WE ARE GOING TO MR JIGSS HOME - | WANT HIM TO REMAIN UNDER YOUR CARE FOR ABOUT TWO THEY SHOUD BE HERE Any MINUTE NOW = pr Mg: Bb. NORMAN ° 7 Li waz