THE DAILY BRITISH WHEE. MONDAY, NOVEMRER 28, 1920. In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features »~ -- He Knows What's Good Trust baby to choose the nicest dish on the table. It looks so inviting he's sure it must be lovely, and' nothing else will satisfy him. Eet him have a Pure Gold Quick Pudding often. They're wholesome, and as pure as science and the finest ingredients can make them. You'll find the older folks strong for these delicious puddings too. A large mould disappears in no time when dad comes home for dinner. Better order a selection from your grocer and have them handy. Tapioca, custard and chocolate, 15¢. a package. Pure Gold Desseris | truly princely gift in present days. Pure Gold Manufacturing Co.,Ltd, , Toronto The childrenTlove : Wrigley's--and 'it's good for them. Made under conditions of absolute cleanliness and brought to them in Wrigley's sealed sanitary package.' Satisfies the craving for sweets, aids digestion, sweet- ens breath, allays thirst and helps keep teeth clean. Costs little, benefifs much. Boys' High Cut Boots with Buckle and Strap -- good and water tight -- just the thing for the sloppy weather. ~ Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' at Cost Price. H. JENNINGS « MINK, FUR STYLE Skin Now Takes Lead Over Al Others in Paris. New Dyed Rabbit Pelt Closely Re. sembles Beaver--White Fox in Great Demand. aff MN it, mk is the momes decleres a Pa fully *, when the color {1s good, but then good mink wears really well, aliwost as well as sable. For in- expensive wrap i$ a new dyed rabbit skin which gives lovely effects. The fashionable color for this "fancy fur" is nut brown, aud it is freely used 1uthority eX] 181 ito trim nut-brown tailored sufts and Wrap coats This fur is so carefully prepared that it looks like beaver, even on close luspection. Once again there is a run on white fox, and millionaires are giv- ing thelr wives and daughters black fox straight ties end flat muffs--a The best furrier in Paris recently asserted that it is pragtically impossi- ble to secura rea!'y fine black fox- skins now, no watier what price may be offered. A gennine Lou's XV coat is very -- | smart and at the same time plain and suitable for street wear in the morn. | Ing. The collar is small, so are the revers. As a rule cuffs take gauntiet form, and pockets are often added. These coats mold the bust, waist and hips: from there down they flare considerably; they are short--knee length, or even a | that--and every- | little shorter than thing depends upon the which accompanies the coat That may be hirhly decorative and meade of rich brocade, thick satin, em- broidered canvas or Shantung. A bro- caded waistcont is best of alli In this connection. The Parisiennes are fond of wearing satin waistcoats with navy bit ® tailored suits of Louis XV outilae--and very attractive they look, As for the new clothes----there are waistcoat whiie | many, but perhaps a coarse canvas | cloth with a soft woo! back takes the | lead. This i going to Be a season of rough cleth, serges, unless for tunic dresses: a | rough diagonal serge is in favor with | the Paris tailors and also a very warm and beautiful cloth which looks like camel's hair tissve, but has a woel back. Duvetyn is more fashionalile than ever and I have seen soe prac- | tical wraps made of coarse ratiae and lined with flowered silk. DRESS FOR SCHOOL MISS Made of all weol navy blue serge, | trimmed with silk hercules braid. The dress (s doubly serviceable because of its bloomer effect, which is a great pot. ticeat saver. BRIEF FASHION NOTES The twice areund Egyptian girdle sheuld be worn with Eten suits. Taffeta Is considered ©» have abund- ant possibilities for evening wear. As regards beth day frocks, coats and capes, the high-standing cellar Is esdential. New woel hose to wear with ex- fords this winter come in brown or green heather mixtures, with red silk clocks. A useful veil for all seasons is made of palest rose tulle, with pn points of black chenille. With blagk shees or slippers for day- time are worm quite conservative stockings of fine sheer silk in tote de negre or taupe, The best suit purchase and that will almost certainly give the longest service Is the perfectly plain tailored model, wheilfér of plain celor or plaid fabric. : The hat of medivm size but with a somewhat higher crown and brim drooping slightly, trimmed ia a sim- ple fashion and made of a fabric which harm®nizes with the dress or suit, will be 'a great favorite of the season. ' Fresh Air and Exercise, Don't depend on, the transplanting 'of monkey glands to keep the body young, advises the United States pub- "lie health service. In the first place there are net enough monkeys to zo around and in the second place fresh alr and outdoer exercise are safer and surer- It is fright- | , | wards of 500 arrests have been made the turned-back | large | 1 have seen very few fine f -- ARREST SMUGGLERS | AND SEIZE LIQUOR On American Side, Car, | Horse, Launches and | Whiskey Taken. Friday, of- | | | Cornwall, Nov, 29.--O0n ficers from Malone and Massefla seiz- | ed a Ford car at the covered bridge | at Hogansburg, across the river from here, which contained a good sized load of gin and Canadian whiskey. | In the car were Dan Lazore and Theo- dore King, who were taken luto cus- jtody-and held for hearing on a charge of smuggling lHquor. About the same time a truck, reported to contain 125 cases of Canadian whiskey, was | sighted by the officers, who gave | chase. Near the Raehet River the of- ficers tried to pass the truck, when the rear axle of the pursuing car | broke and the truck got away. In connection with the whiskey | running game on the American side i. more frequent! which' never fails in its cheerful invitation to breakfast, cdmes r y, more invitingly, when it's SEAL BRAND COFFEE that is used. The famous Seal Brand flavour, fragrance and delicacy are sealed right into the Tis. = In 33, 1 and 3.1b ting. Never sold in bulk. for Tricolators and ordinary percolators. "Pocfoct Coffee--Perfectly made" tolls just how ake Coff, WRITE fri oo Cofim, Whole: ground, and Fire-ground, At all good dealets, It's free. t. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. + of the river, Collector Welland has | issued a statement summarizing the | arrests and seizures made so far this | year. The statement says that 372 | selzures of liquor have been made | and 106 automobiles, in variety from | a Plerce-Arrow to a Ford, were con- | {iscated, together 'with 20 horses, | four motor launches, 54 tons of hay and 41,159 quarts of whiskey. Up- Carrying a guarantees of from 4 30x3% at $17.00 284 ONTARIO STRET -------- Other size VULCANIZING A SPECIALTY Slashing Prices in Tires, All First Tres 000 to 6,000 miles. While B equally cheap they last PHONE 2030. Davie & Barrett PLUMBING and TINSMITHING Now ls the time tg have Your Fur- nace repaired before the cold wea- ther wets in. See us for prices. 203 WELLINGTON STREXNT Phone 658, Talking Machines All kinds of Phonographs re- paired, cleaned, recharged and adjusted. Main and governor springs for all makes in stock. Quick service, expert workman. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. hone 2056J. and fines were imposed ranging from 7 | $400 to $1,000 in each case. Whiskey | was found in carloads of hay, boats, | automobiles, trucks, pulpwood, pota- toes, secreted in butter, Christmas| | trees, fish boxes, steel drums and | | wagons, \ | REVISING TARIFF | THE PRINCIPAL Won | Premier Meighen Confers | With Members on Parlia- | mentary Programme. | Ottawa, Nov, 29.--Since the re- | turn of the prime minister from his | western tour nearly all-of his col- | leagues in the cabinet have returned to the job, and members of parlia- | ment are dropping in day by day to | consult with the government and | | talk over the programme for the next session of parliament. Hon J. D. Reid, Minister of Railways, is ex- pected back Yo-day, and Right Hon. | C. J. DoheptR and Sir George Foster will return f Geneva by Christ- mas. It is pretty well understood that the opening of the session which/had been planned for January 20th] will be postponed until the first or second Thursday in February. This delay {is due to the protracted labors of the tariff commission. . at the revision of the tariff will be the | principal work o. the coming session. | The redistribution of parliamentary seats will have to go over until 1921 as the results of the decennial censns to be taken next June will not be announced before September, There is some gossip about cabinet reorganization, but it will be in cab- inst representation of Ontario. It has been definitely decided that general good appearance of any home. 1 and ata Comparatively low cost, shabby e transformed and made ttle trouble PRESENTATIONS MADE To Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Leech at Wolfe Island. Wolfe Island, Nov. 26.--Over fifty members of Trinity Congregation and other "friends of Wolfe Island, as- sembled at the rectory last. Friday evening where a soclal hour was spent. Brief addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Workman, of the Presby- terian church, and Rev. Mr. Doherty, of the Methodist church and by oth- ers present, after which Mr. Weir read an address and Mrs. C. Kyle presented a purse of money, on be- halt of Trinity church peopte to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Leech. A little later, Earl Rogers and Miss Woodman *on behalf of the A. Y. P. A. gave an ap- preciative address and a goodly sum of money. . < Mr. and Mrs. Leech thanked their people for their kind cxpressions of good will and substantial gifts, after which refreshments were served by the ladies. Next morning, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ranons presented a well-tilled purse from Christ church congregation. Some of the members of Christ church W. A. presented Mrs. Leech | | with an appreciative address and a { handsome silver tray. | | On Wednesday evening, at the ba- | | zaar, Miss Louise Davis and Miss Lil- | Attractive and unsightly floors can most pleasing to the eye. Floor Oilcloth and Feltol come in a artistic pattefns and color schemes w selves to any interior decoration. These Made-in-Canada floor coverin , on account of their durability, their cleanliness, anc economy find ready approval for D Bedrooms, Kitchens, Halls and tairways. The illustration above shows a Bed- room tastefully covered with © A number of attractive Bedrooms are offered for you? choice. For sale at all leading Departmental Stores, fr Gace throughout ' tive Floor Covering Moderate Cost An attractive floor covering greatly enhances the ich lend them- their all-round ini Goods Houses, House Furnishings and General .Stores : Canadas . With very eat variety of Rooms, Linoleum. patterns for members of the J. W. A, presented | Mrs. Leech with a china chocolate |set. Mrs. Leech was' quite touched | and. thanked her young friends for | their kind address and pretty gift, and said she would long cherish in her memory the happy hours spent | amongst them. Rev, Mr. Leech and family left by | the 9.30 boat for their new field of | labor at Sydenham, followed by the | best wishes of their many friends. i A PARLIAMENT OF BOYS [i McDermitt, on behalf of the | FLOOR OILCLOTH AND FELTON "We carry a choice selection of the above. See our stock be- fore buying. JAMES REID It Will Gather if Legislative Build* ing at Edmonton. nn mnt Edmonton, Alta., Nov, 27.--A real parliament of the boys of Alberta is to be held in the legislative build- ing, Edmonton, on December 28th, 29th, and 30th. It will be composed of eighty-five members who will all be older boys of from 17 to 19 years of age. : The purpose of the parfiament is to bring together a. representative group of older boys to discuss the best methods of promoting and oper- ating the programme of Canadian standard efficiency (boys 15-17 years of age). Every phase of this fine | course will be appointed to covem the work under the intellectual pro- WE SELL THE ABOVE LINE OF LINOLEUM AND OIL- CLOTH--THIS WEEK ( . NEWMAN & SHAW THE BIG 'HOUSE FURNISHINGS STORE 20 PER CENT OFF. granime, the physical programme, tire 'devotional programme, and the social programme. : The parliament will have its lieutenant-governor, speaker, clerk of the house, pages, etc. All the CASTORIA For Infants and Children ! In Use For Over 30 Years TET ATE Signature of ' measures ol the parliament will be introduced in the form of bills by the ministers or private members, The Naming of Trains. Winnipeg, Nov, 29.--Evety whild entering this world is, sooner or | latér, cliristened and named. So with | passenger trains, especially main line trains. portation world comes the christ. n- ing of two main line trains on the Canadian National railways, The through daily trains on the Canadian And today in the trans- { PA men, National operating between Vancou- | ver and Edmonton, Saskatoon, Win- nipeg, Ottawa, Montreal and east, ¥ill hereafter be known as the "'Con- J imental Limited," while the name "National" is given the traln ope at- ing bgtween Winnipeg and Toronto via Cochrane | as inab----h freight hand- The Canadian Pacifii | ters settled the differences with the! company, gccepting [fifily cents an hour. Their original demand was for | ' Beventy-five cents. --~y The New York papers without ax- | ception, other than the Hearst publi- cation, deplore the scenes of riot wit- | nessed in that city on Thursday when a Sion Fein mob attacked the Union 'Club because a British flag was dis- played from one of the windows of | the building. A . The Canadian Leader, 3.240 net tonnage, the twelfth ship built by the Vickers for the government marine, was successfully launched Saturday j at Montreal. ot The blunt man often makes the most cutting remarks. : : y