. DR. NASH ; DENTST =~ or ® SIE oA RRL, . . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. The Distinctive Gift The Columbia Grafonola is sure to bring real joy and Christmas cheer to: every heart and home. Beautifully finished, scientifically designed, the Columbia Grafonola with its wonderful tonal qual- ities is the distinctive Christmas gift. Come in and let us show you what a splendid Yuletide gift the Columbia Grafonola will make. Hear it played and you will appreciate why this in- strument can't fail to add and bring lasting joy. Be sure to call. Ask us to your Christmas cheer to demonstrate the Non Set Automatic Swp. Never stops before it should. Always stops at 'the very end. Nothing to move or set or measure, No other 'phonograph has it --no other phonograph can get it. It will take 0 a Grafonola and hear it only a few minutes to sec the Columbia played. ¥¥ OUR CHRISTMAS GRAFONOLA CLUB IS GROWING $5.00 places any instrument in Come in and let us explain how, Grafonola. your home. easy it is to purchase d Columbia But HURRY! HURRY!! HUR RY!!! Store Hours: & a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays, 10.30 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. #8 PRINCESS STREET 3 T 2 elepbone 529 "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" writs ---- Fire, Accident, Sickness, suit any case. Service cheerfully given. J.0. HUTTON Houses and lots of the highest grade. A stone house and vac .nt lot well loceted on Princess Street. Viciory and other ..rst class bonds yielding 614 to 7%. FOR SALE Plate Glass, Marine, bile and Burglary Insurance; also Guarantee Bonds. The Canada Life Assurance Company's newest contracts Automo- Store on King St. 67 CLARENCE STREE? Phone 703. GEORGE'S Plug Chewing Tobacco les satisfactory chew. De- u sweet and juicy; non irritating to the mouth and tongue, everybody enjoys its LINGERING The Inter-Lake Yatching Associa- tion has decided to return to Put- in-Bay for its 1921 regatta. The championship reason of the Pacifis Coast Hockey Association will get under way December 20th. World of Sport | BRING ON "SNAP-BACK"" SYSTEM IN RUGBY The Ottawa Journal says: The tall end of the rugby season sees signs of an upheaval in the fall pastime. There is a persistent demand for a change. The athletic Bolsheviki are in the saddle and the spearhead of their attack is leyelled against the antiquated 'heel out" of the ball "Bring in the snap back and open up the game,' is their plea and it looks like a logical contention. In all the games that Ottawa par- ticipated in this' year there were only two that looked like football from a spectator's stand point. One was the game against Montreal in the metropolis and the other was the final Argo game. Both abound- ed in interference plays, out both were relieved by flashes of open play and kicking that keep the spectators constantly on edge. The other four encounters were more or less' shov- ing matches with the ball obscured from view for fully forty minutes of the game. / The same was true of games par- ticipated in by other teams. The great play-off between Varsity and McGill was a disappointing spec- tacle. It was hide the ball and find it, and would have developed into a battle of linemen had not the un- expected breaking up of the McGill backfield allowed Varsity to take greater liberties than expected. The Canadian game needs chang- ing. The new interference had | made it more close and has put a | premium on the play. "Kicking and j running and the fine features of the game have been set aside for so- | called trickery and interference plays. The teams as well as the game have deteriorated. It is safe to jesume that not one of the teams at are at the top this year would compare with, say the Varsity team, of the days of Gall Newton and Law- son, the McGill team of the Lewis, Laing and Lee era, in 201th bat- talion team, or others of pre-war days. Bring in the snap back rule, and eliminate the two side scrimmages, Get a uniform rule and cut out the interference that hos mared game this year. Football will come more open if the centre scrim can shoot the Dall direct to the quarter or centre half, and will do much to simplify the game which is now cluttered up by a lot of useless appendages and which makes more for brawn than brain play. Wake up you football solons and make the game more open! No System In U. S. IntCanada we have a definite sys- tem of arriving at our champion foot- ball teams. Not so in the U.S. Per- sonal opinion, (that noaccount jud- ge) will have to decide the ¢champion- ship of two sections. With the 1920 season over, George Tech owns the top flag in the south and California has the honors on the coast. But in the east and west there will be as many champions perhaps as there are various personal opinions. Three candidates stand out in the east, Princeton, Pittsburg and Penn State. In a good many opiniorLs they rank in that order. Harvard, Boston Col- lege and Stevens were also undefeat- ed, but their schedules were not heavy enough to entitle them to con- sideration for first place. Syracuse and Dartmouth also must be given a place near the top. Ohio State won the western conference cham- pionship without doubt, but outside the conference is an eleven which the east considers better--Notre Damé. Rather, the east fails to see how any other "team could be better. Notre Dame probably will claim the west- ern championship and get away with it, 'as State will be satisfied to be termed the west conference king. Tricks in Ring Condemned. Smart boxers can get away with ring tricks, but the ordinary run mess things up, according to Harry Dona- hue, Eastern lightweight. "He says: "Dirty tricks in the ring are the worst things a boxer can pull. He not only hurts himselfy but he hurts the fight and the fight game. Some boxers are so smart they can get away with it, but the ordinary, lads can't. Johnny Kilbane and Packy McFarlane were two of the trickiest men I ever boxed, but they _.ad their work so polished that very few dis- covered it. Kilbane had a habit of tripping an opponent and throwing him on his back. He-did it on me and almost put me out. had daz- ed me with a right to the chin and before I could recover balance he put his foot behind mine and pulled it from beneath me. I fell flat on my back, my head striking the floor with such force 'that I was almost com- pletely stunned. McFarland's favor- ite trick was to stab with his finger ends, particularly on the wishbone. The first stab would not hurt, nor perhaps the second, but he would continue to stab, stab, stab, unti] the pain would 'become unendurable." Boston women have become ring- side fans, judging from the reports that nearly 200 of the fair sex wit- nessed one of the recedt fight shows in the Hub. For twenty-one years star short-stop of the Pittsburgh Pirates, who is men- tioned as a possible manager of the Philadelphia Nationals next season . GENERAL SPORT The new stadium of the Univers- {ity of California will cost approxi- mately $900,000 and have a seating capacity of 60,000. A complete re-organization in the i circuit of the. Pacific International | League appears among the prospec- [tive baseball changes for next sea- Two boxers, calling themselves | Young Papke, have recently come into the pugilistic limelight. One of the pair makes his headquarters in Sacramento, whil> the other has | been appearing in bouts in New York | and vicinity. | PreMl Merkle, the old major league star, who makes his home at Day- , Fla., is promoting the organi- "| zation of a Florida East Coast win- | ter league, with a circuit that will | include a number of prominent re-|' | sort towns. There is every reason to believe Lthat England will accept the invita- | tion of the, Amateur Fencing League iof America to send ovér a team of 12 men to compete in the interna. tional tournamnet next spring. The tournanfent is to be staged in three divisions, the duelling sword compe- tition to be held in Washington, the sabre matches in Philadelphie, and the foil competitions in New York. [2 I i fE---- Cuticura Soap ~The Healthy -- | Shaving Soap| Kiddie Cars $1.75, $2.00, $3.50 Desk and Chairs . .$6.50, $8.50, $10.50 $3.50, $4.50, 96.50 Doll Carriages {at old prices) High Chairs $3.00 to $15.00 Rockers Baby Walkers, Swings. Horses $3.00 and $4.00 LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTM ENT AND LOWEST PRICES, R. J. Reid 230, 232 and 234 PRINCESS STREET. The largest stock In the City to choose from. Telephone 577w, OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL s, Grippe, Bronchitis, ng Coun ihre Ete. MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening & Coughs, Cold Whoopi a o a Liar ha raat, "The Gillette Safety Razor is where as the best that m appr for $ 'He ACY 'a Lillette". virtues of COD LIVER OIL. . Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of suchagrave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. MATHIEU'S SYRUP {s th ly genuine remedy whese see putation has csused to crop 2 int Bi of doubtful valine. for the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association will be arranged at a meeting to be held this month at the University of Florida. Norman (Kid) Elberfeld will gon- tinue"as manager of the Little Rock Southern League champions next season. It will be Elberfeld's fourth year as pilot of the Travellers. Earl Caddock and Charley Peters, the Nebraska wrestler, will meef for the first timé on the mat at Omaha, December 6th. iving and receiving lies chief iswanted. Greater that underlies its or businesslike from shaving, saves his 0) 00. gilt A GRAND AL RS AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or Iriends going to or returning from the Old Country. For Information and rates apply te J. P. HANLEKY, ply C.P. and T. A. G.T. Ry., Kingsto Ontario. Open 3 and AlgAL B one 99. ATE TO EUROPE Dec. 10|Feb. 19/ Mar. 23 Melita Dec 15!Jan 14/Feb 11 Emp. of Britain Dec. 24{Jan. 28/Mar. 4 ....Victorian Dec. 30/Mar 235jApr 22 Emp of France Jan. 6/Feb. §|Mar. 19 ....Metagama Jan. 22{Feb. 26 Minnedosa ST. JOHN--GLASGOW Jan. 7|Feb. 18|Apr: 1 Pretorian Feb. 23{Apr. 14 Sieilian ST- JOHN ~HAVRE-LONDON va Soran ampian s Chunietan OUTHAMPTON--- NTWERP Scotian Jan. § Sicillan Jan. 18{Feb. 27|Apr. 6 ..Scandinavian Jan. 29/Mar. 12{Apr. 19 ....Corsican Apply local S. 8. or Railway Agents or 1 KING STREET .EAST TORONTO, ONT. is morning mmutes known b, man every- ys I of which can be bought REGULAR SERVICES PORTLAND--GLASGOW ! Dee. 9--(Christmas Sailing) ..Saturnial Dec. 30|Feb. 18/ Mar. 30 Cassandra Jan. 18|Mar, 11/Apr. 20 Saturnia' HALIFAX to PLYMOUTH, CHER. & HANAURG f Dec. 11--Christm salling ..Saxopia N. Y., GLASGOW, Dec. 11|Jan. 15|Feb, 19 Columbia NEW YORK----LIVERPOOL . 18|Jan. 15|Fob. 10 ..K. A N. ¥, PLY. and CHER. . 16jApr. 19|May 28 g N.Y., CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMPN' Dec. 14|Jan. 25|Feb. 22 Aquitania Dec. 23|Jan. 20|Feb. 17 ....Imperator N. Y, PLY, CHER, HAMBURG Nov. 27 .. «+ Caronia Dec. 9|Jan. 18|Mar. 1 , «..Saxonia N.Y, GIBRALT , PATRAS] ESTE Dec. 2 N.Y, PIRAEUS, DUBROVNIK & TRIESTE Jan. 22 seeeeecctarensnas «sss. Pannonia For rates of passage, freight and fur ther particulars apply te local agents of THE ROBERT REFORD C0, LTD. y than the Thinking of a man and his requirements leads quickly to "Gillette Safety Razor ed razor that divorces Stropping a 4 LIT FT YO TH hall 77 183 Princess Street. Phone 738 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES x of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas ammmaistered for ese traction. Safe and OFFICE HOURS: 98 Kingston Cement . Products Factory iT dE Ril, slintion. and Drain "7iig, Patrick PHONE 730W. Mgr. H. F. NORMAN BRINGING UP FATHER NOT STAND IN OF MY oonN'T SAY You HAD BETT FRONT IF YOU WANT TO THE IDEA OF A 4 STRANGER LIKE THAT LLING © 1920 or my Prarns Seeven. tne. BY GEORGE McMANUS } TOLD YOU NOT TO STAND THERE -OION'T § ?