-------- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, i -- Cy 1920. A -------------- A rr -------- ee eX -- = m---- A er _THE DA ILY BRITISH WHIG. 'matter than beef." Bakers Cocoa 1s for robust men and all who must have a §féat deal® of tissue building material. 10 repair the waste caused by physical and men-{ tal labor; It is delicious, : pure and wholesome, and is made by a perfect mechanical process, without the use of chemicals, so preserving the exquisite flavor, aroma and color of the high érade cocoa beans I- Walter Baker & Co. 11d. . -- CANADA. DORCHESTER MAss, BOOKLET OF CHOICE RECIPES SENT FREE CHMmSumms Use Davie & Barrett 01d Dutch PLUMBING and TINSMITHING Now Ia the time to have your Fur- mace repaired before the cold wea. ther sets in. See us for prices. 203 WELLINGTON STRERT Phone 688. A > "et i Firewood Large quantity of sound Railway Ties tor sale cheap. All tents réduced to clear. Ve need the room. Spick-and-span L. Cohen & Co. , Floors 275 Ontario St. Phone 837. It's the quality in Old Dutch that makes the floors look spick - and ~ span. It's economical and thorough; for use on wood, lino- leum, tile stone, walls, furnishings. RS --. WOOD .. »awed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street Phone 133 Told in Twilight Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor | Bave their monthly reception to the wives, on Wednesday afternoon of jatart of the university and their | ! {this week, | dence. During the evening, Profes- sor and Mrs. Keith Hicks and Miss | Doris Browne, Kingston's clever | amateurs, played "Suppressed De- | sires," a delightful farce by Susan | Gaspell. Miss Lois Taylor, who is [a clever young pianist, gave great pleasure to her parents' guests by [her piano number, "Prelude in G. | Minor, by Rachmaninoff." Carl | Sandberg Chicago, recited some of | hls own poems, and safig several quaint old Indian folk songs, to his own accompaniment on the guitar. . * * The Yacht Club was the scene of a jolly dance on Tuesday night, ar- | ranged by the "Right Honorable | Bolsheviks," a club composed of [and a number of Queen's students. Skull and cross-bones and a gallows were the cheerful (?) decorations used, but they In no wise detracted { from the fun of the evening. Allan's orchestra played a fine programme of dance music, much enjoyed | the one hundred and fifty guests. * . . Mrz. T. 8. Scott, King street, 'en- tertained at lugpcheon on Thursday, for Mrs. Cox, Ottawa, and Miss | Kaye, who has lately come out from England. a ss oo Capt. Keane Hemming, Toronto, spent a few days in town, with Mrs. T. R. D. Hemming, King street. Mrs. W. F. Jackson, Brockville, is | still in town, and it at Miss Mowat's | home on Johnson street, for the | present. Col. and Mrs. Francis Constan- | Mrs: W. T. G. Brown, Sydenham | [ tine and their children sail for Eng- parsonage, has gone panied by Miss Deacon. Miss Margaret Taylor, Principal's Residence, Queen's University, has returned to Burlington, where she is a dietitian at the Brant hospital. street church |land on the eighth of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Calvin went up to Toronto this week. Carl Sandberg, Chicago, is the Saw of Principal and Mrs. Bruce 2 . * Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fleming, Otta- | wa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Waiter | Fleming, Sydenham street. Miss Phyllis Devlin is home from { Ottawa. Mrs. R. J. Higgins is visiting Mrs, | James Dunlop, 134 Rideau street. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart M. Robert- son, Sydenham street, went to Mont- real on Friday, to wish Megs. D. Ste wart Robertson" and Miss Molson, who are leaving on a trip to the Medi- terrean, bon-voyage. Mrs. George Graham, Belleville, was in town on Thureday, with Major and Mrs. James Hamilton, Brock street. * * » Mrs, Cox, who has been visiting Mrs. Beswick, O'Kill street, has re- turned to Ottawa. Mrs. G. Prager has returned home from Bellevillé, where she attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. R. B. Wiseman, Dr. C. K. Whitelock, who has been in town for some months with Mrs. Whitelock and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reid, University avenue, left this week for Parry Sound, and will go on to Depot Harbor, where he will practice the profession of medicine. 'Mrs. Whitelock will join him later. Miss Hamilton came down from Peterboro today to visit Mrs. W. B. Carey, Albert street. . » . Mrs. D. J. Young, Kingston, vis- ited her sister, Mrs. G. W. New, Hor- ton, Miss Helen Grant, Ottawa, is to spend the week-end in Kingston with Miss Elizabeth Smith, attending Queen's University, Mrs. T. W. McGarry, Miss Nora, her daughter, and Miss M. A. Devine In Women's Boots Gray Laced Boots; Lohis Heel; reduced to - $5.95 Women's Women's Brown Calf and Dongola Kid -- high or lowheels; all sizes in the lot. Rediead to .................... S500 H. JENNINGS KING STREET IS TO BE MISERABLE. The poor dyspeptic suffers untold agony after every meal, and any one who has dyspepsia knows what joy it would give to eat three square meals a day and not be punished for it af- ter. Nearly everything that enters the weak stomach acts as an irritant, and even the little that is eaten imperfectly that it does little good. Before you can eat heartily, and not pick and choose your food, you must put your stomach into such a condition that it will manufacture its own digestive ferments. For over ' forty years Burdock Blood Bitters has been toning up and restoring weak stomachs to a normal healthy condition, so that the food no longer cases distress, but is thor- oughly digested and assimilated, and enables one to partake of all the wholesome food required without fear of any unpleasant after effects. Mrs. Alice Becknorth, Fesserton, Ont., writes:--*"I have been a great sufferer from indigestion and sia for several years. 1 could not eat anything without almost dying trom the pain in the pit of my stom- ach. Seeing Burdock Blood Bitters highly recommended 1 tried a bottle, and can gladly say it relieved me. I can eat anything now, and am in BB. Beis . B. B. manufactured oul The T. Milburn Co., Limited, ay t. to, On at the principal's resi- | some of the young men of the town | up to Pembroke for a visit, accom- | T0 BE DYSPEPTIC causes such torture and is digested so] Dye It Right! "Diamond Dyes" Don't Risk Materials in Poor Dyes that Fade or Run { | | | f | | | | Bach padkage of "Diamond Dyes" | contains directions so simple that any | woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, | fadeless color into worn, shabby gar- | { ments, draperies, coverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cot- | ton or mixed goods. 3 | Buy "Diamond Dyes"'---no other | kind--then perfect results ar§ guar- | anteed even if you have never dyed | before. Druggist has color card, | showing 16 rich colors. {left Renfrew for Florida where they | will spend the winter. TO-DAYS FASHION By Vera Winston. | ------------.. ---- -------------- i { i { bY | emis | Mrs. W. C. Gorsline, Picton, has! left for Kingston where she will spend the winter. | Mr. and Mrs. Hamly have arrived | in Toronto from Pict'n and will | spend the winter at 58 Leuty avenue, | Kew Beach. || KITCHEN ECONOMIES Here Are Some Pleasing Sunday Supper Hints. If a hot dish is desired for the Sunday supper let it be something that must be served from fire to table. There are many dishes of this type--souffles, Welsh rarebit, creamed or toasted dishes that lend themselves to the Sunday' night sup- per for just this reason. Only ten or fifteen minutes' work is needed for their preparation, and for the Sun- day night supper there should be go complicated cookery. Electric cooking devices that can be used at the table make the Sunday evening meal pleasant, and permit the serv- ing of hot foods quickly and infor- mally. * Rarebits can be made at table in the electric chafing dish; waffles on the electric waffle iron, and if hot, crisp toast is served im- mediately from toaster to plate only a dish of sardines or cheese and jam are néeded to make a satisfying supper. Here are a few suggestions for Sunday evening supper when both hot and cold dishes are desired. All of these menus, however, are so ar- ranged that not more than one dish of each requires cooking. All of the others can be taken cold from the larder : Menus Including One Hot Dish. Welsh rarebit Tomato salad Rye bread Baked apples and cream Ginger cookies . - - Tuna fish salad "Hot toasted biscuits or muffins Sliced oranges and bananas 4 Sponge cake . . . Sliced cold tongue Waffles with maple syrup Lemon gelatine . . . Cheese souffle Asparagus salad Water crackers Apricot whip * - -* Scalloped oysters Tomato aspic Brown bread Coffee custard All-Cold Menus. Jellied~ veal » Cucumber pickle Potato chips Apple pie - * " Egg and sardine salad Baked bananas Gingerbread . Sliced cold meat ° Tomato aspic Watercress Stewed pears Sponge cake Grapefruit Chicken salad Corn muffins Chocolate pie * . » Eggs stuffed with chopped ham Celery and apple salad Cheese aud crackers. . In the case of the cold dishes, all of the food can be prepared before- band--even a day before if desired ~--s0 that there is nothing to do but to serve it without heating. Scientist Favors Raw Foodstuffs Paris, Dec. 4.--*If one lived on cooked food alone he would die with- in a year," stated Professor Lumiere, of the Academy of Sciences, Jepeort- ing the results of experiments. Professor Lumniiere has concluded from his researches that the health- fest diet consists of raw vegetables, grain and fruits, asserting that cook- ing is the roct of all diseases, since it destroys the vitamines, thus in- ducing inanition, Gave Birth To Four Children. Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 4.-- Mrs. Vina T. Knight, wife of a farm- er at Plain City, gave birth to four children, three boys and a girl, last night. Dr. George Baker, of Ogden, reported that the mother and chil- hours after birth. The attending physician pays he thinks the other two will live. The bahia weighea about four and a half pounas. { | cold weather than a good woolly scarf | This model is made long enough so | that when it is very chilly the child | soft brown shade that is so becom- | A Gaily Embroidered Scarf and Tam | For a Little Girl. | « : } Nothing is more, comfottable in may muffle herself well up in it. It is made of camels hair in the ing. An interesting feature is the de- coration on the ends of the scarf. This is a small chicken of the Brah- ma breed and it is cleverly worked out in white, black, green, red and yellow wool. The little tam that accompanies the scarf is alse'mmade of camel's hair and shows a similarly embroidered motif in the front. It is pretty and warm. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR The Proceeds Were in the Neigh- { borhood «I $400, Harrowsmith,, Dec. 2.--A most successful bazaar was held in the hall on Wednesday, Dec. 1st, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety and Y.P.S. of the Methodist church. There was a large attemd- | ance in spite of the unfavprabls weather, the proceeds amounting to nearly $400. A concert was held in the evening. Musical and vocal numbers were given by Mfss Helen Babcock, Holleford, Mrs. J. D. Shibley and E. E, Day, Harrowsmith, and the C.0.C.F. orchestra of King- ston; readings by Miss Muriel Stew- art, and an address by Rev. J. A. Waddell, Kingston, a former pastor. Rev. A. W. Stewart acted as chair> man. Mrs. A. Gallagher, Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. S. Gdl- lagher. Mrs. (Rev.) J. Ferguson 4 3] :] io cold, wet weather -- have a cup of hot 0X0. It gives warmth and energy: and lessens the risk of a chill. mr wn THE ! ! Cer WH THE BEST TEA Strong, rich in aroma and flavor. L. Chaput, Fils & Cie Limitée RR EE TR LE TT TT rr $ ; 3 4 ; § Coffee. STEEL-CUT y.., DET FTE Coffee/ ha pes. may overlook other foods but _ they never_omil that steaming cup of ~ Coffee is the iMportant breakfast essential of thousands of workers. In their early morning hurry to work they - ow N\, \ offee -....... The beverage that serves both as food and drink. No better coffee can be obtained anywhers than Rideau Han GORMAN, ECKERT & CO., LIMITED LONDON AND WINNIPEG It is a man's drink that a then an acquired appetite. Pack P air-tight cans it retains its righ roaster freshness. ; to & natural taste rather "Pound and Half-pound has returned from Kingston: Mrs, Thomas Cowdy is home from King- | ston General Hospital, and is im- | proving nicely. s | You are pos gradu- | Sample box Dr. | < Kitchen . Wants are hest served by us- - ing ALUMINUM COOK- lo ING UTENSILS We have a very large stock of Aluminum ware, and our prices are right. Let us show them to you. 187 PRINCESS ST. Late Popular Let the Rent of the World Ge By .. Tripeli--Walts Colonel Bogey-- . A Yoling Man's Faney .. Avalon .. Japanese Held Me : Fenther Your Nes --- Numbers Now Ready "To make » Q. R. S. Roll Great Play It On a LINDSAY PLA YER-PIANO, | Write 'for LINDSAY Pla yer-Plano Catal gue. i121 PRINCESS STRERT KINGSTON