7 MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1920. Austin's Drug Store Tn Kodaks are goed for every day in the year, and for many years But if it isn't an EASTMAN, it isn't a KODAK. Austin's Drug Store : Corner King and Market Square $ Kingston - Phone 230 4 Dof't throw away your ola Mattresses. We renovate all kinds agg aks them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w SBSH TIPITTIINEMNMTY oo SALLI ALLL AA DES DS BEEBE LL SES Ls an TTPTTTITIRPe vrei etm hh dd 4 mr TRIO VV MNO S000 0000020 < NERVES ALL | GONE TO PIEGES iw " Fruit-3-tives" Gonquered R. R. No.4, Gnasser Prams, Max, "In the year 1910, I had Nervoms Prostration in its worst form; dropping from 170 to 115 pounds. The doctors had mo hope of my recovery, and every medicine I tried proved useless until a friend induced me to take "Fruit-a-tives", Ibegan to mend almost at ones, and never had such good health as 1 have enjoyed the past eight years, { em wever without * Pruit-a-tives™ in the house". JAS. S. DELGATY. 80c. a box, 6for $2.50, trial size 25a. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Truit-e-tives Limited, Ottawa. BUILDING ? | | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? { Estimates given by | VU. Aykroyd & Son | 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. ~~ | SCOTT'S GARAGE | Repairs, Washing and Storage. --------- ARERR, "W. R. McRae & Eo. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. Bargains For This Week One Toronto Wind Mill 24 Foot in . Good Condition E. Brawley Flour and Feed Man SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. PATTON'S One 1915 Mclaughlin Tours | ing ear tor sale cheap for | a quick buyer. | 2398 BAGOT STREET rhone 1804w. W. H. STEVENSON | HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate, TEMPERANCE MOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. rn Talking Mach' ses All kinds of Phonographs re. paired, cleaned, recharged and adjusted. Main and governor springs for all makes in stock. Quick service, expert workman. ship. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM BT. Phone 2056J. FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. RATER seams a: THE DAILY BRITISH WH 1G. ae 5 Twn rei | Kingston and Vicinity A New Milk Company. ..A new company has been formed in Picton, to sell milk and cream in any quantity, delivered to any part | of the town. Milk is 12¢ a quart. 3 Just Sixteen Days. Just sixteen more days for Christ- | mas shopping, the merchants point- {ed out to-day. So shoppers, please get busy. Christmas falls on a Sat- urday this year. Many Had Wet Feet. The Weather Man was not at all on his good behaviour for the stu- dents' parade Saturday night. Many | of the students had their feet soaked |as a result of the tramp in the slush. | | Appointed Auditors, | A by-law, appointing Messrs A. C. | Baker and Sidney Wagar auditors [for 1921, was put through 'its var- lous stages at the Lennox and Ade | dington county council, and finally | passed. { Daughter Gets Estate, | By the will of Mrs. Harriet Jane | Kimmerly, late of Napanee, her dau- | ghter, Mrs. Beatrice I. Bredin, 34 | Roselawit" avenue, Toronto, inherits | the entire estate, amounting to $20,- | 482. | New Doctor At Shannonville. | Dr. Denyes has taken up his resi- | dence at Shannoaville, the vaocdncy | caused by the death of Dr. Moore. | The many friends of Mrs. (Dr.) Moore regret that she 'is leaving the | village and purposes moving to Belle- ville. Engagement Announced. | Mrs. John Gourlay, Eganville, an- | nounces the engagement of her eld- | est daughter, Roberta, to Harry Miles Powell, Toronto. The marriage is to take place December 25th. Owing to a recent bereavement in the family the wedding will be quiet. | ! Should be in "Movies." | Charley Chaplin has nothing on | that couple at Perth, Amboy, who want to get a divorce as a result of { pie throwing and tacks in the soup. | Perhaps it would be better if they would forget all about a divorce and | 20 into the "movies." Christmas Spirit is Here. The Christmas spirit has reached | the city. It was in evidence all over the city on Saturday. The stores were filled with busy shoppers pick- {ing out Christmas gifts, and it looks [as if 'the majority of the shoppers {are going to get in their work early, | 80 as to get the best choice. | Will Boost the Fair. It "Bob" Bushell is elected an {alderman for Rideau ward, there is [one thing sure, and that is that the Kingston industrial ,fair will be given a lot of boosting in the city council chamber. *'Bob" will not let any of the "city fathers" knock his fair or the management of it. They Want Water, 'Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink." Thisis the situation at Portsmouth, and fhe vil- lagers want the civic utilities to ex- tend its system to that village. With the country "dry" it does look to be a hardship to deprive any place of water. After The Position. R. M. Warren, M.P.P., was in Pembroke looking into the matter of the appointment .of a new division court clerk. We understand that Sheriff Morris, county clerk R. J. Roney, J. R. Lockhart and John Beat- ty, county court clerk, are applicants for the position, all intending to take the new position in addition to their present duties. An appointment wil] likely be made in the course of the next few days. / New Ralings on Sales Taxes. Several new rulings of importance, effective at once, were received by { the inland revenue tax department regarding sales tax. They were: (1) Sales tax shall be computed on the total value of any sales; (2) frac- tions shall be disregarded where under half a cent, and where over a cent shall be treated as a whole cent; (3) wheye the amount of the sales tax on any sale ig less than half a cent no tax shall b§ collectable, Science Master Appointed. Dr. G. W. Morden as science master. He is to take charge on Jan. 1st; to remain with the school until the mid- summer vacation. Dr. Morden was taking a well earned rest after his strenuous work as manager of a large factory in England during war times and it was only because of his loyalty to his home town that he consented to accept this position temporarily, as there is a very great scarcity of sclence teachers. 4 ---------------------------------- Called To Another Pastorate. The friends of Rev. E. F, Bell, an old Camden boy, and graduate of Newburgh high school, in 1899, will learn with pleasure that he has been called from the, pastorate of the Congregational church of Dubuque, Iowa, to the pastorate of Plymouth Congregational church of Madison, Wisconsin. This is one of the im- portant churches of Wisconsin, Madi- son being the state capital, also the home of the Wisconsin State Univer- sity. This is a distinct promotian for Mr. Bell, coming as a result of his successful work among the young men in the army when he was physi- ville, Kentucky. "Frazer" as he is commonly known, is a son of the in 1915. . Mr. Bell has been in the United States ffor sixteen years. Elect School Trustees. On Monday the ratepayers of the Wellington Consolf lated School dis- trict, met to elect trustees. Under the act, five trustees ire required for the consolidated school district and as there were ofily flwe nominations, they were declared elected by accla- mation. The following are the trus- tees elected: A. A. Morden, H. D. Cleminson, J. J. Fox, C. L. Stevenson, The Picton Collegiate Institute is! fortunate in securing the services of | cal director at Camp Taylor, Louis- | late A. P. Bell, who died in Napanee | | Witmag Davis. Two of these were | { for the village of Wellington ana | | three for the outside area. At a sub- sequent meeting, A. A. Morden was appointed chairman and H. D. Clem- inson, secretary-treasurer. This month the Picton Gazette | celebrates it ninetieth anniversary. | On Dec, 20th, 1830, the first issue | was published under the name of the Hallowell Free Press. It was one of | the very first papers published in' | what was then known as Upper Can- lade. Since that time it has been pub- {lished continuously. It is planned | { to celebrate the ninetieth anniversary | by the publication of a special num- | ber. * | A Ninetieth Anniversary. Pay for the Chicken. | Everyone has read the story | about the lady who complained to | the merchant about finding a chicken in what was supposed to be | {a strictly fresh egg. This actually | happened in a Kingston store a few | {days ago. The lady came back to | | the store and gave the shopkeeper | {a scolding for selling her an egg of | {this type, when they were selling at | $1 per dozen. Whereupon the shop- | 'keeper said, "Well, lady, if that is ithe case, you can pay me now for {the chicken, too." | Put on Your Address. ! {| The rush of the parcel post is now | {on at the Kingston post office. Par- | lecels for far-off places are being posted. The -post office authorities state that it would be a great help | | it' everyone sending a parcel would |put his or her address on one cor- | {ner of the parcel. Many parcels are | | put in without sufficient stamps and | sometimes the wrong address, and if | the name of the sender is at hand, | |it will prevent a great deal of | trouble. { ------------------ How Children Can Help. | In addressing the children at the {Sunday morning service in Chal- { mers church, Rev. Dr. Wilson spoke of the millions of hungry people in | § | Central Europe and China. Because | we at home had plenty and they were | | dyl 'g of starvation, he did not like } to t Mink of the Christmas gift season. He suggested that every child should | forego one of the Christmas gifts an- | ticipated, ard contribute enough who were hungry in far-off lands. This self-sacrifice would make their | own Christmas very much happier. | Music at St. Luke's, { Special music was rendered at St. Luke's church yesterday by the jchoir. At the morning service, Mr. Graves sang 'Jesus, Saviour, Pllot | Me," with great expression, and in| the evening the anthem, 'Still, Still With Thee," | fully rendered by the choir, Mrs. | Horton ,contralto, ably taking the | solo parts. During the offertory, D. | Couper, baritone, sang "A Few More | Years Shall Roll," the music of which was composed by Mrs. J. R. C. | | | money to buy two loaves for those | | | | { | | | Chalmers Presbyterian church. B. | Couper presided at the organ with | STORM SASH Order your Storm Sash in a local factory and keep Kingston workmen employed. We use only White Pine--the best wood for this purpose. S. ANGLIN & CO. Weodworking Fuctury snd Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Omt. . Phose 14.5. Office Phone 06. Factory HH BULBS We scl] have a large assort ment at prices that aie right BASKETS See our shipment from Japan. Not too edly for Christmas A. D, HOLTON buying. £80 PRINCESS nigKET Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KINNEY and COLLIVER'S FRESH MINCE MEAT PICTON Made at ONTARIO (Speaks), was beauti- | : Dobbs, the well-known organist of |B REMEMBER When doing your Christmas Shopping, that you could not give a present that will be more appreciated and useful than a | ""COMFYDOWN" MATTRESS or a DOWN COMFORTER If you want to be exceptionally nice to Father and Mother, give them a "Comfy. down" for Xmas. Kingston Ma SALES ROOM 136 Princess Street ress Company FACTORY 536 Princess Street THE LATE MRS. PERCEVAL. PILES Are Generally Caused by THE "FLU" Was the Daughter of Leading Family of County Down, his usual ability. | | DYE WORKS || A Chadwick & Son (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. ---- { age Pineuppie Murmuinde, Wagstal's Bramble Jellly, We alse Rave . full Lise of olher reliable makes of Marma- 1ades, Jam ana Jejlieg for esis at: Bon Marche Cor, King and Earl Streets License No. 5-27149 Phono 1544. Watches and Clocks Repaired Note change of address: Phon> 1886. 267 Princess St. J Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. FOR SALE DWELLING, BANK AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits, ,. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424, Davie & Barrett PLUMBING and TINSMITHING New is the time to hu Y& your Fur Hace repaired before tl \ cold wea. ther sets In. See us for 203 WELLINGTON $1 Phone 688. ~ Antiques A Specialty - We have * For Choice Groceries and Provisions «2 STORES ; 210 Division Street. ~ Corner of Plae & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired. Mahogany Spinets, Mahogany | and Walnut Tables, Antique Chairs, (Single and Sets of Six), Buffet, Dining Room sets, Parlor Sets, English Four-post Canopy Bed, Solid Mahogany, ete. If you want to dispose of any Furniture, phone 1045w. ~ Society, Ltd Corner of King and Princess Sta, LESSES, Antique Shop 507 PRINCESS STREET Corner Chatham Street \ Halton county is opposed to the building of a race course, as pro- posed, in the neighborhood of Milton or elsewhere wi its boundaries. Six of the Victory bond issues have advances and one declined Dare Not Return The "'Flu" will certainly got a Warm roception this winter if it dares show its ugly head in our peaceful midet, for the people are confident now that they ean deal it such a smashing blow it will never survive, In every village, town and city in Canada, families are fortifying them. selves with the greatest "Flu" am. munition known to secience--Buck- ley's Bronchitis Mixture, Colds, coughs, ete.--the advance guards of Flu--are met with withering fire; and from ete lruubide - sure every time. ® hundred thousand Canadians are only too willing to tes- | tify to the great healing this | remedy contains. It has conquered coughs of 35 years' standing. It ean- not fall to do for 'you what it has done for others. You have everything to, fin and nothing te loss, as it is under a money-back guarantee to banish conghs, eolds, bronehitis, bronchial asthma and prevent you from gottidg the "Flu." It is mot a qr but a seientille mixture, 30 mes stronger thaa any other eopgh ours. One dose gives t relief. los, 75 Suna, Ro substitute. one e without my signature. Ask Fo druggist g iw Sold in Kingston by McLeod's Drug Store, T. H. Sargent, F. J. Hoag, A. G. Harris and other reliable 'drug stores. Will Help Sd Clear Your Skin SAVE MONEY By Buying Meat in Large Quantities : The weather is now cool and meat will keep fresh for any length of time, FIRST CLASS BEEF Front quarters . .. .18¢c. per Ib. Hind Quarters ...17c. per Ib. 12 lbs. for ceevevisea. 182.00 Princess Meat Market 838 Princess Street i Old friends attended' the burial service in St. Paul's church on Sat- urday afterdoon for the late Mrs. Harriett Perceval, who passed away on Friday at the age of ninety-three years and eleven months, Canon FitzGerald made a very touching re- ference to the deceased venerable lady, 'whose life, he said, had been on of sweetness and gentleness. Her home for years was the centre of many of the activities of St. Paul's church. Canon FitzGerald said that among the old friends who had come to look upon the face of the deceased for the last time was an aged man who! when a boy had lived near the family home of Mrs. Perceval at Ech- linville, County Down, Ireland. He said that Mrs. Perceval, who was then Miss Echlin, the daughter of one of the leading families of the county, was a beautiful young lady, and on Sundays he used to watch for her arrival at the parish church. She would drive up in a coach-and- four, and the footman would procede. her into the church carrying her books to the family pew. That was about seventy-five years ago, and the memory of those far-off days lingered with the old man whom Canon Fitz- Gerald said he brought to the Per- ceval home on Brock street to see the lady of boyhood memory who had lived to such a ripe old age. -- THE CONVICTION QUASHED, Appealed Liquor Fine Imp at Napanee. Justice Kelly has quashed the con- vietion of Roy Storms, Odessa; who was fined $200 and costs or three months by Magistrate William Ran- in, Napanee, on the charge of hav- ing, or keeping, or giving liquor with- out a license. Storms had a mail contract and sent to Montreal for two. cases of liquor. Placing it In his car he start store," the two cases disappeared. When the police searched his house they could not find. the liquor and the charge was laid. | : J. W. Fergussn, argued successtuiy that the magistrate could not find the eccused guilty on the alternative in- Stead of on a definite charge. | ------ ce e-------- DISTRIBUTE FISH FRY. Three-fourths of a Billion During fou . a Present War, Ottawa, Dec. 6.--Pish hatcheries operated by the fisheries branch, De partment of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, have distributed in 1920 three-fourths of a billion fry, in the various provinces throughout the Do- mi . The greatest distribution took place in Ontario, the number of fry distributediybeing approximately four hundred million, * ---- Canadian speed skaters will com. pete in the U. 8. national champion- ships at Newburg, N.Y. The United Stata | olf Association and the Western Golf Association are preparing no Ry 4 ed home, and, while he stopped ata) to patch up .their differ: | CONSTIPATION. | There are few, if any, complgints | more common than hemorrhoids, or | piles, as they are commonly called, and scarcely any which cause more trouble," annoyance and misery. Ninety per cent. are troubled with | them at some time or other, owing to | allowing the bowels to become in a| constipated condition. | Piles are classed under three head- | ings, i.e, itching, bleeding and pro- | truding, and the excruciating pains | which accompany them cause misery which is beyond description. Ointments and suppositories may help and relieve for a while, but to get rid of them, it is mecessary to have a free, easy and natural motion of the bowels, at least once or twice a day, and by doing this the cause will be quickly remaved. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regu- late the flow of bile to act properly on the liver apd bowels, thus remaoy- ing the constipation and all its allied troubles. : They contain no calomel or dras- tic mineral ingredients, being purely vegetable. They are small and easy to take, and do not gripe, weaken or sicken. V . Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. : .ToCure aCold in One Day Take Grove's * Laxative Bromo Quinine tablots Be sure its Bromo : rg Phone 2283. Phone 602w. ¢ MEN'S DRESS SHOES We are now showing the very latest styles in Men's Dress Shoes, both in English and Canadian makes--Patent Leather and Dull Kid-- Just the st their faultless fi yles the young men like for PUMPS or OXFORDS". . $8.00 to $10.00 LH Se erland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES EDDELL'S OVERCOATS For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT' TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. a (One door below Randolph Hotel)