Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1920, p. 9

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ey E DAILY BRITI SH WHIG.~ TH From the Countryside | 1 Why, everybody ing about the great work it is doing in eoughs, colds, bronchitis, i asthma, ebe. The is one of thousands of letters recsived:-- 'Kindly aceept sincere thanks for the benefit my 'e deri by the use of one of r of Brena Mixture. Tor years acutely. After spending dollar after dollar upon various remedies, mo re- lief was oWtaimed. Hearing of your to usé my name and too pleased to answer say inquiries. Sincerely yours; John Holmes, Yorkville 'Ave."' The orig- inal of this letter may be seen at W. K. Buckley, ted, 142 Mutual Bt., Toronto. Don't allow a cough or eold to linger with yon. Away with it! Hail Buekley's Mixture and have eough atrested. This remedy never fails. On every bottle is a guarantes to refund the money if mot satisfac- tory. Delays are dangerous. Order now from your Druggist 0 Sold in Kingston by McLeod's Drug Jom, T. H. Sargent, F. J. . Hoag, A. G. Harrie and other reliable drug stores. News From Moscow. Moscow, Dec. 6.--A number from here attended the poultry show at Napanee last week. I. Card is moving near Napanee, where he has bought a farm. Fred Cousins is moving on the place vacated by Mr. Card. Miss Elsie Hamilton, Kingston Mills, is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. J. Fisher. Week-end visitors were: Miss Grade Huffman, Kingston, at M. Huffman's; Miss Doris Assel- stine with' her grandparents at Sy-' denham; Miss Edna Allen, New- burgh, at William Allen's; Misses Evelyn McKim"and Gladys Agselstine, Napanee, at Robert Asselstine's; Miss Joy Patterson with her sister at Strathcona; Miss Gregory with her parents at Verona, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Amey and daughter, Hattie, with friends at Tamworth. Rev. Mr. 'Wilson, Tamworth, preached in the Methodist church here Sunday morn- ing. Miss Sproule, Napanee, at O. Huffman's. The many friends of H. Vanluven, who has been confined to his bed for some time, will be glad to know he is improving. Mrs. T. Reynolds and Misses Mamie and Elizabeth, were. re- gent visitors at C. Gonu'r, C. Gonu has had a number of hands engaged in securing his next summer's sup- ply of wood for the cheese factory. Sleighs and cars are both seen on the roads here. A deer weighing, drawn, more 'than 300 lbs., was shot by James Qufity, near Herbert Lake, Northern Ont- io. Minister of Fisheries in Newfound- Jand is advertising the establishment of a State bank for the colony. » LELAND School has been closed for an in- defiinite time and the teacher, Miss Lillian Ball, is'at her home in Sun- bury. James Sills, Niagara Falls, was a week-end visitor at John Sills. Miss Lazell 8ills has returned from a lengthy visit with her sister, Mrs. T. Meliroy, Keelervillee Wilfred Young and Rupert Amo spent the week-end in Brockville the guests of Mrs. Walter Cooper. Mrs. T. Youngs is slowly improving. 8mall- pox patients are recovering. A num- ber from here visited the city on Sat- urday despite the inclement weath- er. " PERTH ROAD Dee. 6.--The Helping Hand meets this Tuesday at Mrs. G. Fréeman"s, Wilmur, on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 18th, at Mrs. R. Thompson's, Wilmur. The Ladies' Aid is to hold its next meet- ing at Mrs. Kibbe's, The "Wheel Mary" Spar Mines at Long Lake will begin operations this week under the superintendency of Sherman Or- ger. Mr. and Mrs. Morleya Vallier, Kingston, are spending a fortnight at Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Wilson's. Practice has begun for the annual Christmas entertainment. Mrs. W. G. Johnston has returned to Lans- downe, MURVALE Dec.- 6.~The farmers are taking advantage of the snow and are get- ting up their wood. Company have nearly completed the line through here. Nearly eyerybody has a telephone in their home. A great many from here attended the commencement exercises at Syden- ham on Friday night. The stork left a little boy at W. Brown's, dn Dec. 4th C. W. Emmons has returned home from Mountain Grove and in- tends unloading a car of stove wood at Harrowsmith this week. Mr. Com- mings, Florida, is at Mart. Com- ming's. FOREST Mrs. Patterson's sale of farm stock and implements, was well attended. Everything sold for a good price, although the weather was against it. On Friday night when Manford Vancoughnant and sisters were tom- ming home from Sydenham they had the misfortune to collide with an- other rig, the end of the shaft run- ning into his horse. It was necessary to shoot the animal, Miss Wood is training her pupils for a Christmas concert. Rev, Mr. Stewart called In this district on Tuesday. T. Fitz- gareld, and sons, shipped a car-load of cattle last week. Miss M. More- land, spent a day' recently, in the city. OATES." Dec. 2.--On Nov. 23rd, Miss Mar- garet Walsh, of this place, and Thos. quietly | R. Marshall, Taylor, were married at St. Patrick's church, Rail- ton. thé Friday evening previous a miscellaneous shower was tendered the bride at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The Mission. Circle meets | The Telephone | | Bert Koen. The many useful gifts re- | eeived, testified to .ae popularity of | the bride. Dancing and.games were enjoyed by young and old, after | which lunch was served. Mrs, E. Pat- | terson, Inverary, spent a few 'days last week at J. A. Koen"s. Mr, and Mrs. J. Johnston spent Thursday in | Wilmur. Mra. Bert Koen and daugh- |ter, Ellen Marle, visited her father, J. J. Donoghue, Westport. A number | from here attended the commence- | ment exercises at Sydenham High | school on Friday night. E. McCallis- | ter, Harrowsmith, was a recent visi- itor at J. Burns'. T. Fitzgerald was | through this locality buying cattle. | PITTSFERRY | Dec. 3.--The roads in this vicinity | are in a very bad condition. Eight | auto trucks passed through here to- day on their way to Toronto. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. R. Barclay on Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. A number from here attended the bazzaar held at St. Andrew's church, Gananoque, on Thursday. Miss Annie Maitland returned home after spending the week-end with friends at South Lake, Miss Norma Orr spent the past week at Mr. and Mrs. R. Barclay's. Miss Bessie Lane entertained Miss Gladys Ranous and Miss Grace Wood at the tea house on Friday. Wedding bells were sweetly ringing on Wednesday evening when George Denton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brash, was united in wedlock by Rev. G. M. Maxwell, to Eva Alice, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Thompson. A number of the young people are prac- . | ticing for a Christmag 'concert.~ cars, and this little yillaen s far more lively. A large number from here toqk in the poultry fair in Nap- anee on Thursday, and report prices very favorable. Chickens sold at 80c¢ to 36¢c, fowl 25¢ to 28c, and turkeys 45¢c and 46¢. The children aye prac- tising for their Christmas entertain- ment. Little Jean McGill, who had the misfortuné of breaking her collar bone, is improving quickly. ThHpsale at Fred Wilson's on Friday was well attended, but prices were not high. P. Kelly, Chippewa, has purchasad Wesley MoGill's barn and is drawing it home. A quiet wedding took place at' George Wilson's en Wednesday, when their only daughter, Edna, was married to W. Bauder, Verona. They left for their new home immediately after the wedding. Mrs. Canary, Cole- borne, has been visiting her brother, J. Cavanaugh, for the past week. DONALDSON. Dec. .--The young people are pre- paring for a concert and Christmas tree, to be held Dec. 22nd, at the school. A number of people attended the dance at 'George Thirstun's, and a good time was enjoyed. Everton Flake spent Sunday last at Trout Lake hotél, Ompah. Francis Ros- berry visited friends at Ardoch. Dan- tel Gregg has beem laid off work with a very sore eye. Mrs. X. Rosberry is confined to her bed with pneumonia. Mrs. Neill Morrow, has returned home from visiting friends in Darl- ing. Little Lena Sargeant is very ill with bronchitis. Miss Forectell, Miss Watt, and Miss Hayes are the guests of Mrs. Rosberry. Roy White and Stanley Rpg returned to Plevna, af- ter visiting John Flake, Clide Laun- dre, spent the week-end at his par- ental home, A NORTHBROOK Dec. 4--Our excellent roads are keeping all lively and lumber is be- ing hauled in all directions. Prices are fas» falling at our loca] stores and yet pioduce holde firm with po- Prince Edward BONGARD «, Dec. 3--The Ladies' Ald met 3 the home of Mrs. A. W. Hicks Thursday, Dec. 2nd, Mrs. W. L. Min- aker, Cherry Valley, is visiting Mrs. Thomas Bongard. Mr. Bolton and Miss Mabel Van Dusen, Picton, were, guests at Mrs. Sheppard's on Sunday. The cheesé factory has closed for the season. =. C. David and sisters have removed to their new home in Picton. They will be missed by many friends here. Messrs. Thurston and Carson are catching large quantities of herr- ing. Mrs. Thomas Bongard, who has been quite ill, is recovering. A num- ber of cases of smallpox of a mild type are reported at Waupoos. Miss Clare Van Vlack, Waupoos, who un- derwent an operation for appendicitis in Prince Edward Hospital, is con- valescing. The new wing of the Prince Edward county hospital is completed. This splendid institution is a great boon to the county. Many donations are being received. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Pierce, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Chgrles Storms, a dau- ghter, % Lemox & Addington ' CENTREVILLE. Dec. 6.--The recent rains hafe left the roads again trafficable for hat ; r i : ¢ Hi i x I 'My 'Nerves Were So Bad at Times that * 1 Could Not Keep Back the Tears HEN the neryes collapse there is \ of utter helplessness strong men, as well as women, cannot do otherwise than weep. is sadly at a loss a nervous patient, and an eminent authori the statement that werk plies in ¢ond form the vi i ] i ] Because Dr. Chase's Nerve Food sup- Nature rebuilds the starved and wasted give you an idea of just what you may ex- pect from the use of this treatment, be- cause it describes an average case: : Mrs. 5. Sharp, Midland, Ont, writes:-- n years age 1 had a gerious ner and easily assimilated substances with which tatoes $1.15; eggs, 76¢ doz.; butter, 60c 1b.; vegetables ranging 2c Ib.; flour ig now selling at §6.40 per bag; (corn, $3.86 per cwt.; soaps down, and teas, 16c per pound, with sugar also equal to the city prices. Mrs. Ervin Shier is home from Point An- ne. The latest find at the Ore Chim- ney Mines is & wee son which came to stay with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fletcher, Many congratulations. William Ellis is in Kingston General Hospital suffering with an absess. J. Flake and D. Thompson purchased cutters from C. C. Thompson this week. Mrs. James Parks is spending a few days in Toronto with her hus- band. The Ore Extension Mine has closed until machinery can be in- stalled. Elijah Thompson is fast col- lecting the taxes." Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Both, Jr., were guests at Mrs. J. L. Lloyd's before returning to Denbigh. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Clancy, Mrs. William Thompson and Rev. Mr. Ca* Ju, Harlowe, passed enroute to Ivaihoe Convention. J. L. Lloyd is busy in his blacksmith shop and teams are brought long distances te be shod by him as he is very efficient, Mr. Ruttan's family are gaining slow- ly from a severe attack of measles. Travellers, H. Scruton, J. Gardiner, H. Chown, Morrison, and Nelson were registered at the Shier House during the week. A few of the many friends of Mrs. Elijah Thompson gathered at her home Friday evening and cele- brated her birthday. ~~ KINGSTON. Nov. 1.--Minutes of last meeting adopted. Motion, Hawker-Kish, that Elmer Lake act as pathmaster on road division 656,5t0 succeed the late John Fowler.' Motion, Weller-Sproule, that the clerk prepare a by-law for the re-appointment of the D.R.O. of 1920 or 1921 (polling sub-division No. 6 excepted, where Roy Graham succeeds Thomas Bell), the poll clerks of 1920 for 1921, and the poll- fog booths used in '1920 for 1921. Motion, Weller-Hawker, that Reeve Clark examine a stove owned by P. Morley, and, if the stove is suitable for use in the township hall, pur- chase it. Motion, Sproule-Weller, that thé reeve and Councillor Kish be a committee to dispose of the ce- ment trough now not usdd on the provincial highway, ~ Payments ordered: $556, John C. Gibson, work on ditch on the Gar- diner side road; $3.50, H. C. Orser, painting the portable caboose used by workmen employed at road build- ing; $14.14, Roddy & Monk, two comp. springs for cruSher; $83.65, R. J. Ellerbeck, repairs and work on orushing outfit; $42.75, Roscoe Gar- diner, work side road opening ditch; $132, P. Morley, work on Gar- diner side road; $147.50, A. B. Saun- ders, work on Gardiner side road; $20, A. BE. Weller, two sheep killed by dogs; $9.82, B. H. Stover, bonus on 65 rods of ferce; $25, W. J. Smyth, work; $18.40, W, J. Smyth, work. Council adjourned to meet Dec. 20th, 1920, at 9 am, EVENTS AT ODESSA. Odessa, Dec, 3.--The concert given last Friday night in the Methodist church was a success. It consisted of selections from Miss Muriel Stvard, elocutionist, Miss Ruth Babeock, pia- no solos, Miss Howl:t, ralections on w:e violin, Mrs. Robert Cal:ns, organ s0'0; vocal numbers by Hearshal Snider and choruses from the choir, all of which wera begutifuliy render- ed. The Ladies' Ald Society held a hand kerchief bazaar on Wednesday after- noon and evening, and dainty refresh- ¢ served, The MF. SHS. - 1 mery, of-the Toronto 'police Sh has been home for a short returned last week. public | Township Comells | HER -PROBLEMS- : WHY MRS. GROWING-HEAVIER STOPPED TO THINK. MISS " ADMITTEDLY-STOUT (gushingly)--I'm so [ glad to hear you say that this dress makes me look thinner! Don't you want the pattern? or Why the Baby Cries. Johnny--What makes the new baby at your house cry so much, Tommy? Tommy---It don't ery so very much --and anyway, if all your teeth were out, your hair off, and your legs so weak you couldn't stand on them, I guess you'd feel like crying yourself. All the world's a stage and the barber is given many parts. Perfectly True. The two comyades were in a poet- ical frame 3f mind. - "Here's one for you, Jack," said Tom. "In the dark and dreary sky, a silver lining you will spy, waiting till the clouds roll by." "Not bad," retorted Charlie, "but here's a better one: "Last night you were on & night-ghift--I took your girl for a stroll." "It doesn't rhyme," put in Tom. Know! \ " Your Youngster's Precious Eyes deserve the best care RE you giving sufficient thought to your children's eyes? "It'is a duty you owe your thildren to make sure that they are not suffering from eye defects. "grown ups" wearing glasses today would not need them if their eyes had been proper- ly cared for in childhood. Den't guess. Many ' The only safe way is to have your children's eyes examined by a competent Optometrist. His scientific methods of examination enable him to detect eye defects and his knowledge fits him to advise and prescribe. Consult your Optometrist. He knows. "Have your eyes examined' Write the Secretary, Box 92, Dundds, Ont., for free booklet on the care of the eyes. - " BOOTS and SHOES. "I know tha®' said Charlie, "but it's a fact, all the same." Talking Machines All kinds of Phonographs paired, cleaned, recharged and adjusted. Main apd governor springs for all makes in' stock. Quick service, expert workinane J. M. PATRICK , 149 SYDENHAM ST. & . Auto Storage Warm or Cold. COMMENCING THURSDAY, DEC. 2nd ~-20% Discount ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF i - The Victory Shoe Store

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