- i er fis Slim Sa { THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SH A We have on hand a well assorted stock of 'choice Spruce in square edge, T. & G. V-joins and coped siding. - Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. ; 3 2 3 Victoria Street A A A Auto Storag o ur E¥idioy Hil NEW ASSORTMENT OF POCKET FLASHLIGHTS Special prices for Christmas. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. Phone 441. 167 Princess Street i SEES We have neither time ner room to devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to get rid of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- _antee, Come in and see them. EN Crawroro & WALSH ib : = = = 8 2 = E ] = b= . WEAR-E VER Christmas Special SPECIAL! $3.20 Four- Quart Wear. Ever Windsor Kettle for only $1.70 and Coupon if presented Dec. 6th to 11th "WHRAR EVER" makes a useful and ideal ail Start your . Christmas shopping early. A EVER" Kitchen is just as important as a well- Ap) ted dining room, eac h day of the year, three times ® day. "Wear Ever" Uten ils serve you. Our demonstration will be in c harge of a specially trained mm | In strange and dissonant medley, the whole earth is crying for King- dom Come. What prophets forejoid | and poets sang and saints sighed for aad Jesus proclaimed is today the | major theme of universal thought. | All sorts of voices are uplifted in | plea for this Better Day, which men variously interpret. Gilbert K. Chesterton, the British author, ex- presses the commen passion in this { prayer: 'Gh God nf earth and altar w down and hear our cry, Our BY 1 rulers falter, | Our people drift and die; | The walls of gold entomb ys, | The sgords of scorn divide, Take not Thy thunder from us, But take away our pride. { "From all that terror teaches, From lies of tongue and pen, From all the easy speeches That comfort cruel men, From sale and profanation, Of honor and the sword, From sleep and from damnation, Deliver us, good lord. "Tie In a living tether \ The priest and prince and thrail, Bind all our lives together, Smite us and save us all; In ire and exultation, Aflanve with faith and Irze, Lift us a living nation, A single word to Thee." Chesterton, In spite cf his para- doxes and whimsies sees straighter | than most. Semsative to popular uns | rest, ghe yet perceives that it is not | to be allayed or overcome exterminated, but to be satisfied. herefore Me turns to the great | Source and Goal of life, from whence alone can come the answer to man- kind'; expectancy, A Worth-While Passion. Recently I addressed a forum meeting upon ' cosmopolitan econdi- tions, and answered questions after- wards. A few professional forum- goers were there, apostles of unrest, eritics of all things that are. They seemed disappointed because the Speaker did not prove to be a com- mon scold, and had enthusiasms as well as regrets. Their point of view Was really pitiable, for their only apparent programme was damnation for the whole general scheme of things. They made the common mis- take of assuming that mere fault- finding is a great virtue, Their idea of social reconstruction seemed to be entirely to rail at the meeting or- der. They had no constructive con- ceptions whatever. Really I fancy that I am u p- pier over some existing conditions in the world than these untravelleq ECONOMY AND MERIT Combined in Hood's 8 Sarsaparilla, the Blood Medicine, In spite of the increased costs and greal scarcity of important roots, herbs, etc., the standard of quality and the guantity of Hood's Sarsapa- rilla haye been faithfully maintained and are to-day the same as when this medicine was. first perfected and of- fered to the public. A bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla will average to last three or four weeks, while others last but a week or two, and some even less time, Hood's Sarsaparilla is effective 48 a blood purifying and tonic medicine and also after the Flu, Grip, fevers and other debilitating, blood-poisoning diseases. It puri- files the bloed, creates an appetite, and makes food taste good. i NOSE CLOGGED FRO A COLD OR CATARRH in Nostrils To Amiy p Air Passages. Open Ah! "What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air pas- sages of your head are clear and you cin breathe freely. No more hawk- ing, senuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness--no struggling for breath #. night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nos- trils, let it penetrate through every alr passage of the head; soothe and { heal the swollen, inflamed mucous | membrane, giving you ineiant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is just what every cold and catarrh sufferet has been seeking. It's just splendid. demonstrator from the departm ent of Honsehold Economics of the manufacture of "Wear Ev er." Sarat attention given to mail orders. If Kettle is to be mall- a, 44. 18¢. for postage. WEAR-EVER "COUPON * In order that the fac- tory may have an ac- curate record of the number of these "Wear Ever" Kettles sold at the special price of $1.79, you are required to bring this coupon with you at the time of purchase, with the pur- chaser's name and ad- dress plainly 'written NAME «ivi vat onin + ADDRESS ........sn ToCure aCold in One Day Take QGrove's Laxative Bromo wy Quining Be eee its Bromo _ RUSSIA OR GALILEE? a The International Sunday School Lesson for Dec. 12th is, "What the Kingdors of Heaven Is Like."-- att. 13 : By William T. Eills. and narrow-minded critics know how to be. They are incapable even of imagining such misery as these eyes have looked upon. But I part company with this- whole breed of calamity howlers--they remind me of the packs of jackals that make weird noises amid the graves out- side of the sacred shrine city of Ken bela, in Mesopotamlia--Dbecause. I have a glowing faith in people, and in some institutions; programme which is able to make right all that is wrong in the world. I Take The Express Train, That programme and passion is for the kingdom of heaven, estah- lished by Jesus, and still growing over all the earth. Why should a person devote his energies to any lesser and merely superficial scheme of reconstruction, when he can go right down to the root of things with the word and spirit and method of Jesus? Why take a slow and uncom- fortable local train, stopping at all the wayside stations of reform, when it is possible to take a through ex- press to the terminal of regenera tion? A babe may follow the logic of the kingdom idea. The things that are wrong With the world today all have their cause in' mistaken or evil ideals. It is man's inhumanity to man-that is making countless millions mourn. If it were not for the pride and greed and selfishness of the imperialists, the profiteers and the huge mass of self-engrossed peggon# in the world, there would be no political or econo- mic or social tragedies. Because man's heart is not right toward his neighbor, our world has sunk into its present abyss of unneighborliness. So, says Jesus, get your heart right. Changed spirits will quickly produce a changed world. All reform that abides mmst work from within out- ward. Thprefore, 'the kingdom of God is within you." Passionate de- votion to the kingdoru is surest ser- vice of all human needs, Beeing Red or Seeing Straight. Perturbed persons everywhere are turning toward Russia as a possible land of hope for the new era. It is the fad among so-called "intellec- tuals" to espouse the Russian type of radicalism as the panacea for all ills. One of the rather amazing phe- nomena of our present world is this widespread turning towards Russia for a new gospel. Those of us who have lived under the red flag in Rus- sla know that the advent of Bolshe- vism has meant even Increased tyranny, unbrotherliness, intolerance and widespread suffering, physical, mental and spiritual. Sorry is our plight if we have nowhere "else to look for the Good Time Coming than to Russia, Happily, we have a better place to- ward which we may turn our eyes of hope. Not out ot Russia, but out of Galilee, comes the assurance of the New Day, when + "All p.en's good Be wash man's rule and universal ace Lie ike a shaft of light across the « land, And like a lane of beams athwart the Theo ail the circle of thé golden year hea we. cease seeing ad, ...d be. is adequate for a remade world. Our less than the transforming power of 4 divine dynamic can meet it. Hu- fanity will have to be changed its very heart before all the undes able conditions of society can be Leader Who can meet the unegualled task of the times, What Is The Kingdom? Even as it wag in the days of His flesh, the learned and the eminent are inclined to be offended in Jesus saying "Whence hath this man this wisdom . « i8 not this the car- penter's son?" That very fact, tht FJesus is so kin to all of us that He bears the title bt the "Son of man," of course fit~ Him to meet a univer 1 need and win universal accept- ange, hye a variety of parables, Jesus sets forth, in the Scripture assigned for present study, some characteris- tics of the kingdom of heaven. It is like a mustard seed, inconspicuous in its beginnings, but great and beneficient in its growth. It.is like a leaven, hid in the flour, and leave ening the whole Jump It 'is like treasure secreted in eld, making the entire proptery worth buying. It is like thé merchant's pearl of g eat price, supremely desirable. It is like a niet, gathering in the good and the vad. for the subsequent sep- aration, Nat So vast a con ception as that the kingdom of heaven is ble of endless in terpretation and €0 The ki e is made Kise. oo a fh 8 ominlon © to Fim i 5 who give al Jan do His oo Torah roped have oro Rly Tod /Anamen's with Pena 'State Sollope and United States Nasal Acudemy. and I have a; to see straight and far, we per- eelve clearly that only the kingdom | of ligaven programme, as studied in| the present Sunday Sthool Lesson, | day's problem is so vast that nothing | ke. | changed. Jesus is the only sufficient | cs. oh ~ ah yy -- yy -- po Jrying A {Days A T has been well said, a school teacher has more influence -in shaping the lives of her scholars than their pare ents, How necessary, Bai is it that she should have a bright, clear brain, and be strong and vigorous in order that she may give them of her best. The worry and the work, the strain and anxiety of a teacher's life Lave such as tell severely on the nervous system. Time and again teachers have had to give up good positions on account of 5 weak heart, run down health and shat. tered nerves. To such Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills come as a boon and a blessing. Their purpose is t6 make the weak heart strong and the shaky nerves firm, and thus build up the entire system to full s and vitality. Miss L. FE. Hopkins, Kirkton, 5 dnt writes: --"I have used Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for weak heart. I was so Rervoys I Lae to leave school fer two years. After I had taken five boxes of Iwas able to go back to my school again, feeling in Ri§vod h eatth Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Company, Limited Toronto, Ontario | Willard Attention Now WILL BAVE YOu ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON experience, your battery well charged while car is in use, and WINTER DR STORAGE for it immediately when car is laid up. "10 Brock Street Tailors Try us for your next Suit or Overessd. Style ana ft saarastesd. Our own personii attestion io' strea to all orders. 80 MONTREAL STREET Twa Doers From King Edward Theatre REMOVAL NOTICE Robinson &Wiltshire ile CLERGY STRERT All kinds of work promptly st tended to, " OUR SERVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battery We most strongly recommend great care in keeping' Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists. WILLARD SERVICE STATION Phone 1340. 1. LESSES, Prop. The House of T.ogyds, on Tuesday, concluded the com.aittee stage of the Home Rule Biil. The Metropolitan church, Toronto, | has opened lunch and rest rooms for working girls. PHONE 1108w, ihe = Many Automobile Factories Are Closed Down. SOME ARE RUNNING ONE-QUARTER TIME, AND OTHERS HALF TIME, SUT |, THE REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY IS OPERATING TO FULL CAPACITY--WHY? Decause they are bullding a Car of Quality. The following is Proof of This Statement: built, honestly priced car on the mare. "Gv ; ing an internsting account of his apetys ences in driving motor cars he " had driven all makes since the motors were put on the mar that he ole, himself well qualified so judge tiPvalue of a car. Many of the Chicago dealers who paid their first visit to the factory at this time were amass ed at the wonderful plant in which their SPEED WAGGONS were built and declared that after Becing the cqnstruction of Red oars they Were more than ever enthusiastic over the prospect of selling them. Mr. M. J. Schmidt, who last year held the sales record among dealers of the Chicago Braifich, declared that if everyons. could Reos in the making everyone would insist upon Reos for driving. deo dealers from Chicago and Northern Il- * 40is gave conclusive answer to rumors that the automobile business is at a standstill by staging the largest drive-away ever made from the Rego plant at Lansing on October 2nd. The production of one day--September 30th was set aside for the dealers in Chicago ter- ritory. There were sixty-three passenger cars and one bundred and fifteen SPEED WAGGONS in the giant paradé which left Lansing "for Chi« cago. The great majority of the cars and trucks were handed direct by the forty-two deal- ers yoo came to Lansing fn two special cars. Lt ay dinner held for the Chicago dealers, the go ning before the. drive-away, an address was made by ©. J. Dilger, President of the Checker Taxicab Co., of Chicago, who declared that the Reo product was the most honestly BOYD'S GARAGE "AUTOMOBILES / "Now i is the time to purchase that car for next year, for many good reasons, which: we cannot only explain, but are in a position to Fer, example: we guatasiee fhe pri price of every new car that ia is ce as far a ZL as Sheet Hr ty Jesronae in. pri difference between the ecrease we further guarantee to re« present and new price, alue in the u of the year even if he takes must be wintered. Let us have . i - We have the value