Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Dec 1920, p. 13

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1020. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DIRECTION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited Pl Stan "BEBE DANIELS in "You Never Can Tell' Now Showing From The Saturday Evening [Post Story WERE YOU EVER VAMPED ? Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be recefved at ottawa, until noon, on Friday, the 14th January, 1921, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on & proposed con- tract for four years, six timeg per week on the route Glenburnie Rural Mail Route No. 1, from the Postmaster-Gen- eral's pleasure. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender m be obtained at the Post Office of Glenburnie, an dat the office of the Post Office Inspector, H. MERRICK, Post Office Inspector, Post Office Inspector's Office, Kingston, December 1st, 1920. Pearl A. Neshit, LT.CM, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH > Teacher «1? Singing and Plane. Studie: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J. . o | nto Farlian.ent NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made by The Cor- ration of the City of Kingston to he islative Assembly of the Prov- Ontario at the next session , for a Special Act to confirm declare legal, valid and binding 'upon the said Corporation and the rate- ipayerg thereof, By-law No. 42 of 1920 passed by the Municipal Council 'and approved of by the electors of the said ty, and the contract therein referred 'to hatweel the said Corporation and oie Thomas Watson under the terms of which, among otNer things, the said yCorporation grants to the said Thomas 'Watson a site of about 13% acres in 'sild City for the erection and estab- lishment of a manufacturing industry. Jprocures a railway siding into said site, grants exemption from taxation. includnig business tax and local ifm ovement taxes, but not school taxes, 'or a period of ten years, together with ia further period of ten years if em- powered to do mo by sald Legislative and to fix the assessment of the prop- erty for school purposes for ten Years at the sum of $10,000 If empowered to » so by sald Legislative. "Dated the 1st day of December, 1920. JOHN i. WHITING, A Solfeitor for the Applicant. R. J. Rodger, 189 PRINCESS STREET DON'T be content wilh reading. Come 'in and be con- vineed that we have the best assortment of Gib- sop Art Line Xmas Cards in the city : -- Also -- Everything in Sheet Music, Stationey, Novel- ties, ete. a A --- The Song Shop 269", PRINCESS ST. What We Haven't Got WE'LL GET. A By-law to provide for taking the votes of the electors on the following question.-- ? "Are you In favour of a City By-law to bring in force Daylight Saving, from the first Sunday in May to Labour Day, both inclusive?" Passed Dec. 6th, 1920, WHEREAS it is considered desirable and expedient to obtain the opinion of the electors on the following ques: tion:-- "Are you in favour of a City By- law to bring in force Daylight Sav- ing, from the first Sunday in May to Labour Day, both inclusive?" dnd to pass this by-law for the purpose of enabling the electors to vote on said question - BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corpora- Hen of the City of Kingston, as fol- ows -- 1. The votes of the electors of the Corporation of the City of Kingston should be taken on the said question at the same time and at the same place as the annual election for the Munici- pal Council, and the Deputy Returning Officers appointed to hald said election shall take the vote. 2. On the 27th day of December, A.D. . 1920, at the hour of Eleven o'clock jn the forenoon, the head of the Council of the said Corporation, or some member of sald Council appointed fr that pur- pose by resolution, ghall attend at the Mayor's Office in the said Municipal ity for the purpose of appointing and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and voting in the affirmative on said question and a like number on behalf of the per- sons interested in and voting in -the negative on sald Question. . On the 3rd day of January, A.D. 1921, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the City Clerk's of- fice in the said Municipality, the Clerk of the sald municipality shall attend and sum up the votes given in the af- Armative and negative on the said question. This By-law shall come in force and take effect on the passing thereof. (Sgd.) Hugh C, Nickl Clerk. Mayor (L.S.) I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of By-law No. 56, 1920, which was passed by the Council of the Corpora- tion of the City of Kingston, on the 6th day of Decem or, A430. - H, Muir, Acting City SANDS, City Clerk. ---- Stat tt In Bishop, 175 pounds, Ohio State University claims to have the great- est middleweight college wrestler in the country. FOR SALE Russell Streot--Frame; barn and hen house .......:......$1,200 Garrett Street--Frame ....cooe% costnsroionas Montreal Strest--Brick; furnace; lights; and double lot ....$4.500 Alfred Street--Brick; all modern... : West Street--Brick: beautiful home ...................8$10,000 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. - 856 Brock Street crsee sis 082,000 TN -- -------- Re ---- WE 90 FFER . "Province of Saskatchewan 20 Year 6% GOld Bonds, due 1 st Oct, 1940. Price 96.62 and interest, yielding 6.30%. This is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 and {s a most attractive investme City of 6% HYDRO-ELECT RIV DEBENTURES 1021-1930 Maturities ,.. 11-1940 Maturities ... «a2 "we | : George Bawden & Co. Investment Brokers "HONE 400 3 : 3 ut, Sarnia sessns Price to yield 6% % sss ses Price to yleld 65% % 'Generai Insurance * 111% BROCK STREET A ww GRAND TO-NIGHT | FRI. & SAT. EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION WANDA HAWLEY In a Five Reel Feature "FOOD FOR SCANDAL" In Conjunction With The Picture That Strikes a Knockout Blow to the Social Evil. Open Your Eyes Forewarned is Forearmed. | { | | Tt ix the desire of the Government of | | Ontarie and the management of the | Grand that patrons. should be fully | aware of the type of picture this is be- fore they purchase tickets. BY GOVERNMENT ORDER Neo person under 16 admitted. Dally Matinee at 2.30 Evenings at 7.30 -- Direction John and Peter F. Griffin ---------------------------------------------- TO-DAY William Faversham ile "THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF" ~-A Renowned Star. --A Great Picture. I 6th EPISODE Pirate Gold of the great serial SELECT COMEDY ® Prizma Master Pictures in Nature colors. T WAGSTAFFE'S Pure Orange MARMALADE Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only. TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST, ORDER YOUR FALL | SUIT NOW Call and pick out the now for your new Suit. We make both Ladies and Men's Suits. Prices reasonable. You can aiso bring in the cloth apd we will make it up for you. M. YAMPOLSKY 338 PRINCESS STREET cloth "wr The Doleful Artist. The artist is a clever man, Yet he's devoid of cheer, Since he's discovered that he can Not draw a glass of beer, ' --Luke McLuke. He fears his talen®s on the wane, His soul is filled with dread ; He, though he tries with might and main, Can't paint the old town red. --Newark Advocate. And yet he should be satisfied-- He shows no signs of death--- For while he can't draw very much He sure can draw his breath. ~--Hastings (Neb.) Tribune. EC " Wholesale. . . . EERE ROO Ten Tickets for ro I Him = wv THE PEOPLE'S FORUM ® CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, 1c. a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half cent a werd. Minimum charge for one insertion, 2c; three insertions, 60 cents. The above rates are for cash only; when charged they are double. HELP WANTED, MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK" AP- ply to the Kingston General Hos- pital. ' ¥ GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 106 Wellington slreet, oF 26 A COOK, GENERAL, FAMILY three. Apply to srs. Cappon, Barrie Bt. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Apply No! 4, Stall Quarters, RM.C. Poone 1688F. SALESMEN 19 SELL THE J. R. WAT- kins' producis in the rural districts of Oniario and Quebec, Some capi- tal required Apply by letter to Andy Badger, Gen. Del, Kingston, Ont. WOMAN~- DESIRABLE TRAVELLING position, now vacant, acceptable applicant must be 26 years old, with High School er College edu- cation; unmarried woman or widow without encumberance referre pleasing personality A adapta- bility essential; no experience re- quired; position permanent with advancement; will pay right party $50.00 a week, Apply Box 59, King- ston, Ont. 5 : ---- ri e-- bs WANTED GENERAL, FAMILY WASHING TO DO AY HOME. Apply Box A-8, Whig Office. WANTED TO RENT A MED sized house; cop trally located; Pp 0 children in family. ly Box AS, Whig Office. ply WANTED TO RENT, SMALL HOUSE, with stable; in Portsmouth or out- skirts of city. Apply W. J. John- son, Wolfe Island. Retail \........... WANTED TO RENT BY A CAPABLE young man (married), a farm, with ock. Locality ng object. Apply ox C-8, Whig Office. WILL EXCHANGE HIGH BRADE Phonograph of different makes, for Upright Pianos in good condition. R. J: Rodger, Princess Street. CUSTOMERS TO PLACE THEIR OR- der with me for Christmas trees. Charles Andre, phone 1849F, corner of Charles and Bagot streets. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO Yor h or in part payment of new pianos and grafong'as. C. W. Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess street. WANTED---MEN AnO BOYS T0 PAT. ronize J. W. Curson, barber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20¢c. Shave, 10c. Razors honed 25c. 236 Ontario St, near Brock street. TO LET. . LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, APPLY 229 Barrie Street. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO let. Apply 1785 Montreal] St. THEATRICAL WIGS, 194 DIVISION street, neat Princess Street, head of Queen street. FURNISHED RESIDENCE; T ROOMS; furnace; B. and C.; 32 BEllerbeck St. McCann, 88 Brock street. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all laiprovegents; centrally locat- ed. Apply 43 Brock Street. HOUSE IN PORTSMOUTIL; Apply DOUBLE ofie block from street cars. Q. F. Burke, or phone 1696. STORAGE FUR FURNITURE AND " merchandise; clean and dry. Me- Cann, 86 Brock street, Phone 32¢ or 6il. TWO OR THREE rooms, with light and modern improvements, Barrack Street. FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SIT- ung room; suitable tor one or two ladies; central location; aiso stor- age for two cars. Phone 1243m. ol UNFURNISHED heat; all Apply ss STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy roc your own lock anc ey. Frost's City Sfo e, 209-300 Queen street. Phone b MODERN, SEVEN house, just completed; half block from car line; rent very reasonable | Bagot street, or phone 202 Apply 8b5iw.-, TWO FHONT APANTMENTS, cially furnished for Might keeping; gas for cooking and light, @ Pivneer Aparunents, 312 and Phorie 1434w. [a 214 Division street. FURNISHED ROOMS, IN GOOD LO. cality, on bathroom Hoor; furnace; eleetric light, gas for cooking; suitable for fight housekeeping. (No children). Apply Box U-l, Whig Office. i PERSONAL, res. 98¥w. | ROOM BRICK | FOUND /1920 AUTOMOBILE LICENSE NO, 131777. Owner may have same at 38 Clergy Street East A FUR CUFF, ALSO A PARCEL of toilet soaps. Owner may have same at Newman & Shaw's. CORNER OF BAY AND Montrea} streeis, a pale blue rosary. Finder may have same at Whig Oftice. PARCEL OF STAMPS PICKED up in Fost Onice lobby. Ap- piy Postmaster James Stew- art. "MUFF LEFT IN HOGAN'S MEAT Market. FOUND ARTICLES AOVER- A i TISRD) FREE {Anyone funding &) wishing to reach aie! 80 LY reporting a The British Whig. 'The maver. sement will be prinied in nis eojumn free of charge. "Found ariicies" does not Ire clyde lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. The if lost, may Le ad- vertised taf in the: Lost" column Si ing and wer may wlacty to 10ST, THREK OR FOUR KEYS ON SAFETY < pin. "Please return to this ofiice, Bud receige reward. SILYER CREAM JUG AND SUGAR basin, between Robelawn and city $20.00 rewara for return to Wnig Office. ¥ ON SATURDAY, ON BARBIE OR PRIN- cess Street, a lady's gold wrist Watch. Finder please return to the Whig Office. A PAIR OF RIMLESS SPRCTACLES between Clergy and Moptreal sis, on Brock. Finder pleuse return to Whig Office. HAIR, MOLKS, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers. scars, etc, re moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and ffurnished after viners have falled. Goitre removed. 86 years' experience. Ur. Eimer J. Lake, Eye, liar, Nore, Throat, Skin. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, W000 ete. large or small, guaranteed gold leaf; posters, showcards, ete. artistically writie§ and deslaned by Shaw, at 205 Princess Streed Kingston. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS. coil, 22 John stre EAST OF LONG SCHOONER LAKE, fox hound; black, white, tan, with long tan ears. F. A. Reid, Fire Station, Kingsten, Ont. TURBSDAY EVENING, GENTLE- mau's open-faced . silver watch Fimaer please returfi to 354 Brock streel, dnd receive reward. FOR BALE. CUTTER, HARNESS AND GLADSTONE, Apply 378 Princess Street, QUANTITY OF FURNITURE, SNAP, Apply .evenigss, 155 Bagot street. AUTUNMOBILE TOPS® AND CYSHIONS, Celluloid for curtains. Juydaon's Auto Tops, Brockville. L UNE FALR OF HEAVY BON SLEIGHS, one gardener's Waggon, new, Ap- ply to R. Cooper, bath Road. ONE LOT, #6x133 FOUT FRONTAGE, on Souta Sseluasii treel; eheap for quick buyer. teman's Heal LslAte. ONE PAIR OF LONG BOB SLEIGHS; newly painted and suitable for de- livery purposes. Apply te 44 Main street. ¥ A NEARLY NEW UPRIGHT PIANO AT a bargain. Would sell on time to reliable party. Apply Box B-d, Whig Office. PLAYER PIANO; SEVERAL GOLDEN oak and fumed ocak dining room sets, at Lesses Used Furniture, $07 Princess St. i CHRISTMAS TREES OF ALL SIZES, Also teaming and carting done. Ap= ly Walter O'Donnell, ¥9 King Sie West, or phone 1577w. TWO HOLSTEIN MILCH COWS, FIVE and seven years old. Apply to J. S. Yeomans, Collin's Bay. Phon 1107 ring 1 and 2. » GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $432.50, Terms $7 cash; $6 per month. C. Wy Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St DRIED SALVAGE WHEAT, $1.50, 32.00, $2.50 per 100 lbs, according to quale .1y, in buyer's bags. Foot Princess Street. James RichaFdson & Sona, Limited. - CANARIES FOR XMAS, PRESENTS; 2 pair pure cinnamon, $17 6 sing~ ers from $8 to $10; 8 £ le as 34 each, Se a entife stock: 5 Union Street, Kingston. MEN AND WOMENS CLOTHING, house rurniture, ialize ia mills tary boots; buy kinds second hand guvas; hig! a rices paid. Xoutbard. Phones 1723. 28% Prine cess Sirest. "- i Sood second hand furniture An loves. Any person having. stove and rfurniiure to disposé of, we wi pay highest prices. . Tho Re 333 Princess streel. Fhone 1660w. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS ot A BLACK AND TAN DEER HOUND lost at Long Lake, near Wensley; with two cuts in his right ear. Finder please notiry Reginald Moore, Beeley's Bay, Unt, A BLACK LEATHER PURSE, WITH name inside, betweeh corner Barrie and Princess and corner Aberdeen and yar] streets; contained sum of money. Finder please return to Whig Office. Reward. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- grapher, open for stenogvaphic work of any description. First class work guaranteed. Rateg reusonable, Spe- clal rates can be arranged. Phone BL White's Insurance Office, Bagot reet. S-------- SITUATIONS VACANT. + MAKE MONEY AT HOME---§15 TO $600 paid weekly for your Spare time writing show cards for-us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Show- card Service, 57 F. Colborne Street, ronto. POSITION WANTED, POSITION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEP- er by middle-aged lady; city pre- ferred. Apply Box Y-3, Whig. AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS 500% PROFIT GOLD LET- ters for stores, office windows; eas- ly applied; will not wash off; free a ples, Acme Sign Co. 846 N. Wells, Chicago, IIL _- AGENTS WANTED---MEN AND WO. men, not to canvass.but to travel] and appoint local representatives, 1,082 and expenses guaranteed irst year, with. good chance to make $3,600 and expenses. State age and qualifications. Xxperience unnecessary. Winston Co, Dept G., Toronto. Now ! In Norwood, Ohio, there is a butcher who butchers both meat and the English language. The other day a lady bought a piece of veal and wanted the butcher to cut off one end, she claiming that the end was stringy, The butcher argued that the whole piece of veal was ten- der, and said : . "Lady, I hat been a butcher for Ee A ON FRIDAY, DEC. 10th, PRitz. ro FOLLOWS: » CR cee enn LAND SURVEYOR, F. F. MILLER, B.Ap, Sec, UR. Ol. DiL.S, MEIC... Napanea, Ont. © Kingston Of« 93 Clar- nd Burveyor. Walkem & Walkem, atreet ema tare fice: enc TEACHERS WANTED: TEACHER WANTED; SERVICES TO begin January 3rd, 1921; protestant preferred, Apply H. McCracken, Roblin, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8. Ne. 3, hitley, nation. Salary bert Ferguson, Falls, Ont. wr 700.00. Apply Del- R. R. No, 4, Smith's QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR P. 8, 'S, No. 4, Wolfe Island. Salary $800 to $1000; according to qualifications. Duties to commence Jan. 3rd. Ap- EY. to R. H. Card, sec.~treas., Woife sla : ~ = A 1ST OR 2ND CLASS PROTESTANT teacher for school section No. 4, Ernesttown. Salary, $500 per an- num, Apply, stating experience to. L. A. Waruman, secretary-treas- urer, R. R. No. 3, Coliin's Bay. SECOND-CLASS TEACHER 'AS PRIN. ¢ipal for the Portsmouth Publie School; male preferred; Protestant only. Initial salary $900 per an- num. Applications received up to the 20th inst, giving experience and references. Apply to Thomas F. Graham, secretary. < Sg dirty years, yet, and you can belief me ven 1 say to®you dot von side of the meat eats just so nice as the other side eats." Herring fishermen at Port Arthur are enjoying a good season, and hea- vy shipments are being made both east and west. A young man can steal a kiss. But an old man has to buy them. lisa (With the same good quality) a State religious denomis | oe LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, BAY MARE, FOUR YEARS OLD, ANY. One having infurmaion of same, picase communicate with Lioyd Brown, Kingston Station. Bn oo po UPHOLSTERING. CALL UR DHUF A CARD TO Ww, J, uavine, upholstér, 2.6 bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orderg at or drup a card tv 104 Clergy sirgdet. LEBUAL. KF. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, ers and Solicitors, 1% bireel, ningston. A. ham. Cyril M. Smith. AMNBHOSE BHKA, B.A, BARRISTER 4nd Boieiter. Law oftic., corner of King and Hrock, over Royal Bank. Money to lvan. Phone 199. BARRIST. Claren Cunniug FO DENTAL. KE. KNAPP B.A, LDS, D.DS. ¢iice 254 Princess Street. nunc 98. DRS, tists, Carnovsky's. ARCHITECT. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner «of Brock and Wellington streets. SPARKS AN SPARKS, DEN. 159 Wellington street, ove. Phone 346, FINANCIAL. STRANGE & STRANGE INSURANCE agents; established ia 1860; only the most reliable companies repre- sented, Oftice +6 Clarence streer, opposite the post office. ee ee tet ee: een FRONTENAC LUAN AND INVEST ment Society; incorporateq President, W. I. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. . 8B Cunhingne mn, oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; morigages purchased, Hijveatmient bonds far sale; deposits received and interest allowed. Rr. C. Cartwright, manager, 37. Clar- ence street, Kingston. CARPENTERING. WHEN YOU WANT THES CARPEATER 1.4. ses James Belby, Contractor. 2]3 i University Avente. Phone 1895w. ---- ~ PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, Princeton and Victory Bicycles, als so a number of 'ladies' and ts' used Bicycles and motorcycles, al reduced prices, Special attention given to all bicycie and baby - riage repair work. Muller's Bitycle Works, 371-373 King street. Phond 1032w. : & = Dodge Tounng. Reo Moadster. lod Mclaughlin, uveriand Touring Gray Dort 2 Kurd Trucks. $ All In goud shape, reddy tor the road and cai ve bought on wasy te BLUE GARAGKS, LIMITE Corser Wneen & Hager Sts. Phone'S67, IMPORTANT SALE oF PRIZE WIN« ning Buff Urpingwon Fowl at the Pouitry Show in the Armgurie z3rd to 26th, consisting of fou trios of two hens and & male al $15.00 per rio. "§10.0v less than you would pay outside the city, Prope erly mauled for breeding. Gusrans teed 'splendid layers, having been bred specidily for gg production Enquire of show Superintendent to see them or phone 14l6w, - * VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, ONM hundred and Afty acres, situated in township ol Leughbore, nd Ui ut gaid townsalp." Tue tdrm iy we and one-halt miles fron bam, the buildings are ag foliowa; re dwelling, in goud condition; frame barn ana other Dulld ings; two nov! lakung springs; a goou quantity woud; Utie, perfect; pussession can be arranged (vo sult purcusseér., . Mog full paruculars, uppity 'to owner," Fairick muriay, 8 8. No, 1, Sydens bam, Opt BATEMA!'S REAL ESTATE, FOR ALR VIOTORY MONDS Fux SALE. NMOSEY te Lesa. . a . 400--FRAME; 5 ROO 4g Proyeidents: good nly. No ui $3,500--FOR 3 HOUS| d Mk KS, CONCUSSION | » # $3,100-FOR THEO FRAME HOUSES; ¢ rooms; toilet sand eleciric lights, TO RENT $25.00--~TO RENT; NELSON; semi-detached; .¥ rovins; ments, BRICK itiprov: » FOR SALE OR TO RENT, MUST RENT OR SELL BAK Odesss, owing io KA anuay other bakery within' mi store doing guod business; welling Apply Nop Odessa, Ont. i Be PAINTING AND PAPER BANGING Paperhanging done, drop a WHEN WANTING FAINTING Bn A. Mounteer, 34 Arch sifse i ah, Split Pea Coal | Well prepiired . § cere. $10.00 peri " "Bert Rowley, Kitchener, who pleaded guilty to abducting a fifteen year-old girl, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. + ie For Scrap iron, Metals, 8 Paper Block 1 and a ohne us PE ERY er, M. ROSEN & C0. § 140 RIDEAU STREET Ne, 5, $1000, Ne. §, $1200 "st Stoye for Garage or wo »! Cooks nd 4 we rk other Btoves as LTUR Phone 705 {

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