Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Dec 1920, p. 2

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"THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG..- CENTS CHRISTMAS. PRESENT FOR MOTHER OR SISTER SEAL COATS $139 MUSKRAT 'COATS $125 up MARMOT COATS if | for the i} | spending some time with her parents, I] | before Christmas. if | files. "If LINDSAY SELLS IT-- IT'S ALL RIGHT" : Most people know little about Pianos or Phonogrgphs, and most rely upon the word of the merchant from whom they purchase. There is double sati sfaction in dealing with a firm + in which the buyer can place i mplicite confidence. Just such a firm {8 LINDSAY'S. A glance at the enumeration of the lines of musical goods they sell suffices to see that none but the best is ever offered in'a LINDSAY store. . Get your Christmas Piano or Phonograph now while our - stock is varied: whatever you s elect we will deliver at once, or later--on Christmas Eve if des ired. Divided payments accept- ed on all purchases. 'We wre open every evening until Christmas, wo my When You Want to Bake { Home | Bargains $1750--Staniey street; frame; 6 rooms; electricity. $2050---Union street; Ports. mouth; + frame; 6 rooms; electric light; largel ot. $1750+Céirlisle st. frame; : 6 rooms; B. aud C.; barn and garage. se 8 be $4500--Albert street; brick; 7 ; #60nié; Hardwood floors; hot i ;water heating; electric light; "POBS: May 1st; ' Ls R. McCann We offer:-- x RAISINS 1000 Iba Choice Valencia, 4 lbs. 81 500 1bs. Fancy Seedless, 1s 33e. Ib. 500] lbs. Selelt Seeded, 1s 33e. Ib, CURRANTS PEEL Orange, Lemon, Citron -- 200 1bs. mixed 60c. 1b, : NUTS 100 Ibs. finest Shelled Walnuts o0e. 1b. Snow Flake .....2 300 bs. Kingnut Oleo .. 300 1bs, Rose Oleo 37 100 ibs. H. A. Oleo TEA SALE ALL THIS WEEK, Cullen's J CASH AND CARRY "ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. || corporations. OF THE DA Racy Local News and General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's foal. Phone 67. Pianos tune. Phone 1544 C. W. Lindsay. -Ltd. The thermometer dropped to ten | degrees above zero on Thursday | morning. 1 {| Mail matter for overseas should be put in the post office before Decem- | ber 14th, | See Lemmon & Sons advertisemenf { for aluminum ware specials. | Some of the Kingston youngsters lare working overtime these days writing letters to Santa Ciaus, Renew your Y.M.C.A, membership '§ | this week and help the association I { help others to help themselves, Captain 'and Mrs. Henry Daryaw J !1lett today for Chicago to visit the | lutter's gister, Mrs. Arthur Mont- fgomery, i§| After six months rental we will allow money paid in rental to apply | on purchass of piano, C. W. Lindsay Tra. | Mrs. Howard Cowan and son left west on Wednesday, after { Dr. and Mrs. E. i street. To-day the merchants were re- minding the citizens that there were just thirteen more shopping days My! how the time J. Lake, Alfred | During the month of December we | will put on a great clearing sale of | ready made clothing and cents' turn- | ishings, also clothing mdde to mea- | sure, Prevost, Brock street, | In police court on Thursday morn- { ing, Bernard Turcott, a young man, | pleaded guilty to the serious charge jo trafficking in liquor, and was re- | manded for three days. | - Twenty per cent. discount on all | ranges at Lemmon & Sons. : | At 5.19 p.m. Wednesday, an au- { tomobile owned by Mrs. Elmer Davis jcaveen some trouble in front of her | home on Sydenham street, by cross- | firing. The firemen were called, but | the damage was slight. | Some worthy boy would appreciate la Y.M.C.A. membership this coming | year. The membership campaign is | now on. Give him "The Gift with a | Lift"; make him a member of the wy UNJSUAL LEGAL DISPUTE Paper Box Company in Case Involve | ing Exchange Rate. | A legal dispute, said to be without | precendent in Canada, and the dispo- | sition of which will be watched by Canadians with unusual interest, has | arisen through the issuance of a writ | against the Somerville Paper Box Company, Limited, of London, Ont., by the Amercan Chicle Company of New York, for the sum of $50,000, It seems that in 1910 the business | and plant of Somerville Paper Box { Company "was bought from the Sen- Sen Chiclet Company, which latter firm was later absorbed 'by tha Amer- ican Chicle Company. The sale ar- rangement involved a transaction whereby the Somerville Company as- sumed a mortgage for $50,000, pay- able in legal money of Canada, or in gold if demanded by the mott- gagee. The present exchange condi- tions have prompted the Américan Chicle Company, who hold the mort- | gage, to demand payment in gold. Under an order-in-council passed by the Domimion Government in 1917, the banking institutions are allowed to pay their llabilities in other than gold, bu' no provision was made for private individuals or Thus it will be seen {that a concern while willing and ready to meet such an obligation in !| legal money of the country, would be Coood Eyesight Your eyes are your bread winners--takie care of them. They are also your st friends. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." The human eye is a wonderful thing. It will in some cases, stand an almost unlimit- | ed amount of abuse--and come back for : more. : iE But--there is a point where there is no "COME BACK." Do not let yours get in a condition where you are helpless without Call at J. S. Asselstine's and have your 'Glasses looked over. for your J. S. Asselstine EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST. >» old see, deed. "Y" for | unable to fulfil the contract because gold is unobtainable. The American Chicle Company | have agreed to accept the amount of the mortgage payable in American funds, which would mean that the lo- | cal firm would have to pay practical | ly $57,000 in Canadian money at the present rate of exchange. This they dee contrary to the original agreement, and accordingly are con- testing the American. -Chicle Com- pany's demand. | | | MADE A LIFE MEMBER. Miss Kirkpatrick Honored by the Girls of St. James', On Monday evening, at a business meeting of the St. James' Girly' branch of the Woman's Auxiliary, a surprise was given their president, Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, who is also a valued member of board, by making her. a life mamber of the W.A, Miss' Norma Milton, secretary, read an address of appre- ciation ofthe services Miss Kirkpat- rick has rendered to the auxiliary. The life membership fee in gold was presented by Miss Belle McKenzie, vice-president, and the gold W.A. cross was pinned on by Miss Macau- ley, president of the diocesan board. The members of the board attended in a body, and the advisory board of |i the church, meeting the same even- , adjourned and joined the W.A. for the presentation. Miss Kirkpat- rick was greatly touched by the sur- sa given, her by the girls and the ard members, but in a few words thanked them for their thoughtful- ness: During the evening dainty re- freshments were served by the girls. Kingston Always Leads. The Ottawa Citizen says : "More people attended Walter Hampden's one performance in Kingston, last week, 'it is stated, than the total attendance in Ottawa for three plays. Kingston playgoers paid $1,140 to 'see Hampden in one Shakespearfan "Play, The Russell thetare must have "lost financially, and the players more so, on their visit to Ottawa. : Held Euchre Party. The euchre party held by the Trades and Labor Council, on Wed- nesday evening, was a most enjoy- able event. There was a good attend- ance and all Jresent had a fine time. The Hit grite for the ladies was won by Mrs. etle and the gentle- man's prize by Mr. Emmons. The ¢on- solation prizes were won by Mrs. E. Christiey and A. Standford. "Gift With a Life." ARY hoy ab young man will ind.a Y.M.C.A. membership ticket a most suitable Christmas | i Phone 450 for further Informa on or ask at the an application blank s X -- -- ---- - - | PRINCESS STREET | BEING DECORATED Number of Returned Soldiers. H. Lawes is engaged with a num- | ber of returned soldiers placing | Christmas decorations on street, and when he is finished the street will be the wonder and delight | I { of Christmas shoppers. Last year, one | block attracted great attention, and |} | many people from outside cities de- |clared that they had never seen any- | thing so beautiful. | Mr. Lawes {8 in charge of the un- | employment office of the department | of soldiers' civ!l re-establishment for Kingston and district, and he is only top pleased to find employment for a Dumber of men at all times. ! { } REV. 8. D. CHOWN General Superintendent of the Me- thodist church in Canada, who has re. turned from the World's Sunday School Convention in Japan, which, he de- clares, resulted in incalculable benefit to the Orient. DOING GOOD WORK "Edith - Caveil Girls" tained at a Tea. The "Edith Cavell girls" of Syd- enham street Methodist church, with their teacher, Miss Garbutt, enter- tained the mothers of the girls, their pastor, superintendent and a few friends to a tea in the ladies' par- {lor on Dec. 7th. The tables were decorated with the class colors, red, white and blue. Thirty-two sat down to the tables and after a pleasant hour spent enjoying the good things supplied by the girls, a programme was given, each girl taking some part. An address of welcome was given by the class president, Marian Anglin. The secretary's report was given by Georgina Robinson and the treasurer's report by Violet Anglin. The presentation of a life member- ship in the Women's Missionary So- ciety was then given to Mrs. E. P. Jenkins, wife of the Sunday school superintendent. "This class of: little girls, fifteen din number, since organizing two years ago, raised over $150. They have used it in making Mrs. Muirhead a lite member of the "Red Cross So- clety," Miss Garbutt and Mrs. BE. P. Jemkins life members of the W. M.S. The balance has been used for dif- ferent appe-ls, such as Red Cross, Armenian, Labrador, Forward Move- ment, and such like. The Enter- Price of Paint Drops, Oliver Chown, of the firm of Ed- win Chown & Sons, when asked by the Whig if the price: of paint had dropped, stated that there was a re- duction of fifty cents a gallon on the wholesale price. "Kid" Williams, former king of the world's bantams, is scheduled to take on Charlev Ledoux in a 12 round bout at sSaltimore December the ' diocesan || A VELOUR FOR CHRISTMAS MAKES AN IDEAL GIFT A Hat or Cap is a sensible gift and it's mice to give something he bas been wanting, but something that he perhaps thought was a bit too expensive to buy for himself. A Velour 'Hat is such a thing. -~ REDUCED PRICE .... $6.50 7 NEW cAPS in big variety. All prices up | George Mills & Co. ses sses racer nnrean | i | items of |BY H. Lawes, Assisted by al i § Princess | You Can Save 30%. Good Housekeeping and Pictorial Review . . . Cosmopolitan and Pictorial Review Hearsts and Pictorial Review Hearsts and Motor Boating Cosmopolitan and Goodhousekeeping Hearsts and Goodhousekeeping . . Cosmopolitan and Hearsts © Harper's Bazaar and Pictorial Review Good Housekeeping and Harper's Bazaar Cosmopolitan and Harper's Bazaar Hearst's and Harper's Bazaar . . . Hearst'sand Motor . . . inh... Both magazines do not need to go to the ss -s va can go to one person and one to another. Out of town subsc at above rates. CUT THIS ADVT. OUT It Appears Once Only, But Good for December--Special Rates on SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Regular Price Special Price ...$ 7.00. $4.40 .w 1.00 wa 1.00 «1.00 ... 8.00 «8.00 .. 8.00 «9.00 10.00 ... 10.00 ne eerea 10.00 . «even 10.00 same address. One ribers mus tadd exchange of | 5c. to all checks All Eiderdown Comforters. Art Blinds. Lace Curtains. Curtain Nets Furniture Coverings. Cretonnes. CAN YOU WEAR SIZE 8% HOSE ? I EE TT 20 Per Cent Off Glance over this list of goods that we are chopping 20 Per Cent. Off the Price on Friday?-- Oilcloths. Linoleums. Carpets Floor Rugs. Congoleum Rugs. Mats. Also Dress Goods and Silks. Ed qe you can, then this is your chance ---10 dozen Penman's best quality Black Cashmere Hose--spliced He els and 'T'oes--full fashioned--same as our $2.00 line but only in one size; 81. For a Friday bargain, 95c¢. % Newman & Shaw | "The Always Busy Store" | WORK WANTED FOR : | 2 Cabinc.-makers, 4 'Male Bookkeepers wilh training in typewriting. 3 Electrical Wirers. 1 Machinist. 2 Motor Mechanics. 1 Chauffeur. \ 1 Plumber. 1 Gas and Steafn Engineer. 1 Vulcanizer. Apply Vocational - Department, 'phone 2064, or P.O. Box. 85 Kingston. MEN WANTED HERE STILL AT NEWARK May Not Reach Here in Time For Trial at Coming Sessions. The authorities at Newark, N.J., have written to Kingston for further information regarding Birmingham and Shane, the Kingston men being held by the immigration officers there, and who are wanted in Kings- ton in connection with the recent fur robbery at Mills' store. The, men are still in custody, but it is known just when the local police will be able to get them. It was hoped to have the men here for trial at the December sessions, next | J week, whefl the case of James D. Godkin, also charged with theft, will come up, but it is doubtful if they will reach Kingston in time for the sessions. . MILL FOR ARNPRIOR McLachlin Bros., Limited, to A plan of industrial development which must mean a great deal to the progress of Arnprior, is in process of being worked out by McLachlin Bros., Limited, and the proposal to increase the company's fixed assess- ment is to be voted oa by the rate payers at next municipal election. The ject is to build a solid concrete hs across the Madawaska river, 150 feet north of the present mill bridge, NEW PULP 4 * ment cellar; in one. Possession of one price of $3200 each. to move them. Houses to rent. 30 Gays, other May 1st. 1921, at & pres Of What Should a Man Be Proud If Not of His Home To Home Seekers We Wou id Point Ont » Rare Chance Two semi-detached brick dwells ngs. good locality, of repair, 6 rooms and summer [5 § a de {: in excellent ataty cell, 3 piece bath. furnace, good ce. goud yards and right-of-way; gas for cooking in ined oon 4 e have properties in all locations and at prices which are sure E. W. MULLIN & SON Specialists in Good Real Estate and Fire Insurance Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. « - « Phones 539w and B530J. . Eo i Ana eS Women's Boots At Lower Than Pre-War Prices $3.95 Women's high kid bals--brown buck tops louis and military heels; regular $7.00. ues. Just 18 pair in the lot, but mostly all sizes, Whiletheylast ........... $3.95 Steve J. rd Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" and develop at once 2,000 horse- power electric energy, carrying it t the point at the month of the river, wheres a pulp-grinding mill will be buiit.of an initial capacity of thirty tons a day. The company's present fixed as- » sessment fs $125,000, and a by-law is prepared providing for a fixed &s- ent of $150,000 for the next ten years. Aluminum coffee percolators, $3 each at Lemmon & Sons. * i

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