in at pp Austin's Drag Store CHRISTMAS Kodaks are goed for every day in the year, and for many years But if it isn't an EASTMAN, it isn't a KODAK, Austin's Drug Store Don't throw away your. e.8 Mattresses. We renovate all kinds ang make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co, 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w | 'W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. Bargains For This Week One Toronto Wind Mill 24 Foot, in Good Condition E. Brawley Flour and"Feed Man SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. PATTON'S YE WORKS : gate Montgomery's) E gston's Only Dyer. ) Ps a Specialty. 214. 849 Princess St. Wagsian's winger Marmalade, Nagsial's Fissappie Mar Wagstaf's Bramble Jellly. We 880 bBave . full ine of 5 other reliable makes of Marma- ine Jam and Jellieg for osie . Bon Marche Grocery ofp Cor. King and Earl Streets .ldecenne No, 5-27148 Phone 1844. E i Watches and Clocks : Repaired reales 6. W. LYONS Ww ie The celebrated Dr. Michenboff, an authority on early old age, says thatitis "caused generated in the intestine." When your stomach digests food properly it is absorbed without orming poisonous matter. Poi- sons bring on early old age and premature death. 15 to 30drops P of "Seigel"s Syrup" after meals oe makes your digestion sound. 1, BW TCD BT OB Bw mint REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by VU. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. REPAIRS! REPAIRS! We weld broken Auto Frames while You wait. Also any broken parts in cast iron, Aluminum, steel, brass, etc. All welds guaranteed to hold. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 PRINCESS STREET. SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing asd Sterage. One 1915 Mclaughlin Toure ing car sale cheap for a quick buyer, 198 RAGOT STREET Phone 1894w. FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 07. Davie & Barrett PLUMBING and TINSMITHING New ia the time to have your Fur nace repaired before the cold wea. ther sets in, See us for prices, 203 WELLINGTON STRERT Phone 688. Perfumery Makes a sweet gift for Xmas, We have Perfume' in boxes at 25 cents and up. Something exceptionally good at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 each. Toilet Waters and Florida Waters. Also Djerkiss and Mary Garden Toilet sets. 2 re fg fm Prouse's Drug Store "Opposite St. Andrew's Church / (lee Cream Brickg always om hand) Store Open Late Every Night. Antiques A Specialty wp have Mahogony Splnets, Mahogany and Walnut Tables, Antique Chairs, (Single and Sets of Six), Biffet, Diniag Room séts, Parlor Sets, English Four-post Canopy Bed, Solid Mahogany, etc. It you want to dispose of any Furniture, phone 1045w, LESSES) Antique Shop THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. A mr T----- Kingston and Vicinity Need For Sleighing. Now that the cold snappy weath- | er has set in a good fall of snow to make good sleighing would be | greatly appreciated. The merchants | always like good sleighing for the | Christmas trade, and the farmers al- | so like fit. : A Real Hero Arrested. The Ottawa Citizen, has the fol- lowing: "The Kentucky police have arrested that man who married his mother-in-law. Well, they also have to put wire screen around buzz saws, to keep folks from sticking their foo heads near them, > | } Rush At Post Office. The Christmas rush at the post office has commenced. Parcels for overseas are bing sent in large num- bers but the biggest rush of all will start on Dec. 20th; and the last few days before Christmas extra help will have to be secured for the post office and the route. To Retire This Year. The following school trustees will || retire this year; Ontario ward, Miss Sydenham ward, James Henderson; Cataraqui ward, Allen Lemmon; Frontenac ward, W. H. Godwin; Rideau ward, Mrs. W. New- lands; Victoria ward, Thomas Mills; Collegiate Institute, W. A. Sawyer and J. B, Cooke. Will Set Aside, The action of Mrs. Theresa Comrie and Mrs. Lila Evans to have set aside their mother's will giving a deed of ownership to certain Carleton Place property by their mother to their | brother, Frank Nolan, was success- ful, and Justice Meredith in the supreme court, Ottawa, decided 'hat the specific conditions of their mother's last will should be carried out, as if the previous will had never been signed. Mowat; Missing Handbag Found. Through the honesty of A. B. Foote, Lafargeville, N.Y., employed in an Antwerp store, the handbag owned by Mrs. Arthur L. Willlams, Clayton, N.Y., and containing a dia- mond brooch set in platinum, 'val- ued at $500, and checks of small denominations and minor articles, was returned to its owner, after Mr. Foote had found it in the rail- road coach occupied by Mrs. Willlams and her husband, who were returning from a trip to New York. Going To England. Dr. Carefoot has joined Mrs. Care- foot and children who have been spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, - CANADIAN LOANS. "Victory Bond" Campaigns Taught Useful Lessons. - Canadians learned much during the war, and among other "things they learned how to buy bonds. Many cities and towns dur- ing the past year have been taking advantage of the education of the public in the purchase of their own bonds, and having staged miniature "Victory Bond" campaigus, offering the debentures of the municipality to nouncemeat by the City Treasurer of Brantford the other day that $534,- 000 of the city's bonds had been sold "over the counter" 'o citizens of Brantford, instead of being offered in the larger money markets of Toronto than most cities, it is not by any means the only Cans- dian rity or town that called for local rt 'n its civic financing, in or- der to av 'id borrowing from outside investors. Among others, the follow- sf i iz 3 i 3 Eel 1) ° g3 i f gf li E13 8g Aa A14.000,000 L 12.80 13.50 4.34 J 1918-- 764000,000 24.37 4.70 910,000,000 75.89 23.54 i 8T Ui "And why have you never % Picton. They intend to go to Eng- land soon, where they will remain for a number of years. The doctor has been particularly successful in the west hopes to now enjoy the fruits of his strenuous life in a ore attrac- tive way. Wins Carter Scholarship. Renfrew Collegiate has oncé again succeeded in capturing one of the Carter scholarships for the county. Miss Kathleen Easton is the winner of the third Carter scholarship. Miss Easton has already won the second most valuable 'scholarship of the Col- legiate 'this year and this latest suc- cess gives her also M* Low's medal for bringing the highest distinction to the school. Miss Grout, Arnprior, takes the first Carter scholarship of the year, the second ie to Miss Helen Stewart, Pembroke, Gift For A Family, On Friday last, a ¢érowd assembled at the home Of Mr and Mrs. W. H. Rowsome, . Athens, to spend a few hours in social intercourse with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bresee and dau- ghter Beatrice who, are about to leave to take up residence in Aylmer, Ont. The evening was spent in games and music after which an ad- dress was read by Miss M. Gihson, and at the proper time Messrs. W, Sheffield and E. Rowsome present- ed Mrs. and Mrs. Bresee and daught- er with a handsome quarter cut oak book-case and secretary. Terry Farm is Purchased. W. J. Green, Utica, has purchased the Terry farm, at Fisher Landing, N.Y., and adjoining the estate of May Irvin, the two farms com- prising more than over a mile of water front. Mr. Green has also purchased a plece of land across Blind Bay from Watch Island, his summer home, which gives him ac- cess to the road to his Hm When the war broke out Mr. Green turned over his private yacht to the govern- ment's use. A year ago it was re- turned but so battered and worn it was hardly recognizable. It was put in running order again at consider- able expense. ' Cherry Valley Boy. C. E. Anderson, formerly of Cher- ry Valley, and for the past eight years stationed near Gananoque in the cheese and butter business, has accepted a position as foreman of the dairy department with the Eastern Ontario Milk Products Company, Gananoque, under the management of Col. Baxter, Kingston. Mr. Ander- son sas just recently returned from a business trip to Minneapolis, Minn., for the company. The modern dairy local citizens for investment. Am an-.! plant now nearing completion at Drug Store First. In a collision between an auto and a load of hay, the driver of the latter was projected into the village road on his head, and lay there semi-con- scious until two occupants of 'the more speedy véhicle lifted him out of the dust and started to carry him to- ward the sidewalk. *"Skall we take him into that wucdertaker's shop there, or to the drug store farther down the street?' asked one of the burden-bearers. The victim raised his head with alacrfly and voeifer- ated: 'Take me to the drug store first, you darn fool!' a For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural mg tnd ele | tism, Lumbago, Ni Gananoque will adopt the economic. process of manufacturing whole milk into powder recently patented in the United States. Celebrating Golden Wedding. William Cartwright Chisholm and Mrs. Chisholm quietly celebrated their golden wedding at their home, Belléville, on Monday. Har years ago Mr. Chisholm and M. J Sharpe, daughter of the late Peter and Mary Sharpe, were married at the home of the bride's parents, fourth concession of Sidney by the Rev. A. Campbell. For five years they lived in Sidney and them In 1875 went to reside in Murray town- : Dry Kindling Hard Cordwoed Hardwood Slabs Scranton Anthracite - Soft Lump Coal, etc. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factury and Lamber Yards, Bay and Welliagtes - Streets, KINGETOY, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factery Phone 1415. ship, where Mr. Chisholm was ed in farming until the year 1900. He served for three years as town- ship councillor, one year as deputy reeve and four years as reeve. Since 1900 Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm have lived in Belleville. Of three daugh- ters, two survive, Mrs. Harry Burrel, Toronto, and Mrs. Fred Forester, Belleville. n---------------- Notéd Criminals. J.B. RD Driscoll who has been in the penitentiary service over fifteen years, and has retired, served under six wardens in that time. He was appointed a guard in July 1905, and received his promotion to assistant steward in 1918. Seven years ago last spring, when the Mecum Broth- ers made their escape, Mr. O'Driscoll captured Bert Mecum, alias Jones, in a barn on the Mowat hospital pro- perty. Three years later he figured in the chase after Symondski, who had taken the scout's horse and made his escape. During his fifteen years' service, it is stated that Mr. O'Dris- coll never had a single report against him. He has been troubled with rheumatism for over a year, He is well known to all the old guards. To Reside In Toronto. On November 19th, friends! 'nd neighbors to the number of sévé, ty assembled at the old home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dorland, Bloom- field, now owned by Horatio Cleave and family. The gathering was an old time surprise party. They came lad- en with baskets well filled. Every- body carried a smile, though all deep- ly regreted the departure of Mr. and | Mrs. Dorland from Bloomfield, where they have resided for many years. The evening was made de- lightfully social. There was a pro- gramme of short speeches by Rev. H. E. McCutcheon, Messrs. Jonathan Talcott, James Purtelle, S. Edgar Mastin, Edwin Baxter and Clayton Burr. At the close of these addresses there was the presentation of two beautiful pleces of cut glass. Not Exactly. Two old school chums chanced to meet again, and spent an interesting hour exchanging reminiscences. "But, I say. old chap," began one suddenly. "You say you are in the grocery line. I thought you wanted to go on the stage." "So I did," con- Tessed the other, sheepishly; "but-- er I----discovered I wasn't suited for it." "A little bird told you, I sup- pose?" The other man hesitated, and his face slowly flushed. '"'Well, no, not exactly,' he sail; "but they might have been birds if they had heen allowed to hatch." ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN . Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" BULBS 'We aetll have a large assort mept at prices that are right /. BASKETS See our shipment from Japan. Not too esrly for Christmas ™ A.D.HOLTON IS blank - » » . Phone, 601; sien, S086W. rr Mtn BELOW ARE NAMES OF A FEW parties using our make of Bob [* Sleighs, or Sleighs with our patent coupling on. Ask what they think of thamie A. Franklin A Watts FOR SALE ° DWELLING, BANK AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits, ........5$2,800, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock: Street. Phone 424. | McKelvey & Birch E. Beaupre D. Emmons H. Murphy J. A. Henderson MADE IN KINGSTON FOR KINGSTON PEOPLE McNAMEE & SLACK Phone 1317Tw. 54 QUEEN ST. Herse-shoeing and Repairing. ahs -- 3 sortment of Satin Covered Cushions in Blue, Green, Rose, Pink and Scarlet. These are well filled with nice light Silk floss ma- , terial, and make very beautiful Christmas ~~ Prices range from wv... $4.50 to $6.00 Select one while there is a variety, Kingston Mattress J if Company Phone 02w. 5 Say It With Shoes WE SEND THE SEASON'S GREETING TO ALL OUR FRIENDS | AND WE TRUST THAT THEIR CHRISTMAS WILL BE A : MERRY ONE INDEED, ; SHOE UP THE FAMILY--WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF SHOES BF FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, # J. B Sutherland & Bro. . THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Lu For the best values at $20.00; $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S 131 Pringess St. : "(One door below Randolph Hotel)