~ rong AY, DECEMBER 9, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the Realm of Women--Some r SAVE WHITE LATITUDE ee a MODES MONEY 0 Loo Interesting Features sn bl 2 & pS IDR Pe o> RS By ANNETTE BRADSHAW } sly, N = %, iz Ying Silhouette May Be Slender or Bouffant as Suits You Best. By Buying Meat in Large Quantities SLD) 9. more readily, and is a most putritious and The weather is ngw cool -aad meat will keep fresh for any length of time. BR > Tins of 4 and FIRST CLASS BEEF 10 Cubes Front quarters . ...18¢c. per Ib, Hind Quarters ...17c. per 1b. Princess Meat Market 338 Princess Street 5 Phone 799 Shampoo with one Soap.-- Cuticura ~~ ~~ Your Kitchen | PL ATF. | Che » d Made in Canada tre en ard by A Christmas Gift of Permanent Beauty ALUMINUM COOK- ING UTENSILS We have a very large stock of Aluminum ware, and our prices are right. Let us show : . The wonderful thing is that a gift of such =) permanent beauty, value and pleasure costs so little. You need seek no further than the CoMMunITY counter of your favorite shop, where you may select, in a few minutes, precisely the gift for Her-- 1 UR TOTO TAT A UTIOTH ht gl them to you. 187 PRINCESS ST. LEMMON & SONS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 237 BAGOT STREET. ° . 6% GOLD BONDS Due 1st December, 1935. Payable Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. Interest payable Ist June and December. Denominations $500 and $1,000. Price 94.34, to yield 6.60%. The most attractive investment ever of- fered in Canada: Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home-of Good Investments." " PHONE 1728. =: " Ww. P. "PURINA" Checkerboard Bags Only. For White Poultry We are now carrying a SP ECIAL grade of PURINA HEN "CHOW (Scratch Feed), which will not tarnish the feathers of White Birds. Ask for this spe cial mixture. Try our CHICKEN FATE NA for crate feeding. ETERS Office and Warehouse . ...... Reduced to ................... $5.00 | In Women's Boots Women's Gray Laced Boots: Louis Heel; "reduced to $5.95 Women's Brown Calf and Dongola Kid -- high or low heels; all sizes in the lot. TT 7.96 I ' | | This Rather Stately Gown Is of Lace and Blue Velvet. Evening modes show a wide lati- tude in the styles that are affected. There are many very beautiful crea- tions that call for long clinging ef- fects. These are generally the choice Be sure you use rich, full-bodied SEAL BRAND COFFEE Whole, ground --fise-ground for Tricolators end ordinary percole- woes. In 3, 1 and 2b. tins--at oll good deslers; Write for "Pesfect Coffee -- Perfectly Made". Mailed free on request. 4 riched with silk roses. | Nobody knows how he has kept his | And now th i gt i 2 £ aff sggQ 5 iit fut ls | Jade and Apricot Tulle Are Draped Over Flesh Satin. of the woman of mature years, al- though-they are equally well-suited to the young girl. However, as a rule the latter pre- fers those that show a chic bouffancy. There are many clever ways of at- taining this result. One of the smart- est is illustrated on the right in the accompanying illustration. This gown is originated in jade and apricot tulle over a foundation of flesh satin. The newest foundations are often very ef- fectively draped and this model is no exception, About its irregular hem you may glimpse an edging of tinsel. The corsage shows several rows of the tinsel braid centred with a silken rose that matches that on the skirt. Soft folds of apricot and jade tulle are laid across the shoulders, while a jewelled headdress with strands of paradise makes an ornate effect. Rich lace and sapphire blue velvet are used for the other dress. A long, tight-fitting bodice is developed from the velvet which is cleverly draped below the waistline. A fin-like drap- ery of the lace appears on the side of the bodice, which is further en- The lace skirt is draped over cream meteor; At the sides are long draper- ies of the lace that form interesting, if somewhat unusual trains. The jew- eled slippers and the jewelled comb reveal the care that is given to the choice of these details, SUCCESS, (By Basil Lake.) "He's seen some tough old times," the people said, "Dead broke he's been, and often hard at bay, head, Yet there he lives on easy street to-day." "He's farmed, he's mined, he's been : a roustabout, For two long years he sailed be- fore the mast, Hardly was in a job till he was out. You see him now, he's struck his gait at dast." "A preacher on the trail of mortal Bin, He had the gift of gab and drew a crowd ; Then on the stage he raised un- earthly din. ' Yet now his status can't be dis- allowed." "In politics he next essayed to shine, And for a time remained the pesple's god ; slander got him, but he did not whine, nation waits upon his nod." ; "He struck it rich, then threw away his pile . On some wild scheme for turning clay to gold, Another start - om nothing but. a Thus told they of Bim they called © Sues ess, Marveling the while how he had scaled the hill; Nor apes ts sem that men may mar- less, im Faced with the riddle of the Power of Will. _ Leonardo da Vinci is considered by several competent judges to have the strongest claim %o the title of the greatest man in history. Ha was the outstanding genius in the golden Pie Server Ice Cream Cheese Scoop . . « 3-Piece Child's Set . Oyster Forks . Orange Spoons . Community Gift Pieces are made in all CoumuNiTY patlerns, and can be bought ai prices quoted. ADAM Orange Spoons $7.70, set of six For oranges, grapefruil, ele. whether Wife, Mother, or Daughter. Perhaps the Salad Serving Set, Individual Salad Forks, or some other of the inimitable CoMMUNITY CORRECT SERVICE pieces. family club together for a chest of CoMMUNITY. Correct Service pieces and sets, especially acceptable 'as gifts, $1.00 to $10.00, Chests of CoMMUNITY PLATE, $47.50 to $400.00 --at the better shops. . Send for the attractive booklet "Correct Service with Community Prats" 4 few $5.00 to $10.00 Gift Suggestions: 0 Cold Meat Fork and Berry Spoon Set . Ice Cream Forks (6) Oyster Ladle . . Butter Spreaders * 5.50 . 5.50 (6) 6.60 7.70 7.70 Spoons * Salad Forks Pr serving PATRICIAR, Individuol Bur Sprooders Used with individual bread and busier plales ONEIDA COMMUNITY. LIMITED 28 NOYES ROAD + + NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. Bouillon Spoons » ADAM Bouillon S, 60, set of si Bou n Spoons $5, of siz when served in cups ' Or let the . $7.95 8.25 . 880 (6) 8.80 « Y 938 9.60 consomme and § SY LCL TL 3 Ai, Fashion Pointers, Fur trimmed dresses aad fur trimmed blouses are much in evi- dence, * | Short evening dresses frequently have panel trains at the side. Medici and Elizabethan collars are appearing on dresses and blouses. Scotch plaid skirts are the smart. est for the separate skirt for utility wear. Lace blouses dyed to match the skirt are in vogue. Margot lace Is. one of the season's favorites. > uarter bell" sleeves are lined with color which is usually a reflection of the color introduced in There are ing distinct Sinousiite in vogue at the moment, straig! and RATN, and the wide bouffant skirt h may have also a dis tended hip, . Inventions of the The Koreans do not receive credit for progressiveness, but a Korean in- vented the potter's wheel and a Kor- ean potter discovered the art of um- derglazing. It is also said that they invented movable type and made gen- it long before eral use of it was known anywhere else. age of genius, the age of Shakes- peare, Luther, Erasmus, Cervantes, Michael Angelo, Titian and Raphael. Usually the people who make the most imposing show impose on others We crave our subscribers' humble pardon for not issuing "The Gazette" last week, but regret that, owing to the illness of the publisher, (who, by the way, is also the machinist), it was utterly impossible todo so. We trust everyone will clearly understand our position and bear with us when these unavoidable occurrences crop up as we dislike missing an issue more re- luctantly than e, as it always means a loss of big financial dimen sions to us. A non-appearance shows us jnst how much the old rag is mis- sed even if some people do look upon their home paper with derision and ridicule. --Tavistock Gazette. Latest In Dress Circles. It is no longer considered hoyden- ish to put the end of the gown around the neck. The women of soc fety, wearing ong of these new even- ing gowns, quite casually picks up the train and throws it around her shoulders to keep them warm when she ceases to dance. During certain periods she wears 8 frock with a train, then she sudden) wears one as short as though & were in the nursery, "Where's the rest of your frock," Is the wild fp- quiry of the man. : "Around my neck," she calmly as serts. Thus do women continually baffle men.--Buffalo Express, in order to make it. 5 4