_._. I'S WONDERFUL" Parson States Every Sign of Rheumatism Left Him " After Taking Tanlac. "1 have only been taking Tanlac for about a month, but it has al- ready made a wond 1 change in my condition," sald cmas Par- sons, of 1025 Mable street, London, Ont. About a year ®go 1 got into =a v dition, and i rheuma- . The muscles of my lcgs, from the knees down, became zo swollen and painful I could hardly stand up, md after a hard day's work my legs vA me like a thousand needles Were pricking me. There were when 1 was unable to work at § "But Tanlac has built me up till feel like a different man. Every of my rheumatism has left me, enjoy restful sleep at night and more like working than I have a long time. Tanlac has certainly ® the work for me, and from jow on it is going to be my stand- " Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. , Chown, in Mountain Grove by es McDonald, and by the lead- druggist in every town.--Advt Telgmann School of : Music ! Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- ! matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. TermM on application. . Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. - : 216 Frontenac Street. : Phone 1325;j. « STILL ON TOP ~The only machine on the market, with a self-cooling motor, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. Typewriter Headquarters. Phone 819. 'Where Gambling Is Legal. b Venezuela is one of the few coun- 3 in which gambling debts are col-- ble by law. SAYS LONDON MAN) A Series of Talks on Music Hy Pref. C. C. Laughter, Mus. Bae. Sarnia, VII,--Chamber Musle, Tha ternf "Chamber Music" may be said to be any music suitable to be pérformed privately, in a room or small concert hall, orchestra music or opera. Chamber music includes many vag- feties of compositions. It is one of the branches of music which is still most vigorously alive, consisting mainly of such combinations and varieties as solog, duets, trios, quar- tettes of strings and wind instru. ments, also songs, glees, planoforte solos and duets. The earliest instrumental Chamber music of which anything certain is known, was that composed for the set of viols by such composers as Dowland, born 1562, who as a fam- ous lute player of London, England. Dowland composed music for the six instruments comprising the Chest of Viols. John Jenkins is said to be the first musician who specialized in instru- mental compositions. He wrote fan- citul little pleces; of the Chamber music class for viols and the organ music class for viols and the organ. Chamber concerts are still very much in vogue. The Chamber band consists of musicians who play only Cramber music adapted for such performances as given in private or small halls. 4 , The modern compositions of the oy TF you are subject to Headaches ; often have attacks of Neuralgia; or take cold very easily ; you will naturally welcome information of any remedy which has been tested in hundreds of cases just like yours and has given thoroughly satis factory results. During the last Influensa epidemic, and the wet, slushy days of last spring, DOMINION C.B.Q. TABLETS were § recommended to be taken at the first sign of cold; when one felt a Headache or Neuralgia coming on. ome Chamber music class from the duet to the octette, are usually writen in sonata form for several instruments in concerts with this added distinc- tion that each instrument will play an individual part, not a mere part to complete harmony. Chamber of music originated dur- ing the middle ages to add to the pleasure" and entertainmen' of the banquet 'rs; but not until the violin became a prominent instrument did Chamber music take a definite form. One of the first to compose Cham- ber music in a definite form was Sammartini, born 1705 (Milan). He produced over a thousand works among which was much Chamber music. He Is known also as the teacher of Gluck and was the pre- decessor of Haydn in the department | of this class of music. Haydn's mother had set her heart on making him a priest, but through the persuasion of his father and others Interested overcame her ob- jections. Haydn's life, as many an- | other of our great musicians, was a | ite of ups and downs. When he was | eight years of age Reutlter of St. | Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, who was searching for boy singers, was so pleased with Haydn's voice and ab- ility that he at once took him to Vienna. At seventeen Haydn found himself on the street, no home, no money, and in shabbiest of clothes. A friend took him In until he could rent his own attic. Haydn's great aim in life was to become a really great musician. A publisher living in the same town loaned him some volumes of music, these Haydn read and re-read, also copied and analized them all and at Those who wisely followed this advice found that one or two tablets relieved the pain, reduced the fever, and broke up the cold. DOMINION C.B.Q. TABLETS are a combination of Cascara, Bromide and Quinine and are sold by all druggists. They were originated by the National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, an assurance in itself of the purity and efficiency of th Genuine "His Master's Voice" Victrolas are now available "5 UR Xmas stock of genuine "His : ~~ Magter's Voice" Victrolas is now ready. Not as large as we hoped but early purchasers can now choose "Wy od 4" complete your genuine *'His Victrola now! stock, so order Master's Voice" Many Talking Machines arg built to look like Victrolas and to play "His Master's Voice" Records, but only genuine "His Master's Voice" wo Victfolas bear this famous trade- mark--Look for it! Will there be a Genuine Victrola in YOUR home this Xmas? Any "His Masteit's Voice" dealer "will gladly play any selection you wish to hear _ Berliner Gram-o-phone Co, Limited Ren . MONTREAL, , = Genwine "His Master's Voice" Vie olds are a stemdord arbicle. Priced Jrom 340. up to $720.00 and we assure the public thot there is mo possibility of ony reduction for a long time. and demonstrate the Victrola NN ------------D FER Victor Records and Needles A A Ah a a a RY La --__ VT TTT TTT 'F. W. COATES Agvee 2 (Jeweller) { a 158 Princess Street. OOD BROS | . 113 Princess Street. hod Rh 8 oan : Phone 30 X. $i THE DAILY BRI {and oboes. ' his work. , ical plays from French, German, Ital- twenty-three years of age his great opportunity came, Earl hug-invited-Heyda house. Haydn found tlie country house orches of a few strings, a « le Haydn saw his oppor- tunity and made use of it, and ap- plied his knowledge to jhe miniature orchestra. For this gfganization he wrote his great stfing quartettes, and other important Chamber music. From this time on Haydn was able to compose his music Without interrup- tion. v Haydn started life as the son of a poor peasant and for years siruggled against poverty and won, becoming a rich man and devoted himself to FRE EEE Father or Papa Haydn as he was affectionately addres:ed by younger contemporaries, was the father of the sonata form and of modern instru- mental music and musical humor, but he was most happy in his com positions for quartettes and Chamber music. Famous Singer's Inglorious Career. Who knows now--in this year of Grace 1920--anything about "The Circe of Soho Sguare?" Yet for RT ttc clon Ace i TISH WHIG. ~Hockey Boots. --Moccasins. --Rubbers. ---QOvershoes. 3 WHERE TO GET THEM: The Sawyer Shoe Store ") 184 Princess St. What You Should Buy for Xmas Gifts - 5 FRIDAY, DBCEMBER 10, 1920. ~Evening Slippers. House Slippers. --Felt Slippers. Phone 159 OS LS hed the most tashionange musical en calli AEA tertainments in the whole of Eng- land, to which the nobility and even royalty, In the person of. the King of England and the King of Den- mark, were graciously pleased to come. This woman whose profes- | slonal name for a while at least was Madame Teresa Cornelys, was rich | enough to purchase Carlisle House in London, and had a thrilling social career. The great Bach himself con- ducted her concerts, and was one of the adjuncts of Mme. Cornelys' musi- cal ventures. And this was the upward curve of | Madame's soaring docket. But un- | fortunately, "what goes up must | come down." There came the dawn of a grey day, when Carlisle House with all its luxurious appointments, furniture and rich draperies were cried out on the market by the harsh voice of the auctioneer. All was changed includ- ing the name of the social favorite. For the next few years she sought refuge under the unassuming name of "Mrs. Smith." And the ballroom, where she had held her brilliant musical court became the quarters of a debating society. Her only son who supported her died when she was quite an old woman; and this turn in fortune's inexorable wheel sent the former "Circe of Soho Square" eut to Knightsbridge to sell asses' milk. As to the final scene, history is vague--but Fleet street Prison records bear the name of 'Mrs, Smith' as having served part of a term in its gloomy walls, before her death there--an old, broken, tragic woman of 74.7, TEE AUTOMOBILES Now is the time to purchase that car for next year, for many good reasons, which we can not only explain, but are in a position to guarantee. For example: we guarantee the price of every new car that is delivered or even ordered, against any decrease in price as far as July, 1921, and in the event of a decrease we further guarantee to re- fund the difference between the present and new price, Further, we have the best value in the us car line that has ever been offered in this city. Cars were never so reasonable as they are at the present moment. And you will find that the prices have become settled already, and that the purchaser of a real good reliable car this fall will be ahead in the Spring of the year even if he takes into consideration the fact that the car must be wintered. et us have a talk with you on the matter and think it over. We have the value \ and it is the best in the city. Blue Garages, Limited Phone 567. ri. M. FAIR, Manager. * Musieal Reciprocity. A party of Arapahoe hunters were camped in the Castilla canyon in Northern New Mexico and in the ear- ly days when the Indian tribes were at war with one another. Nearby were camped a band of Utes. The Arapahoes were aware of the war. like intentions of the Utes and dur- ing the night built up a wall around them for protection, working and singing at the same time. . During the night a party of Utes crept up and learned their war song. The next day the fight took place, the Arapahoes being wiped out. In after years the Utes visited the Pueblo In- dians near Taos ana taught them their songs. Afterward the Arapa- hoes made a visit to the Pueblo and they heard their songs and were very indignant and wanted to know how they came to know them. Finally they discovered the reason and made friends with them and to-day when | tribes visit each other it is the cus- tom for each to teach the other their songs. Musical Culture in Esthonia. The musical appréciation and cul- ture of the people of the Esthonian Republic, one of the newer republics that have sprung into being as a re- sult of the recent world war, is very great. Although slightly larger than Denmark or Switzerland, Esthonia has a population of 1,500,000. The language of these people is related to the Finnish, Hungarian and other Mongolian tongues, and is rich 'in vowels, very musical and lends itself readily to song. Esthonia is said to have one of the best public school systems in Europe, and there are no illiterates among the people. All the towns of 2,000 inhabitants and up- wards have their music hails, usually maintained by a siciety of music lov- Sie and supported by the municipali- es. Esthonia has two premanent opera and theatrical companies, one in Re- val and the other in Tartu, which give grand operas and musical plays throughout the id Only 12 Shop- ping Days to Christmas. Gift Buying is now in full swing. able. ABRAMSON'S ® ® Holiday Bargains Astonishing values in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes. We have a large range of Fur sets in Fox and Wolf in Black and Red -- all greatly reduced. Don't miss this op- portunity of getting that Fur set as you will find our prices very reason- High Grade M er c handise foxpersonal use and as Christ- mas Gifts at money - saving prices. MEN'S OVERCOATS Warm, winter Coats; excellent in qualities and make, We have them in Meltons, Tweeds and Genuine Frieze. Prices range $19.50 to $33.5Q ... MEN'S SUITS Values that have long been sought for. Suits in Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges; .made up in conservative and form-fitting models. Reg. $25; Saturday . ...$16.50 Reg. $35; Saturday . .. .$24.95 Reg. $45; Saturday . .. - $34.50 there is an Esthonian Symphony So- { ciety at Tartu and smaller musical | societies operating independently | throughout the country. The Esthon- | fan Opera House at Reval built by voluntary contributions is one of the most magnificent opera houses in Russia. Here grand operas and musi= ian, Russian repertories are given, but always in the Esthonian jane guage. Concerts and song recitals are given by local and foreign artists throughout the country. Even the very best celebrities of the musical world are glad to tour in Esthonia and - give concerts in the smaliest towns, so great is music appreciated in the country. Towns of 2,000 have music halls seating from 500 to 1,000 and the concerts are well attended. As the expenses of the performan- ces are comparatively small and ne outlay of money is necessary from the artists it is easy for them to tour the country. Another factor is the moral appreciation of the audiences and the ovation that an artist receive. The story is told of one of the world's great pianists who was so long feted in a small Esthonian town follow- ing his concert that he was an hour late .for his train, yet the station master held up the train until the de- layed musician arrived. The Esthon- ian people are so well educated and understand the esthetic value of mu- sie and art that these have been made among foremost factors of na tional culture. s LL tn : Joseph A." Clark, formerly of Broukvilin, 12 Jieung a Hurd term as * : Macbonaid, "Bellevil had nets stolen out of packing h on night,' Oot. 31st. ~~ --Get that Boy's Suit now. It can _The Up-to-the-Minute BOYS' OVERCOATS Don't delay any longer, as these are being sold without reserve. Best values ever offered on Boys' Coats. . Reg. $18; Saturday ....$12.45 Reg. $22; Saturday ....$14.45 --All sizes obtainable. { BOYS' SUITS also made a beautiful Christmas gift. Prices so reduced that there's no need for waitng; made up in plain and belted models. Prices ranging from $5.95 t0 $12.45 . \ MEN'S OVERALLS Heavy weight materials in plain Black and Blue Stripes with Bib. Reg $3 to $3.50; Saturday $2.45 MEN'S WORK PANTS Assorted Tweeds, strong wear-- ing materials. Reg. $4; Saturday ...... $2.95 Grey Whipped Cord (English Cord), reg. $6; Saturday $3.95 GENTS' FURNISHINGS Fine Shirts in fancy stripes; extra fine qual- ity. Reg. $3; Saturday ...$1.56 Underwear Fleeced, reg. $1.25; Sat. . . . 95c¢. Ribbed Wool, reg. $2; Sat. $1.35 Arrow Collars : All shapes and sizes. Regular 35c. Saturday ..... 25¢c. each f MEN'S BOOTS : Smart English and Blucher lasts in black and tan; regular up to $8.00. Satutday ....... $4.85 LADIES' FOO R Very attractive range of Ladies' Footwear in all lasts. Prices from $4.95 to $8.45 LADIES! LADIES! All our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, consisting of Coats, Dresses and Blouses all greatly reduced, as we are going out of this line en- tirely. Louis Abramson, Clothier and Furnisher, 336 Princess Street Next to the Royal Hotel,