| Austin's Drug Store ATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Christmas Gifts ~--Waterman"s Fountain Pens. ~--Thermos Bottles. ~Safety Razors. --5terno Cooking Sets, ~Perfumes. --Kodaks. . If it isn't an EASTMAN it isn't Rheumatic Pains. Are relieved in a few days by taking 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrupaftermeals and on retiring, It dissolves the lime and acid , accumulation in the muscles and Kingao these deposits can be ed, thus relieving pain and soreness. el's Sy known as "| tract of R. containsnodopenorotherstrong p drugs to kill or mask the pain of sumatism or lumbago, it re. e® moves the cause. 50c. a bottle h at druggists. 1 . ° PLIES ILIILNINLIeD Reais? | Kingston and Vicinity & Are Coming To Kingston. | Mr | son, 1 | quarters for the winter in Kingston. Just Eleven Days. eleven more days for Christ- opping,". remarked a local per to the Whig. "Put this in per and keep-it before the peo- : 50 that they will not forget." A Great Life This. Arch- | | deacon Beamish, Rural Dean Swayne | {and Revs. Ramsay, Wallace, Marshall | and Elliott addressed the meeting land several laymen took part in the | discussion. | ---------- | Sleigh Was Demolished. When the whiffletree on a sleigh | owned and driven Ly Norton White, | {junk dealer, Plevna, broke at the G. | | tion and laymen held a meeting to i¥rjends will be pleased to learn of his | and Mrs. Bert Ladoucer and | consider the appeal of the Lambeth | continued success. ledo, have left to take up their | conventioi for churcn union. Adopts Forty-year-old Son. | County Judge Claude B. Alverson ! has signed an order on* petition of | Mrs. Mildred Case, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., authorizing her to adopt Waterman Case, aged forty, of that! village. The petition shows that Waterman Case, a married man, is the son of Margaret Moore, formerly Margaret Thomson, at the time of - Dry Kindling Hard Cordwood Hardwood Slabs. Scranton Anthracite Soft Lump Coal, ete. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lamber Yards, Bay and Wellingtoa Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factery Phone 14135. | . # $ BUILDING ? This is certainly a great life--if | T.R. crossing two and a half miles | his birth, and that the whereabouts | 2 RA tyou don't weaken. To-day we have | west of Kingston Junction, a few of his father, if living, is unknown. ! REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? the boats running on the harbor and [days ago, the sleigh was left by | Mr. Case lived with his aunt, the Estimates given by vehicles, automobiles and | White on the track. A. g x R. way | petitioner from infaficy to makiood F | bicycles on the street. freight train, in charge of Conductor land through the order granted wi 21 e. AYKROYD 8 SON oo] R. Bell, Brockville, came along /come into all of the rights of a | 2 cet. one 70. | | | ing fund committee have received a struck the sleigh and demolished it. gop Cuticura Talcum fs for $2,000 from the provin- a KODAK. Austin's Drug Store p Received a Grant. The Cobden Memorial Hall build- An Unexpected Death, | The unexpected death of Mrs. | Thomas Simmons, Chaffey's Locks, | Should Continue Service, Citizens are more than delighted "= Fuscinatingly Fragrant = Always Healthful Don't throw away your el8 Mattresses. We renovate all kinds ang make them as good &» new. Gel our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w | ART RI RRR. | FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. 7 = he Sold by "a Davie & Barrett PLUMBING and TINSMITHING Now is the time to have your Fur- nate repaired before the cold wea | cial government as a grant under the | Community Hall Act. This is the first | grant of its kind in Canada. Passed Worthless Cheque. Chief 'of Police Burke, Brockville, placed under arrest Edward Cecil Trevor, on a warrant charging him | with | | | | obtaining money under false pretences in passing a worthless che- que for $40 on Louis Wiseman, clo- thier. New Summer Residences, Among new summer residences be- | Ing built near Alexandria Bay, are | those for Ewing 1. Rafferty, New { York, and for J. B. Taylor, Water- town, N.Y. J. B. and R..L. Reid, | Alexandria Bay, have the contract | for the former, and Marshali Craw- | ford, Alexandria Bay, for the latter: Dr. Hiram M. Buchanan, who has practised medicine in St. Lawrence, N.Y., for years, has purchased the { Barney residence, Watertown, N.Y., land has taken possession. He will | establish a practice, He was born | in Kemptville, Ont.,. graduated in | medicine at Queen's University. | Will Practice in Watertown. Closing of Factories, | At the meeting of the Brozkville | | cheese board on Thursday, the last of {| W. Judson, medical officer of health | | the season, 865 boxes were sol tc | | L. McVeigh at 19%e¢. Practically all | | the factories in the district are closed | over the action of the street railway | for the benefit of Christmas shopp- ing. "It is a great help," is the gen- eral comment. The Whig has heard many citizens remark that they hope the railway company will continue | |the ten-minute service all winter. | "People get educated to ride 'when there is a good service," said one ci- tizen to the Whig. To Aid Reforestation, The Belleville Rotary Club has ro- | cently appointed a special committee | on reforestation to deal with this | matter as it effects the county of | Hastings, which has in past years produced a very large quantity of | high grade white pine. The person- | nel of the committee consists of: His | Honor Judge Wills; J. C. Herity, edi- | tor of the Daily Ontario, recently ayp- pointed Industrial Commissioner; E. Gus Porter, K.C., M.P., Capt. W. E, Schuster. Served While Ill With Smallpox. How a young woman in the erup- tive stage of smallpox served meals to 260 corn cutters at Lyn, near here, during the summer and how of the persons exposed only a few wo- men consented to be vaccinated is told in the annual report of Dr. G. of the Township of Elizabethtown. Oddly enough no new cases of small- pox developed as a result of the ex- in putting on a ten-minute service | fon Dec. 1st, was a shock to every | | one, and the community loses one of its most highly respected women. | | Her life, spent almost entirely in this | neighborhood was a shining example | of faith, peace and kindness in al- waye doing for others, and her gentle unselfish. life was an inspiration to all who knew her well, The beauti- | ful floral offerings and mass cards! testified to the high regard in which | she was held. Her funeral was from St. Columbill's church, Elgin. Be-| sides her husband, she leaves her son and five daugliters to mourn her | loss. The Chevrolet Agency, | The Chevrolet Motor Company of | Canada, Limited, have much p'easure | Say It With Flowers THIS CHRISTMAS BUT SAY IT EARLY TO SAVE BEING DISAPPOINTED Let us reserve your requirements now ? A.D. HOLTON 880 PRINCESS STRKET - - : % x Phone, 601; Res., 2086W. FLORIS? {in announcing to the citizens of King- | |ston and district that they have se- cured Messrs. Georges Bawden and E. Blake Edwards as their represents- tives in this area. Both these young men are well known in the district and with Mr. Bawden in charge of the sales and management and Mr. Edwards looking after service and repairs, owners and prospective own- |ers of Chevrolet cars should have | their requirements promptly attend- | ed to. { | The business will be carried on un- | der the name of Bawden & Edwards, and they have secured the premises |at 39 Montreal street, fdtmerly oc- | cupied as a garage by Anglin Bros. | FOR SALE Fire, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Marine, bile and Burglary Insurance, also Guarantee Bonds. The Canada Life Assurance Company's newest 'contracts suit any case. Houses and lots of the highest grade. Store on King St. A stone house and vac nt lot w ell located on Princess Street. Vic.ory and other ist clags bonds yielding 614 to 79%. Service cheerfully given. J.0. HUTTON Automo- 67 CLARENOE STRERT Phone 708. ' "Kristmas Kushions" | W. R. McRae & Co. ther wets In. See us for prices. | for the year, and the offerings were | posure. | In addition to Chevrolet and Briscoe GOLDEN LION BLOOK. mem 203 WELLINGTON STREEKT Phone 688. Ny Bargains For This Week One Toronto Wind Mill 24 Foot, in Good Condition E. Brawley Flour and Feed Man SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits ... W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424, 2,600 PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. - -~] DID YOU EVER TRY Wagsinid's winger Marmalade, Wagstai's Pineuppie Mar, Wagstafi's Bramble Jeilly. 'We also Bave . Luli ine 'of other reliable makes of Marms- laden, Jam and Jellies for 884 at Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Eirl Streets License No, 5-37149 Phone 1544. with "ABSORBINE JR." The p some ot torn ligame mu ® 1.26 a_ bottle --at most uggists' or sent postpaid by ® W. F. YOUNG, Ine. Lyman Bldg. Montreal Ideal Xmas Gift isa WATERMAN'S "IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN | accordingly light. One combination | and half a dozen factories registered, | and McVeigh took the entire board. | An Ancient Apple Tree. | . An apple tree over 100 years old | which is on the premises of Frank | Rutherford, Belleville, yielded abun- dantly, some of the fruit weighing | over ten ounces. This tree, of the | Gloria Mundi variety, is one of the | old Meyers' orchard planted by John | W. Meyers in or about 1804, and of which trees not more than twenty re- main, A Death at Lombardy, On Saturday last the death occur- | red at Lombardy of a well known and | most highly esteemed resident in the | | person of James Joynt. He was fifty- seven years of age. For a number of years he followed farming at New Boyng and later retired and lived at Lombardy. He was an Anglican in religion and a Conservative in poli- tics. Discuss Lambeth Appeal. In the Y.M.C.A., Belleville, the members of the Ministerial Associa- THE MAN ON WATCH Just now .the Poor. Relief Society needs money rather than 'expert' advice, Well, what are we coming to ? Here is a Kingston kid writing to Santa Claus and asking for a Bible ! Who will say that the city council has no important function to per- form if Robert J. Bushell joins the organization as a representative from Willlamsyille. If the public library has to be closed for lack of funds, then we Binghamton, N.Y. Financier Dead. | Thomas 'B. Crary,- financier, who | died at his home in Binghamton, N. | Y. last Friday, occupied a summer | home at Thousand Island Park for | the past ten years and was one of | the best known and most popular of | the summer residents along this! part of the St. Lawrence. Death | came after a short illness of typhoid | fever. His home at Thousand Island Park was one of the most palatial on. the river. To Be Managing Director, John E. Kennedy, New York, for- merly of Allumette Island, a brother of James H. Kennedy, Pembroke, has organized a $2,000,000 co-operative drug concern to be known as the Pronto Druggists, Inc. Mr. Kennedy, who for many years was engaged in the advertising 'business, receiving before he launched out for himself salaries totalling $50,000 per year, will be chairman of the executive committee;and managing director of the new company, the operations of which will extend throughout the United States and Canada. His parts it is their intention to carry a full line of automobile accessories and in their repair department are prepared to give satisfactory service | on all makes of cars. Golden Wedding Anniversary. An interesting event occurred on Dec. 7th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mouck, Belleville, in the golden wedding anniversary of that couple. Over forty relatives and! friends, including Rev. Rural Dean Swayne and Mrs. Swayne. Rev. Mr. | Smart, of Tweed, and others. Mr. and Mrs. Mouck have five children, two sons and three daughters: Messrs. T. H. Mouck and H. A. Mouck, of Hun- gerford; Mrs. Lena Graham and Mrs. Laura Jane Bateman, of Hungerford, and Miss Nettie Mouck at home. Mr. | and Mrs. Mouck were married at | Hungerford on Dec. 7th, 1870. On behalf of the children a handsome | ring was presented to Mrs. Mouck, the presentation being made by her youngest granddaughter, Carrie Gra- ham, while a handsome cane was pre- sented to Mr. Mouck, the presentation | being made by his grandson, Russell | Bateman. will see how big a noise will be made for its re-opening. It appears that bad men outside are put into the Portsmouth peni- tentiary, while bad men inside the prison are put out. The pep put into the municipal elections last January 'appears to have been forced--more wind than anything else. This time there is no life in the campaign. In fact there is not even a campaign. It is announced, for the benefit of those who do not know, that the mayor's office hours in the city buildings are from eleven till twelve - in the morning, and not at night. A couple who called at the mayor's of- fice at 11.30 one night this week chanced to see His Worship, but it was only a chance, and a risky one at that. With Christmas dances to be sup- say Crawford, with a guarantee of full protection for Lindsay. Free speech must not be denjed, and the above named Scotchman and Irish- man could go at it hammer and tongs. --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. QUICK! STOP INDIGESTION Pain in Stomach, Sourness, Gases and Acidity relieved with "Pape's Diapepsin" PO BB Berri Shih tien ae a PPR Your upset stomach will feel fine! | No waiting! When your meals don't fit and you feel uncomfortable; when | We have just completed a beautiful as- sortment of Satin Covered Cushions in Blue, Green, Rose, Pink and Scarlet. These are well filled with nice light Silk floss ma- terial, and make very beautiful Christmas gifts. ceva... $4.50 to $6.00 Select one while there is a variety. ston Mattress Company SALES ROOM FACTORY 186 Princess Street 656 Princess Street Phone 2283. Phone 602w. Prices range from ® 7 CN 1 A JY NESTE TE ped INN Say It With Shoes WE SEND THE SEASON'S GREETING TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND WE TRUST THAT THEIR CHRISTMAS WILL BE A MERRY ONE INDEED, SHOE UP THE FAMILY--WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, Suitat¥e for a man, a lady or young person-=~a gift that will be useful every day of the year and give perfect satisfaction. * We carry a large assortment -- plain and gold mounted -- $2.50 to you belch gases, acids or raise sour | plied, poor old Cedar Island may undigested food. When you feel | have no evergreens left upon it next summer. When Colonel W. D. Gor-| lumps of indigestion pain, heartburn don was head of military affairs | or headache from acidity, just eat 5 here, he put a stop to the marau- | tablet of harmless and reliable Pape's | ders Diapepsin and the stomach distress | Watcnes and Ciocks Repaired re yen J. i Sutherland & Bro. | | Kingston G. W. LYONS are guaraniced for one year. or 'phone and your or. Ser will be promptly attended o Note change of address: "Phon 1836. 267 Princess St. Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIP' For Choice Groceries and Provisions --2 STORES-- 210 Division Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired. Society, Ltd. All Néw Fruits for Christmas. «=Mincemeat. =--=Cranberries, --N\uts, Oranges, --{andics, : } SPECIAL TO-DAY ONLY . 3 1b, Pail Shortening .... 75c. Dairy Butter $7.50. --re-- Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church (Ice Cream Bricks always on hand) P.S.--Store open late every night till Xm Amas. Antiques ialty "Chairs, (Single and Sets of Six), Buffet, Dining Room sets, Parlor Sets, English Four-post Canopy Bed, Solid Mahogany, g ete, If you want to dispose of any Furniture, phone 1045w. - LESSES, Antique Shop 507 PRINCESS STREET Corner Chatham Street OU need it when the unexpected Y rheumatic twinge starts --the pains and aches following expo- sure--sciatica, lambago, lame back, sore muscles, stiff joints, neuralgia. Forgot all about buying another bot- tle and keeping it handy, didn't you? Get fit to-day--you may need it to- night! This famous equnter-irritant pene- trates without rubbing and scatters the congestion. The pain or ache is on relieved, leaving no plaster or poultice mussigess, no stained skin. Thousands of ular users keep it handy for emergency--they don't suffer needlessly. All druggists -- 35c., 70c., $1.40, Made in Canada. Bleeding is said to be the Chinese sure cure for the flu. However, the people of Kingston and other places have been so bled by the profiteers of recent years that bleeding by the doctors would hardly do them any good. ; The girls from all over Ontario are just crazy to come to train as nurses in the Kingston General Hospital. And why wouldn't they be, with a brigadier-general in com- mand and such a lot of handsome Queen's medical students over- runnihg the place. The Lampman was glad to that Dr. Ross was not ch lead of a party destined for the next gen- eration to remain in opposition. The doctor would be better at the head of the people's party, something that would win. Porismouth is some place, mark you. The common school board has ordered that a thermometer be pur- chased for the junior room. . May we not take for granted that the senior room of the school already has one ? An eX-mayor is said to have lost his ticket when he went to the Tory convention at Toronto last week and had only a few cents left in his purse. As there were four ex-mayors of Kingston at that revival, it's not easy guessing. If some organization wants to make some easy money, let it ar- range a debate in Grant Hall be- tween J. L. Morison and ome Lind- is gone. Millions of people know the magic of Pape's Diapepsin as an antacid. They know that most indigestion and disordered stomach are from acidity. The relief comes quickly, no disap- pointment, and the cost, is so little too. Pape's Diapepsin helps regulate your stomach so you can eat favorite foods without fear. REPAIRS! REPAIRS! We weld broken Auto Frames while you wait. Also any broken parts in cast iron, aluminum, steel, brass, ete. All welds guaranteed to hold. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 TRINCKSS STREET. TEOPTTTTIIYT TTY S IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have roaring, buzzing noises in your ears, are getting hard of hearing and fear Catar- y rhal Deafness, go to your drug- gist and get 1 ounce of Parmint 4 (double strength), and add to | it 34 pint of hot water and a 4 little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoontul four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged mbstrils should eee prepare, costs little and is plea- $ sant lo take. . Anyone who bas Catarr| troubles of the ears, is hard of hearing, or has head noises should give this prescrip- tion a trial--Advt. dHE HOME OF GOOD SHOES S YERCOATS For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT, TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)