THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. \ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1020. | Makes this fine Coaster and other Great Toys This 1s an ideal Christmas present for the boy. He can build many dif- ferent wheeled toys, which actually £0 and can carry boys on them Drop in and see this outfit. Different sizes and prices are rea. sonable. A full assortment of Erector and 2 i other Gilbert Toys in stock. Get your presents here, BUT PLEASE SHOP EARLY. | TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET : : Telephone 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" XMAS GIFTS RAZORS RAZOR STROPS SCISSORS POCKET KNIVES CARVERS, etc. A ~ W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. 'GEORGE'S s NAVY Plug Chewing Tobacco Is a satisfactory chew. De- liciously sweet and juicy; non irritating to the mouth and tongue, everybody enjoys its LINGERING | 'In the World of Sport C.A.H.A. ASKS MARITIME The Canadian Amateur Hockey tion, if plans mooted at an imformal meeting held in Winnipeg, materiai- ize. The Ottawa district, which has been admitted as a branch of the A.A.U. of C. and which has applied for affiliation with the C.A.H.A., un- der the cognomen 'Central Canada Amateur Hockey Association," will be admitted to membership, but not under the name cited in the applica- tion. This will bring back into Allan Cup competition a group of teams which was connected with the earlier history of the trophy, but which had gradually broken away since the cup C.A HA. A strong endeavor will be made in hockey and renounce the present { "mixed" species played there. A. | W. Covey of St. John, N.B., when told that the Provinces would be admitted | to membership of the C.A.H.A. and allowed to compete for the Allan Cup if they adopted the amateur laws, assured the meeting that, armed with this promise, he would go back | and work toward the desired end. | + WORK TOWARDS ONE CODE { Hugh Gall and Billy Foulds Are Not . Idle on Rugby. | Toronto Telegram: The revival of | the Canadian Rugby Football Union is going an carefully with Hugh Gall" and "Billy" Foulds carrying, on the | work. They have. staged the play-off games. Now all that remains is to call the annual meeting, elect | and frame one code of rules to govern | the game in all unions, The" Rules | Commission of the Intercollegiate Jnion have been asked by the C.R.U. [ to appoint a delégate to the annual | meeting of the Canadian Union. The | same course will be taken with the | Interprovincial, Quebec and Ontario { Unions. The annual meeting of the {C.R.U. takes place the second week | in January, and will be held in Tor- j onto. It is proposed to elect a Rules Commission to draft one code, and al- so to have a Board of Directors. In fact, the revived Canadian Union is to carry on a greater work than the | old body. O.H.A. Substitutions. Toronto Star: It would simplify matters greatly for everybody con- cerned if the O.H.A. would' order clubs to provide two red flags for the use of the coaches or managers of each team in making substitutions. When a man in charge of the team | wanted to make a substitution, all he | would have to do would be to hoist his flag. A glance at the bench by the referee at each face-off would let were desired by those in charge and there should be no extra men on the ice. The referee would know when a | sub was coming on and could signal his "OK" and the game could pro- ceed without delay. The flag system would save many's the squabble over the extra man penalty. ------ Argo Players to be Rewarded. The Argonaut Rowing Club, Inter- provincial champions, realized nearly $7,000 profit on the football cam- paign, and plans to reward the players who fought so valiantly in their cause. Friday, December 17th, the players will be tendered a ban- quet and suitable souvenirs will be presented to them. Thirty players wore the double blue colors this season, and all will be rewarded. Gold watches, club bags, cigarette cases and pictures of the team, were some of the gifts. ------------ Dr. Macdonald Again President. Sensation followed sensation in a stacco succession at the meeting in Winnipeg, of the AAU of C., and when adjournment was finally moved inich had been accomplished, not only re-establishing the union in pub- lic opinion, but vindicating amateur- ism, which rose triumphant above the forces which threatened to discre- dit it. Startling developments punc- tuated the discussion throughout, veiled professionalism was rigorously dealt with, summary action was tak- en to rid amateur hockey of the "'peripetetic" parasite, and in unani- mous satisfaction resulting from work well done officers were elected, Dr. D. Bruce Macdonald reassuming the presidential reins by acclamation, The New York Giants may meet the champion Cleveland Indians in two games at least during the spring training season, it was learned at New York. Manager Speaker of the Indians,' in a letter to the Giants' headquarters, asked for games be- tween the two teams at Dallas, Tex., March 19 and 20. Secretary O'Brien tentatively accepted the dates. Unless Tex Richard, New York promotor, gives Benny Leonard the terms he demands to meet Richie Mitchell, New Jersey seems likely to Jute the championship bout to New- ark. The Chicago Cubs will make the long trip to Pasadena again in the Spring and probably will be the first team to get away late in February. officers | the official know when substitutions | PROVINCES TO COME IN | Association will in fact become Do- | { minion-wide in scope and jurisdic- | | | came under the jurisdiction of the | in the Maritime Provinces to get the ! "Blue-noses" to accept amateurism ! | t LIVELY SOCCER MATCH. | Photo shows a first-class mix-u ing the strenuously-fought battle | Blackburn Rovers at Highbury. | to nil. | CARPENTIER'S CHANCES NOT THOUGHT SO BRIGHT NOW Toronto Star: British ring follow- {ers changed two big ideas to-day. They decided that Joe Beckett, their former heavyweight idol, is a frost, and they began to think that Georges Carpentier is n6t a superman worth their offers of 6 to 4 that he would whip Dempsey in their battle next | year, They changed their minds last night in London, when in the second round of a bout scheduled to go twenty Beckett lay on the floor in a trance, and Frank Moran, ranked in the second division of American pug- ilists, stood over him with a victor- ious smile. After taking everything the Britisher had for a round and a half with no visible effort, Moran let his "Mary Ann" punch fly to Bec- kett's jaw and the fight was over. The Englishman was rolling about the floor as the count was tolled and in his corper, Georges Carpentier, who previously had announced his willingness to meet the winner, was | entertaining a blank stare of amaze- ment. Because he had knocked out Beckett with one blow in the first round, London thought that Georges Carpentier was the next heavyweight champion, but after Moran accom- plished the same thing in just a little longer time, the rings:ders expressed the opinion that Carpentier is not the wonder and that his chances with Dempsey are slim, Protecting The Boxer. Toronto Globe: The death of "Mickey" Shannon in a New Jersey ring, due to his head hitting the mat when he fell. has caused the State Boxing Commission to issue an order providing for a felt mat one inch in thickness under the canvas of the ring. The Ontarig' Government Ath- letic Commission might consider sim- ilar action. The death'of a boxer due to lack of proper precaution on the part of "those vested with authority to take any and: all means to prevent fatilities would place the commis- sion, the clubs and all concerned in an unenviable position. The floor of rings hereabout are padded, but do the pads afford the protection that a felt mat one inch in thickness would give? r ---- in front of the goal dur- etween the Arsenal and The Arsenal won, two goals FANS PRESENT $800 TO SLAIN BOXER'S MOTHER A purse of $800, contributed by Newark, N.J., boxing fans and friends of the late Ray McMullen, Eckhart, Md., was presented to the widowed mother of the boxer, who died from injuries received in a bout last week. 1 ns sis 3 Leslie Mann has declared himself well pleased with his transfer from the Boston Braves to the St. Louis Cardinals, and has told Manager Branch Rickey he will give the Cards the best there is in him. The New York Giants are pretty nearly strong enough right now to triumph over the sort of opposition that may" be expected to confront them next year. They have a strong pitching staff, a capable catching corps, three parts of a great infield and two-thirds of a splendid outfield. They need a centre-fielder, however, and their adherents would regard the future with more assurance if an- other infielder of proven ability were acquired to work with Kelly, Ban- croft and Fisch. "THE HOME OF 284 Ontario St. VULCANIZING RE-TREADING A SPECIALTY BY GOODYEAR EXPERT All work guaranteed at reaso nable prices. Give us a trial Free Air MAXOTIRES" Phone 2050. enn - XMAS Silk Neckwear Knitted Neckwear Dent's Gloves Wool Gloves Silk Scarfs Wool Mufflers Phone 1372j. BRINGING UP FATHER GIFTS Fine Shirts Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Brace Sets Silk Handkerchiefs Sweater Coats Pyjamas We box all Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Gloves, etc. ~F R EE -- or The Club 112 Princess St. ONLY CANADA os i Buying Days ob ee may gS ata Gillette Safety Reser. A Fine Christmas Present for Your Wife Would Be a Royal Vacuum Cleaner WASHING MACHINE We have them in stock. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. { SL75, $2.00, $3.50 Desk and Chairs ..$6.50, $8.50, $10.50 Toy Sets Doll Carriages (at old prices) High Chairs ..........$3.00 to $15.00 Rockers ,..... sessese 0450 and up Raby Walkers, Swings. Horses $3.00 ang $4.00 LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTM ENT AND LOWEST PRICES. Bs ; R. J. Reid . 232 and 234 PRINCESS STREET, The largest stock in the City to choose from. Telephone 577w. 188 Princess "Phone 735 WE TAKE X-R/ 2a . PICTURES Domai ae cn tor ox CI Tae and painless, . Tg HOURS: 0-6. Kingston ent Products Factory ~~ Makers of Hollow Damp- - "Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, and Drain Tile, of Ornamental work. €or. of Charles and Streots. F. NORMAN Phone T30w. MR. Jt . LCSD | WUZ JOST oFFice PASSING YOu) ™ Looky To Ro You ~N